中考英语一轮复习 八上 Unit 1-2课件.ppt

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Oralwork 朗读短文 Everyoneneedsfriends Thereisanoldsaying FriendsareGod swayoftakingcareofus Buthowdoyoufindrealfriendshipandkeepit First youshouldchooseafriend Agoodfriendshouldbekindandhelpful Forexample ifyouhaveabadday agoodfriendshouldlistentoyourcomplaintsanddohisorherbesttohelp Butfriendshipsarenotalwaysperfect Evenbestfriendshavefights Whenyouhaveafightwithyourfriend trytotalktohimorher Ifheorshedoesn twanttotalk don tbesad Youcouldwritealetterinstead Oralwork 朗读短文 Hi everybody MynameisLucy IaminYear9atWoodlandSchoolnearLondon Itisamixedschool Boysandgirlshavelessonstogether MyfavouritesubjectisFrench Learningforeignlanguagesisfun OurschoolhasaReadingWeekeveryyear Duringtheweek wecanborrowmorebooksfromtheschoollibrary Wecanalsobringinbooksandmagazinesfromhome Ioftenreadmorebooksthanmyclassmates Neartheendoftheweek wediscussthebookswithourclassmatesinclass Timeseemstogofasterwhenwearereadinginterestingbooks Oralwork 话题简述 要点 1 南希14岁 是七年级学生 2 她每周放学后打两次排球 她喜爱这项运动 花很多时间练习 3 每周一她去 同伴俱乐部 在那里 老生给新生讲学校生活情况 同伴朱莉帮助她全面了解新学校情况 朱莉是她的好朋友 Revision Friends Schoollife Importantwords 1 secret2 lie3 joke4 height5 voice keepasecret telllies playjokesonsb telljokes theheightof inheight Importantwords 6 smile7 French8 language9 baseball10 chess adj v n smiling France Frenchman foreignlanguages playbaseball playchess wear haveasmileonone sface Importantwords 11 honest12 true13 bored14 daily15 patient 反义词 dishonest adv adj truly n truth boring adj weekly 反义词 impatient Importantwords 16 knock17 choose18 discuss19 offer20 win knockon at chose chosen v n discussion offersbsth offersthtosb won won 同义词 provide providesthforsb providesbwithsth v n winner n v choice Mysisteralways 面带 asmileonherface 2 Therearemore 社会的 workersinthiscitythaninthatcity 3 Mycousinis 诚实的 Henevertellslies 4 Youcan ttakethese 杂志 outofthereadingroom 5 Weshould 信任 ourbestfriends becausetheynevertelllies wears has social honest magazines trust 6 Theoldmanlikestoplay 玩笑 onothers 7 Heislearningdrawingbecausehewilltakepartinthedrawing 竞赛 8 I m 口渴的 Iwanttodrinksomejuice 9 Daniel 撞 mypencilcaseontothefloorwhenhewalkedpastmydesk 10 YaoMingistallandhehasa 方形 face jokes competition thirsty knocked square Importantphrases 1 很有幽默感 2 在 快要结束的时候 3 浏览 4 一名社会工作者 5 有 的假期 haveagoodsenseofhumour neartheendof lookthrough asocialworker have off Importantphrases 6 说关于 的坏话 7 继续 重复做某事 8 和某人交朋友 9 关心 关怀 10 在某事上花费时间 花费时间做某事 sayabadwordabout keep on doingsth makefriendswithsb careabout spendtimeon doingsth Importantsentences 1 Britishstudentsspendlesstime do homeworkthanChinesestudents doing 辨析 spendpaycosttake 主语是人spendtime moneyonsthspendtime money in doingsth 主语是人paymoneyforsth 主语是物sthcostssbsomemoney Ittakessbsometimetodosth Importantsentences 4 Theanimalshavetospendtheirlives insmallspace A onB onlivingC inlivingD live 1 Howmuchdidyou forthedictionary 30Yuan A buyB spendC costD pay 2 It Jackthreehourstodohishomeworkeveryday A spendsB costsC paysD takes 3 Thisshirtissonice butit toomuch A paysB costsC takesD spends D D B C Importantsentences 2 我还能再来点食物吗 CanIhavesomemorefood 拓展 数词 more 名词 somemorefood结构为 more意为 数词 名词 再 又 another 数词 名词 Canyoufinishthesetasksinfourhours No IthinkIneed hours A twoanotherB othertwoC moretwoD twomore D more Exercises 1 一个真诚的朋友不会说任何人的坏话的 Afriendnever 2 长大后我想当一名义工 IwanttobewhenI 3 马克斯很有幽默感 我们都喜欢他 Max wealllikehim 4 当我们阅读有趣书的时候 时间似乎过得更快 Timewhenwearereadinginterestingbooks 5 在我的理想学校 我们有很多时间参加课外活动 Welotsofinmyidealschool truesaysabadwordaboutanyone asocialworkergrowup hasagoodsenseofhumour seemstogofaster havetimeforafter schoolactivities Grammar Comparativeandsuperlativeadjectives adverbs Revise Comparativeandsuperlativeadjectives adverbs onPages117 119byyourselves Grammar Comparativeandsuperlativeadjectives adverbs 1 天气越来越暖和了 Theweatherisgetting 结构 比较级 and 比较级 2 Nowtheairinourhometownis thanitwasbefore A muchbetterB moreworseC morebetterD muchworst 结论 比较级前可用 等来修饰 much even alittle A hotterandhotter Daniel Millie MilliehasapplesthanDaniel Danielhas applesthanMillie fewer Grammar Comparingtwothings more SimonhasorangejuicethanSandy SandyhasorangejuicethanSimon more less Grammar Comparingtwothings Workouttherule countable uncountable nouns than moreless countable uncountable nouns than morefewer Grammar Comparingtwothings 6 4hours 8 3hours Daniel 12 1hour 1 Danielstudiesthesubjectsofthethreestudents Nancystudiesthesubjectsofthethreestudents Grammar Comparingmorethantwothings 2 Nancyhasthefreetimeofthethreestudents Danielhasthefreetimeofthethreestudents most fewest most least 1 Mybrotheristwoyears old thanme 2 Whois thin youorHelen Helenis 3 Myeyesare big than she 4 Whogetsup early TimorTom 5 LiLeiis young boyinhisclass 6 Davidhas little freetimethanJohn 7 Alicewrites carefully thanI 8 Todayisthe bad dayinmylife 9 BeihaiParkisoneof beautiful parksinBeijing 10 Ofthethreeboys Tomhas little milk older thinner biggerhers earlier theyoungest less morecarefully worst themostbeautiful least Homework Dotherestoftheexercisesinthepaper Thankyou Thankyou 作 嗓音 讲 多指人发出的声音 作 声音 讲 含义最广 指可以听到的任何声音 作 噪音 嘈杂声 吵闹声 讲 特指不悦耳的声音 DoyoulikethemusicshowcalledTheofChina TanDunlovestheoftherushingwaterandtheblowingwind Pleasedon tmakeanyinclass Voice sounds noise

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