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Howoftendoyouexercise Unit2 XizhaiMiddleSchoolByZhenWuyu SectionATheThirdPeriod GrammarFocus 3c usetheInternet twiceaday A Whatdoeshedoonweekends B HeusullyusestheInternet A HowoftendoesheusetheInternet B HeusestheInternettwiceaday Whatdo does do Howoftendo does exercise everyday A Whatdotheyusuallydo B Theyusuallyexercise A Howoftendotheyexercise B Theyexerciseeveryday shop 3 6timesaweek A Whatdoessheusuallydo B Sheusuallyshops A Howoftendoessheshop B Sheshopsthreetosixtimesaweek GrammarFocus Review Payattentionto Maybe maybe maybe maybe adv 可能 也许 可以在句中的任何位置 通常位于句首 相当于perhapsmaybe modalv 是情态动词may be 可能是 只能在句中 eg Maybeyouareright Youmayberight Maybehelikesrunning Hemaylikerunning MaybeI mnotveryhealthy Imaybenotveryhealthy Payattentionto Maybe maybe maybe maybe adv 可能 也许 可以在句中的任何位置 通常位于句首 相当于perhapsmaybe modalv 是情态动词may be 可能是 只能在句中 注 副词maybe可以单独做答语 而maybe不能 eg Doeshelikeplayingbasketball Maybe Maybenot sometimes sometime sometime sometimes 请在此输入您的标题 1 IhavebeentoBeijing 2 Ittookmetoworkoutthisproblem 3 LindawillbebackinMay 4 Maryendsane mailtome 有时 相聚加 s sometimes 相聚为 某时 sometime 几次 分开带 s sometimes 分开 一段时间 sometime sometimes sometime sometime sometimes Payattention 1 频度副词一般放在实义动词之前 be动词 助动词或情态动词之后 sometimes可位于句首 句中 句尾 Wenevereatjunkfood 我们从不吃垃圾食品 Lucyissometimesverybusy 露西有时很忙 2 对频度副词提问时 用howoften Howoftendoyouexercise 你多久锻炼一次 Hardlyever 几乎从不 1 Lisahelpshermomathome usually Lisausuallyhelpshermomathome 2 Jackislateforclass never Jackisneverlateforclass 3 Hegoestoschoolat7 00everymorning always Healwaysgoestoschoolat7 00everymorning 4 Onweekends myfathertakesustothemovies sometimes Onweekends myfathersometimestakesustothemovies 5 Mybrothergetsgoodgradesatschool Iamproudofhim often Mybrotheroftengetsgoodgradesatschool Iamproudofhim 1 Lisalovesreading She inherfreetime A alwayssleeps B oftenreadsnovels C sometimessleeps D seldomreadsnovels2 Linda doesJohngoshopping Judy Hehardlyevergoesshopping Maybeonceortwiceayear A How B Howmuch C Howoften D Howmany3 Marydoesnotalwaysgotoschoolearly She s lateforschool A always B usually C sometimes D never 5 She inherbed butitisnotgoodtohereyes A alwayssleeps B neverstudies C oftenstudies D seldomsleeps6 He hungryafterschool soheeatsasnackbeforehegoeshome A isnever B alwaysis C neveris D isalways7 Ineversleepinclass butmybrother A doessometimes B sometimesdoes C neverdoes D doesnever 10 Mike listensto whenhestudies Mike常常念书的时候边听音乐 11 doesJennygoswimming 珍妮多久去游泳 12 you gotoschool 你是否总是准时上学 13 I studyEnglishinthe butmysister 我很少在早上念英語 但我妹妹總是在早上念英語 14 Mr Chang mountain climbing 张先生通常在周末去爬山 usually music How often Do always time on hardly ever morning always does usually go on weekends usually music How usually music often Do always time on hardly ever morning always does How usually music hardly ever morning 3a Completethequestionswithdoordoes Thenmatchthequestionsandanswers 1 Howoften heplaysoccer 2 youdrinkmilk 3 Howoften theystayuplate 4 Sueeatahealthybreakfast 5 Howoften youeatapples 6 yourparentsplaysports a Yes Sheusuallydoes b Hardlyever Idon tlikethem c Heplaysatleasttwiceaweek d No theydon t They retoobusy e Never Theyalwaysgotobedearly f Yes Ido Everyday does Do do Does do Do c f e a b d 3a 3b Usethewordsgiventowritequestions 造句 Thenaskandanswerthemwithapartner 问答 QuestionsMypartner sanswers1 howoften helpwithhousework 2 what usually do weekends 3 howoften bestfriend exercise 4 what usually do afterschool Howoftendoyouhelpwithhousework Whatdoyouusuallydoonweekends Howoftendoesyourbestfriendexercise Whatdoyouusuallydoafterschool 3b Report Idomyhomeworkfirst Inmyfreetime IwatchTV IusetheInternet IreadEnglishbooks Igotothemovies Ihelpwithhousework everyday always usually often sometimesonce twiceaweekhardlyevernever Expressandwritedownyourownopinions always sometimes onceaweek everyday never hardlyever readEnglishbooks readEnglishmagazines HowtoimproveEnglish readEnglishcoachingpaper readEnglishnewspapers listentoEnglishtapes watchEnglishprograms watchEnglishmovies singEnglishsongs speakEnglishwithforeigners jointhesummercamp dosomeEnglishexercise Interview ImproveEnglishStudy singEnglishsongs seeEnglishmovies listentoEnglishtapes jointheEnglishcorner 参加英语角 chatwithforeigners 与外国人聊天 writeEnglishdiaries readEnglishstories A Howoftendoyou B Onceaweek Everyday Twiceamonth Hardlyever Never Sometimes 3c Who sthebestEnglishstudent IreadEnglishbookstwicea Workingroupsoffour Askquestionsandwritethenamesinthechart FindoutthebestEnglishstudentinyourgroup Thenchooseonetoreporthowoftenhe shedoesthesethings HowoftendoyoureadEnglishbooks GroupWork 3c Who sthebestEnglishstudent Groupwork Report XiaoMiisgoodatEnglish Sheeveryday Sheonceaweek Sheonceamonth Shethreetimesaweek Sheonceaweek Hergoodhabitshelphergetgoodgrades 自我检测 翻译下列短语 1 去看电影 2 在周末 3 几乎不 很少 4 每周五次 5 每月两次 6 熬夜 7 做运动 8 至少 9 去购物 10 看电视 gotothemovies onweekends hardlyever fivetimesaweek twiceamonth stayuplate dosports dosomeexercise atleast goshopping watchTV Homework Writeabouthowoftenyourfamilymembersdothings Forexample Mymothercooksdinnereveryday Weeatinarestaurantonceaweek MyfathergoestoShanghaitwiceayear 夺冠计划背诵grammarfocus 明天听写 Homework 2 Goodbye

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