中考英语冲刺复习 话题专题训练 世界与环境课件.ppt

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高频单词 世界与环境 常用句子 完形填空 阅读理解 短文填空 读写结合 高频单词 1 It severyone sdutytoloveandprotecttheenvironment 爱护环境是每个人的职责 2 Theenvironmentpollutionismoreandmoreserioustoday 现在环境污染问题越来越严重 3 Thepopulationoftheworldisbecominglargerandlarger 世界人口变得越来越多 4 Weshouldn tthrowtherubbisheverywhere Wearesupposedtothrowtherubbishinthetrashbins 我们不应该到处扔垃圾 我们应该把垃圾扔在垃圾箱里 5 Asastudent Ishouldremembersavingtheearthbeginswithsmallthings 作为学生 我应该记住拯救地球从小事做起 常用句子 完形填空 1 A drinkB waterC soupD drink 2 A spreadingB movingC livingD becoming 3 A manyB highC muchD low 4 A expressB completeC requireD accept 5 A setoffB setupC putonD putdown 6 A InB AtC OnD With B A D A B C 7 A boxesB bagsC pensD fans 8 A becauseB soC butD although 9 A FinallyB GenerallyC LastD Lately 10 A turnupB turndownC turnonD turnoff B B A D A 阅读理解 1 Intheworld mostpeoplearefrom A EuropeB AsiaC AfricaD America 2 Iftheworldwereavillageof100people 49ofthemwouldbeinChina A menB womenC adultsD children 3 ofthevillagerswouldstudyinauniversity A 20B 25C 2D 1 B A C 4 WhichofthefollowingstatementsisNOTtrue A Mostpeopleintheworlddon thavehouses B Chinacovers20 oftheworldpopulation C Theworldpopulationisstillgrowing D Childrencover30 oftheworldpopulation 5 Thepassageismainlyabout A thepopulationinChinaB thepopulationoftheworldC avillageof100peopleD thegrowingpopulation A B B 6 Indiacivilizationbegan A around2000BCB beforeChinaC inTangDynastyD notlongago 7 Indiansdon tselloreatbeefbecause A theydon tlikethecow smeetB theyareafraidofgettingillfromitC theyregardcowsasholyanimalsD thebeefinIndiaisveryexpensive 8 Theunderlinedworld religion heremeans inChinese A 饮食B 宗教C 舞蹈D 神牛 A C B 9 Theofficiallanguage s ofIndiais are A HindiB EnglishC ChineseD HindiandEnglish 10 Fromthepassageaboveweknowthat A IndiaisacountrywithalonghistoryB HalfoftheIndiansliveahardlifeC JourneytotheWestisaboutamonkD IndiahasmorepeoplethanChinanow D A C 配对阅读 E C F A G 短文填空 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 because air from breathe something the stop Second instead beautiful A 信息归纳 读写结合 InformationCard Howtodealwiththewastethings Kate Somevegetablesandmeat Storethem Anengineer B 书面表达废物在我们周围随处可见 我们要处理好废物 保护我们的环境 请你以 HowtoDealWiththeWaste 为题写一篇短文 内容包括 1 废物处理的重要性 2 如何处理废物 请提两条建议 3 呼吁大家要处理好废物 保护环境 Wastesthingsareeverywherearoundus Ifwedon tdealwiththem theywillpolluteourenvironment Soit sveryimportanttodealwiththewastethings First ifthewastethingscanberecycled wecancollectthemandsellthemtotherecyclingcenter Second ifthewastethingsaresomefoods plantsandsoon wecanstorethemataplace Latertheywillbetheplants excellentfoodInaword thewastethingssometimescanbeusefultous Everyonemustdealwiththemproperly 谢谢


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