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一、用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空(A)1. She usually _(watch) TV in the evening.2. Mr. Green s trousers _(be) black and his shirt _ (be) white.3. He _ (not have) breakfast at school. He _(have) it at home.4. How often _you _(write) to your friend? About once a month.5. There _(be) three pieces of paper and a pen on the desk.6. _(be) everybody here yesterday afternoon?7. He _(see) a new film a few days ago.8. -When _your mother _(leave)for Guangzhou? -She _(leave)last week.9. -_you _(have)a party on your birthday last year? -Yes, I _.10. I _(buy)this dictionary yesterday. It _(cost) me fifty yuan.11. The Reads _(visit) China next month.12. -_we _(go) swimming this afternoon? -What a good idea.13. We _(have) an English evening next Saturday14. Im sorry I _(not say) that again.15. The students _(help) the farmers with the harvest in two weeks.16. Its six oclock. Tom _(get) up.17. The old man _(tell)the children an interesting story now and the children _(listen) to him carefully.18. -Where is Mary? -Look! She _(sit) behind Jack,19. -_they _(dig) holes now? -No, they _. They _(carry) water.20. Listen! Who _(cry) in the next room?21. - _ you_(do) your homework yet? - No, I _.22. - How long _you_(have) your radio? - Two years.23. I _ never _(see) such a wonderful match before .24. - Where is Mike? - He _(go) to Canada.25. The factory _(be) here for several years.(B)1. He will lend you the book as soon as he _(finish) reading it.2. The farmers _(pick) apples when it _(begin) to rain this morning.3. While we _(wait) for the bus, a girl _(run) up to us.4. You wont feel better until you _(have) a rest.5. There _(be) a lot of clouds in the sky now. I _(be) sure it _(be) rainy later on.6. My brother said he _(not buy) the ticket for the film because his friend _(give) him one.7. We cant _ (play) with you. We _(have) a meeting now. We _(join) you in half an hour.8. He _(go) back to his home town five years ago. And _(live) there ever since.9. She _(study) French for three years. She _(begin) to learn it when she _(be) a middle school student.10. The heave rain _(stop), but it _(be) still quite hot now.11. I _(not know) you _(be) so busy month.12. Jim has been away a long time. When he _(return), he _(find) a lot of changes.13. He usually _(watch) TV after supper. But yesterday he _(take) a walk in the park instead.14. When you arrive in Xian a car driver _(wait) for you at the station.15. Ann _(give) me her telephone number but Im afraid I _(lost) it.16. I _(write) a letter when the telephone _(ring).17. If it_(rain) heavily tomorrow, we _(not hold) the sports meeting.18. He _(tell) me to come and wait under the big tree the next morning. A young woman _(meet) me there and _(take) me to the headmaster.19. While the train _(move , a lot of men suddenly _(jump) up. I _(think) that something terrible _(happen) at that moment, so I _(run) away.20. I _(know) the write for several years. I _(read) her latest book, but I _ (not finish) it yet.21. One day a teacher _(give) a lesson to a class of boys. She _(tell) them to write something about the last football match. One of the boys _(write) a few words and _(put) down his pen The teacher _(ask) him, “Why _you _(not write) now?” The boy _(answer), “I_ (finish).” Then the teacher _(take) his exercise book and _(read):”Rain. No play.”22. An old man _(look) for a place in a train. He _(see) an empty seat. But a box _(be) on it and a fat man _(sit) next to it. He _(say), “It _(be)my friends seat. He _(come) back soon.”The old man said, “I will sit here till he _(come).” Five minutes later the train_(start), but nobody _(come). “Your friend _(miss) his train, but he need not lost his box.” With theses words, He _(take) the box and _(throw) it out of the window.(C)1. A knife _(make) of metal and wood.2. Stamps _(use) for sending letter.3. English _(teach) in all the middle schools in China.4. When _the PRC _(found)?5. The boy _(see) drawing on the wall yesterday.6. Who _ the telephone _(invent) by?7. New books and newspapers _(may borrow) from the library.8. She is badly ill. She _(must send) to a hospital at once.9. My ruler _(break) by a cat. It _(can not use) again.10. The old works _certainly _(give) new houses if more houses _(build) next year.时态填空()1. The film _(begin) when I _(go) into the cinema.2. I dont know you _(learn) so many English words.3. The man _(become) quite warm after he _(finish) his simple meal.4. My uncle _(not see) me for many years since I _(meet) him last time.5. The girl said that she _(not catch) the first train that morning.6. Tom _(not pass) that exam yesterday because he _(not get) his lessons ready.7. The teacher told us that we _(visit) the History Museum if we _(have) no classes the next afternoon.8. He suddenly _(hear) someone calling for help.9. Edison _(show) great interest in science when he _(be) a little boy.10.Turn down the radio, Mike. Your grandma _(sleep) upstairs.11.How long _the old man _(be) dead? About two years.12._Meimei _(join) the League? Yes, she _. When _she _(join) it? Half a year ago.13.My father _(go) to England next week. He _never _(be) there before.14.I _(let) you know as soon as she _(return) tomorrow.15.She _(drop) her pen when she _(walk) in the park.16.When the teacher _(come )in, the children _(play) a game happily.17.A new high-way _(build) between the two cities in a year.18.Comrade Lei Feng _(be) always ready to help others.19.How _the students in your class usually _(go) to school? By bus. But a year ago, they usually _(go) to school by bike or on foot.20.I ask you if you _(see) a film tomorrow.时态填空()1. He _(see) the film twice already.2. I _(cough) a lot last night.3. The children _(enjoy) them selves in the park last Sunday morning.4. The train _ just _(arrive).5. She _(feel) terrible at this time yesterday.6. Mary foreign friends _(come) to visit China every year.7. She _(pick) apples in the garden when I went to see her yesterday.8. Mary _(work) in the factory since she left school three years ago.9. Mr Turner _(give) a talk next Monday.10. What _you_(do) at eight yesterday evening?11. When I called him. He _(have) supper.12. Mrs Wang _(teach) us since he _(come to this school.13. He said he _(return) the book the next day.14. Linda _(send) to school by her parents when she was seven.15. She _(go) to bed when her mother returned home.16. His father said that he _(never hear) such an interesting story.17. When I work up this morning, it _(stop) raining.18. I _(be) to London twice. I _(go) there in 1992 and 1993.19. He _(return) to Shanghai in 1990.20. _you _(finish) your homework yet? Yes, I_(finish)it last night.21. I _(receive) your letter two days ago. but I _(not hear) from Mike since tow weeks ago.22. She _(come) to China five years ago, and _(live) in Beijing ever since.23. English _(speak) in many countries in the word now.24. All trees must _(water) well when they are dry .25. The knife _(make) of metal and wood.26. Lily asked mother she _the coat.(like)27. Who _he _(travel)with last year? He _(go) with his family.28. Rice _(grow) in the south of China.29. The table _(make) yesterday.30. What _you _(mark) this time yesterday?31. Do you know what the workers _(make)now?32. People used metal for _(make)machine.33. Tim isnt careful. He often _(make) a lot of mistakes in his exercises.34. Show me how tea _(mark)35. Peter _(make) several friends since he came to Beijing.36. It took them two months _(make) this machine.37. Some telephone calls _(make)by him just now.38. More vegetables should_(grow) in the village.39. The trees must _(water) well.40. Tom _(pass) the exam, didnt he?41. I said that I _(go) with you as soon as I _(finish) my homework.42. He tells me that he _(give) a new house if more new houses _(build next year.43. When I _(get) home yesterday , he _(be) busy _(water) the flowers in the garden44. She said that she _(live) here for twenty years science she _(move) here in 1979.45. Next month a new machine _(make) for _(join) parts together.46. Turn down the radio, Mike. Your mother _(sleep) upstairs.47. _ Tom_(join) the league? Yes, he _. When _he _(join) it? Half a year ago.48. My father _(go) to English next week. He _never _(be) there before. 二、用所给动词的适当形式填空:1. It_(be) Sunday today. The sun_(shine照耀). The air_(be) clear and fresh. There_(be) many people in the park. The Whites family_(be) in the park too. Mr. White_(walk) along the river. Mrs. White_(stand) by the lake. She_(look) at the flower near her. Their son Mike_(climb)the hill with some boys. Where_(be) their daughter Mary? She_(be) with her father. She_(have) a ball in her hands. She_(talk) with Mr. White. All of them_(be) happy. They_(have) a good time.2. 1. She _(have) lunch at school every Monday.2. She _(have) lunch at school now.3. He must _(finish) his homework before ten this morning. 4. _ (not play) games on the road. Its too dangerous.5. I want_ (come) to see my parents.6. Do you like _(play) games with me? 7. Would you like _ (play) games with me this Sunday?8. -Where is Jim? -He _(do) his homework.9. What about_ (have) supper before eight?10. Look! The students_ (help) the farmers_ (clean) the house.11. Dont talk. We _ (have) the English class.12. Class is over. Let him _ (go) home now.13. The twins _ (come) from the USA.14. Can I _ (borrow) your bike?15. Is he _ (sit) in a boat?16. What are they doing? They _ (put) on their clothes.17. They _ (play) football over there.18. Its _ (go) _ (shop) now.19. Where _he _(run)? Hes running on the playground.20. What time _ they _ (have) breakfast?3. 1. What _she _ (like)?2. We _ (not do) our housework ay school every day.3. Jack _ (have) a football. But he _ (not have) a basketball.4. Mr. Smith _ (not watch) TV on Saturday. He _(watch)TV on Sunday.5. My mother _ (go) to work at eight thirty in the morning, and _(come) bake at five in the afternoon.6. Lily _ (have) breakfast at home.7. They often _(play) football in the afternoon.8. She _(like) hot dogs. But she _(not like) vegetables.9. -_Wu Dong _(speak) Japanese? -Yes. He _.10. -Do you like _(do) the housework? -No. I _.5. 1. I finished _(read) the book. You may take it away.2. There will be a football match on TV. Would you like _(watch)?3. Look! The bus _(come). Lets hurry.4. He runs _ (slow)than I.5. He is a _(care) driver.6. 1. Where _your grandma _(live)? She lives in Wuxi.2. Please ask Jack _(bring) his bike here.3. Listen! How well she _(sing)!4. When_ you _(meet) Peter? A moment ago.5. Let me _ (help) you _(wash) your clothes.6. Its time to have our class. Lets stop _(talk).7. Wang Fei_(study) hardest in his class.8. How long _ it _(take) you to go to school every week.9. Ill give him a ring if he _(come) back.10.There _(be) an English party in our class next week.7. 1. What _you _(do) at seven oclock yesterday morning?2. Li Lei _(draw) a plane on a piece of paper now.3. Jim was reading when the teacher _(come) in.4. I _(meet) my friend in the street last week.5. He _(fly) a kite when I saw him yesterday afternoon.6. The twins usually _(go) to school at half past seven in the morning.8. 1. _you _(return) the book yet? Yes. I _(return) it yesterday.2. She _(work) at her desk when a boy came in.3. I _(buy) a watch from the shop last week. Bet I cant _(find) it now. I think I _(lose) it.4. Wei Hua _(speak) to Mr. Green now. She _never_(steak) to a foreigner before.5. He _(sweep) the floor at ten oclock yesterday morning.6. They _(go) to the Great Wall next Sunday.7. Look! Jim _(fly) a kite over there.8. _you ever_(eat) fish and chips? No. never.9. 1. James _(have) his breakfast when I went to see him. 2. She_(go) to Japan three years ago.3. I _(study) at this school since I came to Beijing.4. He _(begin) to work at 8:00 every day.5. The plane_(arrive) in Moscow tomorrow morning.6. On his way home he _(see) an old man sitting in the middle of the road.7. Roberty _(wash) his shirt now.8. She _(be) in hospital for over two weeks.10. 1. _you _(read) this book? Yes. I_. When_ you _(read) it? I _it last month.2. How long _you _(teach) English in this school? I_ _ here for twenty years. So you _(come) here in 1975. _you? Yes. I _ _(be) here ever since then.3. _Lucy _(come )back yet? No. she _. When _she_(come) back? Sorry. I _ _(not know).


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