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考研英语作文范文1、快节奏还是慢节奏的生活?Some people are always in hurry to go places and get things done. Other people prefer to take their time and live life at a slower pace. Which do you prefer? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer. Life is short. Haste makes waste. Whats your hurry? These three sayings characterize the way I manage my day to day chores. I dont want to rush through things; I prefer to take my time. Life is short. You never know what may happen tomorrow so it is important to enjoy today. Of course, some people will say thats why it is important to cram a lot into a day. But then, how would you possibly have time to enjoy all of those experiences. By doing a few things slowly and doing them well, you can savor the experience. Haste makes waste. We are not machines. We cant rush through things mechanically. If we do, we might forget something; we might take shortcuts. By taking our time, we can do a chore carefully, completely, and correctly. Whats your hurry? Wheres the fire? I dont see any need to rush to the next experience. Theres still a lot to see and learn form the chores around you. Taking care of your baby brother for instance can be very rewarding. You could simply keep him near you while you watch TV and write a letter and talk on the phone. Or you could devote your whole attention to him and observe his reactions to his environment. You can observe carefully, If you are trying to do four things at the same time. To twist a common saying, “Dont just do something, sit there!” Take life easy and savor each minute. Life is shorter than you think.2、政府该不该花钱在探索太空上Some people think governments should spend as much money as possible exploring outer space (for example, traveling to the Moon and to other planets). Other people disagree and think governments should spend this money for our basic needs on Earth. Which of these two opinions do you agree with? Use specific reasons and details to support your answer. When we see photographs of starving children, its hard to say that we should spend billions of dollars on space exploration. But thats just what we should do. Children dont need to be starving, but we do need to explore space. Right now, we have enough money to feed every person on Earth. Children are starving because of mismanagement of resources and simple human greed. Those are problems we can solve right here on earth. That shouldnt stop our need to find out whats beyond our own solar system. We may never make contact with whatever other species there may be out there in space. Even so, there are still two very practical and positive consequences of space exploration. One is a certainty and the other is a possibility. The certainty is medical research. Yes, we can conduct research here on earth. But much of the research done in space, for example, on the effects of gravity on bone marrow, is making a difference in medicine here on Earth. When we do research in space, we also learn more about space exploration. Also, many of the inventions that were developed for space travel have been adapted to good use on Earth. The possible consequence of space exploration is finding another planet human beings can colonize. Overpopulation is a huge problem on our planet. People are living longer, more healthful lives, and thats a good thing. But it means there are fewer people dying and more people being born. Eventually well have less space, fewer resources, and major distribution problems. If we can find another planet to live on, we can relieve the problems of overpopulation on our planet. Its a tragedy that there are human beings suffering on Earth. However, if we wait until everyone has a perfect life, we will never explore spaceand that , too, would be a kind of tragedy.3、减压的最好方式People have different ways of escaping the stress and difficulties of modern life. Some read; some exercise; others work in their gardens. What do you think are the best ways of reducing stress? Use specific details and examples to support your answer. Stress is one of our biggest enemies. It affects our health, our personality, and our relationships with others. In order to get rid of stress. I first have to identify the cause. I have different antidotes to stress depending on the cause. The most common types of stress I face are with work, with friends, and with myself. Work-related stress is the easiest to combat. I simply stop working for a while. If I find myself picking up the same piece of paper four times a day and never doing anything with it, I blame stress. The best thing to do is to do something else. Sometimes, I get up from my desk and go down the hall to talk to my colleagues, but I dont talk about work related subjects. Other times, I will take a short walk around the block and get some fresh air. Work-related stress can be cured by getting away from the work. Stress caused by friends is more difficult to cure. Often the cause is more complicated. My friends could have a personal problem that causes them and me both anxiety. Or my friends could be angry at me or vice versa. Here, the cure for stress is talking about the problem and being with my friends. Unlike work, you cant walk away from your friends. Stress I cause myself is also not so easy to get rid of. If I feel bothered by an exam or anxious about the future, there is very little for me to do. I just have to tell myself that I can only do my best and leave the rest up to fate. It is important to try to lead a stress-free life. If you can avoid stress by walking away form it (like at work), talking through it (like with your friends) or facing it head on (like with yourself), your health, personality and relationships will benefit.4、教师工资跟学生成绩挂钩?Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Teachers should be paid according to how much their students learn. Give specific reasons and examples to support your opinion. Some communities have decided to base evaluations of teachers on students test scores. Its these evaluations that determine how much teachers will be paid. I dont think this is a very good idea for several reasons. First of all, if teachers salaries are going to be based on how much students learn, then some teachers will start to teach their students only what they need to get high test scores. This means that students will miss out on a lot of education that cant be measured on a test. For instance, one of the best methods to help students understand a subject is encouraging them to discuss it. A common practice is to divide the class into groups, have each group discuss the subject, and then have them report back to the whole class. This kind of shared learning can lead to a fuller understanding. It also teaches students how to discuss and debate ideas. However, it doesnt supply facts to show off on a test. Another problem with basing teachers salaries on how much their students learn is that teachers may ignore students who have learning difficulties. Some students learn more slowly than others and need more personal attention. If a teacher is worried about tests, he may feel he has to push the majority of the students to cram facts. That effort will take all his time. He wont be able to help the less able students. Its true there are teachers who “burn out” after many years teaching and just dont care how much their students learn. Basing their salaries on their students test scores may improve their efforts. However, its not fair for the majority of teachers. They deserve and need to be judged by other criteria.5、选什么东西参加展览If you were asked to send one thing representing your country to an international exhibition, what would you choose? Why? Use specific reasons and details to explain your choice. If I were asked to send one thing representing my country to an international exhibition. Id send something unexpected: one weeks worth of television programming. These programs would best represent my county. They show how the citizens of my country live and what they think and feel. The dramas on television are very realistic. They show how people in different parts of the country go about their daily lives. They show how they earn their livings, how they deal with crime, and how they interact with each other. The dramas also show how people in various economic groups dress, what kinds of houses they live in, and what kinds of education their children receive. The comedies indicate what people in my country think is funny. Even though the situations are exaggerated, they reflect how my culture deals with very basic human situations. People everywhere understand falling in love, raising a family, and earning a living. The documentaries show what issues were concerned about and how we want to resolve them. Some documentaries tell stories from our history. Others look into the future. They speculate on how well function as a country in the new millennium. Still others examine our political system, its failures and its successes. The sports programs show what we think about winning and losing. They demonstrate how we feel about fairness. Some of the wealthiest people in our country are the athletes we watch playing professional sports. This, also, is a reflection of our values. Television is a common cultural experience in my country. It reflects my countrys unique personality. I think it would be the perfect way to show what my county is like.

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