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2020年高考英语模拟卷(新课标卷)03(考试时间:90分钟 试卷满分:120分)注意事项:1. 答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上。2. 回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上,写在本试卷上无效。3. 考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。第一部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。ABy the end of the year, editors of New York Times have picked the 4 best books of 2019, including fiction and non-fiction. Lets see which one will take your fancy.Disappearing EarthBy Julia PhillipsIn the first chapter of this novel, two young girls vanish, sending shock waves through a town on the edge of the remote and mysterious Kamchatka Peninsula. What follows is a novel of overlapping short stories about the different women who have been affected by their disappearance. Each tale pushes the narrative forward another month and exposes the ways in which the women of Kamchatka have been destroyed personally, culturally and emotionally by the crime.No Visible BruisesBy Rachel Louise SnyderSnyders thoroughly reported book covers what the World Health Organization has called “a global health problem”. In America alone, more than half of all murdered women are killed by a current or former life partner; domestic violence cuts across lines of class, religion and race. Snyder reveals pervasive myths (restraining orders are the answer, abusers never change) and writes movingly about the lives (and deaths) of people on both sides of the equation. She doesnt give easy answers but presents a wealth of information that is its own form of hope.Midnight in ChernobylBy Adam HigginbothamHigginbothams superb account of the April 1986 explosion at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant is one of those rare books about science and technology that read like a tension-filled thriller. Filled with vivid detail and sharply etched personalities, this narrative of astonishing incompetence moves from mistake to mistake, miscalculation to miscalculation, as it builds to the inevitable, history-changing disaster.ExhalationBy Ted ChiangMany of the nine deeply beautiful stories in this collection explore the material consequences of time travel. Reading them feels like sitting at dinner with a friend who explains scientific theory to you with no airs and graces. Each thoughtful, elegantly crafted story poses a philosophical question; Chiang arranges all nine into a conversation that comes full circle, after having travelled through remarkable areas.1. Which of the following tells about the violence from a husband to a wife in a family?A. Disappearing EarthB. No Visible BruisesC. Midnight in ChernobylD. Exhalation2. How may readers feel when reading the book Midnight in Chernobyl?A. Delighted.B. Awkward.C. Tense.D. Calm.3. What kind of book is Exhalation?A. A folk tale.B. A biography.C. A love story.D. A sci-fi story.【答案】1. B2. C3. D【语篇解读】这是一篇应用文。短文介绍了纽约时报推荐的2019年度最佳书籍。1. 细节理解题。根据第三段中In America alone, more than half of all murdered women are killed by a current or former life partner可知,仅在美国一半以上被谋杀的妇女是被现任或前任男友杀害。这是与家庭暴力有关的内容,所以选择第三段对应的书籍。故选B。2. 推理判断题。根据第四段中第一句话Higginbothams superb account of the April 1986 explosion at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant is one of those rare books about science and technology that read like a tension-filled thriller.(希金博塔姆对1986年4月切尔诺贝利核电站爆炸的高超描述是那些罕见的关于科学和技术的书籍之一,读起来就像一部充满张力的惊悚片。)可推断,这本书读起来像一部充满紧张气氛的惊悚片。A.delighted高兴的;B.awkward尴尬的;C.tense紧张的;D.calm平静的。故选C。3. 推理判断题。根据第五段中的关键词time travel和 scientific theory可知,时光旅游和科学理论是有关科幻方面的,因此这是一本科幻故事方面的书籍。故选D。BWhen Tony took up running as a hobby he was 42 years old. Now 42 years later hes a national champion and a world record holder.He never imagined at the age of 84 this is where hed be, but then he doesnt meet many people in their 80s who are out training four times a week.I can see its a bit unusual, yes. But its been my life, he told the reporter.The retired officer runs at a track near his home in Leeds.At an event in Italy last month he set a world record in the 80 metres hurdles (跨栏)with a time of under 17 seconds. But he sees no reason to slow down and his ambition is still to be competing when he passes a hundred.I probably wont be doing a crouch start (蹲式起跑),but its only 16 years away, he joked. Like anyone his age, hes had health problems. Hes had a string of severe heart attacks, but doctors have told him as long as it makes him feel good, he should carry on running.I cant let my heart get in the way of my training. When I am sprinting I have to give it my absolute all. My heart is the last thing on my mind. he said.He trains every other day, dances and plays hockey and he recently cuts down on alcohol and chocolate. He said, Ive heard alcohol can lead to dementia and I dont want that. Ive cut down to one glass of wine every other day. I now have to stay as fit as I can be to keep up my lifestyle.Tonys next birthday is next September. And the first thing he wants to do is become the worlds fastest 85-year-old.4. What will Tony do after the competition in Italy?A. He decides to slow down.B. He decides to retire as an officer.C. He plans on running until hes 100.D. He plans to compete in the 100 metres hurdles.5. What do the doctors suggest to Tony?A. Continuing to run if he feels good.B. Stopping running to treat his heart disease.C. Trying to run as fast as he can.D. Cutting down on alcohol and chocolate.6. Which of the following best describes Tony?A. Imaginative.B. Positive.C. Caring.D. Demanding.7. Whats the best title of the text?A. The Fastest Man in the World.B. The Worlds Fastest 85-year-old.C. A National Champion and a World Record Holder.D. Granddad Crowned Fastest 84-year-old in the World.【答案】4. C5. A6. B7. D【语篇解读】本文是一篇记叙文,讲述了如今84岁的托尼成为了意大利全国赛跑冠军和世界纪录保持者。4. 细节理解题。根据第五段“At an event in Italy last month he set a world record in the 80 metres hurdles (跨栏)with a time of under 17 seconds. But he sees no reason to slow down and his ambition is still to be competing when he passes a hundred.”可知,上个月在意大利以不到17秒的成绩创造了80米栏的世界纪录后,托尼认为他没有理由放慢脚步,他想在100岁的时候还能参加比赛,也就是说他打算一直跑到100岁,故C项正确。5. 细节理解题。根据第六段中的“Like anyone his age, hes had health problems. Hes had a string of severe heart attacks, but doctors have told him as long as it makes him feel good, he should carry on running.”可知,像他这个年纪的人一样,他也有健康问题。他曾有过多次严重的心脏病发作,但医生告诉他,只要他感觉良好,他就应该继续跑下去,故A项正确。6. 推理判断题。根据第五段中的“But he sees no reason to slow down and his ambition is still to be competing when he passes a hundred.”可知,托尼在创造80米栏的世界纪录后仍想跑到100岁,再根据倒数第二段“He trains every other day, dances and plays hockey and he recently cuts down on alcohol and chocolate. He said, Ive heard alcohol can lead to dementia and I dont want that. Ive cut down to one glass of wine every other day. I now have to stay as fit as I can be to keep up my lifestyle.”可知,他坚持训练,跳舞和打曲棍球,减少酒精和巧克力的摄入量以保持健康,这些都表明托尼是一个积极的人,故B项正确。7. 主旨大意题。通读全文,特别是根据第一段“When Tony took up running as a hobby he was 42 years old. Now 42 years later hes a national champion and a world record holder.”及最后一段中的“And the first thing he wants to do is become the worlds fastest 85-year-old”可知,如今84岁的托尼成为了全国赛跑冠军和世界纪录保持者,从而成为世界上跑得最快的84岁老人,故D项最适合做文章标题。故D选项正确。CMaple syrup (枫糖浆) is a sweetener from maple tree sap (树汁). Many people use it in baking in place of sugar or other sweeteners, some use it in tea instead of honey and it is frequently used as a topping for pancakes, waffles, and other breakfast foods. Since true maple syrup is rather expensive, a wide range of false maple syrup exist.This sweetener originated in the northeast region of North America, and it is in this region that most of the worlds maple syrup is still produced. Vermont, New Hampshire Maine, and the eastern portion of Canada are all known for their fine syrup, each with slightly different flavor qualities.This sweetener is produced by tapping maple trees to release and collect their sap. A trees sap is the liquid that, much like blood in animals, carries water and food to different parts of the tree to keep it nourished. A mature maple produces about ten gallons of sap in a given season, after which the tree will wall off the channel that has been tapped, so that a new tap has to be drilled the next season. Maples are not tapped for syrup until they are at least 40 years old and have reached a certain size, to ensure that no harm comes to the tree through the tapping process .An immense amount of sap is required to produce maple syrup because the watery sap must be reduced to achieve the proper thickness and taste. Although the exact amount depends on the sweetness of the sap, in general it takes about 40 times as much maple sap to produce a portion of syrup. This may be further reduced to create thicker delicacies, such as maple butter, maple cream , and maple sugar.In the Us, there are grade A and Grade B syrups, with three sub-divisions of Grade A: light amber, medium amber, and dark amber. Grade B is even darker than Grade A dark amber. Many people assume that the grading system is also indicative of quality, but in reality, it only helps to differentiate the color and taste of the syrup, which is a matter of personal preference. The tastes are different, but to say one is objectively “better” than another would be incorrect.8. What do we know about the maple syrup from the first two paragraphs?A. It can be a substitute of sugar and honey.B. It varies greatly in flavor qualities.C. It is produced in the northeast of the US.D. It is too expensive to gain popularity.9. The underlined word nourished in paragraph 3 can be replaced by “_”.A. warm.B. healthy.C. complete.D. mature.10. Why is a large amount of sap needed?A. Because it is widely used in most delicacies.B. Because it helps to protect old trees from harm.C. Because it needs to be concentrated to make maple syrup.D. Because the more sap is used, the better maple syrup tastes.11. Whats the main purpose of writing the text?A. To teach people how to make maple syrup.B. To attract more people to buy maple syrup.C. To introduce basic knowledge of maple syrup.D. To help people choose maple syrup of good quality.【答案】8. A9. B10. C11. C【语篇解读】本文是说明文。文章介绍了在人们日常生活中广泛使用的枫糖浆。枫糖浆起源于北美的东北部地区,将枫树汁液浓缩后提取,各产地的枫糖浆风味不同,分为A级和B级。8. 细节理解题。根据第一段Many people use it in baking in place of sugar or other sweeteners, some use it in tea instead of honey可知,人们烘焙时用它来代替糖或其他甜味剂,也有些人用它来代替蜂蜜用于泡茶,枫糖浆是糖和蜂蜜的替代品。故选A项。9. 词义猜测题。根据第3段A trees sap is the liquid that, much like blood in animals, carries water and food to different parts of the tree to keep it nourished(树的汁液就像动物的血液一样,把水和食物输送到树的不同部分,以保证它的营养)可知,树的汁液的主要作用是保证树木有营养,能够存活。 故选B项。10. 推理判断题。根据第4段An immense amount of sap is required to produce maple syrup because the watery sap must be reduced to achieve the proper thickness and taste 和it takes about 40 times as much maple sap to produce a portion of syrup可知,生产枫糖浆需要大量的树汁,因为必须减少汁液中的水分才能达到适度的浓度和味道,需要将汁液浓缩。一般需要40倍的汁液才能生产一份枫糖浆。故选C项。11. 推理判断题。文章介绍了在人们日常生活中广泛使用的枫糖浆如何从枫树汁液中提取,枫糖浆有不同的风味,分不同的级别。因此 本文是介绍有关枫糖浆的一些基本知识。故选C 项。DMost squirrels dont hibernate(冬眠). Instead, they store food for the cold season and spend the winter in their nests. But the 13-lined ground squirrel, one species of squirrel in the U.S. Midwest, is not the case. For up to 8 months, the tiny mammals wont eat or drink anything at all and the heart rate, metabolism(新陈代谢), and body temperature dramatically drop during their long rest, which is similar to bears and other hibernating animals.To find out how the hibernating squirrels hold back their thirst, a powerful force that could potentially wake them up, and researchers measured the blood fluid of dozens of squirrels. Generally, a high blood concentration(血液浓度) makes animals, including humans, feel thirty. The sleeping squirrels blood concentration was low, preventing them from waking up for a drink. Even when researchers woke up the torpid squirrels, they wouldnt drink a drop until the team artificially increased the concentration of their blood serum.Next, the researchers wanted to know how the squirrels blood concentration dropped so low. Perhaps the squirrels drank a lot of water before hibernation to dilute(稀释) their blood, the researchers thought. But when they filmed squirrels preparing for their winter snooze, they found the animals actually drank less water than they normally did.Instead, chemical tests revealed the squirrels regulate their blood concentration by getting rid of electrolytes(电解质)like sodium and other chemicals like glucose and urea and storing them elsewhere in the body (possibly in the bladder), the researchers reported last month in Current Biology. The finding could also explain how other hibernating animals stay containing water.This new knowledge might one day help humans with conditions such as diabetes(糖尿病), or astronauts who have launched on long space flights. Unfortunately, even if people can figure out how to drop their blood concentration, its unlikely theyll ever be as cute as sleeping squirrels.12. What do we know about the 13-lined ground squirrels?A. They dont hibernate like many other squirrels.B. They are endangered species in the U. S. Midwest.C. They can live for months without water during hibernation.D. Their heart rule and body temperature are extremely abnormal.13. The hibernating squirrels don feel thirsty because of their_.A. high blood concentrationB. low blood concentrationC. low body temperatureD. high heart rate14. Hibernating squirrels adjust their blood concentrations by_.A. Drinking much water before hibernationB. Not eating anything during hibernationC. Drinking less water than they normally doD. Removing certain chemicals and storing them somewhere15. What is the authors attitude towards the new findings?A. ObjectiveB. PositiveC. DisappointingD. Uncaring【答案】12. C13. B14. D15. B【语篇解读】这是一篇说明文。文章介绍了一种冬眠的松鼠,地松鼠。它以将电解质从血液中换到其他地方储存的方式来降低血液浓度,而这项发明可能用于治疗糖尿病等人类疾病。12. 细节理解题。由第一段For up to 8 months, the tiny mammals wont eat or drink anything at all可知,地松鼠可以多达8个月不吃不喝。即地松鼠冬眠时可以数个月不喝水。故选C。13. 推理判断题。由第二段a high blood concentration(血液浓度) makes animals, including humans, feel thirty可知血液浓度高促使动物包括人类感到口渴,由此可以推断出冬眠的松鼠不口渴是因为血液浓度低。故选B。14. 细节理解题。由倒数第二段chemical tests revealed the squirrels regulate their blood concentration by getting rid of electrolytes(电解质)like sodium and other chemicals like glucose and urea and storing them elsewhere in the body可知,化学测试表明松鼠调节血液浓度是通过将电解质转移至身体其他部位储存的方式进行的,即移走某种特定的物质即电解质,并储存到其他地方。故选D。15. 观点态度题。由最后一段可知这项发现可以用来治疗糖尿病或者帮助长时间在太空站的宇航员,有实际运用的价值,即作者对此持积极态度。故选B。第二节 (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Surveillance (监视) is a fact of life. Your boss is monitoring your performance at work. Supermarkets are collecting data on your grocery shopping. 16. In a few months, European Union law-makers are due to approve proposals that will make driver assistance systems mandatory (强制的) in cars within three years. All new models of car will come with black boxes (event data recorders), intelligent speed assistance, lane-keeping assistance and more besides.A large number of technologies will soon be monitoring a drivers every move. Are we prepared for devices that watch how we drive and try to help us do it better?17. In a report published in April 2018, it found that the suite of changes could save at least 7,300 lives by 2030, and reduce the number of serious injuries from car crashes by 38,900. “We can have the same kind of impact as when safety belts were first introduced,” says Oliver Carsten, who studies transport safety at the University of Leeds, UK.18. The black box is the most controversial (有争议的) tech because of fears that the tech encourages surveillance. It would be easy to worry about being watched in your car. But the EU rules say the system is only checked in the event of an accident to help with insurance claims and police investigation. The point is to provide for a fair allocation (分配) of responsibility when a crash occurs. Some people choose to have a black box because it can reduce their individual insurance premium (保险费). 19. Whats more, the data collected in human-driven cars will help train automated driving systems to the point that they could be ready for large-scale deployment in the future.20. Drivers should think of it as an extra layer of protection, rather than the vehicle trying to take over driving from you.A. Now there is a new field: the automobile.B. There is concern about these technologies, however.C. The tech is reducing costs because its reducing the number of crashes.D. Safety isnt much discussed, principally because cars are already very safe.E. While the EU is taking the boldest steps, these technologies arent far behind in other parts of the world.F. As a result, what may at first glance seem like a surveillance technology is actually a benefit for society.G. The European Commission says that introducing these advanced driver assistance systems will make driving safer.【答案】16. A17. G18. B19. C20. F【语篇解读】这是一篇说明文。几个月后,欧盟立法者将批准在三年内强制在汽车里安装驾驶员辅助系统的提案,所有新车型的汽车将配备黑匣子(事件数据记录器),智能速度辅助,车道保持辅助等。这些辅助系统能够减少伤害,降低事故,但也引起了争议。16. 设空句为第一段的末句,这一段第一句是段落主旨句,接着作者举了例子,来说明监视是生活中实际的存在,选项A是生活中存在监视的一个新地方汽车,下文就是关于汽车里安装驾驶辅助系统的内容,选项A既是第一段内容的承上,又是对第二段的启下,选项A切题,故选A。17. 设空句为这一段的首句,是这段的主旨句,下文介绍了驾驶员辅助系统能够减少伤害、降低事故的数量,它就像是我们现在使用的安全带。选项G:欧盟委员会表示,引入这些先进的驾驶员辅助系统将使驾驶更安全。所以,选项G切题,故选G。18. 设空句为这一段的句首,是这段的主旨句,下文:“The black box is the most controversial (有争议的) tech because of fears that the tech encourages surveillance.”,写了驾驶员辅助系统引起的争议,对这种监视有不同的声音,选项B:然而,人们对这些技术感到担忧。However的使用提示与上段所写内容有转折的逻辑关系,选项B引出本段内容切题,故选B。19. 设空句前一句:“Some people choose to have a black box because it can reduce their individual insurance premium.” 有些人选择用黑匣子,因为它可以减少他们的个人保险费,选项C:这项技术正在降低成本,因为它减少了碰撞的数量,承接上句,解释上句的原因,选项C切题,故选C。20. 上文介绍了汽车驾驶员辅助系统可以降低事故,减少个人保费,是对社会有好处,选项F:因此,只要稍微看看,就知道监视技术是对社会有好处。承接上段内容,选项F切题,故选F。第二部分语言知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。One day, Luke Fortune drove from Oregon to Portland, where he parked his car in a paid garage overnight. The next morning, he 21 the cars window had been broken, along with his 22 for the future: his computer was 23 . “Everything important to me was on that computer,” said Fortune. “I felt 24 .”Two days after the 25 , another young man called Fortune. Masoud Almazrouei was an exchange student from the United Arab Emirates. Hed been 26 by a man who said he had a computer for sale. Only $200. Almazrouei 27 a computer, so he bought it, took it home, and turned it on. Within seconds, he saw files and photographs. “I wondered who would 28 a computer with all of this on it,” he said. “I 29 it could be stolen.”Almazrouei found what appeared to be the owners phone number and called it 30 .“He told me the story and said it was his fault. I thought it was a 31 . I told him if he really had the 32 , he should take it to the police,” Fortune said. 33 , a police officer called Fortune to say that a man had dropped the computer off and had said he was 34 . He passed on the mans number.Fortune called and thanked Almazrouei and 35 paying him a reward of $200 the money he was out. Almazrouei 36 .When a report about the two young mens story made it to the local papers, Almazrouei received a(n) 37 from Wim Wiewel, the president of the university where Almazrouei is studying. Impressed with his students 38 , Wiewel gave Almazrouei a new computer. “We thought since you 39 the computer, we should give you a computer so that youll have one,” Wiewel told him. “Were very 40 you.”21. A. expectedB. concludedC. discoveredD. remembered22. A. dreamsB. skillsC. decisionsD. imagination

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