中考英语冲刺复习 话题专题训练 节假日活动课件.ppt

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高频单词 节假日活动 常用句子 完形填空 阅读理解 短文填空 读写结合 高频单词 1 Mother sDayisonthesecondSundayinMay 母亲节在五月的第二个星期天 2 DragonBoatFestivalisatraditionalfestivalinChina 端午节是中国的一个传统节日 3 Itisatimeforpeopletogivethankstoeachother 这是一个人们互相表达感谢的日子 4 Weusuallydressuponthatdaytovisitourrelatives 在那一天我们经常盛装打扮拜访亲友 5 Wehaveabigdinnertocelebratethefestival 我们吃一顿大餐来庆祝这个节日 6 OnMid AutumnFestival weeatmooncakesandadmirethemoonwithfamily 在中秋节 我们和家人一起吃月饼赏月 常用句子 完形填空 1 A watchedB heldC playedD said 2 A prizesB winnersC hostsD stars 3 A firstB secondC thirdD fourth 4 A TigerB FoxC LionD Elephant 5 A SinceB AndC SoD Before 6 A suchasB becauseofC insteadofD accordingto B A B C A B 7 A sentB droppedC broughtD stopped 8 A interestingB beautifulC importantD comfortable 9 A boughtB providedC gotD caught 10 A songsB actorsC moviesD musicians D C B C A 阅读理解 1 TheNinthQiaotouLotusFestivalwillbeheldon A June22ndB June24thC June29thD July25th 2 willbeheldinQiaotouLianhuLakefrom8pmto10pmonJune23rd A TheOpeningCeremonyB TheLotusGirlCompetitionC TheLotusPhotoTakingShowD TheLotusCompositionShow 3 YoucanenjoythelotusshowinonJune23rdtoJune28th A QiaotouLianhuLakeB QiaotouSportsCenterC QiaotouCenterSquareD QiaotouPeople sPark B A A 4 Johnwantstoknowmoreinformationaboutthefestival hewillcall A 020 32312112B 0769 33233233C 0769 86530336D 020 33568787 5 Youcanreadthisadvertisement A inastorybookB inanewspaperC onawebsiteD inanotice B C B 6 madethefirstsuggestionforMother sDay A WriterJuliaB AnnaJarvisC PresidentWilsonD Boston 7 Mother sDayasitiscelebratednowbegan A in1872B in1914C in1960D in1998 8 Theunderlinedword declare heremeans A 祝福B 庆祝C 宣布D 表示 A B C 9 Thechildrenwhocan tbewiththeirmotheronMother sDaywill A sendhersomeflowersB sendhersomecandiesC callherandsendheraspecialcardD askhertogooutforaholidaymeal 10 What sthebesttitleofthispassage A WhenisMother sDay B TheHistoryofMother sDayC WhatDidChildrenDoonMother sDayD HowtoCelebrateMother sDay C B C 配对阅读 B A D F C 短文填空 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 important December get trees receive stockings their the fact without when A 信息归纳 读写结合 InformationCard TheSpringFestival Luckymoney Mooncake ThebirthofthePeople sRepublicofChina Seven 7 B 书面表达请你以 MyFavoriteFestival 为题写一篇留言发到网上 内容包括 1 点明你最爱的节日是什么 2 你最爱的节日是在什么时候 3 请说说你在过这个节日时通常做些什么事 至少两件 Ofallthefestivals IliketheSpringFestivalbest Itisatraditionalfestivalinmycountry ItisonJanuarythefirstdayoflunaryear BeforethefestivalIusuallygoshoppingwithmyparentsandIalwayscangetwhatIwant OnNewYear sEve wealwaysgettogethertohaveabigdinnerwithmyfamilies ThenthenextmorningwhenIgetup Ialwayssay GongXiFaCai tomyrelativesandgetluckymoneyfromthem That sagreatfun AfterthatIhavealongholidaytodothethingsthatI minterestedin soIlikethisfestivalbest 谢谢

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