中考英语冲刺复习 模块一 短语专项练习 介、副词相同课件.ppt

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中考英语冲刺复习 模块一 短语专项练习 介、副词相同课件.ppt_第1页
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中考英语冲刺复习 模块一 短语专项练习 介、副词相同课件.ppt_第2页
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中考英语冲刺复习 模块一 短语专项练习 介、副词相同课件.ppt_第3页
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介 副词相同 模块一中考英语短语专项练习 一 与by有关的短语 1 ThefastestwaytogotoNewYorkfromGuangzhouistogothere A byairB bytrainC byshipD bybus 2 whereareyoufrom John I mfromEngland A BytrainB BymistakeC ByaccidentD Bytheway A D 3 It sraininghard Butsomebodytakesmyumbrella soIhavetowalkintherain A byshipB bymistakeC byaccidentD bytheway B 二 与over有关的短语 1 Beforethefinalexam allofusmustwhatwehavelearnt A gooverB lookoverC thinkoverD turnover 2 Thedoctoristhebabybecauseheiscryingallthetime A gettingoverB lookingoverC thinkingoverD turningover 3 andyouwillcomeupwithagoodidea A GetitoverB LookitoverC ThinkitoverD Turnitover A B C 三 与as有关的短语 1 Hedidn ttakeexercisesbefore hegotfatterandfatter A AsaresultB AsusualC AssoonasD Suchas 2 It sasunnydaytoday Lucygoestoschoolonfoot A asaresultB asusualC assoonasD suchas A B 3 Allthestudentswillrushoutoftheclassroomthebellrings A asaresultB asusualC assoonasD suchas 4 Ihavebeentomanyplacesofinterest theGreatWall thePalaceMuseumandsoon A asaresultB asusualC assoonasD suchas 5 Theoldmanhadnochildrenandhethedoghisownson A as asB regarded asC known asD spoke as C D B 6 TomwritesJim Bothoftheirhandwritingslookverybeautiful A ascarefullyasB notsocarefullyasC aswellD soasto 7 JackrunsJohn Asaresult JackisfarbehindJohn A asfastasB notsofastasC aswellD soasto 8 Istudyharderthanbeforegetbettergrade A asfastasB notsofastasC aswellD soasto A B D 四 与about有关的短语 1 TheyarethenewmovieFurious7nowinthenextroom A talkingaboutB thinkingaboutC worryingaboutD caringabout 2 Haveyoudecidedwheretogothissummervacation Alice Notyet Butweareitthesedays A lookingaboutB thinkingaboutC worryingaboutD caringabout A B 3 MyEnglishisnotsogood Myparentsaremeallthetime A talkingaboutB thinkingaboutC worryingaboutD caringabout C 五 与at有关的短语 1 Thisismyfirstclass So Iwanttocallyournames Iusuallydidthisatthebeginningofmyclass A atfirstB atlastC atleastD atonce 2 Themanwasbadlyillandhediedinthehospital A atfirstB atlastC atleastD atonce A B 3 Twentystudentsarenotenough Weneedtenmorestudentstohelpus A atfirstB atlastC atleastD atonce 4 Leavethisroom orIwillcallthepolice A atfirstB atlastC atleastD atonce 5 Tomhadabadcold Hehadtotakesomemedicine hehadtohaveagoodrestaswell A AtfirstB AtlastC AtonceD Atthesametime C D D 6 Maryisatopstudentandsheallhersubjects A isgoodatB knocksatC laughsatD looksat 7 Don tthedoorsoheavilybecausetheglassdoorwillbeeasilybroken A begoodatB knockatC laughatD lookat 8 It simpolitetothosedisabledpeople A begoodatB knockatC laughatD lookat A B C 9 thepictureandtellthestoryaccordingtothetips A BegoodatB KnockatC LaughatD Lookat D 六 与for有关的短语 1 Thelittleboywasbadlyill Hisfatherquicklyadoctor A lookedforB caredforC waitedforD sentfor 2 Idon tloudpopularmusic NeitherdoI Ithinkitistoonoisy A payforB goinforC askforD waitfor D B 3 MayIyourviewsonafewquestions Yes goahead A payforB goinforC askforD waitfor 4 Jack whataboutplayingbaseballwithusthisafternoon I dloveto ButIamtoobusymyjourney A gettingreadyforB askingforC lookingforD sendingfor 5 Don tyourinterview oryouwon tgetthejob A askforB payforC careforD belatefor C A D 6 Whowillyourhousewhileyouareaway A askforB payforC careforD belatefor 7 Themanagerwillbefreesoonandyoucanherhere A payforB lookforC askforD waitfor 8 Whataboutcomingtomybirthdaypartytonight OK yourinvitation A ThanksforB AskforC BelateforD Waitfor C D A 9 I vethebookalloverthebookshop ButIcan tfindit A lookedforB caredforC waitedforD sentfor 10 Mr Whitebrokeintoahouselastnight Buthewascaughtbythepolicethismorning Hedeservedit Hehadtowhathehasdone A askforB payforC lookforD sendfor A B 七 与off有关的短语 1 Don tthetrainwhileit sstillmoving A getoffB keepoffC payoffD putoff 2 Itwouldtakehimtherestofhislifetothedebt 债务 A getoffB keepoffC payoffD putoff A C 3 Thepolicemantoldtheboystothegrass A getoffB keepoffC payoffD putoff 4 Theydidn tthinkthemeetingwouldbebecausenothinghappened A putoffB paidoffC keptoffD takenoff 5 HeforNewYorkearlythismorningtomeethisparents A rangoffB putoffC turnedoffD setoff B A D 6 IamafraidIwillhaveto Someoneiswaitingforme Allright Iwillcallyoulater A setoffB takeoffC turnoffD ringoff 7 Hurryup orwewillbelatefortheplane Itisgoingtotwentyminuteslater A putoffB takeoffC turnoffD ringoff 8 Youshouldthegaswhenyouareout A putoffB takeoffC turnoffD ringoff D B C 八 与out有关的短语 1 Thebestwaytogiveadvicetoourstudentsistowhattheywantandthenadvisethemtodoit A giveoutB findoutC takeoutD setout 2 Allofuswerenervouswhiletheteacherwasourtestpapers A givingoutB carryingoutC sellingoutD settingout B A 3 Iwanttogiveuptheplanbecauseitistoodifficult Nomatterwhatdifficultyyouwillmeet yourplan Ibelieveyoucanmakeit A carryoutB sendoutC putoutD goout 4 Ifwedon tpaymoreattentiontotheenvironmentpollution theanimalswillsomeday A setoutB sendoutC dieoutD goout 5 Themeetingissoboring Hmm Let sforsomefreshairduringthebreak A setoutB sendoutC dieoutD goout A C D 6 Thetrafficisbusy A TakeoutB WorkoutC LookoutD Checkout 7 Canyouhelpmetothemathproblem Tom Mypleasure Letmehavealook A takeoutB workoutC lookoutD checkout 8 WhatcanIdoforyou sir Iwouldliketoforroom312 please A takeoutB workoutC lookoutD checkout C B D 9 Ittookthemseveralhourstothefire Luckily nobodydiedinthisaccident A putoutB pickoutC pointoutD sendout 10 Theteacheraskedustothewrongsentencesandcorrectthem A putoutB pickoutC takeoutD sendout 11 Ithinkagoodfriendisamanwhodaretothemistakeyouhavemade A putoutB selloutC pointoutD sendout A B C 12 Thecoatsintheshoparepopular Theywillbeinafewdays A soldoutB setoutC sentoutD takenout 13 Inordertogetthereontime weshouldearlytomorrowmorning A selloutB setoutC sendoutD takeout 14 Couldyoupleasehelpmetherubbish Mike Iamreallybusycleaningtheroom A selloutB setoutC sendoutD takeout A B D 15 Allyouhavetodonowistotheinvitationssothattheycancometotheparty A selloutB setoutC sendoutD takeout C 九 与up有关的短语 1 Whyareyousotired Nick Ilatelastnighttogetreadyforthetesttoday A wokeupB calledupC stayedupD putup 2 Ourteachersalwaysencourageusnottowhenweareintrouble A lookupB giveupC pickupD setup C B 3 everybody Weonlyhave5minutestofinishourtask A HurryupB KeepupC BringupD Lookup 4 Herhusbanddiedintheearthquakeandleftherwiththreechildrento A growupB bringupC makeupD turnup 5 Ifwarbreaksout weshallbetojointhearmyrightaway Sure Itisourdutytoprotectourcountry A calledupB hungupC madeupD lookedup A B A 6 Whydoesthelittlegirllooksosad Idon tknow Butlet sdosomethingto OK A wakeherupB lookherupC ringherupD cheerherup 7 Whatareyougoingtobewhenyou IamgoingtobeadoctorbecauseIlikehelpingothers A setupB hangupC growupD pickup 8 Theyaretryingtotheirtentsnearariver A getupB callupC bringupD putup D C D 9 Whattimedoyouusuallyinthemorning At6 30 Whataboutyou A getupB turnupC giveupD keepup 10 Ihopethefineweatherwillaslongaspossible SodoI Ilikesunnydays Theyalwaysmakemehappy A callupB ringupC keepupD setup 11 Wouldyoupleasecomehereandat7amtomorrow Iamgoingtothebusstation Sure madam Iwillberighthereontime A setmeupB lookmeupC cheermeupD pickmeup A C D 12 Ican thearthenewsclearly PleasetheTValittle Mike A turnupB lookupC pickupD putup 13 It stimeforclass Ihavetonow Mom OK I llcallyoulater A wakeupB hangupC lookupD stayup 14 Youshouldtherightpronunciationofthiswordinthedictionary A ringupB giveupC lookupD cheerup A B C 15 Imuststopnow Couldyoupleaseagainatsixthisafternoon A makeupB ringupC getupD pickup 16 Thecouplesoftenhaveanargument Buttheyalwayssoonafterthat A makeupB bringupC callupD pickup 17 Afundwillbeforthedeadmen sfamilies A setupB madeupC lookedupD turnedup B A A 18 Youarelateagain Sam IamsorryIdidn tuntil8o clockinthemorning A putupB lookupC setupD wakeup 19 Yourcarmustbe orwewon thaveenoughtimetocatchthetrain A putupB calledupC spedupD cheeredup D C 十 与in有关的短语 1 WhenwillthetrainD7093Shanghai Inhalfanhour A breakinB arriveinC dropinD checkin 2 HowmanystudentsinyourclasscantheTree plantingDayactivities I mnotsure A checkinB letinC takepartinD dropin B C 3 Yourhomeworkshouldbeontimesothattheteachercanmarkitintime A handedinB filledinC joinedinD brokenin 4 Whentheyaremakingaconversation wemustn twithouttheirpermission A dropinB fillinC arriveinD breakin 5 We replayingbasketball Wouldyouliketo A handinB joininC fillinD breakin A D B 6 theblankwithaproperword A JoininB LetinC HandinD Fillin 7 PassengersshouldforfrightBA125toBerlin A checkinB handinC fillinD dropin 8 Let sonMr Linwhenwe reinBeijing shallwe A breakinB dropinC joininD arrivein D A B 9 Don tthestranger It sverydangerous A break inB drop inC let inD arrive in C 十一 与with有关的短语 1 Ifyouanewideatofinishitwithlessmoneyandtime pleasecallmeassoonaspossible Sure ifIhaveone A comeupwithB getonwithC goonwithD catchupwith 2 Whatdoyouthinkofthenewcomer Heiseasyto Heisreallyfriendly A comeupwithB getonwithC goonwithD catchupwith B C 3 Howdoyouusuallyyourfriends Bysendinge mail A comeupwithB agreewithC connectwithD providewith 4 Howaboutbuildingonemoremiddleschoolinthisarea Iyou Ithinkitmustbedoneattheendofnextyear A comeupwithB agreewithC connectwithD providewith 5 Iamhungry Couldyoupleasemesomefood Noproblem Herearesomepotatochips A talk withB agree withC connect withD provide with C B D 3 Howdoyouusuallyyourfriends Bysendinge mail A comeupwithB agreewithC connectwithD providewith 4 Howaboutbuildingonemoremiddleschoolinthisarea Iyou Ithinkitmustbedoneattheendofnextyear A comeupwithB agreewithC connectwithD providewith 5 Iamhungry Couldyoupleasemesomefood Noproblem Herearesomepotatochips A talk withB agree withC connect withD provide with C B D 6 Herunsthefastestinhisclass Noonecanhim A talkwithB dealwithC goonwithD catchupwith 7 Iamafraidmyparentswon tallowmetogoinforthisdancingcompetition So you dbetterthemfirst A talkwithB dealwithC goonwithD catchupwith 8 Haveyouhadanygoodideatothisdifficulty No Ihaven tcomeupwithoneyet A talkwithB dealwithC goonwithD catchupwith D A B 9 Theboythepensomeblackink andthenhewrotesomethingwithit A talked withB agreed withC filled withD helped with 10 Wehavenotimetohavearest Wemustourworkafterlunch orwecan tfinishitontime A connectwithB comeupwithC goonwithD catchupwith 11 Let splayvolleyballtogether Sorry Ihavetothehouseworkathomebecausemymotherisbusy A helpwithB agreewithC connectwithD providewith C C A 十二 与on有关的短语 1 Hello mayIspeaktoMissLai please A ComeonB HangonC CarryonD Turnon 2 Thoughitisrainingheavilyoutsidenow hewithhisworkwithoutaraincoat A comesonB dependsonC carriesonD liveson B C 3 MayItheblackdress Itlooksverybeautiful A tryonB goonC spendonD workon 4 Couldyoulendmesomemoney Sorry Ihaveallmymoneytheclothes A put onB lived onC kept onD spent on 5 AnEnglishmoviewillbeinourschoolthisevening A triedonB putonC heldonD comeon A D B 6 HetheTVfirstwhenhecomesbackhomeeveryday A worksonB comesonC putsonD turnson 7 Theywereverytiredafteralongtimerunning buttheystillwithitontheplayground A wentonB triedonC putonD spenton 8 Thevolunteersoftengototheoldpeople shousetoforthem A putonweightB putonaperformanceC putonD workon D A B 9 Whethertogohikingornottheweather A spendsonB goesonC dependsonD putsonweight 10 It sawfultotalkingwithsuchacrazyman A liveonB keeponC comeonD spendon 11 MyunclehassinceIlastsawhim Nowheis10kilosheavierthanbefore A putonaperformanceB comeonC putonweightD dependedon C B C 12 Thepandasthebamboos Sowe dbetterplantmorebamboostomeetthem A liveonB putonC workonD spendon 13 Ifyoupracticinglikethat yourdreamwillcometruesoon A putonweightB putonaperformanceC dependonD goon 14 aminutesothatIcangetmybreathback A TryonB HoldonC CarryonD Comeon A D B 15 We realreadylate A WorksonB KeeponC ComeonD Liveon C 十三 与into有关的短语 1 OurPEteacherusfourgroupstoplaygames A changed intoB divided intoC knocked intoD looked into 2 Whentheiceisheated itwillwater A fallintoB knockintoC changeintoD divideinto B C 3 IwassohurriedthatIoneofmyclassmatesonmywaytotheclassroom A knockedintoB changedintoC lookedintoD fellinto 4 Hethetrafficaccidentandhefoundsomethingunusual A fellintoB changedintoC knockedintoD lookedinto 5 Becareful oryou lltheriverwhilewashinghands A knockintoB fallintoC changeintoD divideinto A D B 十四 与down有关的短语 1 Alice It sdangeroustoplayonthedesk OK Mom A CutdownB ComedownC FalldownD Turndown 2 MakesurethatyoueverywordIsaysbecausetheyareveryimportant A settledownB falldownC putdownD cutdown B C 3 Thehomelesspeoplewereveryhappytofindagoodplaceforthemto A settledownB putdownC getdownD turndown 4 Hefromthestairsandwasblackandblueallover A turneddownB cutdownC setdownD felldown 5 Let sprotectourenvironmentandtrynottothetrees A cutdownB falldownC getdownD putdown A D A 6 Thelittlecatclimbedtothetopofthetreeandbecameafraidto A setdownB falldownC getdownD turndown 7 Hetheheavyboxandtookarestforawhile A cutdownB setdownC settledownD falldown 8 Wouldyoupleasetheradioalittle Wearegettingreadyforthecomingtest Sorry I lldoitrightnow A turndownB putdownC getdownD falldown C B A 9 Youmusteverythingthatyoucanseeontheblackboard A turndownB setdownC writedownD cutdown C 十五 与to有关的短语 1 Theywalkratherthantakeabus A usedtoB agreetoC prefertoD leadto 2 IplayfootballwhenIwasyoung butnotveryoften A ledtoB usedtoC talkedtoD wroteto C B 3 OurteacherwillAlan smotherforhisbadbehavior A talktoB agreetoC leadtoD lendto 4 Whenyouvisitamuseumyoushouldtheinstructionsanddon tbeagainstthem A getclosetoB lookforwardtoC payattentiontoD beusedto 5 catchthefirstbus Igotupearlythismorning A InordertoB AccordingtoC LookforwardtoD Payattentionto A C A 6 Theyoungmanopenedthewindowbreathefreshair A getclosetoB beusedtoC adduptoD soasto 7 Thenumberofthedeadpeopleintheearthquake10 000now A agreestoB comestoC leadstoD prefersto 8 Don tthebiganimals It sdangerous A cometoB nexttoC getclosetoD beusedto D B C 9 Whatagoodidea MyfatherbuyanewiPhone6forme A cametoB agreedtoC connectedtoD accordingto 10 theweatherforecast therewillberaininmostpartsofChinatomorrow A AgreetoB ConnecttoC AccordingtoD Nextto 11 Eatingtoomuchsugarcanhealthproblem A cometoB agreetoC lendtoD leadto B C D 12 ThiscomputeristheInternet A agreedtoB connectedtoC accordingtoD nextto 13 Imeetingyouagainassoonaspossible A payattentiontoB soastoC lookforwardtoD inorderto 14 Heusedtogetuplate buthegettingupearlyinthemorningthesedays A isusedtoB paysattentiontoC looksforwardtoD makesacontributionto B C A 15 Isyouhomeschool No Ilivefarawayfromschool A leadtoB nexttoC getclosetoD inorderto 16 ThemoneyIspentinHongKong 8 800 A soastoB addeduptoC inordertoD leadedto 17 IwillmypenpalinEnglishtoimprovemywritingskill A writetoB agreetoC lendtoD leadto B B A 18 Mybikeisbroken Couldyoupleaseyourbikeme A prefer toB agree toC lend toD lead to 19 Myfatherthehighmountainandtoldme That sthehighestmountaininourhometown A ledtoB pointedtoC gotclosetoD wroteto C B 十六 与away有关的短语 1 Luckilytheyfromafire A gaveawayB tookawayC gotawayD putaway 2 You dbetterthefood Itsmellsbad A getawayB goawayC runawayD throwaway C D 3 Motheralwaysasksmetomyclothesandmybooksinmyroom A putawayB goawayC runawayD rightaway 4 Don tandstayheretillIcomeback A giveawayB goawayC throwawayD takeaway 5 Heplanstomoveandfindsadifferentjob A farawayB getawayC takeawayD throwaway A B A 6 Shesomeofhermoneytothehomelesspeople A ranawayB gaveawayC threwawayD putaway 7 Whenthethiefsawthepolice hequickly A threwawayB putawayC ranawayD tookaway 8 Timeislimited soyoumustfinishthework A throwawayB farawayC runawayD rightaway B C D 9 Youcan tanythingherewithoutmypermission A goawayB getawayC runawayD takeaway D 十七 与back有关的短语 1 Hewasshockedbythebadnews andhedidn ttohimselfforalongtime A getbackB givebackC comebackD payback 2 WehavealreadyfinishedourworkinWuhan sowe lltoGuangzhoutomorrow A getbackB givebackC lookbackD payback C A 3 Iwilllendyouthemoney butpleaseremembertoontime A getbackB lookbackC comebackD payback 4 Whenyoufinishreadingthebooks pleasethemtothelibrary A get backB give backC come backD pay back D B 十八 与outof有关的短语 1 UncleWanghasbeenforsixmonths hestaysathomeeverydayandhasnothingtodo A outofbreathB outofcontrolC outoforderD outofwork 2 Jimwasafterthe100 meterraceintheschoolsportsmeeting A outofdateB outofbreathC outoforderD outofwork 3 Myclockwasandwokemeupat3a m thismorning A outofbreathB outofsightC outoforderD outofwork D B C 谢谢


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