高考英语专题复习 名词性从句课件.ppt

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NounClauses 名词性从句 主语从句 宾语从句 表语从句 同位语从句2 引导词 连接代词 what which who whom whose连接副词 when where why how连接词 that whether if ever because asif 可引导表从 1 种类 3 名词性从句需注意的问题 1 名词性从句用 语序 Doyouknow A whattimewilltheplanetakeoffB whattimewouldtheplanetakeoffC whattimetheplanewilltakeoffD theplanewilltakeoffatwhattime 陈述 C 2 that在定语从句和名词性从句中的作用 that引导定语从句时是 在从句中 充当 不充当 基本成分 在从句中作 时可以省略 that引导名词性从句时 在从句中 充当 不充当 基本成分 引导 从句时可省略 但两个以上时只有第一个可以省 that一般不引导介词 除except 的宾语从句 关系代词 宾语 宾语 3 that what1 madetheschoolproudwas morethanhalfofthesshasbeenadmittedtocollege2 hecamelatemadetheteacherangry3 hesaidsurprisedme4 Mysuggestionis youbesenttothefront what that that what that 4 what who where 1 Thesoldierssoonreached wasonceanoldtemple thevillagersusedasaschool A what whereB what thatC where thatD where what2 Hedroveat Ithoughtwasadangerousspeed3 Heis isknownasHacker4 wecan tgetseemsbetterthan wehave5 Heisnolonger heusedtobe6 Thisis Iagree B what what what what what where 5 whether if 是否 引导名词性从句时的区别 引导及物动词的宾语从句时可互换 引导主语从句 表语从句 同位语从句 介词的宾语从句 与ornot连用 与不定式连用时只能用whetherif还可引导条件状语从句 如果 Whatshewantstoknowis sheshouldattendtheconference Itdependson it sgoingtorain Atthemeetingheraisedaquestion theprojectwouldbecancelled whether whether whether Iwonderifshe us butIthinkifshe us wewillbeabletocompletethetaskaheadoftime A helps helpsB willhelp hashelpedC helps willhelpD willhelp helps 6 名词性从句的时态问题 HesaidthathewouldcomeherethenextdayHesaidthattheearthisround 7 who whom取决于在 中担当的成分 从句 Canyoutellme willgothere Canyoutellme youarelookingfor who Who whom 8 who whoever whom whomever1 breaksthelawwillbepunished 2 Iwanttoknow willtakemyplaceifIdon tcome 3 Iwillgivetheprizeto winthefirstplace Whoever who whoever 9 doubt之后的宾语从句以及同位语从句 1 Ihavedoubt hewillcome2 Ihavenodoubt hewillcome3 Idoubt hewillcome4 Idon tdoubt hewillcome whether that whether if that question之后的同位语从句不用that Ican texplainthequestionwhytheearthisroundIcan tsolvethequestionwhetherwewillhaveenoughmoneytogoabroad 其它同位语从句1demand suggestion advice proposal order planrequst recommendationthat should V2news word idea promise truth hope wish fact saying Information belief storythat3 havenoideawhoheis howhedidit thatyouarehere 11 一些动词之后的宾语从句以及表语从句a IinsistedthathegohomerightnowIinsistedthatIwasrightb demand suggest advise propose recommend request order planthat should Vc Thesuggestion advice proposal recommendation request order planisthat should V 12 wh ever类连接词 whoevernomatterwho whichevernomatterwhich whatevernomatterwhat whoever whichever whatever可以引导让步状语从句 nomatterwho which what又可以引导名词性从句 whenever wherever however whyever只可以引导让步状语从句 whenever nomatterwhenwherever nomatterwherehowever 形容词 副词 nomatterhow 形容词 副词引导表语从句的连接词还有Itseems looks sounds asif though Thatis wasbecause 13 介词的宾语从句不用thatIamsatisfiedwithwhathesaidSuccessdependsonwhetheryoucanworkhardornot 14 like dislike love hate appreciate dependon relyonitthatOweittosbthat 15 主语从句一般放在句首但that引导时常放在后面WhathesaidsurprisedmeThathecamelatemadetheteacherangryItis adj n p p that Itisimportantthathe should studyhardItisknownthattheearthisround Itis nowonderthathemadeprogressItdoesn tmatter makesnodifferencewhetherhewillComeornot Itisknowntousthatheisanexperiencedteacher Theforeignguestsfounditstrangethatnoonewouldtakethemoney 为保持句子平衡 可用it作 或 来代替实际的 从句或 从句 形式主语 形式宾语 主语 宾语 hasalreadybeensaid grammarisnotasetofdeadrules hasalreadybeensaidthatgrammarisnotasetofdeadrules hasalreadybeensaidisthatgrammarisnotasetofdeadrulesA AsB ItC ThatD What A B D 名词性从句 种类引导词需注意问题 1 语序 2 that what 3 whether if 4 who whom who whoever 5 it Exercises 1 ishisowndecision A WhenhegoeshomeB WhendoeshegohomeC WhengoinghomeD Whendidhegohome2 hasmadeChina sheistoday A What thatB That whatC What whatD That that3 ourfootballteamwillwinisuncertainyet A WhenB ThatC IfD Whether A C D 4 Itisstillaquestion weshallhaveoursportsmeet A whyB thatC whichD when5 thatourwomenvolleyballteamhaswon A ThenewscomeB TheysaidC ItissaidD Isays6 Shewasneversatisfiedwith shehadachieved A thatB whichC whatD whether7 Iknownothingabouttheaccidentexcept Ireadinthenewspaper A thatB whichC whatD whether D C C C 8 wecan tgetseemsbetterthan wehave A What whatB What thatC That thatD That what9 isafactthatEnglishisbeingacceptedasaninternationallanguage A ThereB ThisC ThatD It10 we llgocampingtomorrowdependsontheweather A IfB WhetherC ThatD Where A D B 11 Whatthedoctorsreallydoubtis mymotherwillrecoverfromtheseriousdiseasesoon A ifB thatC whetherD how12 Sarahhopestobecomeafriendof sharesherinterest A anyoneB whomeverC whoeverD nomatterwho C C 13 isknowntousallisthatheisanexperiencedteacher A ItB AsC ThatD What isknowntousallthatheisanexperiencedteacher isknowntousall heisanexperiencedteacher It As


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