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ObjectClauses宾语从句 临夏县中学教师 康永清 一 宾语从句的概念 在复合句中作宾语的名词性从句叫宾语从句 通常放在主句谓语动词 及物动词 介词或某些形容词之后 二 宾语从句三要素 引导词 连接词 语序时态 由从属连词that引导的宾语从句 由连接代词Who whom whose which what Whoever whatever whichever和连接副词where how why when引导的宾语从句 由从属连词whether if引导的宾语从句 一 引导词 1 2 3 e g Ihear that hewillbebackinanhour 由从属连词that引导的宾语从句 注 that在句中无词汇意义 在从句中不能充当成分 在口语当中往往省略 that 不能省略的三种情况 2 用it做形式宾语时IthinkitnecessarythatyoushouldreadEnglishaloud 1 当that作介词except in besides宾语时Theybelieveinthatshemuststillbesingle 3 动词后跟两个或两个以上宾语从句 第一个that可以省 其余的不能省 07湖南 Havingcheckedthedoorswereclosed andallthelightswereoff theboyopenedthedoortohisbedroom A whyB thatC whenD where B that 由从属连词whether if引导的宾语从句 1 Iwanttoknow 2 Iwonder if whether hewillgototheparkwithus whetheritisgoingtorainornot if whether 是否 说明对陈述的事物不明确或不清楚 常用在ask wonder can could youtellme等后 只能用whether不能用if的情况 在介词后面 I mthinkingofwhetherweshouldgofishing 2 在动词不定式前 whethertodosth Theyaskedmewhethertogoskating 3 当与ornot连用 或提出两种选择时 Idon tknowwhetherornotthereportistrue MaryaskedwhetherIwasdoingmyhomeworkornot Tellmewhetheryou dliketogoshoppingortidytheroom 4 宾语从句提前时 Whetherthisistrueornot Ican tsay Practicetime if whether1 Iaskedher shehadabike 2 We reworriedabout heissafe 3 Iwonder heiswell 4 Idon tknow ornotheiswell 5 Idon tknow togo if whether whether whether if whether whether 1 Heasked 2 You dbettergivethetaskto 3 Canyoutellme whocouldanswerthequestion whenwe llhaveameeting 由连接代词who whom whose which what whoever whichever whatever和连接副词where how why when引导的宾语从句 whoevercan finishitaheadoftime 注意 代词或副词连接主句和从句 并在从句中担任句子成分 具有一定的意义 不可省略 情景对话选择引导词 1 Pleasetellmeif whyyouwanttocometomyparty I dlovetocome Thanks 2 Idon tknowhow whyhedidit I llshowyou 3 Iamnotsurewhen whetherTonywillcomeornot No hewon t 4 Iwanttoknowhowlong oldheis Heistenyearsold 5 Doyouknowif wheretheorchestrawillplay Yes intheconcerthallintown 6 Canyoutellmethat whosingsthissong Yes it sRobbieWilliams 7 CanIaskyouif whyyoulikelivinghere Becauseeveryoneissofriendly 8 Doyouknowwhen whatthenextEnglishclubis Yes it sonThursday atfiveo clock 二 语序宾语从句的语序用陈述语序 引导词 主语 谓语 其他成分 1 Whenwillhegotothelibrary Hisbrotheraskswhenhewillgotothelibrary Hisbrotheraskswhenwillhegotothelibrary 2 Whatdidhewanttobuy Idon tknowwhatdidhewanttobuy Idon tknowwhathewantedtobuy 主句 引导词 从句 主 谓 其他成分 What swrong What sthematter What shappening Whathappened 注 当从句的原句为以下句子以及what who作主语时 语序不变 eg Idon tknowwhat sthematter Canyoutellmewhoisoverthere Canyoutellmewhoheis 做主语 做表语 Iknowheliveshere Iknowhelivedheretenyearsago 三 时态 主句用一般现在时 从句可用任何时态 根据实际情况而定 2 如果主句是一般过去时 从句的时态一定要用相对应的过去的某种时态 一般过去时 过去进行时 过去将来时 过去完成时 Iknewwholivedhere Isawshewastalkingwithhermother Heaskedwhetherhisfatherwouldcomebacktomorrow Hesaidthathehadseenit Theteachertoldmeshewasbornin1960 IheardthathewenttoParislastnight 3 主句是一般现在时或一般过去时 从句说明的是一般真理 客观事实 自然现象时 仍用一般现在时 Dadoftentellsusthatitisbettertodothantosay Hetoldtheboythatthreeandthreeissix Hetoldmetheearthmovesaroundthesun 4 主句是一般过去时 从句中有具体的过去时间状语 即使从句动作发生在主句动作前 仍用一般过去时 Theradiosaysit cloudytomorrow be Theheadmasterhopeseverything well go Ihearthey return italready Hesaidthatthey membersofthePartysince1948 be Ourteachertoldusinclassthesun intheeast rise willbe goes havereturned hadbeen rises 三 宾语从句的特殊句式 1 动词 it adj that从句 动词think find consider believe feel make等后it为形式宾语 后跟名词或形容词作宾补 而真正的宾语 that从句则放在句尾 Wethinkitourdutythatweshouldhelpothers Ifinditimpossiblethatheshouldfinishtheworkintwodays 2 否定转移 若主句主语为第一人称且谓语动词为think consider suppose believe expect guess imagine等 其后的宾语从句含有否定意义 一般要把否定词转移到主句谓语上 从句谓语用肯定式 反意疑问部分由从句决定 主句主语为非第一人称 反意疑问部分由主句决定 Idon tthinkthisdressfitsyouwell 我认为他不会来这里 Ithinkhewon tcomehere Idon tthinkhewillcomehere doesit Theydon tthinkthisdressfitsyouwell dothey 3 常用虚拟语气的宾语从句 1 表示建议 要求 命令 坚持要求的动词 suggest demand order insist等后的宾语从句中要用虚拟语气 should do 2 Wish后的宾语从句若表示很难实现的愿望时常用虚拟语气 wishthatsbhaddone wishthatsbdid wishthatsbwould could mightdo Theteachersuggesthe should readEnglishaloud 2 Sheisverybrave IwishIhadhercourage 3 Iwishtheywouldbesuccessfulinthisballgame 1 IwishIhadbeenabletoattendyesterday smeeting 过去 可惜未能 当前 将来 四 Summary 小结 一 宾语从句的三要素 二 宾语从句的特殊句式 1 动词 it adj that从句2 否定转移3 常用虚拟语气的宾语从句 1 Theyoungmanasked it ssummerorwinter A eitherB ifC weatherD whether2 Wedon tknow theydidit A howB whoC whatD which3 Theteacherasksus Jimcancomebackontime A thatB ifC whenD whattime4 Amoderncityhasbeensetupinwasawastelandtenyearsago A whatB whichC thatD where D A B A 高考链接 5 Couldyoushowme A howcanIgettothestationB whereisthestationC howIcouldgettothestationD howIcanreachthestation6 CouldIspeaktoisinchargeofInternationalSale please A anyoneB someoneC whoeverD nomatterwho7 ProfessorSmithhasinformedusofhisvisittoChina butIcan tremember hedidthat A whenwasitthatB whenitwasthatC thatwhenwasitD thatitwaswhen C B D 8 Someoneisringingthedoorbell Goandsee A whoisheB whoheisC whoisitD whoitis9 IwishI youyesterday A seenB didseeC hadseenD weretosee10 Hesaysthatifit tomorrow he fishing A willrain won tgoB rained wasn tgoC rains won tgoD rain willgo C C D Thankyou

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