中考英语 考点聚焦 第36讲 日常交际用语课件.ppt

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甘肃省 英语 第36讲日常交际用语 名题实战 1 TomorrowI mgoingonholiday ButI llbebusy 2015 杭州 A ThankyouB LuckyyouC AfteryouD Mindyou2 Wouldyouliketocometodinnertomorrowevening 2015 德州 A Yes it strue B Youreallydo C It supstairs D Yes I dloveto B D 3 Iwillhaveanimportantmatchtomorrow IhopeIwillwin 2015 安徽 A GoodluckB NoideaC That ssuchapityD It sallright4 TheradiosaysitwillrainnextSunday We regoingforapicnicthatday 2015 呼和浩特 A IhopeitwillB I mafraidnotC Idon tthinksoD Ihopenot A D 5 Remembertowritedownyournameonthepaper 2015 济宁 A Nevermind B Withpleasure C Sure Iwill D That sallright C 考点梳理 甘肃各地市中考对日常交际用语的考查比重越来越大 涉及在各种情景下的问和答以及英美国家的文化习俗 答题时要注意 1 根据不同的情景 使用不同的表达 2 根据习惯用语进行选择 3 使用文明礼貌的语言 4 遵照口语交际特点 不要死套语法规则 高频考向一感谢与应答 表示感谢Thankyou Thanks Thankyouverymuch Thankyousomuch Thanksalot You rekind 回答别人感谢的应答语Thankyouallthesame You rewelcome Notatall Don tmentionit It smypleasure That sallright 例1 Congratulations Yourspeechisexcellent A Oh noB Itdoesn tmatterC That sagoodideaD Manythanks解析 对方向你表示祝贺时须表示感谢 答案 D 高频考向二祝愿与祝贺 当某人取得成功时Welldone Congratulations toyou 当某人外出旅行时Goodluckwithyourtrip Haveagoodtrip journey Nicejourneytoyou Havefun Enjoyyourself yourselves 当遇到节日时Happybirthday toyou HappyNewYear toyou MerryChristmas 当某人即将做某事时Goodluck toyou Iwishyousuccess 上述几点中祝愿 贺 的回答可用 Thanks Thankyou Thanksalot It skindofyoutosayso 例2 I mgoingtospendmysummerholidayinHawaii Whataluckyboy Anddon tforgettosendmeapostcard A Thatsoundsgood B Haveagoodtime C Goodidea D CanIgowithyou 解析 对于别人的外出度假要表示祝愿 答案 例3 Mum I vegotthefirstprizeinthephotocompetition A GoodluckB NotatallC GoodideaD Congratulations解析 对方获得第一名 应表示祝贺 答案 B D 高频考向三表示遗憾 同情对不好的事情表遗憾 同情时beafraid that It sapity that Whatapity 例4 MynewiPhonewasstolenwhenItookabusyesterday A I msorrytohearthatB Itdoesn tmatterC Don tbesillyD I dloveto解析 上句句意为 我的手机在昨天乘公交车时被偷了 听到不好的消息应表示遗憾 答案 A 高频考向四提醒和警告 祈使句表示提醒 禁止和警告 Lookout Becareful Takecare Danger Slowdown Entrance Exit Stop 下列句型也可用来表示警告 Don tdosth or Ifyou you 以否定祈使句或 No v ing 表示提醒 禁止和警告 Don tfeedtheanimals Don tforgettowateryourplant Don tsmoke Don tbelate Don ttakepictureshere Nosmoking Noparking Nospitting 用can t mustn t表示禁止和警告 例5 Youdon thavetomakesomuchnoise doyou A NotatallB NevermindC I msorryD Betternot解析 A选项 别客气 B选项 没关系 C选项 对不起 D选项 最好不要 由问句句意 你没有必要制造这么多噪音 对吧 可知应对所做的事情进行道歉 答案 C 高频考向五道歉和应答 表达道歉Pardon Excuseme Ibegyourpardon I msorry Sorry Sorry Iwon t 回答别人的道歉的应答语That sallright OK Itdoesn tmatter That snothing Nevermind Noproblem Don tworryaboutit 例6 I msorrythatIshoutedatyouthismorning butpleasedon tgetangrysooften A AllrightB NoproblemC NevermindD Withpleasure解析 A选项 行了 好吧 B选项 没问题 C选项 没关系 不要紧 D选项 很乐意 由上句 很抱歉 今天早上我对你大叫 可知 下句句意为 不要紧 但请不要经常生气 答案 C 高频考向六劝告和建议 表建议的用语Wouldyoumindopeningthedoor Wouldyouliketojoinus What Howaboutplayingping pongnow Whynotputoffthemeetingtilltomorrow Would CouldyoupleaseturnofftheTV Shallwegotothepark Let sgotoschool 表劝告的用语We d You dbettergonow Youshould Pleasebequiet 肯定回答 Yes please OK Certainly Goodidea That sagoodidea Whatagoodidea Allright Sure Yes let s Iwouldliketo Yes I dlike loveto 其中to不能省略 否定回答 No thankyou Sorry wecan t Sorry youcan t Sorry but Sorry I ll Yes I dlike love to but 例7 WhynotgotoLaoSheTeahousetonight A Itdoesn tmatterB ThankyouC SorrytohearthatD Soundsgreat解析 由上句 今天晚上为什么不去老舍茶馆呢 为邀请对方参加活动可知 此处只有Soundsgreat符合题意 答案 D 例8 Sir couldyoupleaseputoutyourcigarette Thisisasmoke free 无烟的 school A I msorryaboutthisB NoproblemC Sure I dlovetoD Nevermind解析 由上句 先生 请你把你的香烟熄灭好吗 这是一所无烟学校 可知 此处用 I msorryaboutthis 表示抱歉 答案 A 高频考向七电话用语问语 Hello Thisis speaking Who sthat speaking Hello May Could CanIspeakto 答语 Holdon Waitaminute Onemoment please CanItakeamessageforyou I msorry isnotin athomenow I llringhimupagain 例9 Hello mayIspeaktoJohn please A Whoareyou B What sthematter C ThisisJohnspeaking D HeisJohn 解析 电话用语中自我介绍用 Thisis 答案 C 高频考向八提供帮助 询问语 Can CouldIhelpyou Can CouldIdo foryou WhatcanIdoforyou Wouldyoulikesomehelp Wouldyoulikemetodosth foryou Doyouwantmeto Isthereanything else Icando foryou Letmedo foryou 应答语 需要帮助Yes please Thanks That sverykind good nice ofyou 谢绝帮助No thanks thankyou Icandoitmyself No Icandoit butthankyouallthesame 例10 Ihelpyou sir Yes IwantaT shirt A CanB ShouldC MustD Would解析 由答语 是的 我想买一件T恤衫 可知 问句是商场购物用语 CanIhelpyou 答案 例11 IsthereanythingelseIcandoforyou A OfcourseB You rewelcomeC No thanksD That sOK解析 拒绝某人帮助时应用 No thanks 表示礼貌 答案 A C 高频考向九就餐 主人征求或建议对方吃什么 Wouldyoulikesomethingtoeat drink have Wouldyoulikesomemore Whichdoyouprefer riceornoodles Whatwouldyouliketodrink teaorcoffee 主人让客人随意吃喝自己喜欢的食物或饮料 Helpyourself yourselves to 客人的应答语 I dlike Justalittle please Thankyou I vehadenough I mfull thankyou It sdelicious butIcan teatanymore 例12 Helpyourselftosomemoremeat Linda A I mfull thanksB It smypleasureC Itdoesn tmatterD Verywell thanks解析 就餐时 对于对方的盛情表示拒绝时可用 I mfull thanks 意为 我吃饱了 谢谢 答案 A 高频考向十请求允许 Can May CouldI 我可不可以 表允许或同意Yes Sure Certainly Ofcourse youcan may Yes doplease That sOK allright Goahead please 表不允许或不同意No pleasedon t I msorryyoucan t I msorry but You dbetternot Wouldyoumindmy me 你介意我 吗 表允许 不介意No Idon tmind Certainlynot Ofcoursenot Notatall 表不允许 介意I msorryyoucan t I mafraid I mafraidit snotallowed 例13 CouldIborrowyourcamera butpleasegiveitbackbySaturday A I msorryB OfcourseC CertainlynotD No thanks解析 由问句句意 我能借你的相机吗 和答语中的 butpleasegiveitbackbySaturday 但请在周六前还给我 可知 是同意了别人的请求 答案 B 例14 Cindy wouldyoumindnotopeningthewindow It scoldoutside A I dliketoB Sorry I lldoitrightnowC Yes thatsoundsgoodD No Iwouldn t解析 句意 辛迪 不要开窗户 你介意吗 外面很冷 对于Wouldyoumind 问句 常回答 Notatall 根本不 一点也不 表达不介意 也可用 Ofcoursenot 或 Certainlynot 来回答 或回答 Sorry I lldoitrightnow 对不起 我马上去做 答案 B 高频考向十一谚语 格言与常识1 谚语Loveme lovemydog 爱屋及乌 Twoheadsarebetterthanone 三个臭皮匠 顶个诸葛亮 2 格言Nopains nogains 一分耕耘 一分收获 Wherethereisawill thereisaway 有志者 事竟成 3 常见的标志和说明BUSINESSHOURS营业时间OFFICEHOURS办公时间OPEN CLOSED营业 关门PULL PUSH推 拉NOSMOKING PHOTOS PARKING请勿吸烟 请勿拍照 请勿停车DANGER 危险 ON OFF开 关PLAY STOP PAUSE播放 关闭 暂停 ENTRANCE EXIT入口 出口SHUT此门不通NOADMITTANCE闲人免进MEN S GENTLEMEN S 男厕所WOMEN S LADIES 女厕所OCCUPIED VACANT 厕所 有人 无人SOS紧急求救信号EMS 邮政 特快专递 例15 Ahomelessmanwonalotteryticket Hebecamerichovernight A BettersafethansorryB TheearlybirdcatchesthewormC EverydoghasitsdayD Toomanycooksspoilthebroth解析 A选项 谨言慎行不吃亏 轻率莽撞必后悔 B选项 早起的鸟儿有虫吃 捷足者可先得 C选项 凡人皆有得意日 D选项 人多反误事 答案 C 例16 WhichofthefollowingcanweNOTseeatOlympicGames 解析 考查平常知识积累 奥运会上没有钓鱼项目 答案 D 一 单项选择 1 WecaninviteNickandNoratoShanghaiDisneylandwithus I llgivethemacallrightnow 2015 苏州 A WhynotB WhatforC WhyD What2 Thankyouforsupportingthevolunteerproject 2015 泰安 A AllrightB MypleasureC NevermindD Itdoesn tmatter A B 3 Willyoucarrytheboxforme please Sure 2015 天津 A nogoodB noproblemC noideaD noway4 Thankyouforhelpingmewithmyphysics Ihopeyoucandobetterinit 2015 天津 A GoodideaB SeeyouC I mnotsureD You rewelcome5 ShallwegotoAlbertaforthesummerholiday It soneoftheworld scleanestcities 2015 温州 A SoundsgreatB NotatallC You rekiddingD You rewelcome B D A 6 Isyoursleepingproblemgettingbetter No And Theygavemethewrongmedicinethistime Canyoubelievethat 2015 无锡 A agoodmissisasgoodasamileB itneverrainsbutitpoursC theearlybirdcatchesthewormD everydoghasitsday7 Youdon tlookwell Daniel You dbetterseeadoctor buthesaidthere snothingwrong 2015 武威 A Yes IwillB Yes IdidC No Iwon tD Sorry itdoesn tmatter B B 8 John thankyoufordrivingmehome Seeyoutomorrow A That srightB I mafraidnotC You rewelcomeD It sagoodidea9 I mgoingonvacationthisweekend 2015 重庆B卷 A ThesametoyouB HaveagoodtimeC HurryupD Holdon please10 I mgoingtoMary sbirthdayparty Bye mom David A BestwishesB HavefunC TakecareD Noproblem C B B 11 Areyousureyoucandowellintoday stest Frank I vegoteverythingready 2015 武威 A It shardtosayB IthinksoC I mafraidnotD Ihopenot12 Couldyoupleasesweepthefloor I mgoingtocookdinner 2015 黄冈 A I mafraidnot B You rekidding C It sashame D Mypleasure B D 13 Myrobothascaughtavirusandithasgonewrong You dbetterhaveitchecked 2015 江苏 A Don tmentionit B Noproblem C I msorrytohearthat D That sOK 14 TheradiosaysitwillrainnextSunday Wearegoingforapicnicthatday 2015 呼和浩特 A Ihopeitwill B I mafraidnot C Idon tthinkso D Ihopenot 15 Howdoyoulikethishouse It severythingI vebeenlookingfor 2015 兰州 A Terrible B Perfect C Awful D Delicious C D B

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