中考英语 考点聚焦 第34讲 状语从句课件.ppt

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甘肃省 英语 第34讲状语从句 名题实战 1 Wewonderifourteachers toourgraduatingpartynextweekend Ifthey we llbeveryhappy 2014 兰州 A willcome willcomeB come willcomeC willcome comeD come come2 Mum shallwehavelunch Wewillhaveitwhenyourdad 2015 安顺 A when returnsB where willreturnC where returnsD when willreturn C A 3 Wouldyoupleasegivethisnewly publishednoveltoJack Certainly hecomesback 2015 泰安 A beforeB assoonasC untilD unless4 Itis abeautifulgarden weliketoplayinit A so thatB such thatC too toD very that5 Didyoucatchthefirstsubwaythismorning No Ididn t Ithadstartedmoving Icouldgetonit 2015 襄阳 A beforeB sinceC afterD assoonas B B A 考点梳理 中考对状语从句的考查主要集中在时间 原因和条件状语从句上 尤其应当注意当主句为一般将来时 时间和条件状语用一般现在时 初中阶段常见状语从句用法见下表 注意 在条件和时间状语从句中应用一般现在时态表示将来 though与but because与so不能同时用在同一个句子中 while引导时间状语从句时 从句中的谓语动词必须是延续性动词 too to与so that与enoughtodosth 之间可互换 if条件状语从句可与 祈使句 and or 互换 如 Ifwedon thurry we llmissthetrain 如果我们不快点的话 我们将错过火车 Hurryup orwe llmissthetrain 快点 否则我们将错过火车 例1 Markisn tcomingtotheconcert hehasgottoomuchworktodo A soB untilC althoughD because解析 太多工作要做 是 没有来音乐会 的原因 答案 例2 Wewillhavenowatertodrink wedon tprotecttheearth A untilB beforeC thoughD if解析 考查if引导的条件状语从句 句意 如果我们不保护地球 我们将没有水喝 答案 D D 例3 IenjoyfreshairsoIalwaysletthewindowopen itisreallycold A unlessB whenC ifD since解析 句意 我喜欢新鲜空气 因此我总是让窗户开着 除非真的很冷 故unless 除非 符合题意 答案 例4 Ireallyenjoyedyourspeech thereweresomepartsIdidn tquiteunderstand A becauseB forC untilD though解析 前文 我喜欢你的演讲 与下文 有一些部分我不理解 是转折关系 故though 尽管 符合题意 答案 A D 例5 ZhouLiboisShanghai sfavoritefunnyman Heisgoodatmakingpeoplelaugh Hislivelyshowswere hotthatticketsweresoldoutinminutes A veryB tooC suchD so解析 句中的句型为so that 意为 如此 以至于 so用来修饰形容词或副词 such也构成这一句型 但such用来修饰名词 答案 D 一 单项选择 1 Fatherwon tallowmetoplayoutside Iwashupthedishes 2014 烟台 A ifnotB ifC unlessD because2 I mgoingtotakehimtosomefamoushutongs hecanlearnmoreaboutChina 2014 盐城 A becauseB whenC sothatD asif3 Idon tknowifTom heretomorrow Ifhe I llcallyou 2014 南充 A comes comesB willcome willcomeC comes willcomeD willcome comes C C D 4 thesunwasnotgetup manypeoplewerealreadytakingexerciseinthesquare 2014 安徽 A AsB IfC ThoughD Because5 Thestudentscan tgohome theyfinishcleaningtheclassroom forit stheirduty 2014 黄石 A whenB sinceC ifD until6 Shesaysthatshe llhavetoclosetheshop businessimproves 2015 兰州 A ifB orC unlessD because C D C 7 Excuseme mayIcomein Notyet Pleasewaitonyourchair yournameiscalled 2015 呼和浩特 A andB untilC afterD since8 Mr Smithhasahabitoftakingashower hehasbreakfast 2015 浙江 A thoughB beforeC becauseD since9 Nextmonth we regoingsomewhereinterestingassoonastheholiday A willbeginB hasbeganC beginsD isbeginning B B C 10 Whenyougethome pleasecallmetoletusknowthatyou safely 2015 包头 A wouldarriveB havearrivedC hadarrivedD willarrive B 二 用适当的连接词完成下列句子 11 Jimspendsalotofmoneyonbooks heisnotrich 12 IsDavidatschooltoday No Heisathome hehasabadcold 13 Wewon thavesupper mymothercomesback 14 shedoesn tcomeonSunday I llgofishingbymyself 15 theairmoves itiscalledwind though because until If When

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