中考英语 重点难点梳理 九下 Unit 5-6课件.ppt

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教材重点难点梳理 九年级 下 Unit5 Unit6 广州中考高分突破 重难点梳理 一 重点单词 下面为常考 常用的单词 请同学们认真复习 扩大词汇量 Unit51 公告 通告 2 护照 3 太平洋 4 加拿大 5 加拿大的 6 与 相对 在 对面 7 手套 8 夫妻 情侣 announcement passport thePacific Canada Canadian opposite couple glove 9 平缓的 10 坦率的 坦诚的 11 绳索 12 迅速的 快速的 13 结束 14 令人惋惜的 让人遗憾的事 15 费用 16 报名参加 17 决赛 18 羽毛球运动 19 精神压力 紧张 gentle honest rope rapid over shame fee enter final badminton stress Unit61 实施 执行 2 争吵 3 集中 注意力 精力等 于 4 压力 5 是否 6 风险 7 守卫 保卫 8 取消 撤销 终止 9 光亮的 10 强迫 迫使 某人做某事 11 音乐会 演奏会 conduct quarrel focus pressure whether risk guard cancel bright force concert 12 私人的 13 不说话的 沉默的 14 危害物 大敌 15 有规律的 定时的 16 鼓励 鼓舞 17 沮丧的 消沉的 无精打采的 18 视力 19 牙科医生 20 恢复 痊愈 private silent enemy regular cheer low eyesight dentist recovery 二 重点短语 请同学们重点掌握下面的短语 做到活学活用 完形填空 完成句子等题型经常会考查大家对短语的掌握 Unit51 渴望 做某事 极想 做某事 2 在旅馆 机场等 登记 报到 3 迫不及待 做某事 4 说实在的 5 被 绊倒 6 保持平衡 7 建立 be dyingto dosth checkin at can twaitto dosth tobehonest fallover keepone sbalance buildup Unit61 解决 处理 应对 2 防止 堤防 3 抵消 对消 4 对不好的状态 持乐观的态度 5 尤指为消遣 学着做 开始做 6 忙于 某事 7 把 抛在后面 8 使 变得更高兴 使 振奋起来 9 乐器 dealwith guardagainst cancelout lookonthebrightside takeup be busywith leave behind cheer up musicalinstrument 三 重点句型 熟练掌握并运用句型是学好英语的基本要素之一 要做到熟能生巧就必须大量地练习 请同学们熟练掌握下面的句型 1 Youshouldbeawarethatstressisarisktoyourhealth 你应该清楚压力对你的健康是一种危害 句型 be adj that 从句 有时我们可以省略that 这是一些我们可以用这种方式使用的形容词 afraid 害怕的 glad 高兴的 pleased 高兴的 sorry 遗憾的 surprised 吃惊的 upset 沮丧的 certain 确定的 happy 快乐的 sad 悲伤的 sure 确信的 unaware 不知道的 worried 担心的 翻译 1 老师确信我可以按时完成这项工作 Theteacher Icandothisworkontime 2 我没能获奖 爸爸妈妈觉得很遗憾 Fatherandmother Ididn twintheprize 2 Youwillfindthattakingupahobbycanhelpyoureducestress 你会发现有一个业余爱好会帮助减少压力 句型 宾语从句 详见九年级上册的Unit5 Unit6的重点句型第2点 issure certainthat wassorrythat 3 其他好用的常用的句型 Youcandothisbytakingawalk readingabook goingtoaconcertorseeingafilm orjustsittinginaprivateplaceandbeingsilentforamoment 你可以通过散步 看书 去听音乐会或看电影 或是坐在一个私人的地方静静地待一会来做到这一点 巩固练习 一 语法选择Thetrainstartedmoving It1withpeopleofallages Mostofthemwereworkingmenandwomenandyoungcollegeboysandgirls Nearthewindowsatanoldmanwithhisson wholookedaboutthirtyyearsold Asthetrainmoved thesonwas2withjoybecausehewasvery3atthescenery 景色 outside Hesaidinahighvoice SeeDad thegreentreesandthesceneryareverybeautiful Itmadetheotherpeople4verystrange Everyonestartedtalking5alowvoiceabouttheoldman sson Suddenly itstartedraining Raindropsfellonthetravelers6theopenedwindow Seeingthe rain theoldman ssonsaid7 SeeDad 8beautifultherainis Hearingthesewords ayoungladybecame9withtheman astheraindropsweredroppingonhernewclothes Shecouldn thelpshoutingatthe10sonandhisfather Can tyouseeit11 You Oldman 12yoursonisnotfeelingwell gethimtoamentalhospital 精神病院 quicklyandpleasedon tdisturb 干扰 13anymore Theoldman sfaceturnedslightlyredandtheninalowvoice hereplied Weareon14waybackfromhospital Hewasblindatbirth Onlylastweekhecanseeagain Therainandthenature15newtohim Pleaseforgivehim Alltheotherpeoplebecamequiet 1 A waspackedB packedC ispackedD packs 2 A fillB filledC fullD fills 3 A excitingB excitinglyC excitedD excitedly 4 A feelsB feltC feelD feeling 5 A onB atC forD in 6 A throughB acrossC crossD by 7 A happyB happierC happilyD morehappily 8 A whataB whatC howaD how 9 A angryB angrilyC angrierD moreangrily 10 A noiseB noisyC noisilyD noisier 11 A rainB rainsC israiningD rained 12 A IfB WhenC BecauseD Though A A D C C B C D A B C A 13 A weB usC ourD ours 14 A theB aC anD 15 A wasB isC wereD are B A D 二 完形填空Wearelivingafastlife Itseemsthateverythinghastobefast forexample 1food fastInternet fastroads fastmoney Everydaywetrytogetthingsdone2 buttherearesomemomentsthatwehavetoslowdownandenjoyourlives Wearealways3everyday Ihavetoworkeighthoursormoreadayatmyfull timejob WhenIgethome it salwaysoverseveno clock Imakeaneffort 努力 to4something Itrytofindabitoftimeformyhobby writing Ihardlyeverwriteandwork5weekends Thosearemydaystotrytorecharge 休整 andreduce 减少 thestressfrom mywork Isleeponthesofaduringtheday 6somebeerintheopenairorgooutforapicniciftheweatherisnice WhatI mtryingtosayisthis ifyoudon ttakesometimetoslowdownonceinawhile 偶尔 and7yourlife itwillpassyouby Youcanbeunhealthybothinbodyandmindifyoudon ttakethetimetorelax Sothisweekend don tmakeany8 JustgetuponSaturdaymorning9yourbodysaysit stimetogetup Makesomecoffee stepoutsideandget10freshmorningair turnontheradioandprepareyourselffornothing 1 A goodB fastC slowD cold 2 A speciallyB seriouslyC directlyD quickly 3 A busyB happyC freeD sad 4 A drinkB buyC writeD say 5 A withB exceptC inD on 6 A eatB drinkC takeD get 7 A spendB shareC enjoyD relax 8 A plansB mistakesC noisesD sentences 9 A butB whenC whatD so 10 A anyB manyC noD some A A B D D D B B C C 三 阅读理解Englishteenagerswillreceivecookinglessonsinschools Theideaistoencouragehealthyeatingtosolvetheproblemthatmanypeopleareoverweight Also itworriespeoplethatbasiccookingandfoodpreparationskillsarebeinglostbecauseparentsusetoomuchprepreparedfastfoods CookingwasonceregardedasanimportantpartofeducationinEngland evenifitwasmainlyforgirls Inrecentyearscookinghasbecomelessimportantinschools Buttherisinglevelofobesity 肥胖 hasledtoarethinkaboutthefoodthatchildrenaregivenandtheskillstheyshouldbetaught Whatwewantistoteachyoungpeoplehowtodobasic simplemeals whichtheycanusenowathomeandthenintheirlaterlife saidEdBalls aneducationexpert ThenewlessonswillstartinSeptember butsomeschoolswithoutkitchenwillbegivenalongertimetoprepare Alsotheremaybeashortageofteacherswiththerightskills sinceschoolshavebeenteachingfoodtechnologyratherthanpracticalcooking Besides thelessonsforhandsoncookingwillonlybeonehouraweekforoneterm Butthewellknowncookerywriter PruLeith believeitwillbeworthit Ifwe ddonethisthirtyyearsagowemightnothavetofacetheproblemaboutobesityandlackofknowledgeaboutfoodandsoon Everychildshouldknowhowtocook notjustsothatthey llbehealthy butbecauseit salifeskillwhichisarealpleasure Therenewedinterestincookingisanefforttoreducetheobesityrate whichisalmostthehighestinEurope andaccordingtothegovernment halfofallBritishpeoplewillbeobesein25yearsifpresenttrends 趋势 arenothalted 1 WhichofthefollowingisNOTtheaimofbringingbackcookinglessonsinBritain A Toencourageteenagerstoeathealthyfood B Toreducethecountry sincreasingobesityrate C Topreventbasiccookingandfoodpreparationskillsfrombeinglost D Toencourageparentstousemoreprepreparedfastfood D 2 Howwillcookinglessonsdogoodtothestudents A Allofthemwillbecomegoodcooksintheirlaterlife B Studentswillbehealthyandenjoythepleasureofsuchalifeskillaswell C Studentswillbeabletomakefoodexperimentswiththeknowledgeandskills D Studentswillbeabletocontrolthelevelofobesityinthewholecountry 3 Theunderlinedword halted inthelastparagraphprobablymeans A continuedB stoppedC discussedD kept B B 4 Itcanbeinferredfromthepassagethat A cookinghasalwaysbeenanimportantpartofschooleducationinEnglandB EnglishteenagerswillhavetheircookinglessonsonehouramonthforoneyearC theobesityrateinBritainhasbeengrowingrapidlyinrecentyearsD thestudentswillpaymuchmoneyfortheircookinglessons A 5 Thepassagemainlytalksabout A thecompulsorycookingclassesB thelostcookingskillsC thehealthyeatingD thereasonforobesity D 四 阅读填空阅读下列短文 从短文后的五个选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项 Weshouldgiveoureyesalotofcare Naturaleyecareshouldbethemostimportant Thereareseveralcausesleadingtopooreyesightlikenotenoughfood genes 基因 andaging 年龄增长 1 Ifyouoftenworkinfrontofthecomputer you dbettertakearesteveryonceinawhile Somethingdirtyisbadforyoureyesandcanmakeyoufeeluncomfortable 2 Youmustalsotryyourbesttoprotectyoureyesfromharmfulthings Forexample sunglassesmakeyoulookcool 3 B E C Eatinghealthyfoodwillbegoodtoyoureyesight Rememberthatvitamins 维生素 A CandEaregoodforeyes 4 Andyoushoulddoeyeexercisesbecauseexerciseprotectsyoureyesight too Youshouldexercisesregularly 规律地 andeattherightkindoffood 5 Allabovearenaturalwaysofeyecarethathelpuskeephealthyeyes Inaword eyecareisveryimportant nomatterhowoldapersonis D A A Trytoeatfoodgroupsthathavethesevitamins B Theycanalsoprotectyoureyesightfromtoobrightsunshine C Televisions computersandreadingarealsothecausesofhavingpooreyesight D Thenyoureyeswillstaygoodforalongtime E Ifthishappens thebestwayistocleanyoureyesbyusingcoldwater 五 单词拼写1 Icouldn tcatchthelastbus soIwasf towalkhome 2 Isittoolatetoc myorder 3 Don tmakeaq withalittlegirl 4 Peopleinthebigcityareundertoomuchs 5 IamsosorrythatIcan tanswerthisp question 6 Theoldc goestothesameparkeveryday 7 YousayyouholdaCanadianp Pleaseshowittome 8 Thechildrenallwentout andtheroomwass orced ancel uarrel tress rivate ouple assport ilent 9 Sincethereissomethingwrongwithyourteeth youshouldseethed asquicklyasyoucan 10 Atthesportsmeeting shereachedthef ofthe100metrerunningrace 六 完成句子1 我迫不及待想知道比赛的结果 请告诉我吧 I theresultoftherace Pleasetellme 2 说实在的 李老师是一个很和蔼的人 Mr Liisakindperson 3 虽然她忙于工作 但是每天她不会忘记给妈妈一个电话 she herwork sheneverforgetstogiveaphonecalltohermother inal entist can twaittoknow Tobehonest Though Although isbusywith 4 请提防公共汽车上的扒手 Please pickpockets 扒手 onthebus 5 年轻人更加应该把更多的注意力集中在工作上 Youngpeopleshould more theirwork 6 这花今天早上才被我浇过 Theflower just bymethismorning 7 当我们到达操场时 孩子们正在打羽毛球 Whenwe totheplayground thechildren 8 衣服脏了 他自己洗 Hisclothesweredirtyandthey byhimself guardagainst focuson waswatered reached wereplayingbadminton werewashed 9 我们想知道下学期谁教我们数学 Wewanttoknow usmaths 10 你能告诉我David是否来我们的聚会 Canyoutellme David toourparty whowillteach if whether will come

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