中考英语总复习 第一轮 教材复习(考点精讲精练)第3课时 七下 Units 1-6习题课件 人教新目标版.ppt

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中考英语总复习 第一轮 教材复习(考点精讲精练)第3课时 七下 Units 1-6习题课件 人教新目标版.ppt_第1页
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中考英语总复习 第一轮 教材复习(考点精讲精练)第3课时 七下 Units 1-6习题课件 人教新目标版.ppt_第2页
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中考英语总复习 第一轮 教材复习(考点精讲精练)第3课时 七下 Units 1-6习题课件 人教新目标版.ppt_第3页
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英语 第3课时七年级 下 Units1 6 人教版 一 根据句意及汉语提示写单词完成句子 1 Howmany 孩子 arethereinSam sfamily 2 It svery 重要的 toeathealthyfood 3 Weallloseourselvesinthe 美丽的 scenery 4 I m 害怕的 Ican thelpyou 5 It sabouta 一刻钟 pasttwelvebymywatch 6 Theyareverypleasedwiththe 美味的 food 7 I mbusytoday CanIgotoseeyou 明天 8 LindaisanEnglishgirl butshe 说 Chinesewell 9 Somestudentsaresingingand 其他的 studentsaredancing 10 Doyouknow 任何一个 oftheseboys children important beautiful afraid quarter delicious tomorrow speaks other any 二 用括号内所给词的适当形式填空 11 Keep quietly Everyoneissleepingnow 12 Canyoutellmethe true 13 Oneofher tooth washurtintheaccident 14 Sheisalwaysvery luck becausesheworkshardallthetime 15 Look Somestudentsare run ontheplayground 16 It stoo noise intheroom 17 hundred ofpeoplelosttheirlivesintheaccident 18 Therewillbeaheavyraininthe south partofChina 19 Mr Kingfell sleep soonafterhelaydown 20 Shecuttheappleintotwo half quiet truth teeth lucky running noisy Hundreds southern asleep halves 三 根据汉语完成句子 每空一词 21 英语老师对他们要求严格 TheirEnglishteacheris them 22 你可以和他们交朋友 Youcan withthem 23 我妹妹艾米有点害羞 MysisterAmyis shy 24 在图书馆我们必须安静 We inthelibrary 25 箱子里有二十多张光盘 Thereare 20CDsinthebox strictwith makefriends kind of a bit havetobequiet morethan Whydoyoulikepandas 你为什么喜欢熊猫呢 Becausethey reverycute 因为它们很可爱 From Unit5 SectionA 即时演练 单项选择 1 Wedidn tenjoytheday theweatherwassobad 2015 杭州 A becauseB thoughC unlessD till2 Hisfriendwantstogoswimming it sveryhot 2014 黔南州 It sOK But allowhimtodothatalone A so notB so don tC because notD because don t A D why与because 3 Tomisn tfeelingverywell Heseemstohaveacold theweatherchangessuddenly 2014 安徽 A beforeB soC becauseD though4 domillionsofusersvisitthehomepageofthegovernment 2015 上海 Toreadthenewsandsearchfortheinformationtheyneed A WhenB WhereC WhyD What5 isthestreetcrowdedwithsomanypeople 2015 宜昌 Becausetheyarewaitingtowatchtheboatraces A WhyB WhereC HowD Who C C why与because A 6 heexerciseseveryday heisveryhealthy A Because soB Because thoughC Because D Though C why与because 按要求完成句子 1 Helikesfootballbecause it s very interesting 对画线部分提问 he football 2 WhatareyougoingtoShanghaifor 改为同义句 yougoingtoShanghai 3 Itwastoolate sowewenttherebybus 改为同义句 Wewenttherebybus itwastoolate Whydoes why与because like Whyare because 1 why是疑问副词 意为 为什么 用来询问事情发生的原因 以why引导的特殊疑问句常用because 句子 for 名词或 inorder todosth 回答 2 why相当于what for 意为 为何目的 3 在句中若用because时 不能再用so Intheevening IeitherwatchTVorplaycomputergames From Unit2 SectionB 晚上 我要么看电视 要么玩电脑游戏 题组训练 单项选择 1 UnfortunatelyIwassittingatthetablewithsmokerson sideofme 2015 杭州 A eitherB bothC otherD all2 Whatwouldyoulike coffeeortea Either OK Idon tmind 2015 郴州 A isB areC was A A either和either or 3 WhereareyougoingtostaywhenyougettoShanghai Imaylive inahotel inafriend shouse 2015 呼和浩特 A both andB either orC neither norD notonly butalso4 Wouldyoulikesomejuiceorcoffee isOK Ireallydon tcare 2015 宁波 A BothB EitherC AllD Neither B B either和either or 选择正确的单词完成句子 1 Eitherofthem is are goodatdancingtothemusic 2 Youcan neither either gotherebybikeorstayathomealone 3 EitherheorI is am fondofrockmusic is either和either or either am either可用作副词 意为 或者 也 用于否定句后 either常用的结构为either or 意为 要么 要么 或者 或者 不是 就是 可用来连接两个独立的词 短语或句子 当这个结构连接两个并列的主语时 谓语动词要与后一个主语在人称和数上保持一致 拓展 either还可以作代词 意为 两者中的 任何一个 作主语时谓语动词用单数形式 Manyofthestudentsandvillagersneverleavethevillage From Unit3 SectionB 许多学生和村民从来没有离开过村庄 题组训练 单项选择 1 I msorryI myexercisebookathomethismorning Itdoesn tmatter Don tforget itherethisafternoon 2015 达州 A left totakeB forgot bringingC left tobringD forgot tobring C 动词leave的用法 2 Jackson schooltwoyearsagoandhe fortwoyears 2014 乌鲁木齐 A leaves hasgoneB left hasbeenawayC leaves hasbeenawayD left hasgone3 Ken hisjacketinthegym Hehastogetitback 2015 河北 A leftB leavesC isleavingD wasleaving4 She herhometownsinceshewas18yearsold Shetoldmeshewouldreturnsoon 2015 龙岩 A hasleftB hasbeenawayfromC leftD wentaway B A 动词leave的用法 B 5 MayI yourdictionary Sorry I itathome A borrow forgotB borrow leftC lend forgotD lend left B 动词leave的用法 注意 leave和forget均可表示忘记 但是leave可与介词短语搭配使用表示 把 留在什么地方 而forget主要用于forgettodo doingsth 此外 leave还可以作形容词 意思是 剩下的 作 离开 时 若与一段时间连用 应把leave改为beawayfrom Whatishedoing 他正在做什么 HeiswatchingTV 他在看电视 From Unit6 SectionA 题组训练 单项选择 1 Sam comedownstairs please Ineedyourhelp Sorry Mum I onthephone 2014 陕西 A amtalkingB talkedC wastalkingD havetalked2 Look Theboys footballontheplayground 2015 桂林 A playsB playC areplayingD played A C 现在进行时 3 Thebookstore abigsale Thebookstheremustbeverycheapnow 2015 十堰 Soundsgreat Let sgointoitandhavealook A ishavingB willhaveC hadD washaving4 What stheweatherlike 2015 大连 Oh it outside Takeanumbrellawithyou A rainsB israiningC wasrainingD rained A B 现在进行时 5 Don tdisturbAllennow He fortheSpellingBeeCompetition 2015 广东 A preparesB preparedC ispreparingD willprepare6 We reproudthatChina strongerandstrongertheseyears 2015 河北 A willbecomeB becameC isbecomingD wasbecoming C C 现在进行时 按要求完成句子 1 Theyareplayingfootballnow 改为否定句 They footballnow 2 Iamdoingmyhomework 改为一般疑问句 you yourhomework 3 Maryisreading some books 对画线部分提问 Mary aren tplaying 现在进行时 Are doing Whatis doing 现在进行时 1 现在进行时的构成 am is are 动词的现在分词 2 现在进行时的用法 表示此时此刻正在进行的动作或持续的状态 表示现阶段正在进行的动作和持续的状态 表位移的动词 come go arrive leave等 可以用现在进行时表将来 常与always forever allthetime等时间副词连用 表示反复发生的或习惯性的动作 常表示不满 抱怨或赞赏等情感 当时间状语为now thesedays等或当句子中含有look listen canyousee之类的暗示词时 要使用现在进行时 但应注意下列动词一般不用于现在进行时的句子中 a 表示感觉的动词 如 see hear等 b 表示喜欢或厌恶的动词 如 like love hate等 c 表示希望的动词 如 hope wish等 d 表示归属的动词 如 have e 表示状态的动词 如 be等 f 表示思维 知识或理解能力的动词 如 know think forget等 Canyouplaytheguitar 你会弹吉他吗 Yes Ican 是的 我会 From Unit1 SectionA 题组训练 单项选择 1 Jack yourideabike Yes Ican 2015 北京 A canB mayC needD must2 Readingalargenumberofbooks makeuswiser Themoreweread themoreweknow 2015 山西 A canB wouldC need A A 情态动词can的用法 3 youcometomypartyonSunday Sorry I mnotavailable I studyforthemathtest 2015 鄂州 A Can mustB Must canC Need mayD May can4 There sanimportantfootballmatchtoday I missit 2015 河北 A mayB can tC mustD needn t5 Areyouinterestedinshoppingonline Notsomuch We seerealproductsbutpictures 2014 台州 A can tB mustn tC shouldn tD needn t A B A 情态动词can的用法 6 HowmanyEnglishwordsdoyouthinkIshouldknow Asmanyasyou Thenyouwillfindreadingquiteeasy 2014 丽水 A willB mustC canD might 按要求完成句子 1 Youmustfinishthetaskassoonaspossible 改为同义句 Youmustfinishthetaskassoonas 2 Wereyouabletoswimwhenyouwerefive 改为同义句 youswim theageoffive 3 那本书不可能是我们的 完成句子 Thebook ours C youcan Could 情态动词can的用法 at can tbe can可表能力意为 能 会 could为其过去式 但在口语中could比can更委婉客气 can也可表推测 意思为 可能 表推测时can t意为 不可能 wear dress puton in 题组训练 单项选择 1 IreallyneedtotakemoreexercisebecauseI m weight 2015 杭州 A puttingoffB puttingonC puttingdownD puttingaway2 WhatdidyoudoonEarthDaythisyear We ashowtospreadthemessageaboutprotectingtheenvironment 2015 福州 A putonB putupC putaway B A 3 Thechilddoesn tneedanyhelp Heisoldenoughto himself 2014 呼和浩特 A putonB wearC dressD takecare4 Shehurriedly thechildandtookhimdownstairs 2014 鞍山 A putonB woreC dressedD hadon5 Cindy lookatyournewshoes Aren ttheybeautiful Yes theyarereallynice Mum Ican twaitto 2015 凉山 A putthemonB putitonC putonthem A C C A 6 Tom it scoldoutside yourcoatwhenyougoout 2014 黄石 A TakeoffB PutonC PutawayD Takeaway B 用wear dress in或puton的正确形式填空 1 ThoughAliceisyoung shecan herself 2 Thewoman redismyauntwhoisfromBeijing 3 Look Thegirlis anewskirt Howbeautifulsheis 4 yourhat thesunisshiningbrightly dress in wearing Put on 备考跟踪训练一 单项选择 1 Cathy canyouanswerthedoor I theroom I mcoming Mum 2015 安徽 A amcleaningB cleanC havecleanedD cleaned2 He s theplan 2015 黔东南 SoamI Itcosts andwehavenoenoughtime A for toomuchB against toomuchC with muchtooD of muchtoo A B 3 Tony smumlooksyoungandbeautiful It shardtoimaginesheisalreadyinher 2015 苏州 A fiftiesB fiftyC fiftiethsD fiftieth4 WhatdidyoudoonEarthDaythisyear 2015 福州 We ashowtospreadthemessageaboutprotectingtheenvironment A putupB putonC putaway5 Takecarewhenyouaredriving inasummerstormlikethis 2014 广东 A immediatelyB recentlyC probablyD especially A B D 6 doesNancyhelptheoldladywithherhousework Abouttwiceaweek A HowoftenB HowlongC HowmuchD Howsoon7 ManycitiesinChina Beijing havebeendeeplyaffectedbydirtierair A includingB behindC withoutD beyond8 Thesupermarketis thepark thetrainstation A either orB between andC in orD with to9 Don tforget yourschoolbagwithyou A bringB bringingC bringsD tobring A A B D 10 isitfromyourschooltothebookstore Aboutthreekilometers 2015 铜仁 A HowfarB HowlongC HowoftenD Howmany11 Idon tthink iseasyfortheseventy year oldmantoplaysoccer A thisB thatC itD he12 Animalsareourfriends soweshouldhelpthoseanimals A indangerB inwhiteC onTVD athome A C A 13 Workhard oryouwill others OK I lltrymybest A falloffB falloverC fallbehindD falldown14 Moreandmoreyoungpeoplearetryingtodosomething theold A servedB toserveC serveD serves15 Thanksfortellingmethewaytothebusstation A Sorry Idon tknowB You rewelcomeC IhopenotD Sorrytohearthat C B A 二 完形填空 2015 温州 MyparentsalwaystoldmethatIcouldn tdance becauseitwasagirl ssport ButInevergaveupmydreamofbecomingadancingstar Ipracticedsecretly learningfrombooks moviesandshows However withoutmyparents support that 16 seemedallbutimpossibletoreach Onesummer mylittlesisterMaggiewasgoingtodancelessons Iimmediatelyasked 17 parentsforpermission 允许 totakehertothelessons Whata 18 chancetolearndancing Oneafternoon Iwaspracticinganewdanceinmyroom whenMaggiewalked 19 What sthematter Maggie Istopped 20 Denis youareagreatdancer Canyouhelpme Whatisit Iwondered There llbeadancingperformanceinmyschool 21 theboysthinkI mslow andnoneofthemwantstobemypartner 22 youdancewithmeforit Shelookedatmeanxiously Youcanbeagooddancer Iencouragedher Let sshowthosepeoplethattheyhavebeen 23 allalong Inthefollowingmonths we 24 everyevening hidingfrommyparents Iwashavingafantastictimeand 25 Maggieimprovedalot Finallycamethebigday Ibecame 26 whenIheardmyparentswouldcometowatchtheperformance Asthe 27 began Itookadeepbreatheandtriedtocalmdown Wemovedperfectly shiningwithpride Fromthecheeringofthecrowd Iwassurewehad 28 MyheartwasbeatingwildlywhenIsawmy 29 comingtowardsme Heputhishandonmyshoulder Welldone son Thoughitishardformetoadmitit youreallylookedlikeyou 30 thisstage 舞台 Goforitandmakeusproud I dbeenwaitingforthismomentforsolong Iknewthattheroadaheadwasn tgoingtobeeasy butIwouldn tgiveup Iwantednothingmoreinlifethantodance 16 A lineB dreamC answerD message 17 A myB yourC hisD her 18 A similarB funnyC goodD strange 19 A outB awayC throughD in 20 A drawingB dancingC singingD writing B A C D B A 21 A butB orC soD if C 22 A NeedB MustC CouldD Should D 23 A sadB lazyC sorryD wrong D 24 A chattedB restedC sleptD practiced B 25 A firstB soonC neverD seldom C 26 A shyB boredC nervousD angry A 27 A musicB lessonC meetingD party C 28 A arrivedB finishedC succeededD regretted A 29 A fatherB motherC sisterD classmate D 30 A tookawayB paidforC fellintoD belongedto A C D D B C A C A D 三 阅读理解 2015 北京 BagsofLoveLastyear Iworkedinamiddleschoolnearmymother shouse andIstayedwithherforamonth Duringthattime Ihelpedherdosomehouseworkandbuysomefood Afterthefirstweek Inoticedthatthefoodwaseatenupveryquickly ThenIbegankeepinganeyeonmymum Tomysurprise Ifoundthatshewouldputsomeofthefoodintoapaperbagandgooutwithitataboutnineeverymorning Andfinally Idecidedtofollowher Isawhertakingthefoodtothestreetchildren Shewouldalsospendalotoftimetalkingandplayingwiththem Oneday Italkedtoaneighbourandfoundoutthatmymumwaswell knowninthearea Thechildrenwereveryfriendlywithherandeventhoughtofherastheirownmother Thenithitme whywouldn tshewanttotellmeaboutit WassheworriedthatIwouldstopbuyingfoodifIfoundout Whenmymumgothome Igaveherabighug 拥抱 Itoldhershedidn tneedtokeepitasecretfromme Andshetoldmesomethingaboutthechildren Someofthemlivedwithanoldladyinasmallhouse Otherssleptonthestreet Foryears shewashelpingthepoorstreetchildrenbygivingthemfood Aftershetoldmeeverything Iwassomovedbyhowselfless 无私的 shewas Shehelpedothersinneed Asherson Iwassoproudofmymum Icontinuedtobuyfoodformymumafterthat ButIalwaysaddedonemorebagforherotherchildren 31 Afterthefirstweek thewriternoticedthat A thefoodwasputintoabigboxB hismumfollowedthechildrenC thefoodwaseatenupquicklyD hismumstoppedbuyingfood32 Thestreetchildrenthoughtofthewriter smumastheir A oldgrandmaB ownmotherC newneighborD dearteacher C B 33 Howdidthewriterfeelabouthismumaftershetoldhimeverything A Hewasproudofher B Hewasconfidentinher C Hewasangrywithher D Hewasworriedabouther 34 Thewriteraddedonemorebagoffoodto A makefriendswiththechildrenB getahugfromhismotherC becomewell knownintheareaD helpthepoorstreetchildren A D 四 词汇运用 A 相椐句意及首字母提示写单词完成句子 35 Haveyoufinished thewordsontheblackboard 36 Three oftheworkersareagainsttherule Itdoesgreatharmtothem 37 Ihave mypeninyourhome canyouhelpmefetchit 38 How thefoodsmells Ican twait 39 Knivesareusedfor things writing quarters left delicious cutting B 用方框中所给词的适当形式填空 40 It snecessaryforustobrushour twiceaday 41 Inyourclass whoisthe atChinese 42 Moreandmore willgotothepoorareatohelpthem 43 Haveyouever ahorse No never 44 Wherearethe inyourclassgoing teeth best musicians ridden children 五 书面表达 2015 福州 假设你是李杰 正通过e mail和美国友好姐妹学校的朋友Tom交流校纪班规 请你用英语向他介绍下面的 班级公约 班级公约1 准时到校穿校服 见到老师问声好 2 上课专心勤思考 作业认真按时交 3 教室保洁常打扫 离班熄灯关门窗 4 和谐相处应友爱 互相帮助共进步 要求 1 内容完整 表达通顺 书写规范 2 请勿逐字翻译 词数90左右 不包含已给出的句子的词数 参考词汇 schooluniform beactiveinthinking DearTom I dliketointroducemyclassrulesmadebyusall First weshould come to school on time in school uniforms It s polite to greet our teachers when we meet them Second we must listen carefully in class and be active in thinking Also we ought to do our homework carefully and hand it in on time Third we need clean the classroom often and always keep it clean And we re required to turn off lights and close windows and doors before we leave Fourth being friendly is important We re supposed to get along well and help each other to make progress together It sourdutytofollowalltherulesabove Whataboutyours Pleasewritesoon Yours LiJie

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