中考英语《补全对话专练》复习课件 (新版)人教新目标版.ppt

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中考英语《补全对话专练》复习课件 (新版)人教新目标版.ppt_第1页
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中考英语《补全对话专练》复习课件 (新版)人教新目标版.ppt_第3页
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补全对话专练 教学内容与教学目标 1 教学内容 复习补全对话 学习作题方法 2 教学目标 通过复习与练习使学生正确掌握作题技巧 迅速正确地完成该题 思路与方法 1 正确理解对话大意 2 确定说话地点 说话场景 根据上下句意确定所要填写的句子意思 3 填写时注意时态 习惯用法 单词拼写等 4 写完后通读全文 看文意是否连贯通顺 如有必要再进行修改 5 注意保证书写工整 干净 流畅 Warmingup 1 A Whatwastheweatherlikeinwinter B 2 A Whatistheweatherliketoday B 3 A B Itwillbesunnyandwarm Itwassnowyandcold Itisrainy Whatwilltheweatherbeliketomorrow Dosomeexercises 1 A YoulookbeautifulintheredskirtB 2 A MayIspeaktoJim B 3 A Hisfatherisinhospital B 4 A Thankyouverymuch B 5 A Shallwegooutforawalk B 6 A WishyouahappyNewYear B 7 A Igotan A inmyChinesetest B 8 A Wouldyoumindmysittinghere B It sforMary Thankyou ThisisJimspeaking Iamsorrytohearthat Youarewelcome Goodidea Thankyou Congratulations You dbetternot 9 A B Yes Ihave Mytemperatureisalittlehigher 10 A B Heistallandthin 11 A B I vejustbeentoHainantospendmyholiday 12 A B Ihavereadthebook3times 13 A B Let smeetoutsidetheschoolgateat14 00p m 14 A B Hetraveledwithhisfriend 15 A B It stenmilesfromhere Haveyoutakenyourtemperature Whatdoeshelooklike Wherehaveyoubeen Howmanytimeshaveyoureadthisbook Whenandwhereshallwemeet Whodidhetravelwith Howfarisitfromhere topics GoshoppingAppointmentSeeadoctoraskthewayCallHavedinnerGoonaholidayBookaroom tickets Goshopping Seeadoctor Asktheway calling 下一页 Makingthetelephone 返回 aboutcalling 打电话人常用语言Hello MayIspeakto Isthat speaking CanIleaveamessage I llcallbacklater again I llringhim herupagain 接电话人常用语Hello ThisisTomspeaking Hello Whoisthat Holdtheline please Tomisn thererightnow CanItakeamessageforyou Icouldn tgetthrough Sorry I mafraidyouhavethewrongnumber 返回 Seeingthedoctor 返回 Sentencesaboutseeingadoctor What sthematter What sthetrouble Doyouhaveafever Howlonghaveyoufeltlikethis It snothingserious Takethismedicinethreetimesaday You llbeallright wellsoon Ifeelterrible I vegotacough There ssomthingwrongwithmyeyes Ican tsleepwell 返回 返回 Goingshopping 售货员常用语CanIhelpyou WhatcanIdoforyou Howmany muchdoyoulike Whatcolor size kinddoyoulike Whataboutthisone Here syourchange 顾客常用语言Iwantapairofshoes Howmuchisit arethey MayItryiton It stoobig small Sorry It stooexpensive Doyouhaveanyothercolors sizes kinds That sfine I lltakeit Justhavealook Well I llthinkaboutit shopping 返回 Askingtheway 返回 Sentencesaboutasktheway 问路用语Excuseme whereisthenearestpostoffice Excuseme canyoutellmethewaytothepostoffice Excuseme howcanIgettothenearestpostoffice Excuseme whichbusgoestoPeople sPark 答语It soverthere It sabout500metersfromhere Godownthisstreetuntilyouseethetallredbuilding Turnright leftatthefirstcrossing corner Youwon tmissit YoucantakebusNo 103You dbettertakeataxi Sorry Idon tknow I mastrangerhere 返回 asktheway A Excuseme Iwanttogotothelibrary 1 B Godownthisstreetandturnrightatthesecondcrossing Gouptheroadtotheend you llfindit A 2 B It sabout1 000metresawayfromhere A Oh That squitealongway B Yes You dbettertakeabus A 3 B YoucantaketheNo 5bus It lltakeyouthere A 4 B Ittakesaboutfifteenminutes A 5 B It sapleasure Couldyoutellmehowtogetthere Howfarisitfromhere WhichbuscanItake Howlongdoesittake Thankyou aboutcalling Kate Hello 1 Mrs Read I msorryAnnisn thererightnow 2 Kate ThisisKate Mrs Read Sheisn tbackyet 3 Kate That sverykindofyou I mcallingtoaskherifsheisfreetomorrow It sMarch12th TreePlantingDaytomorrow And4 Mrs Read Ithinkshe llbeverygladtojoinyou Kate We llmeetattheschoolgateat7 00 5 Mrs Read OK I llletherknow Kate Manythanks Goodbye Mrs Read Goodbye MayIspeaktoAnn Whoisthatspeaking MayItakeamessage Iwanthertojoinus Pleasetellhernottobelate Ihopeshewillbeontime aboutshopping A Goodafternoon WhatcanIdoforyou B I dliketobuyawashingmachine A Well 1 SomearemadeinChina andsomearemadeinothercountries B Thisonelooksverynice 2 A InGermany B 3 A Sure Youputtheclothesinthemachine closethedoorandpressthisbutton B It seasy Howmuchisit A 4 000yuan B Wow that stooexpensive 4 Doyouhaveacheaperone A Howaboutthisone B Oh thisonelooksverygood AndthepriceisOK 5 Wehavedifferentkindsofwashingmachines Whereisitmade HowcanIuseit Ican taffordit Iwilltakeit aboutseeingadoctor Doctor Goodmorning What syourtrouble Woman Idon tfeelverywell D 1 W Yes Ihave Mytemperatureisalittlehigher D Openyourmouthandsay Ah W AhD 2 W Eversincelastnight D Didyoursleepwell W No Iwasverytiredlastnight D Oh Isee 3 W CanyoutellmehowIgotacold D Maybeyouoverworkedyourself W Ithinkso Ihavetoomuchworktodoeveryday DoIhavetostayathome D Yes You dbetterstayathomefortwoorthreedays W 4 D No Idon tthinkitisserious Butyoureallyneedagoodrestandtakethismedicine W 5 D Threetimesaday W OK Thankyou Haveyoutakenyourtemperature Howlonghaveyoubeenlikethis Yougotacold Isitserious HowoftenshouldItakeit 补全对话 A Goodmorning B Goodmorning sir I dliketobuyahat A Whoisitfor please Isitforyou Madam B No it sformyhusband A B Size7 A Howaboutthisone B Itlooksnice A It smadeofrealfur 毛皮 B Good A Forty fiveyuan B It sabitexpensive butit sreallyanicehat WhatcanIdofor CanIhelpyou Whatsizewouldhelike Whatsizedosehewear Whatisitmadeof Howmuchdoesitcost Howmuchisit Iwilltakeit 中考链接 补全对话 A ExcusemeMrGreen I dliketotakeafewdaysoff B A Mymotherisill Ihavetotakecareofher B IsthereanythingIcandoforyou A Icanlookafterherwellbymyself B A IhopetobebacknextWednesday B Allright Butyoumustwriteawrittenrequestforleavetobeaway A ThankyouMrGreen I llwriteitatonce B Don tworryaboutit I llcertainlyhelpyouwiththemwhenyougetback What sthematter I msorrytohearthat No thankyou Howlongwillyoubeaway ButI mworriedaboutmylessons Enjoyapoem Nevergiveup Neverlosehope Alwayshavefaith Itallowsyoutocope Tryingtimeswillpass Astheyalwaysdo Justhavepatience Yourdreamswillcometrue Thankyouforlistening

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