【病毒外文文献】2014 O-020_Human Coronaviruses Infection In Acute Lower Respiratory Tract Infection In Children

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【病毒外文文献】2014 O-020_Human Coronaviruses Infection In Acute Lower Respiratory Tract Infection In Children_第1页
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36 parental atopy 29 vs 31 breastfeeding 56 vs 53 number of siblings 0 68 vs 0 72 day care attendance 14 vs 10 clinical scale at admission 5 24 vs 5 36 or per centage of positive RSV 60 vs 61 Conclusions The use of nebulised adrenaline in hypertonic sal ine solution may significantly reduce the length of stay among hospitalised infants with moderately ill acute bronchiolitis O 019 VIRAL RESPIRATORY TRACT INFECTIONS RESULT IN SIGNIFICANT RESPIRATORY MORBIDITY IN NICU INFANTS A MATCHED CASE CONTROL STUDY 1 S Zinna 1 A Lakshmanan 2 S Soo 1 DSharkey 1 Academic Child Health University of Nottingham Nottingham UK 2 Microbiology Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust Nottingham UK 10 1136 archdischild 2014 307384 88 Introduction There is very little data available on the impact that viral respiratory tract infections VRTIs have on neonatal morbidity during their NICU stay Hypothesis NICU patients with proven VRTIs have significantly worse respiratory outcomes until the time of discharge from hospital Methods We conducted a retrospective case control study at two large UK tertiary centres of all NICU patients with multi plex PCR confirmed VRTIs between 2007 and 2013 Two con trols per case were matched for centre and gestation Results 255 babies 86 cases and 169 controls were identified with a median gestation of 29 weeks IQR 26 34 for both groups No differences were noted between groups in birth weight antenatal steroids maternal smoking or number of sib lings 71 of cases had rhinovirus 8 RSV and 6 H1N1 Fewer cases had positive blood cultures during their admission 11 86 vs 65 169 p 0 0001 Almost half 46 of all VRTI positive babies required escalation of respiratory support especially those 28 weeks gestation who required re ventilation 38 Cases required a significantly greater number of days of respiratory support median 21 vs 7 p 0 001 see table and more were discharged on home oxygen 35 vs 18 OR 2 54 95 CI 1 4 4 7 p 0 01 Mortality did not differ between groups 3 86 and 11 169 Discussion This is the largest study of VRTIs in this population to date and demonstrates significant respiratory morbidity with rhino virus being the dominant pathogen We need to explore better ways of minimising the impact of VRTIs in this vulnerable population O 020 HUMAN CORONAVIRUSES INFECTION IN ACUTE LOWER RESPIRATORY TRACT INFECTION IN CHILDREN 1 YQian 1 Z XIE 2 LRen 1 X Liu 3 K Shen 2 J Wang 1 Virology Lab Pediatric Research Institute Beijing Children s Hospital Beijing China 2 Institute of Pathogen Biology Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences and Peking Union Medical College Beijing China 3 Respiratory Department Beijing Children s Hospital Beijing China 10 1136 archdischild 2014 307384 89 Objectives To explore the effects of HCoVs including HCoV OC43 HCoV 229E HCoV NL63 and HCoV HKU1 in acute lower respiratory tract infection ALRTI in children and to investigate the clinical features of paediatric ALRTI caused by HCoVs Methods Total 3503 cases with ALRTI from March 2007 to March 2010 in Beijing Children s Hospital Affiliated to Capital Medical University were enrolled into this study One nasopharyng eal aspirate specimen was collected from each patient PCR or RT PCR were used to detect respiratory viruses including respiratory syncytial virus human rhinovirus influenza virus type A B and C parainfluenza virus type 1 4 adenovirus enterovirus human coro navirus human metapneumovirus and human bocavirus Clinical manifestation and laboratory findings of patients with HCoVs were analysed by using SPSS 19 0 for Windows SPSS Inc USA Results The overall positive rate of HCoVs infection was 3 77 Most cases with HCoVs infection were under 3 years old The ratio between male and female were 2 3 1 and the rate of co infection with other respiratory virus in patient infected HCoVs was 65 2 The positive rate of HCoV OC43 and HCoV 229E were higher than that of HCoV NL63 and HCoV HKU1 There were no significant differences of clinical manifes tation laboratory findings and severity between ALRTIs caused by HCoVs and RSV Conclusions The overall infection rate of HCoVs in ALRTI in children was low The clinical manifestations laboratory findings and severity of ALRTI caused by HCoVs were comparable to that of ALRTI with RSV infection in children Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia O 021 PREVENTION OF BRONCHOPULMONARY DYSPLASIA BPD IN VLBW INFANTS WITH SEVERE RDS A RANDOMISED TRIAL OF A NEW THERAPEUTIC REGIMEN 1 TF Yeh 2 SY Wu 2 Z Ullah 3 TC Li 4 WS Hsieh 5 CH Tsai 5 HC Lin 6 CM Chen 1 Mat Child Health Center Taipei Medical University Taipei Taiwan 2 Department of Pediatrtics John Stroger Hospital of Cook County Chicago USA 3 Graduate Institute of Biostatistics China Medical University Taichung Taiwan 4 Department of Pediatrics National Taiwan University Taipei Taiwan 5 Department of Pediatrics China Medical University Taichung Taiwan 6 Department of Pediatrtics Taipei Medical University Hospital Taipei Taiwan 10 1136 archdischild 2014 307384 90 Abstract O 018 Figure 1 Abstract O 019 Table 1 Case n 86 Control n 169 p value Ventilation days median IQR 7 2 22 2 0 8 p 0 0001 CPAP days median IQR 14 0 35 5 0 33 p 0 09 Supplemental oxygen median IQR 13 2 37 2 0 32 p 0 0001 Oral abstracts Arch Dis Child 2014 99 Suppl 2 A1 A620 A29 on 3 May 2018 by guest Protected by copyright Arch Dis Child first published as 10 1136 archdischild 2014 307384 89 on 14 October 2014 Downloaded from


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