七年级英语下册《Unit 5 Amazing things Grammar》课件 (新版)牛津版.ppt

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7BUnit5Grammar 一般过去时 Simplepasttense Weusethesimplepasttensetotalkaboutthingsinthepast 我们用一般过去时谈论过去发生的事情 1 表示在过去某个时间发生的动作或存在的状态 Hewashereyesterday Igotupatsixthirtyyesterdaymorning Mumwateredtheflowerstenminutesago 2 表示过去习惯性或经常性的动作或状态 Myfatheroftenwenttoworkbybuslastyear WhenIwasachild Ioftenlistenedtomusic Iwasastudentintheschooltwoyearsago 用法 一般过去式通常用于以下几种情况 3 表示主语在过去所具备的能力和性格 Hecouldswimacrosstheriverattheageoften Theycouldn tgotoschoolatthattime 注意1 在一般过去式的句子中 谓语动词要用过去式 规则动词的过去式 looked washed liveddied studied stopped 一般在动词原形末尾加ed 动词以e结尾的只加d 以辅音字母加y结尾的动词 先将y变i再加ed 末尾只有一个辅音字母的重读闭音节 先双写这个辅音字母再加ed worried planned 练一练 1 use 2 kick 3 start 4 answer 5 love 6 stop 7 play 8 carry 9 chat 10 live 11 cry 12 need needed kicked started answered loved used played carried chatted lived cried stopped 规则动词过去式词尾 ed的读音 不规则动词的过去式 Let slearnmore Readandremember read eat come give get tell read ate came gave got told do have hear go take see did had heard went took saw 1 Nick play footballyesterday 2 Mike study inamiddleschoolin2002 3 She read Englishfiveminutesago 4 He chat withhisfriendslastweek 5 Bob have aPElessonyesterdayafternoon 6 We go tothezootwohoursago played read studied chatted had 练一练 用动词的过去式填空 went 注意2 一般过去时要用表示过去的时间状语 yesterday yesterdaymorning afternoonlastnight week month year summertenminutes twoweeks fiveyearsagoin2011 justnow thismorning 句式结构 Weplayedballgamesyesterday 肯定句 主语 动词过去式 I athomeyesterdayevening A stayB stayed ShedidwellinMathslastyear 例 昨天晚上 我呆在家里 stayed 句式结构 否定句 主语 didnot didn t 动词原形 Weplayedballgamesyesterday 助动词did与否定词not的缩写 例 两天前 Amy没拍照 Amy photostwodaysago A doesn ttakeB didn ttake didn ttake Wedidn tplayballgamesyesterday 句式结构 Yes wedid No wedidn t 一般疑问句及回答 Did 主语 动词原形 Yes did No didn t Weplayedballgamesyesterday 例 上周五 Millie去博物馆了吗 Millie themuseumlastFriday A Does goB Did wentC Did go Didgo Didyouplayballgamesyesterday 句式结构 Wewenttothezoo 1 twohoursago 2 划线提问 1 Wheredidyougotwohoursago 特殊疑问句 特殊疑问词 did 主语 动词原形 划线提问 2 Whendidyougotothezoo 3 划线提问 3 Whatdidyoudotwohoursago a 肯定句 主语 动词过去式 b 否定句 主语 didnot didn t 动词原形 c 一般疑问句及回答 Did 主语 动词原形 Yes did No didn t d 特殊疑问句 特殊疑问词 did 主语 动词原形 Readandrememberagain 1 Jill live inthecityin2005 ButJack notlive inthecity 2 I do myhomeworkyesterday Buthe notdo hishomework 3 you have classeslastnight 4 yourdad go walking Yes hedid 5 What he do yesterday He take metothezooyesterday did lived didn tdo Did have didn tlive Did go PracticeA diddo took Ididmyhomework 1 athome 2 lastnight 3 变否定句 I myhomeworklastnight 2 变一般问句 you homeworklastnight 3 划线1提问 you athomelastnight 4 划线2提问 you homeworklastnight 5 划线3提问 didyou yourhomework didn tdo Did doyour Whatdid do Wheredid doyour When do PracticeB 1 start 2 love 3 play 4 plan reply 6 say started loved played planned replied said met heard left 7 meet hear leave 10 tell stand bring told ATalkingaboutthepast P62 stood brought BLet sgotoFunWorldMuseum 1 went 2 got 3 were 4 spent 5 took 6 bought 7 came 8 had CHelpMilliecompletetheconversation 1 went 2 was 3 saw 4 learnt learned 5 lived Pairwork A Didyoudoyourhomeworklastnight B No Ididn t A Whatdidyoudo B IwenttothecinemawithMum a gorunning walkmydogb readstories watchTVc listentomusic chatwithfriendsd stayathome havedancinglessons 1 前天我玩电脑游戏了 2 一个月前我们去北京的 3 我们刚才在那里玩得很高兴 4 我的妈妈昨天晚上和她的朋友聊天 5 他今天早上听音乐了 WewenttoBeijingamonthago Mymotherchattedwithherfriendsyesterdayevening Iplayedcomputergamesthedaybeforeyesterday Wehadagoodtimetherejustnow Helistenedtomusicthismorning

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