中考英语 语法考点复习 代词课件.ppt

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代词 中考语法 代词概述 代词是用以代替名词 形容词或数词的词 如 it their these whose等 考点分布 1 人称代词 2 物主代词 3 反身代词 4 指示代词 5 不定代词 6 疑问代词 考点梳理 考点一人称代词 1 人称代词的分类 考点梳理 2 人称代词的用法 1 人称代词的主格通常放在动词的前面作主语 如 SheismyEnglishteacher 2 人称代词的宾格通常放在动词或介词的后面作句中作的宾语 如 Theydon twantmetogotherealone Allofuslikeplayingcomputergames 常见句型为 主格 动词 宾格如 Ihelphimandhehelpsme 考点梳理 考点精练 1 AuntTinawillvisitussoon isarrivingtomorrowmorning A HeB SheC HisD Her 2 Ican tfindmyEnglishbook Couldyouhelp findit A herB himC meD them 3 Canyouhelpcleanthewindow Why Aliceissittingtheredoingnothing A himB herC youD me B D C 考点梳理 考点精练 4 JeffandIaregoingtoShanghaithisweekend Mybrotherwilldrive there A itB youC usD them 5 Ican tfindmyticket IthinkImusthavelost A itB oneC thisD them 6 Mostofthehouseworkwasdonebytwomembersofthefamily mysisterand A meB IC myselfD mine C A A 考点梳理 考点二物主代词 1 物主代词的分类 2 物主代词的用法形容词性物主代词只能作定语 修饰后面所接的名词 而名词性物主代词相当于 形容词性物主代词 名词的作用 相当于名词的用法 如 Thisismybook Thebookismine mybook Thatisyourpen mine mypen isinmybag 考点梳理 考点精练 7 Isthis ruler No isoverthere A her HerB her HersC hers HersD hers Her 8 Ihaveabigbrother nameisPaul A HisB HerC HeD Your 9 Excuseme isthis newdictionary Yes it s Sheboughtitlastmonth A Lucy s hersB Lucy herC Lucy s herD Lucy s mine B A A 考点梳理 考点精练 10 Excuseme I mlookingformyumbrella Oh sorry Itake bymistake A yoursB mineC hersD his 11 Oh yourshirtisthesame A asmeB withherC withmineD ashers 12 Whatdoyouthinkofyourhostfamily Jim Great Theytry besttomakemefeelathome A theyB theirC themD theirs A B D 考点梳理 考点三反身代词 1 反身代词的分类 2 反身代词的用法反身代词可在句中作宾语 表语及同位语 且必须与被代指的人在人称和数上保持一致 意思是 本人 亲自 如 Hersisteristooyoungtodressherself 作宾语 Hehimselfisalwaysmakingsuchmistakes 主语同位语 You dbetteraskyourwifeherself 宾语同位语 考点梳理 常考词组有 helponeselftosth 请自便 别客气enjoyoneself玩得开心teachoneselfsth learnsth byoneself自学lookafteroneself照顾自己leaveonebyoneself把某人单独留下 all byoneself 全 靠自己dressoneself自己穿衣服saytooneself自言自语makeoneselfathome使某人宾至如归cometooneself苏醒 考点梳理 考点精练 13 Help tosomefish Jeff A youB yourC yoursD yourself 14 ThesongIBelieveICanFlytellsusthatbelievingin isveryimportant A themselvesB itselfC ourselvesD yourselves 15 Hi guys Howwasyourpartyyesterday Wonderful Wehadabigmealandenjoyed A themselvesB myselfC yourselvesD ourselves D C D 考点梳理 考点精练 16 It sveryimportantforustolearnhowtolearnby A ourselvesB itselfC myselfD themselves 17 Themancalledhisprofessorforhelpbecausehecouldn tsolvetheproblemby A herselfB himselfC yourselfD themselves A B 考点梳理 考点四指示代词 表示时间和空间远近关系的代词叫指示代词 1 指示代词的分类 2 指示代词的用法指示代词可在句中作主语 宾语 表语 定语等 例如 Thosearemyparents 作主语 Throwitlikethat 作表语 ThetoyslittleTomlikesarethoseinthebasket 作表语 Thesepicturesaredrawnbyanoldblindman 作定语 考点梳理 注意 1 前面刚刚提到过的东西 常用that those表示 如 I msorrytohearthat 2 下文将要提到的事情 可用these this表示 起启下的作用 如 Tellthechildrentodolikethis knockthestickintotheearthfirst thentiethetreetoit 3 打电话时 常用 that 询问对方是 谁 用 this 介绍自己 如 Hello isthatLucy Hello thisisLucy 考点梳理 考点五不定代词 1 不定代词分类不定代词没有确定的对象常用的有 all each every both either neither one none little few many much other another someany no以及由some no any every构成的复合词 不定代词通常可以做主语 宾语 表语 定语 而none及含有some any every的合成代词不能做定语 no和every只能做定语 2 不定代词用法不定代词通常可以做主语 宾语 表语 定语 常见不定代词有 考点梳理 考点梳理 考点梳理 注意 以下词语用法请参照第一模块 常用词汇及词组用法辨析 1 both all whole考点详见第17组 2 few little afew alittle考点详见第29组 3 many much alot alotof考点详见第55组 4 neither either none考点详见第59组 考点梳理 考点精练 18 WhichofthetwoT shirtswouldyoulike Idon tliketheirstyles A EitherB BothC NoneD Neither 19 Wouldyoulikecoffeeortea Somewater please A BothB NeitherC EitherD All 20 Wouldyouliketeaorcoffee thanks I dpreferacoke A BothB NeitherC AllD Some D B B 考点梳理 考点精练 21 Whichjacketdoyouprefer thisoneorthatone isOK Idon tcaretoomuch A BothB EitherC NeitherD All 22 ofuswantstogototheparktoday becausewehavetofinishsomuchhomework A EitherB BothC NeitherD None 23 Youcantake ofthetwotoycarsandleavetheotherforyourbrother A bothB noneC eitherD neither B C C 考点梳理 3 复合不定代词用法 1 形容词修饰复合不定代词时后置 如 somethingimportant 2 复合不定代词作主语时谓语动词通常用单数 如 Iseverybodyheretoday 常见的复合不定代词有 考点梳理 考点精练 24 Iwaslookingforabirthdaygiftformymother butIcouldn tfind suitable A somethingB anythingC nothingD everything 25 Atpresent childrenmean tomostparentsinChina A everythingB nothingC anythingD something 26 Look Theclockhasstopped Maybethere s wrongwithit A everythingB somethingC anythingD nothing B A B 考点梳理 考点精练 27 Thisworkneedscloseteamwork willbeachievedunlessweworkwelltogether A NothingB AnythingC SomethingD Everything 28 mayhaveachancetobesuccessfulifhetrieshisbest A NoneB NobodyC SomebodyD Everybody 29 Jack isthere intoday snewspaper No nothing A anythingimportantB somethingimportantC importantanythingD importantsomething A D A 考点梳理 考点六疑问代词 疑问代词有who whom whose which和what 用于特殊疑问句中 疑问代词一般放在句子的最前面 如 Whomareyoutalkingto Whosebookisthis Whichdoyoulikebetter teaorcoffee 考点梳理 考点七代词it的用法 1 指时间 天气或距离等 如 It seighto clocknow It stimeforclass 指时间 It sgettinghotterandhotter 指天气 It sfivemilesfrommyhometoschool 指距离 2 指婴儿或不明身份 性别的人以及谈话双方都知道人或事 如 Whoisknockingatthedoor ItmustbeLilei Hesaidhewouldcometonight 3 作形式主语或形式宾语 如 It sveryimportanttostudyEnglishwell Wefoundithardtofinishtheworkontime 考点梳理 考点精练 30 Wedecidetomake aruleforusroom matetoturnoffthelightat10 30pm A thatB thisC itD one 31 Ifind hardtolearnEnglishwell AthisBitC thatD they 32 WhatdoyouthinkofthemoviebyZhaoWei Terrific Ilike verymuch A itB himC herD you B A C 考点梳理 考点精练 33 Theyoungladyatthecornerwasholdingababyinherarmsand wascryingforsomemoremilk A itB oneC sheD who 34 IhearJohnismuchworsenow Howcan be Helookedbetterwhenwesawhiminthehospitalthismorning A heB itC thisD one 35 wasthoughtful 体贴的 Johntosendmethispresent A It forB He forC It ofD He of B C A 考点梳理 考点八代词one it that用法 其考点请参照 常用词汇及词组用法辨析 第61组 考点精练 36 I mabithungry Auntie There resomecakesonthetable Youmaytake A itB oneC thatD this 37 Thisbookonidiomsisinteresting I dlike wheredidyoubuyit Simon IntheAmazonBookstore A itB thisC thatD one 38 Whatkindofhousewouldyoulike I dlike withagardeninfrontof Ait oneB one oneC one itD it it B D C 考点梳理 考点九代词other another others theother theothers用法 其考点请参照 常用词汇及词组用法辨析 第62组 考点十代词each every用法 其考点请参照 常用词汇及词组用法辨析 第16组 考点梳理 备考策略 代词在中考中是考查的重点 也是难点和易错点 考查的题型形式多样 主要表现在 1 能分清代词不同种类及用法 2 能分清同一个代词在不同情况下的不同用法 3 学会根据前后句进行推理使用代词 4 根据句意或习惯进行判断使用代词 5 注意代词的一些习惯表达


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