中考英语 考点聚焦 第11讲 八下 Units 3-4课件.ppt

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第11讲八年级 下 Units3 4 swept threw thrown lent borrow development developing developed fairness unfair illness dropped relationship communication argument cloudy properly second secondly explained explanation clearly competition typically quickly unusual takeout dothedishes sweepthefloor makethebed allthetime assoonas inorder dependon takecareof atleast lookthrough bigdeal workout getonwith communicatewith cutout in opinion turndown saysorry infrontof cameover as as neitherdid do part Asaresult Theearlier thebetter fightwith talkabout afraidof trust anymore competewith comparing with A D C B B A B allowed B A A A A A A borrow lent keep keep for provided D instead ratherthan insteadof develop dropped explain Whatever argue assoonas Themore thehealthier comparing with gettingon along with neitherhaveI C B B D B I llneverforgetmymiddleschoollifebecauseitwasfullofloveandjoy Myclassmatestoldmethatcryingwasn tagoodwaytosolvetheproblem WhatmyclassmatesdidmademesomovedthatIcouldn tstopcryingforjoy ThankYou 请完成考点跟踪突破11

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