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动词不定式动词不定式的基本形式是 to 动词原形 有时可以不带to 动词不定式没有人称和数的变化 在句子中不能作谓语 在句中可以作主语 表语 宾语 宾语补足语 定语和状语 构成 to do 动词原形 用法 1 用作宾语 v todo Iwanttobuyacomputer Shehopestofindabetterjob Iwishtogowithyou needtodolearntodoagreetodoplantododecidetodorefusetodobegintodostarttodotrytodoforgettodoremembertodoliketodoStoptodogoontodo 2 用作宾语补足语 v sb todo Sheaskedmetohelpher Theteachertoldhimtocomeontime Edison smothertaughthimtoreadandwrite wantsb todowishsb todogetsb todoordersb todofindsb tobelikesb todowouldlikesb todohelpsb todo 作宾语补足语不带to的情况 Letmedoit Isawhimcrossthestreet 常见动词有 使役动词 let make have感官动词 see watch hear feel listento比较 Iheardhersinginginthenextroom Iheardhersinginthenextroom 3 用作状语 adverbial HecametoshowmehisnewCDplayer 目的 Iwenttheretoseemyteacher 目的 ShecamebacktogetherEnglishbook 目的 Theboywastoofrightenedtomove 结果 4 用作主语 TobehereatChristmastimeismydream 2 Togoabroadishisdream 3 Tosayiseasy todoisdifficult 这时可将其用形式主语it来替换 ItismydreamtobehereatChristmastime Itishisdreamtogoabroad Itiseasytosay itisdifficulttodo 5 用作表语 Hisworkistofeedtheanimals Herjobistolookafterthepatients Mywishistobeascientist Givemesomethingtodrink Ihavetwobookstoread Theyhavemuchfoodtoeat Heaskedforaroomtolivein Idon thaveapentowritewith Theiceishardenoughtoskateon Heboughtatoytoplaywith 6 用作定语 这时不定式与被修饰词有动宾关系 若是不及物动词 介词不能省略 7 疑问词who what which where when how加todo可构成不定式短语 在句中可用作主语 宾语 宾语补足语 表语等 Whentostarthasnotbeendecided 主语 Idon tknowwhattodo 宾语 Hecantellyouwheretogetthebook 宾语补足语 Thequestioniswho m toask 表语 比较 Compare Idon tknowwhattodo Idon tknowhowtodoit Idon tknowwhattodoaboutit 非谓语动词 动词不定式和动词 ing形式 中考考查重点讲解 e g 1 Hehaspromisedtobehavebetterlater 2 Theboydecidednottobecomeasailor 3 Ihopetogotocollege promise decide hope agree choose fail wish learn todosth I 4 Heagreedtohelpus 5 Shechosetostudychemistry 6 Hefailedtopersuadehim 7 Doyouwishtoeatalone enjoy finish keep mindsuggest can thelp e g 1 他对听音乐总是兴致勃勃 Healwaysenjoyslisteningtomusic 2 我打扫完房间了Ihavefinishedcleaningtheroom 3 你不能像这样老变主意 Youshouldn tkeepchangingyourideaslikethis doingsth II 4 Wouldyoumind withyou 5 Hesuggested forawalk 6 Icouldn thelp mycoming goingout crying love hate forget rememberstop like try mean 1 Maryloves 2 Ihateto 3 她忘记寄这封信了 Sheforgot reading toread trouble troublinghim toposttheletter III 4 我永远忘不了初次寄信的情景 I llneverforget aletterforthefirsttime 5 Iremember heronce IrememberthatI see heronce 6 Remember me Ihopeyou llphoneme posting seeing saw tophone 他停下来跟我说话 Hestopped 他停止讲话Hestopped 他喜欢游泳 Helikes 我不想打扰你 Idon tlike 她试着写作文 Shetried totalkwithme talking swimming todisturbyou writingacomposition 她设法打电话找你 Shetried 我本来打算今天给你这本书的 可是我忘了 Imeant today butIforgot 这意味着浪费时间 Thismeans muchtime togetyouonthephone togiveyouthisbook wasting IV ask tell get wish want teach know understand 1 Iaskedhim hereearly 2 Gethim adoctor 劝他去找医生看看 3 I veknownhim veryfast 我听说他跑得比较快 4 Whatdidyouunderstandhim 你认为他说的是什么意思呢 sb todosth tocome tosee torun tosay make have let see watch hear feel notice sb dosth e g Ican tmakethehorsego 我无法使这匹马走动 Iwon thave 允许 容许 yousaysuchthings 我可不许你说这样的话 Mymotherwouldn tletmegotothefilm 我妈妈不会让我去看电影的 Didyounoticehimleavethehouse 你看到他离开房间了吗 Ioftenhearhimsingthesong V sb bedone todosth e gHeisoftenheard thesong Theyweremade dayandnight tosing towork be happy glad pleasedangry sorry luckyslow quick carefulready nice todosth e gIamsorrytohearthat Heiswrongtosayso Iwasveryluckytogetacopysocheap 我这么便宜地买到一本 真是幸运极了 quicktolearnsth 学某事学得快Becarefulnottofallofftheladder 当心别从梯子上掉下来 Heisreadytohelp 愿意帮忙 e g IfounditveryimportanttolearnEnglishwell Ifoundthat veryimportanttolearnEnglishwell Ifeelitmydutytodoso Ifeelthat mydutytodoso think make find feel it adj n todosth itwas itis It s for sb todosth It s difficult hard easy possible impossibleimportant of sb todosth clever wise kind good right nicewrong bad cruelsilly stupid foolishcareful careless e gItishard youtodoitwell Foryoutodoitwellishard Itiskind youtohelpme Youarekindtohelpme for of It sclever himtosayso Itisimpossible youtofinishit Itwaswrong youtotellalie Itwascareless youtomakesomanymistakesintheexam Itissilly hertodosuchathing Itisimportant youtolearnEnglishwell of for of of of for e g e gTheyhadnoroomtolive Thepenisverygoodtowrite Thechairisnicetosit what where when how why todosth e g Howtodoitisstillaquestion Haveyoudecidedwhentoholdtheparty in with on Exercises 1 You vedoneverywellthistime It sreallykind A foryoutosaysoB foryousayingsoC ofyoutosaysoD ofyousayingso2 Itisbettertoloseone slifethan A ifyouloseyourspiritB losinghisspiritC toloseone sspiritD yourspiritgettinglost C C 3 Ican tworkinthisway Whynot itinsomeotherway A trytodoB trydoingC tryingtodoD tryingdoing4 Sinceyoufinditdifficult adecision you dbetteradiscussion 讨论 withyourparents A reach haveB reaching haveC reach havingD toreach have B D 5 Myfatherhates 痛恨 Heneverallowsme A tosmoke tosmokeB smoking smokingC smoke smokingD smoking tosmoke6 Thegirlwasbeginning A getangryB togetangryC gettingangryD angry D B 7 Thereisn tanydifferencebetweenthetwo Ireallydon tknow A wheretochooseB whichtochooseC whattochooseD tochoosewhich8 Thebagistooheavyforme A tocarryitB nottocarryitC tocarryD nottocarry9 Theteacherwillteachhim A touseB useitC howtouseitD uses B C C 找出句子中的不定式 并说出作用 1 Ittakesyoutenminutestogetthere 2 Ihopetoseehimsoon 3 Hiswishistobecomeanartist 4 Peopleeattolive butnotlivetoeat 状语 表语 宾语 主语 5 Ihavealottotellyou 6 It snotrighttobealwaysthinkingofoneself 7 Weoftenseehimplayfootball 定语 主语 宾语补足语 1 跳舞非常有趣 2 种些植物是非常有必要的 Todanceisalotoffun Itisalotoffuntodance Togrowplantsisveryimportant 3 说英语对我来说并不容易 4 听到你的声音真高兴 Tohearyourvoiceissonice Itissonicetohearyourvoice TospeakEnglishisnoteasyforme 1 我的工作是每天打扫这间屋子 2 最上策的计划就是马上离开这儿 3 我的梦想就是成为一名科学家 Myworkistocleantheroomeveryday Thebestplanistoleaveatonce Mydreamistobeascientist 1 他想借用我的录音机 2 他们开始读和写 3 李琳喜欢玩什么 她喜欢踢足球 4 你长大了想做什么 Hewantstoborrowmyradio Theybegantoreadandwrite WhatsportsdoesLiLinliketoplay Shelikestoplaysoccer Whatdoyouwanttobewhenyougrowup 1 我有许多书要看 2 她有几个问题要问 3 他有一台电视要修 4 我没什么可担心的 Ihavemanybookstoread Shehasafewquestionstoask HehasaTVsettorepair Ihavenothingtoworryabout 5 他是一个值得信赖的人 6 爱迪生是第一个发明电灯的人 7 他那生病母亲最多可活三个月 Heisamantobelievein Edisonwasthefirstmantoinventthelights Hissickmotherhasthreemonthstoliveatmost Theylookedforhimeverywhereandfoundhim underthetree a liesb lyingc layd lain 考点 see hear find watchsb dosth 看见某人做了某事 See hear find watchsb doingsth 看见某人正在做某事 b Isawhim thesupermarketjustnow a enteredb enteringc enterd toenterThegirlwhosoldmatcheswasfound thenextmorning a dieb dyingc diedd dead c d Doyouremember mesomewhereinHangzhou Yes Ithinkthat s2yearsago a seeb seeingc toseed saw b forget remembertodosth forget rememberdoingsth stop goontodosthstop goondoingsth Thescientiststopped tomethoughhewasbusy a talkingb totalkc tohavetalkd havingtalk b Themoreyouthinkaboutit themorequestionsyouwillthinkof a askb askedc askingd toask考点 todo表示目的Thedoctordidwhathecould thatchild a saveb tosavec savedd saving d b Ihavenopen a writingb writingwithc towritewithd writing todo作定语 如是不及物动词构成不定式短语作定语 其后需接介词 c

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