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一般过去时复习教案教学目标:通过一般现在时和一般过去时的比较,使学生理解和复习一般过去时的用法。通过情境创设,使学生能够正确的使用一般过去时描述过去发生的事情。1、知识目标:总结归纳PEP六年级下册动词过去式的变化规则2、能力目标:通过本节课的学习,学生能够相互之间询问过去的一些活动,并能够表述自己和别人在过去时间内的活动。3、情感目标:让学生养成合理安排自己的业余生活的习惯。二、教学重难点: 1、本节课的教学重点是复习掌握所学的动词过去式短语及重点句型:what did you do last weekend ? where did you go ? how did you go there? Did you ?2、本节课的教学难点是理解并掌握规则动词的过去式变化规则及读音。三、课前准备:ppt课件,教师自制教学用卡片,学生课堂练习题(打印)。四、教学过程:、Preparation 1、 free talk T: hello everyone ,today I am your English teacher , you can call me Mr. Wang ,OK?S: OK .T: Are you ready for your English class ?S: Yes!T: OK,class begins !师生问候2、 Lets chant T: Today is June 2nd,yesterday was June 1st ,The Childrens Day。Yesterday I was very happy.I went to shanghai ,I met Haibao there ,we were good friends ,we sang and danced together ,will you sing with us ?S: Yes, I will .师生一起唱自编歌谣ChantHaibao, Haibao,Haibao, Haibao, how are you ?Haibao, Haibao, Haibao, Haibao, how are you ?Im fine ,Im fine ,thank you ,thank you very much!Haibao, Haibao, Haibao, Haibao, how are you ?Haibao, Haibao, Haibao, Haibao, how are you ?Im fine ,Im fine ,thank you ,thank you very much!、Presentation T: Good job ! yesterday Haibao was really busy ,look here ,what did he do yesterday ?出示幻灯片。(1) 海宝唱歌跳舞 (2)海宝踢足球 (3)海宝读书T: Haibao did many things yesterday ,What about you ? what did you do yesterday ?出示幻灯片(what did you do yesterday )找生回答,如果不会,接着出示下一张幻灯片,maybe these words can help you !T:ok,very good! I think you are very helpful. now lets read the passage about Haibaos yesterday , then please find out the past forms of the verbs , ok ?S: ok !幻灯片出示文章。学生读文章,完成阅读目标。T: have you finished ? lets look together ! 呈现幻灯片,师生一起找出过去式单词,每找出一个带出动词原形,在最后一个完成后,教师问:can you say more ?引导学生说出更多的动词过去式,教师出示整理好的动词过去式,引导学生发现规律,进入动词过去式的变化规则的教学。T: We got so many words ,these are original forms and those are past forms ,can you tell me what happened ?原形与过去式之间发生了什么?(引导学生一步一步说出规则,教师总结,给出幻灯片)T: Look at these words, what can you find ?1、 usually we add ed after the verbs ,likes :watched, washed .2、 sometimes ,there is one “e” at the end of the verbs, we add “d”only. Likes :danced ,lived .3、 If at the end of the verbs are consonant and “y”,we change “y” into “i” first ,then add “ed”, likes :studied, carried4、 some special ones ,likes : was, had, wentT: We got so many past forms of the verbs ,can you read them ?出示发音幻灯片,找生一个一个的读,教师给纠正着读音,读完一列后,让学生总结出发音规律。教师幻灯片出示!washed opened played visitedwashed cleaned rowed handed清读/t/ 元、浊读/d/ /t/、/d/后读/id/1、 after the clear consonant ,we pronounce /t/2、 after the muddy consonant and vowel ,we pronounce /d/.3、 after /t/、/d/ pronunciation , we pronounce /id/.、practiceT: very good ,now read the passage ,can you tell me where did Haibao go in the morning ? How did he go there? What did he do ? (找生回答,出示表格) Now we have knew something about Haibao ,what about you ? now you and your partner talk about your yesterdays activities together ,then complete the table on this paper ,and read it to us ,ok ?S:ok !学生讨论完成练习。Name Where How What My name is _. I went to _, I went there by _,I _.学生展示对话,展示复述活动。在最后一个学生复述自己的活动的时候,教师接着问:T: Did Haibao ?now, read the passage again .then complete the table .(再回到原文,让学生再次熟悉文章,通过Did句型的操练完成表格)TimeActivitiesMorningAfternoonEvening、progress1、 教师领读文章。2、 小组内读文章。3、 学生齐读文章。4、 复述文章,给出提示,教师先做示范,引导学生通过单词词组进行复述文章内容。(参照表格)、productionOk ,we know Haibao was busy yesterday ,what about his friends Huanhuan ? Was her busy, too? Now lets write down Huanhuans yesterday like this ,ok ?Hi,friends. Im Huanhuan. Let me tell you my yesterday.I_ , I _ in the morning. In the afternoon, I_ , I _。I_ , I _ In the evening .That was a _day. 找生读自己写的文章,师生一起检查。T: this class we learned something about Haibaos yesterday ,all of us did good job! Lets say goodbye to Haibao ,lets say goodbye to each other !

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