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Unit10I vehadthisbikeforthreeyears 第一课时SectionA 1a 2d scarf可数名词 意为 围巾 其复数形式为 scarves或scarfs Jeffhashadhisbikeformorethan10years 杰夫买这辆自行车10多年了 此句属于现在完成时 buy是短暂性动词 不能用于表示时间段的完成时 应变为have 现在完成时中有时间段状语时 应将这类短暂性动词转换为延续性动词 eg TheplayCathasbeenonforhalfanhour 短剧 猫 已经开演半小时了 acoupleof在本文中意为 一些 几个 相当于afew several 修饰可数名词复数 eg acoupleofapples几个苹果acoupleof通常意为 一对 一双 夫妇 指任何两件同类的东西 eg acoupleofdogs两条狗twocouplesofsocks两双袜子ayoungcouple一对年轻夫妇 拓展 apairof指两件不能分开使用的东西 如鞋 袜 手套 裤子 剪刀等 eg apairofshoes一双鞋 since引导的从句常用一般过去时 表示 自从 以来 它前面的主句通常使用完成时 eg IthasrainedsinceIcameheretwodaysago 自从两天前我来到这里就一直下雨 重点词组归纳checkout察看 观察toybear玩具熊giveaway捐赠 赠送ayardsale庭院拍卖会inneed在困难时 在危难中 一 根据句意及汉语或首字母提示写单词 1 Thechildrenareplayinginthe 院子 2 Myfatherboughtmylittlesisteratoy 熊 lastweek 3 It sveryrelaxingtolieonthe sofaafterthelongtrip 4 Couldyougoand ifthebabyisasleep 5 Howmuchisthepencil Fifty yard bear soft check cents 二 根据句意 用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空 6 Hismotherhashadthebread make foraweek 7 Maryboughttwo scarf Onewasforhermom andtheotherwasforhergrandma 8 Wehavesomesweet memory intheschool 9 Myfather work inthisfactoryfortenyears 10 Annhashadthebikesinceshe be fifteenyearsold maker scarfs scarves memories has worked was 三 单项选择 11 Youcan teattoomuch food oryouwillhaveatoothache A sweetB deliciousC expensiveD healthy 12 She avolunteersinceshewas15yearsold A isB hasbeenC wasD wouldbe 13 Howlonghashismotherlivedhere Sinceshe intheschool 易错题 A workedB worksC willworkD hasworked B A A 14 Whatareyoudoing UncleWang IamcollectingoldbooksandI ll tokidsinWestChina A givethemupB givethemawayC givethemoffD givethemin 15 Howlonghavetheyworkedinthezoo 易错题 A InfiveyearsB ForfiveyearsC SincefiveyearsD Fiveyearsago 16 WhatdoyouthinkofthedressthatIhavemadeforyou JustthewayIwantedittolook A It sabigdealB That sperfectC You rekiddingD Noproblem B B B 四 根据句意 选择方框中的词组并用其正确形式填空 bringback inneed checkout acoupleof abit17 Whenyoutakethedictionarytoschool youmustrememberto it 18 Theyalwaystrytheirbesttohelpthepeople 19 I vehadthistoybearfor months 20 Ifelt hungrybecauseIdidn thavebreakfast 21 Iam thesesofttoysandboardgamesforyoungkids bring back inneed acoupleof abit checkingout


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