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Unit4Don teatinclass 汉译英1 在课堂上inclass2 准时ontime3 不得不做havetodo4 穿校服weartheschooluniform5 编造makeup 根据首字母及汉语提示补全单词1 Don truninthehallways 过道 2 I msorry 抱歉的 Ican tdothisforyou 3 Don tstayoutside 在外面 Comein 4 Remembertobring 带来 yourexercisebooktoschooltomorrow 5 Don tarrive 到达 lateforclass 用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空quiet fight rule wear outside1 Youmustfollowthesenewrulesintheschoollibrary 2 It snotrighttofightwithyourclassmates 3 Theyhavesomeimportantworktodo Canyoupleasekeepquiet 4 Don tplayoutside Jim It sverycold 5 YoumustwearsportsshoesforP E class 单项填空 A 1 Wemustontimeclass A be forB be inC forD in C 2 Canwegooutthisevening A Yes theycanB Yes wecan tC No youcan tD No wecan B 3 Tonyhasuncle Healwayswearsuniform A a aB an aC a anD an an A 4 Sorry youplaybasketballintheclassroom A can tB don tC don thavetoD aren t D 5 Don teatinclassdon tsinginclass A orB soC butD and 完形填空Goodmorning everyone WelcometoClass5 I myourEnglishteacher HanLin Nowlet1tellyouourclass2 First don tbe3class Youmust4ontime Second youhaveto5yourtextbooksandnotebookseveryclass Third youmust6Englishduringthepairworkactivities Ifit s7foryou youcanaskmeforhelp Fourth youmustusegreenpenstocorrect 改正 yourexercises Youmustn tusered8 Fifth ifyouhaveany9 youmustputupyourhands Youcan ttalkorstandupwithoutpermission 未经允许 Thesearealltherules Theyaregoodforyou 10youmustfollowthem Ihopewecanhaveagoodtimeeveryday B 1 A herB meC themD us D 2 A timeB homeworkC storiesD rules A 3 A lateforB goodforC goodwithD busywith C 4 A getB goC arriveD run C 5 A makeB sellC bringD buy D 6 A tellB talkC sayD speak B 7 A easyB difficultC longD short A 8 A pensB rulersC erasersD books B 9 A exercisesB questionsC dreamsD pictures C 10 A butB afterC soD or

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