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麦田里的守望者读后感合集5篇第一篇:麦田里的守望者读后感麦田里的守望者是美国作家塞林格带有自传性质的一部小说。小说主人公霍尔顿因5门功课中的4门不及格而被学校开除,但他又因种种因素而无法回家,于是在外漂泊流浪了两个多星期,他原本打算到西部去,但因妹妹菲芘的跟随而打消了这个念头。他最大的愿望是做一名麦田里的守望者,保护在麦田里玩耍的孩子不掉下悬崖去,但最终,他在大病了一场之后不得不再回到学校继续上课。大病也就意味着霍尔顿的大彻大悟,意味着一个人的生活最终要与现实接轨,意味着我们的叛逆是错误的。主人公身上充满了叛逆色彩,他打架、逃课、吸烟、酗酒、等等,都是青春期孩子身上典型的叛逆特征,他厌恶学校,以及学校里的老师、同学等一切的人和事,他总是希望逃离现实生活而到自己理想的世界中去,却又一次一次被现实打击的失望彷徨,一次次的提醒着他,理想与现实之间是具有差距的。的确是这样,理想与现实之间存在着反差,你的理想,往往就是你在现实中无法得到却又渴望得到的东西,现实越糟糕,理想就更美好。而理想只有通过我们的努力才能够得到实现。小说中主人公的理想很美好也很朴素,但对于他来说,依然是很难实现的。他只是一个十几岁的孩子,还没有自己独立生活的能力,因此他不能也不可能离开家离开父母独自一人到西部去生活。小说的最后,也许正因为作者认识到理想的不切实际,才乖乖的回到了家,回到了学校。现实中的我们也是如此,和主人公霍尔顿有着一样的叛逆,总想着脱离社会规则而按照自己一个人的意愿去生活,然而理想和现实之间存有差距,人本来就是群体动物,成年人也不可能脱离社会而完全独立的一个人存在,更何况是还没有自立能力的我们呢?但也不要否认理想的存在,正因为有正确的理想鼓励我们,引导我们,我们才能够不断发展、不断进步。理想和现实之间是有距离的,承认现实是我们实现理想的基础,而美好的理想又是鞭策我们不断进步的动力,只有正确的把握好理想与现实的关系,以现实为基础,以理想为目标,脚踏实地,我们才能不断前进,实现自己远大的理想。第一篇全文第二篇:麦田里的守望者读后感So sensitive a boy Holden is ,because of which ,as for the society and the real life ,he has more personal experience of them .It is hard for him to adapt to the hypocritical and vulgar society .He could do nothing for it ,but to choose to be depressed and hesitated and to comfort himself with all kinds of unrealistic imagination .At the end ,he compromises to the real society ,instead of being the true traitor.Why does Holden ultimately capitulate and come back home with Phoebe at the end?Holden wants to distance himself from people as far as possible so that he never has to experience the pain of loving someone and then losing them again. After Allie, he cannot take another heartbreak. He wants to spare himself the pain of possibly losing Phoebe or seeing her grow up by getting as far away from her as possible. But when she insists on accompanying him, Holden cannot bear to ruin her life, either by letting her come with him or by leaving without her.Possibilities are slim for Holden to take Phoebe to leave for the west .Maybe a person ,who is going to be an adult ,has the confidence to make himself or herself to live better ,but as for a too young child ,what he or she needs are education in school and comfortable life .Maybe they will eventually make Holdens youngersister become a hypocritical person who he hates .But Phoebe can not live without them .So at last ,he chooses to stay in New York instead of going to the west with his sister.As a matter of fact, we know that something is not that easy for us to escape from. Because we do not just live for ourselves and whats more ,we shoulurage to face something we are not so satisfactory .Like Holden ,he chooses to come back home .From it ,we can see re mature and has grown up a little .“Dont ever tell anyone anything ,if you do ,you start missing everybody .”The sentence Holden speakes indicates that he seems to begin to accept and understand what his teacher Anduo Chiellini says , “The mark of the immature man is that he wants to die nobly for a cause, while the mark of the mature man is that he wants to live humbly for one .”At that moment ,he may have to admit it to be meaningful ,thought he never thinks that worth listening to. It is true that those people and things you hated very much before ,will be looked so quietly by you ,after you change your minds .Facing the life is also a kind of growing up .Growing upsometimes is a cruel thing ,because we have to face many things that are not so ideal .Maturity means responsibility and the loss of youth ,but being mature also means a lasting peace of happy life .第二篇全文第三篇:麦田里的守望者 读后感The Novel The Catcher in the Rye has a setting in the early 1950s.The beginning of the novel takes place at Pency prep school. Holden leaves Pency and goes to various and sundry places in New York City.The background of this novel is actually in a mental hospital.The entire novel is written in flashback. The reader does not know this until the end of the novel. Holden fails out of Pency. It is not the first school that has expelled him. Holden has a younger sister, Phoebe; an older brother, D.B. who is a screenplay writer in Hollywood; and a younger brother, Allie who died years ago of leukemia. After getting kicked out of Pency, Holden must go home and tell his parents. Instead of deciding to face them with his failure, he wanders around the streets of New York City, and comes into contact with some interesting characters.Holden Caulfield is a 16-year-old prep school student who has failed out of school two weeks before Christmas. Several days before hes expected home for Christmas vacation, he leaves school planning to spend sometime on his own in New York City, where he lives. Though Holden is friendly with many people at school, and though he has several friends in New York, he is constantly lonesome and in need of someone who will sympathize with his feelings of alienation. The person Holden feels closest to is his ten year old sister Phoebe, but he cant call her for fear of letting his parents know he left school. He spends his time with a variety of people, but cant make meaningful contact with any of them. After a day of futility, he sneaks into his home to see Phoebe, but she disappoints him by being annoyed at his being expelled from school. Holden decides the the only solution to his overwhelming problem is to run away and establish a new identity as a deaf-mute who will not need to communicate with anyone. On the verge of nervous collapse, Holden changes his mind and decides to rejoin his family. He then enters a hospital not far from Hollywood, and he is telling us his story while in this institution. At the novels close, Holden isnt sure whether hell be able to handle things better when he leaves the institution, and he is sorry that he told his story at all.There are several themes in this novel.innocence- Holden tries to protect the innocence of children.family- Holdens relationships with his parents and siblings have deteriorated.loss- Holden lost his brother, Allie.betrayal- Holden constantly feels betrayed throughout the novel.alienation- Holden feels alienated from society.adolescence- Holden is an adolescent in search for an identity.maturity- Holden is very immature, but believes that he is mature.mental deterioration- Holden ends up in a psychiatric hospital.failure- Holden is constantly being kicked out of schools.sexual experiences/frustration- Holden is a typical hormonal teenage male, yet he doesnt have sex with the prostitute when she offers.Also there are several key issues throughout the whole story.First of all,Holden is alienated from society. He feels that no one understands him and that everyone is a phony. He thinks that no one is honest, and everybody wants to be something else. He feels that the only person who understands him is Phoebe. He does not have relationships with girls, or anyone because he feels that he is the only genuine person in the world.Second,Holden has to deal with loss. He loses his brother, Allie, toleukemia, and feels a tremendous loss. Allie wrote poems on an old baseball glove, and Holden cherishes this, and speaks about it in great detail. His brother D.B. lives in Hollywood, and is a screenwriter. Holden regards him as a phony and has little contact with him. He regards D.B. as a figurative prostitute, who writes only to make money, and not for intellectual redemption.Another issue in Catcher is benstantly feels betrayed, and that is a possible cause of his problems. Early in the novel, Mr. Spencer betrays him. He was one of the few teachers at Pency that Holden liked. Spencer broke the news of Holdens expulsion, and Holden felt betrayed. Stradlater betrays Holden by dating his best friend, Jane, whom Holden also had a crush on. When Holden returns home to see Phoebe, she is disappointed in him that he failed out of Pency. He thinks that she should accept him unconditionally, so he feels betrayed. Several facts shall not be neglected in this novel.First, Holden is an atypical teenager. He re than most adolescents. He also is in the midst of an identity crisis. All teenagers go through these phases, so everyone can relate to Holden to some extent. Holden is socially inept. Although he has many friends and acquaintances,he can not form lasting, meaningful friendships. Most teenagers,although they do have insecurities, are able to function in relationships. Second, Holden does not mature through the novel. He actuallyregresses back to a child-like state of mind. He is constantly dwelling on the death of his younger brother, and avoids his parents, and feels like the only person he can talk to is his ten year old sister.Another fact that is essential is that Holden holds Allie and Phoebe in such high esteem because they are innocent. Holdens goal is to protect innocence in the world. When he hears the Catcher in the Rye song being sung by a little boy, he decides that he wants to be the person that keeps children from falling off a cliff. That cliff symbolizes the transition from childhood to adulthood, and he wants to keep them as innocent children, not phony adults.In the end, The Catcher in the Rye will continue to be a point of great public and critical debate. One must remember, however, in the study and critique of the novel, particularly for a researcher or critic now, that the story was written in a different time. If originally published today, the novel would probably create little publicity and garner only average book sales.The fact that a novel of such radical social opinion and observation waswritten in a time of conservatism in America made it all the more controversial. Some critics scolded the novel as being too pessimistic or obscene, too harsh for the society of the 1950s. Others, however, nominated Salinger himself as the top-flight catcher in the rye for that period in American history (Peterson 3). They argued that Salingers concerns represented an entire generation of American youth, frustrated by the phoniness of the world, just like Holden was.The popularity of the novel and debate over its social value have never stopped since its initial publication, due in no large part to the fact that J.D. Salinger is now a recluse. It would be conclusive to say that critics of The Catcher in the Rye have legitimate criticisms of the novel, while advocates and supporters of the storys message also have expressed veritablerding to most analyses, The Catcher in the Rye is abildungsroman, a novel about a young characters growth into maturity. While it is appropriate to discuss the novel in such terms, Holden Caulfield is an unusual protagonist for a bildungsroman because his central goal is to resist the process of maturity itself. As his thoughts about the Museum of Natural History demonstrate, Holden fears change and is overwhelmed by complexity. He wantseverything to be easily understandable and eternally fixed, like the statues of Eskimos and Indians in the museum. He is frightened because he is guilty of the sins he criticizes in others, and because he cant understand everything around him. But he refuses to acknowledge this fear, expressing it only in a few instancesfor example, when he talks about sex and admits that “sex issomething I just dont understand. I swear to God I dont” (Chapter9).Instead of acknowledging that adulthood scares and mystifies him, Holden invents a fantasy that adulthood is a world of superficiality and hypocrisy (“phoniness”), while childhood is a world ofinnocence, curiosity, and honesty. Nothing reveals his image of these two worlds better than his fantasy about the catcher in the rye: he imagines childhood as an idyllic field of rye in which children romp and play; adulthood, for the children of this world, isequivalent to deatha fatal fall over the edge of a cliff. His created understandings of childhood and adulthood allow Holden to cut himself off from the world by covering himself with a protective armor of cynicism. But as the book progresses, Holdens experiences, particularly his encounters with Mr. Antolini and Phoebe, reveal the shallowness of his conceptions.第三篇全文第四篇:麦田里的守望者读后感麦田里的守望者读后感寒假中闲来无事,翻看着手机软件中的书目,麦田里的守望者这个名字引起了我的兴趣,读书的时候就曾听过,但始终未曾读过,正好趁此机会好好看看。虽然篇幅不长,但是让我感触很深。美国的五十年代是一个相当混乱的时期,二战的阴云尚未散去,冷战硝烟又起。一方面科技发展迅速,而另一方面,人们缺乏理想,意志消沉,在自己无力改变的社会大背景下,过着混混噩噩的生活。于是,垮掉的一代出现了,霍尔顿就是其中的一员。他抽烟酗酒,不求上进,但是,他还不至于沦落到吸毒、群居的地步。因为在他心底,一直还存有美丽而遥远的理想做一个“麦田里的守望者”。我们现在生活的环境也很类似,社会不断进步,人们的思想观念也在发生变化。很多人开始迷茫、消沉,他们逐渐遗忘自己的理想,没有了最初的热情,开始向往平庸。只有对自己的未来有所理想,有所规划,才能在这样的环境洪流中保持初衷。刚刚读完的时候就想到了这些,可是回头一想,有一段话让我印象深刻。在他决定要去美国的西部冒险并独身一人隐居时,他想起要和妹妹菲比告别。告别的时候,他讲起了自己的理想,是要当一名麦田的守望者, “有那么一群小孩子在一大块麦田里做游戏。几千几万个小孩子,附近没有一个人没有一个大人,我是说除了我。我呢,就在那混帐的悬崖边。我的职务是在那儿守望,要是有哪个孩子往悬崖边奔来,我就把他捉住我是说孩子们都在狂奔,也不知道自己是在往哪儿跑。我得从什么地方出来,把他们捉住。我整天就干这样的事。我只想当个麦田里的守望者”。成长的烦恼、生活的矛盾不仅仅是那个时代特有的。现在的孩子们的压力和负担一点也不比那个时代的孩子少,也许并没有像主人公那么极端的,但在内心深处却也都聚集了很多的无奈和急需发泄的“愤世”情绪。那么,作为教师、家长、学校和社会上其它人,我们要怎么做呢?作为教师,我们需要给学生们一些空间,让他们张扬个性,自主创新,更多的引导而非强制,但是也不是一味的包容,要找到底线比如说悬崖,这时就必须干涉。我们要像守望者一样呵护他们的成长,及时给予疏导和关怀。我们要集中精神看准我们的前方,让那些早已习惯了困惑和孤独的孩子们,不要走向悬崖。看得出,他那时的心境是渴望自己做个麦田里的守望者,好挽救那些不小心的孩子,但同时他又是多么渴望有个麦田里的守望者能挽救他。作为教师,我希望成为学生们的守望者。我想,“守望”应该是一种习惯、一种智慧,同时也更应该是一种境界,一种态度。为了孩子的健康成长,社会还需要更多的“麦田守望者”。这个麦田当然可以小到一个家庭、大到一所学校甚至是一个社会。每个人,都应该为他人追求美好生活的理想守望并在守望中成就单纯而又美好的生活。第四篇全文第五篇:麦田里的守望者读后感麦田里的守望者读后感麦田里的守望者是美国作家塞林格带有自传性质的一部小说。小说主人公霍尔顿因5门功课中的4门不及格而被学校开除,但他又因种种因素而无法回家,于是在外漂泊流浪了两个多星期,他原本打算到西部去,但因妹妹菲芘的跟随而打消了这个念头。他最大的愿望是做一名麦田里的守望者,保护在麦田里玩耍的孩子不掉下悬崖去,但最终,他在大病了一场之后不得不再回到学校继续上课。大病也就意味着霍尔顿的大彻大悟,意味着一个人的生活最终要与现实接轨,意味着我们的叛逆是错误的。主人公身上充满了叛逆色彩,他打架、逃课、吸烟、酗酒、等等,都是青春期孩子身上典型的叛逆特征,他厌恶学校,以及学校里的老师、同学等一切的人和事,他总是希望逃离现实生活而到自己理想的世界中去,却又一次一次被现实打击的失望彷徨,一次次的提醒着他,理想与现实之间是具有差距的。的确是这样,理想与现实之间存在着反差,你的理想,往往就是你在现实中无法得到却又渴望得到的东西,现实越糟糕,理想就更美好。而理想只有通过我们的努力才能够得到实现。小说中主人公的理想很美好也很朴素,但对于他来说,依然是很难实现的。他只是一个十几岁的孩子,还没有自己独立生活的能力,因此他不能也不可能离开家离开父母独自一人到西部去生活。小说的最后,也许正因为作者认识到理想的不切实际,才乖乖的回到了家,回到了学校。现实中的我们也是如此,和主人公霍尔顿有着一样的叛逆,总想着脱离社会规则而按照自己一个人的意愿去生活,然而理想和现实之间存有差距,人本来就是群体动物,成年人也不可能脱离社会而完全独立的一个人存在,更何况是还没有自立能力的我们呢?但也不要否认理想的存在,正因为有正确的理想鼓励我们,引导我们,我们才能够不断发展、不断进步。理想和现实之间是有距离的,承认现实是我们实现理想的基础,而美好的理想又是鞭策我们不断进步的动力,只有正确的把握好理想与现实的关系,以现实为基础,以理想为目标,脚踏实地,我们才能不断前进,实现自己远大的理想。简爱读后感又是一个美丽的仲夏傍晚,长长的假期也快要过去了。看着五彩斑斓的火烧云悄悄的向西落下,我开始想下面我要做些什么有趣的事。无聊的想着,时间从我呆滞的目光中无声地溜走。我站起身,从书架上随便抽下一本书,见是简爱,就来了兴趣。简爱这本书我已经读过多次了,每一次的阅读都会带给我不同的启迪,不同的感受。果然,不一会儿,我便被它深深地吸引住了:简爱是一个对爱情、生活、社会、以及宗教都采取独立自主,积极进取的态度并敢于斗争,敢于争取自由平等地位的女性形象。自幼父母双亡的孤女简爱从小受到她舅母以及其子女们的虐待。在冷酷而艰苦的慈善学校中逐渐成长为一个勇敢、刚强的少女。踏入社会的她尝到了爱的滋味而突然遭到惊人的变故,在经历出走、流浪乃至乞讨的生活后终于和她一直深深爱恋着的男主人结合而最终获得了幸福。简爱就像一块磁铁一样把我深深地吸引住了。不知不觉中,夜幕降临了。伴随着那轮皎洁的明月冉冉地爬上了正对我窗户的那一片天空,书也读得差不多了。熄了灯,躺在床上,望着那银白色的月亮,那璀璨的繁星,我不禁陷入沉思。简,一个多么坚强的人!儿时的虐待对于她来说,只能更加鼓舞她自立自强。最终,经过她不懈的努力、奋斗和拼搏,她终于获得了自己的幸福与爱情。在我们看来的悲惨生活,冷落与歧视,只能使她更加热爱生活,珍惜生命,增强对幸福美好生活的向往、追求和信心。在简的心中,永远有一个信念:生活对我总会有阳光普照的时候。夜,如此美丽,如此令人昏昏欲睡。而我心中不灭的激动却像火一般越发强烈。我仿佛看到了我未来的大好前程,仿佛有一条光明大道在我前方展现,生活的蓝图美好得令人陶醉。一个信念在我心中油然而生,我要永远遵循着它前进、向上:热爱生命吧!阴雨密布的天气终会过去,阳光普照的生活一定就在我们前方的不远处! 麦琪的礼物读后感杰姆与妻子德拉情深意笃,圣诞节前夕,他们私下为购买赠送对方的礼物,而失去了最心爱的东西:妻子给丈夫买了一条白金表而卖掉了她引以为荣的美丽长发,丈夫为妻子买了一套发梳,而卖掉了金表。也许很多人认为这很可笑,但我不知道大家有没有听说过这样一个传说:基督诞生的时候,有三位贤人现在我们称呼他们为麦琪都带来了珍贵的礼物。是他们创造了圣诞节送礼物风俗。他们是智者,他们的礼物当然也是聪明的,同时他们也带来了一种权利,那就是同样的东西可以换,杨夫妇各自用家中最珍贵的东西换了两样用不着的礼物。或许有人认为它是没有用处的礼物,可我觉得和那三位贤人一样,他们送上的礼物是天下最聪明的。他们用自己美丽的心灵赠给对方的是一件无价之宝。而这件无价之宝,确实世间任何自认聪明或富有的人永远不会,也不能给予的礼物。他们都为对方舍弃了自己最宝贵的东西,而换来的礼物却因此变得毫无作用了,更加深了他们彼此的感情。吉姆和德拉,即使只是生活在社会底层的小人物,却拥有着对生活的热情和对对方的深爱,在这些温暖的感情面前,贫困可以变得微不足道。在圣诞节前夕,两个人还想着要为对方买一件礼物互赠,多么浪漫多么温馨。即使这一份礼物似乎失去了使用的价值,它们却成了世间最珍贵的礼物,变成一份真挚的爱赠给了对方。在我很小的时候,爸爸就给我讲过这个故事。那时,我只是觉得他们是非常好的人。事隔数年,当我再读这篇文章时,不禁流下了眼泪我为德拉剪去的长发而难过,为杨先生卖掉的金表而伤心,更为他们得到的礼物而感动。他们这种宁愿牺牲自己最珍贵的东西,也要给他人带来欢乐的精神是多么可贵啊!他们收到的礼物又是多么令人羡慕啊!尽管德拉和杨先生的生活并不富裕,但他们却拥有世界上最宝贵的东西:那就是美好的心灵。而那些家财万贯却没有爱心的人,虽然能用金钱买到很多东西,但却买不到人间真情。这些人也享受不到爱与被爱的快乐。文中还有一句话:好东西并不需要华丽的外表来张扬,只需要货真价实的内在世界上所有的好东西都应该是这样的。这句话不仅描绘了表链,也告诉我们:一个人拥有高尚的品德和丰富的知识,才是最重要的。

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