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英语词汇讲解 一词多译 cover Don tcoveryoureyeswithhands vt 覆盖 遮住 Hemadeupastorytocoverthemistakes vt 掩饰 Chinacoversatotalareaof96 000 000squarekilometers vt 占地 Thecoverofthemagazineisgreen n 封面 Hisbookcoversawildfield vt 涉及 Theycovered100milesaday vt 走过 Thejournalistwassenttocoverthetrafficaccident vt 采访 实战真题 Doyouhaveenoughto allyourdailyexpenses Ohyes enoughandtospare A coverB spendC fillD offer 通过定义或释义关系来推测词义 butsometimes norainfallsforalong longtime thenthereisadryperiod ordrought drought意思为 久旱 旱灾 而adryperiod和drought是同义语 这种同义或释义关系常由is or thatis inotherwords becalled或破折号等来表示 通过句法功能来推测词义 bananas oranges pineapples coconutsandsomeotherkindoffruitgrowinwarmareas pineapples coconuts和bananas oranges是同类关系 同属fruit类 因此它们是两样水果 准确地说 是菠萝和椰子 通过描述猜词 描述即作者为帮助读者更深更感性地了解某人或某物而对该人或该物做出的外在相貌或内在特征的描写 Thepenguinisakindofseabirdlivinginthesouthpole itisfatandwalksinafunnyway althoughitcannotfly itcanswimintheicywatertocatchthefish 名词的分类 名词 专有名词 普通名词 可数名词 不可数名词 Africa Europe JohnChinaTheGreatwallTheYellowriver 专有名词 特定的某人 地方或机构的名称 即 人名 地名 国家名 单位名 组织名 等等 直击中考 Sallylovespainting Shewantstobeafamous whenshegrowsup paint 动词与名词的转换 ingPaint painting ionAppreciate appreciationpose position Theweathermansaysit sgoingtobe tomorrow cloud Doyouknowthe ofthenewbuildinginfrontofyourschool high ThemusicalCatisso thatmanypeopleliketoenjoyit interest 重点词形转换 ActActionActor actressActiveActivateActing BelieveBeliefBelievableUnbelievableBelievein FameFamousBefamousforBefamousasInfamous EnjoyEnjoyableEnjoyingEnjoyedEnjoymentEnjoydoing LoveLovelyLovingLovedBeloved BeautyBeautifulBeautyandbeast CareCarefulCarelessTakecareofTakecare SuggestionDecisionAttention 61 Anaturaldisasterisveryterrible isn tit Yes TheearthquakeinIndiamadethousandsofpeople home HomeHomelessAthome 64 Whenweseeourteachers weshouldgreetthem polite PoliteImpolitePoliteness 形容词与名词间的转换 1 Noun adjInterest interestedcloud cloudyFriend friendly2 adj nounHappy happinesssad sadnessFriendly friendlynessable ablity High heightWeigh weightLong lengthBroad broadness 国家与国家的形容词转换 China ChineseEngland Englishman EnglishmenBritain BritishSpain SpanishItaly ItalianFrance FrenchGermany German 国家复数变形 Frenchman FrenchmenGerman GermansRussian RussiansIndian IndiansCanadian CanadiansAmerican Americans歌诀记忆 中 Chinese 日 Japanese 不变 英 Englishman 法 Frenchman 变 其余后面 如German等 加s Thedoctorisusedtospeakingtohispatients gentle AlbertoRamellaisafamous footballplayer Italy OurEnglishteacheraskedusto thepoemafterclass memory 普通名词 baseballstartimeharmwaterapple 可数名词 anappleahousetwentyplaneshundredsofpeople 可数名词的数 真题举例 Cleanyour everyday It sgoodforyourhealth tooth 一般在词后 s book book s 以 s sh ch x 结尾 es class class es 元音字母 y 结尾 直接 s 辅音字母 y 结尾 把 y 改为 i 再 es boy story family stories boys families 以 f 或 fe 结尾 把 f 或 fe 变为 v 再 es life leaf lives leaves 以o结尾 espotato potatoestomato tomatoes 名词单数变复数规则 速记口诀 单数变复数 规则要记住 一般加s 特殊有几处 以ch sh s x等结尾 es不离后 末尾字母o 大多加s 两人有两菜 es不离口 词尾f fe s前有v和e 没有规则词 必须单独记 不规则名词变复数形式 foot feet man men tooth teeth woman women mouse mice 1 通过内部元音变化构成的复数 ox oxen child children 2 以加词尾 en构成的复数 sheep sheep deer deer Chinese Chinese fish fish 3 单数和复数为同一形式 yuan jin mu jiao fen 等 Exercises 把下面名词变为复数 citybrushleafsheepgooseGermanchildpotatotomato cities brushes leaves sheep geese Germans children potatoes tomatoes 不可数名词 aircrashfreedomheat abloodtwobloodsabarofchocolate 不可数名词的数量 1 Arethose No theyaren t They re A sheep cowsB sheep cowC sheeps cowD sheeps cows2 Howwonderful The ismadeof A house glassB house glassesC houses glassD houses glasses3 Physics adifficultlesson soI mgoingtodropit A isB wasC areD were 修饰可数名词的不定量词 manyfewsomeanyenoughalotof Exercise 一瓶水abottleofwater一块蛋糕apieceofcake一块肥皂acakeofsoap一则消息apieceofnews Couldyougiveme please A twopieceofpaperB twopiecesofpaperC twopieceofpapersD twopiecesofpapers WhatcanIdoforyou I dliketwo A boxofappleB boxesofapplesC boxofapplesD boxesofapple 修饰不可数名词的不定量词 muchlittlesomeanyenoughalotof 1 I venotimebecauseI ve worktodoand bookstoread A much muchB many manyC many muchD much many 触摸中考 Linda I veboughtmany Nowlet smakeabirthdaycake 03中考 A fresheggsB chocolatemilkC frozenfoodD ricedumplingsWehaven tgotmuch forourpicnic Willyougoandgetsome 07中考 A appleB tomatoC breadD biscuit 真题演练 Idon tthinkBill sspokenEnglishis bad thanJim s 比较级与最高级 badworseworstbadlyworseworstfarfartherfarthestfurtherfurthestgoodbetterbestillworseworst latelaterlatestlittlelessleastmanymoremostmuchmoremostoldolder elderoldest eldestwellbetterbest 综合操练 61 Anaturaldisasterisveryterrible isn tit Yes TheearthquakeinIndiamadethousandsofpeople home 62 Myparentsalwayssharemy happy withmewhenIamsad 63 Wearealllookingforwardto watch LiuQian swonderfulmagicshow 64 Whenweseeourteachers weshouldgreetthem polite 如何轻松背单词 冠词 不使用冠词 定冠词 不定冠词 aan the 零冠词 冠词的分类 不定冠词的用法a an awater abook anapple adesk hour an Europeancountry a Exerciseusinga an eraser orange melon owl fox a an an an a 有些字母发音 或第一个音素 是元音 用an 这些字母包括a e i o u f l m n s x h rThereis m and n intheword moon A an aB an anC a anThereis f and w intheword flower A an anB an aC a an 真题演练 Lindaalwaystakes activepartinsportsafterschool 08中考 A B aC anD theCanIhave lookatthephotoofyourpenfriend 09中考 A aB anC D the 词汇学习第一步 认识单词 认识词汇的瓶颈 耗时 耗力 全新思维 突破瓶颈 视听法 数量大 频率高 首先是找出生词与上下文之间的逻辑关系 然后才能猜词 有时文章借助关联词 如because as since for so thus asaresult ofcourse therefore等等 表示前因后果 youshouldn thaveblamedhimforthat foritwasn thisfault 通过因果关系猜词 词汇学习第二步 活用单词 融会贯通 活用词汇 深挖词汇 五五 归真词汇 able1 单词含义 能够 adj 2 词组 beabletodosth 3 词性转化 ability n 能力4 转化后词组 one sabilitytodosth 融会贯通 活用词汇 5 句型转换 1 beabletodo managetodo 成功做成某事 2 beunabletodo failtodosth failinsth 没做成某事 词汇学习第三步 加深理解 altitude aptitude attitude latitude 共同点 titude结尾不同点 首字母串不同altitude高度 海拔aptitude才能 习性attitude态度latitude纬度 背词的关键在于理解单词 如何才能理解单词 单词的分类单音节词汇 单词中只有一次元音发音Way路 hatch孵化 line线 scream尖叫多音节词汇 两个及以上的音节单词Return impossible 单音节单词 单音节词汇都是形声字 形旁 声旁形旁 开头辅音字母声旁 从第一个开始的元音字母 拆分法记忆单音节单词 举例1 水 证据举例 W 水 weep泪 wage薪水 wash洗 Wine酒 Wave波 Waste浪费 本课件由上海复旦托业教育提供网址 补习班http www fudan Thankyou

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