七年级英语下册 Module 4 Life in the future Unit 1 Everyone will study at home课件 外研版.ppt

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七年级英语下册 Module 4 Life in the future Unit 1 Everyone will study at home课件 外研版.ppt_第1页
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七年级英语下册 Module 4 Life in the future Unit 1 Everyone will study at home课件 外研版.ppt_第2页
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七年级英语下册 Module 4 Life in the future Unit 1 Everyone will study at home课件 外研版.ppt_第3页
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Module4LifeinthefutureUnit1Everyonewillstudyathome Vocabulary chalkrulercarrychangeeverythingfutureinthefuturelifeneed 粉笔直尺拿 带改变每样事物将来将来生活 生命需要 willmaybeaskquestionbylevelablemorefree 将要也许询问问题用 靠 乘水平能够 的更加空闲的 Lookatthepicture Whichofthesewordscanyouusetodescribeit Thereis are I Wecansee Thestudentsuse don tuse Listening MsLi Doyouoftenthinkaboutthefuture Whatwillchangein20years Willourlivesbedifferent Theweather Ourclothes Ourschool Lingling Yes everythingwillbedifferent We llusecomputers andthey llbeverysmallandlight Andweonlyneedonebooktocarrytoschool MsLi Oh good Anybodyelse ListenandchooseLingling sanswertothequestions Willourlifebedifferentinthefuture Yes itwill No itwon t 2 Willourschoolschange Yes theywill No theywon t 3 Willeverythingbedifferent Yes itwill No itwon t 4 Willstudentsneedcomputersatschool Yes theywill No theywon t 5 Willtheycarrylotsofbookstoschool Yes theywill No theywon t Listentothetapeandanswerthequestions 1 Willschoolsbedifferentinthefuture Yes theywill 2 Willstudentsusepensorpaperinthefuture No theywon t 3 Willstudentshavealotoffreetimeinthefuture Yes theywill reading Nowcheck thestudents ideasaboutthefuture Everyonewillstudyathome StudentswillusecomputersandgetinformationontheInternet Theywillhavealotoffreetime 如果我们表示的不是打算 意图或计划 而是未来的事实或对将来的预测等 我们可以用 will 动词原形 来表达一般将来时 will表示的一般将来时 本身没有人称和数的变化 Teacherswon tusechalkonablackboardandstudentswon tusepensandpaper orerasersanymore Computerswon tbeabletodothat will表示的一般将来时 如果要表达 将来不会 就要用其否定形式 willnot willnot won t 1 Willschoolsbedifferentinthefuture 2 Willstudentshavealotofhomeworktodo 如果用will询问将来的事 我们用其疑问形式 即将will提到句首 写出下列句子的一般疑问句和否定句 Iwillwritemyhomeworkonthecomputer Willyouwriteyourhomeworkonthecomputer Iwon twritemyhomeworkonthecomputer 2 Studentswillstudyathome Willstudentsstudyathome Studentswon tstudyathome 4 Shewillwritenovelsonhercomputer 5 Studentswillusecomputersatschool Willshewritenovelsonhercomputer Shewon twritenovelsonhercomputer Willstudentsusecomputersatschool Studentswon tusecomputersatschool Completethepassagewiththecorrectformofthewordsandexpresssionfromthebox Betty We llalwaysteachersbecausecomputerswillneverbetocheckthestudents need able andanswertheirbyorInternet Willstudentsneedtogotoschool Yes theywill becauseschoolisgoodfun buteveryonewillhavelotsoftime level questions telephone more any maybe free Exercises 用所给动词形式填空 1 I visit myuncletomorrow 2 There be afootballmatchinourschoolnextweek3 Studentsareableto use computerswell willvisit willbe use 4 he help youwithyourEnglishthisevening 5 They notplay soccerthedayaftertomorrow 6 We have ameetingtomorrow Will won tplay willhave help 7 there be anAmericanfilmnextSunday 8 They finish theworkthisafternoon 9 Tom notplay footballwithustomorrow 10 Robots do houseworkinthehome Will willfinish won tplay willdo be practice 1 Mother meanicepresentonmynextbirthday A willgivesB willgiveC givesD give 3 we ameetingtomorrow A haveB willhaveC hadD wouldhave aconcertnextSaturday A TherewillbeB WilltherebeC TherecanbeD Thereare 4 He inthreedays A comingbackB camebackC willcomebackD isgoingtocomingback B B B C practice 7 There abirthdaypartythisSunday A shallbeB willbeC shallgoingtobeD willgoingtobe 6 Thedayaftertomorrowthey avolleyballmatch A willwatchingB watchesC iswatchingD willwatch 5 WillhisparentsgototheUStomorrow No 不去 A theywillB theywon t C theyaren t D theydon t B D B Talkaboutyourschoolwillbelikein10years We llsendourhomeworktoourteacherbyemail 2 We llstudyathomeinthefuture 3 Wewon tusepens paperorpencils Homework 1 Writeashortpassageaboutwhatourschoolwillbelikein10years 2 DotheexercisesofUnit1 Thankyouforlistening

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