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1.境外填表常用词汇姓Family name ,Surname名First Name ,Given name 性别sex ,gender国籍nationality , country of citizenship签名signature 职业occupation登岸Disembarkation护照Passport ,签证 Visa护照号passport number 原住地country of origin 前往国destination country 登机城市city where you boarded 签发日期date of issue 出生日期date of birth, birth date 偕行人数accompanying number 官方填写official use only商务签证Business Visa观光签证Tourist Visa签证签发地city where visa was issued 登机、启程Embarkation 2.在机场大号large, 中号 medium, 小号small行李Baggage; Luggage 登机证Boarding Card ,Boarding Pass机场税Airport Tax 纪念品Souvenir行李牌Baggage Tag 退税处Tax-free refund登机证Boarding Card ,Boarding Pass机场税Airport Tax 入境大厅Arrival Lobby 出境大厅Departure Lobby 货币申报Currency Declaration 免税商品Duty-Free Items 随身行李Carry-on baggage 行李推车Luggage Cart登机门号码Gate Number 海关申报处Customs Service Area 托运的行李Checked baggage 行李领取处Baggage claim area 航站、终点站Terminal登机手续办理处Check in Counter 3.在飞机上厕所Lavatory;washroom;toilet;W.C.water closet; rest room男厕Mens; Gents; Gentlemens 女厕Womens; Ladys空闲Vacant使用中Occupied 男(女)空服员Steward (Stewardess)机内免税贩卖In-Flight Sales4.钱币兑换汇率Exchange rate 手续费Commission 旅行支票Travelers check 银行买入价We buy(Bid)银行卖出价We sell(Ask)外币兑换店Currency Exchange Shop 5.在酒店前台Front Desk ,Reception咖啡馆Coffee shop 客房服务Room Service 酒店大堂Lobby退房(时间)Check Out (Time) 服务员,侍者waiter电话叫醒服务Wake Up Call ,Morning Call入住登记手续Check-in 6.日常用语How do you do,Im glad to meet you.你好,很高兴认识你How do you do. Glad to meet you, too. 你好,我也很高兴认识你 Its nice meeting you. 很高兴认识你May I have your name, please?请问你叫什么名字?May I try it on? 我能试穿一下吗?How much? 多少钱?Please show me the menu. 请把菜单给我。Cheers! Bottoms up! 干杯!Im lostCould you do me a favor to find my hotel? 我迷路了,您能告诉我怎么回饭店吗? Could you take a picture for me?你能帮我拍照吗? Thank you very much. 非常感谢。Youre welcome 不客气。 Lets keep in touch. 让我们保持联系。How can I get in touch with you?我怎样能跟你联络上?Ill do my best.我将会尽我最大努力Wait a moment please. 请稍等一下Parting 告别(1)主要句型:So nice to know you. 认识您很高兴。Glad to have met you. 认识了您很高兴。情景会话:A: So nice to know you.B: Glad to have met you. Good night.A: Good night. See you on Friday.B: See you then.用法说明:Glad to have met you.是认识了您很高兴的意思, 这是分别时所说的话。Glad to meet you. 是见面时的用语,不要混淆。Good night.用升调, 这是晚间分别时的客套话。晚间见面时应当说 Good evening.在英语中,告别是比较讲究的,通常不会突然分手或者匆匆离去,一般的情况下,是先结束谈话,然后再告别离开。通常告别前的用语表明了谈话快要结束了,比如说: So nice to know you. 或 So nice to have met you. 因为直接说再见会被视为不礼貌。 补充情景对话:A: Well. I dont want to take too much of your time.B: Not at all, its nice seeing you again.A: Nice seeing you again too.B: Ok. Thanks for coming.A: Good-bye.B: Bye.替换练习:1. Nice seeing you again too.2. Thanks for coming.inviting me 邀请我showing me around 带我游览seeing me off 为我送行Seeing a doctor 看医生基本词汇:flu感冒dizzy头晕 to feel dizzy感到头晕 headache头痛 to have got a headache患了头痛 情景会话:A: I feel dizzy and Ive got a headache.B: How long have you had it?A: I came on last Friday.B: I should say youve got a flu.用法说明:在英美国家,预约看病是必须的,去医院或去看私人医生都一样。诊治的时候,医生会问一些诸如Whats your problem?/Whats the trouble?/ Whats wrong? 等问题以了解病情。而病人则要向医生叙述病情,如会话中的I feel I feel dizzy and Ive got a headache. (我感到头晕和头痛。) 或者可以说Ive got a bad cold. / Ive got a terrible headache.等。医生一般采用指令句式,语式简洁,说话语气令人宽慰。补充情景对话:A: I keep feeling shivery and Ive got a bad cough.我一直感到发冷并且咳嗽得厉害。B: How long have you been like this?A: Three days now.B: You seem to have got a chill.替换练习:I keep feeling shivery and Ive got a bad cough.我一直感到发冷并且咳嗽得厉害。a sore throat喉咙痛a temperature发烧a headache 头痛 Talking about weather 谈论天气主要句型:Lovely day, isnt it?Does it rain quite often here?Autumn is the best season in Hangzhou.情景会话:A: Lovely day, isnt it?B: Yes. Its terrific. Does it rain quite often here?A: Not really in this season. Usually it rains a lot in spring. Autumn is the best season in Hangzhou.B: So I come at the right time.用法说明:在英语国家里,对天气的重视程度也不亚于中国人,而且特别愿意谈论天气,天气变化人们时时关心。此外谈论天气也是寒暄的一种方法,也可以显示西方人所崇尚的一种绅士风度。英语文化中,人们见面谈论天气,既可作寒暄语,又可以用来打破僵局,其目的是通过双方的寒暄达到交际和沟通的目的。对话中所用的Lovely day, isnt it? 旨在打开谈话的开端,然后再谈论别的话题。补充情景对话:A: Beautiful day, isnt it?B: Yes. Its sunny and bright.A: How do you like the weather in Hangzhou?B: I like the autumn here. The sky is blue and the air is extremely fresh.替换练习:Lovely day, isnt it?Sunny晴朗的Nice and bright晴朗又明媚Wonderful好的Booking airline tickets 订飞机票基本词汇:fly 飞,飞行 economy 经济舱 to go economy 坐经济舱 主要句型:I want to fly to Hong Kong on October 30th.我要在10月30日飞往香港。I want to go economy.我想要经济舱的票。Dragonair Flight KA621 leaves at 4:00 p.m.港龙航空公司KA621班机下午4:00起飞。情景会话:A: I want to fly to Hong Kong on October 30th.B: I will just see what there is.A: I want to go economy, and I prefer the afternoon.B: Dragonair Flight KA621 leaves at 4:00 p.m.用法说明:会话中Id like to book a flight to Beijing for Thursday the 25th. 意思是我要订一张25号星期四去北京的飞机票。I want to go economy(我想要经济舱的票), 这句中的economy意为an economy class air ticket经济舱机票。民航售票员需告知客人航空公司名称,航班号及起飞时间,如Dragonair Flight KA621 leaves at 4:00 p.m. 补充情景对话:A: Id like to book a flight to Beijing for Thursday the 25th.B: Ill have a look in the time-table for you.A: Ill need an economy class open return. 我要一张经济舱的不限时间的来回票B: China Eastern Airline Flight MU5145 takes off at 12:10.2I want to go economy.我想要经济舱的票。a first-class ticket头等舱票Buying train tickets 买火车票基本词汇:single-way单程 ticket车票 platform站台 主要句型:I want to buy two single-way tickets to Shanghai, please.What time does it reach Shanghai?情景会话:A: I want to buy two single-way tickets to Shanghai, please. B: Thats 58 in all.A: What time does it reach Shanghai? B: You should be there at 11:30.A: Thank you very much.B: Thats OK.用法说明:single-way ticket=single ticket, 或single都是单程车票的意思,也可以说I want to buy two singles to Shanghai, please.;return ticket=return 则是来回票, 同样也可以说:I want to buy three returns to Suzhou, please. 补充情景对话:A: I want two return tickets to Suzhou, please.B: That will be 88 yuan. A: How long will the journey take?B: It takes three hours.A: Is it necessary to change?B: No. Theres no need to change.Taking a taxi 乘出租车基本词汇:catch赶 train火车 the lights红绿灯情景会话:A: Hangzhou Railway Station, please. I want to catch the 11:30 train.B: We should be OK if the lights are with us.A: Here we are, sir. 15 yuan, please.B: Thank you very much. Heres the fare and this for you.用法说明:对话中We should be OK if the lights are with us.也可以说Well be all right if traffics not very heavy. 意为假如交通不拥挤的话,我们能赶到的。出租车都装有应付车资的仪表,不管开车所化时间和实际距离是多少,司机必须按照仪表上所指示的车资收费,抵达后应明确告诉客人车费。在国外,客人有给小费的习惯。如果客人给小费,也不必推辞,收下并说谢谢即可。补充情景对话:A: Zhejiang World Trade Centre, please. I have to be there by 10:15.B: Well be all right if traffics not very heavy.A: Here you are, sir. You are just in time. 18 yuan, please.B: Thank you so much indeed. Please keep the change.2We should be OK if the lights are with us.if the traffic is not heavy 如果交通不拥挤的话if there are no hold-ups 如果路上不耽搁的话Taking a bus 乘公交车基本词汇:to get to开往 fare车票 主要句型:Does this bus get to the Tiger Spring?Yes. Its Bus No. 4.How much is the fare? 票价是多少? 用法说明:对话中的Does this bus get to the Tiger Spring? 意为这趟车去虎跑吗?或者用Is this the right bus for the Tiger Spring? 来表达相同的意思。 补充情景对话:A: Excuse me. Is this the right bus for Lingyin Temple?B: Yes. Its No. 7 Bus.A: Do I have to change?B: No. Lingyin Temple is the terminal of this bus. A: I really appreciate your help.B: My pleasure.At the bank 在银行基本词汇:open开具 curren通用的; 现时的account账户 to open an account开个账户a current account活期账户主要句型:I want to open an account here. 我想在此开个账户What kind of account do you want? 您想开哪种账户?情景会话:A: Excuse me, madam. What can I do for you? B: I want to open an account here.A: What kind of account do you want?B: A current account, please. 用法说明:去银行主要是为了存款和取款,依据不同的支取方式,客户的存款方式也各不相同。所以开户时银行职员会问开立何种账户(account),是现金账户(saving account)还是支票账户checking account),或是开立信用卡(signing a credit card)。 在业务中,口头交际通常是一问一答式的, 语体也跟在其他公共场所一样。客户说明来意时最长用的句型是“Id like to ”,“I want to ”,前者语气委婉,而后者稍显直露。也可以直接用问句,如“Can I open an account here?”(我可不可以在这开个账户?), 这种问话方式显得较为随便。补充情景对话:A: Excuse me, sir. Can I help you?B: Id like to open an account with you.A: A deposit or current account?B: A deposit, please.A: Our minimum deposit for savings account is 100 dollars.B: Thats quite all right.At the hotel 宾馆服务基本词汇:register登记 hotel 饭店 Just a minute.稍候。 single room单人间 double room双人间 主要句型:I have a room registered in your hotel. 我在这家宾馆预定了一个房间。情景会话:A: Good evening, sir. Can I help you?B: I have a room registered in your hotel. My name is John Smith.A: Just a minute, please. Yes, a single room for October 15.B: Thats right.用法说明:到达所预定的饭店后,首先要到总台询问房间是否已经确认,这时候总台的服务员会马上查询记录,通常接待的问话是Can I help you?或What can I do for you? 这类的句型,意思是我能帮你吗?回答的时候只需报出名字和预定的时间就可以了。to have a room registered的意思是登记了一个房间。Just a minute, please. 是请您稍候的意思,表达同样的意思也可以说A moment please.。October 15应该读成:15th;October 20应该读成:20th 补充情景对话:A: Excuse me. Im John Smith from the United States. I have made a reservation here for a week.B: OK. Let me check. Ah yes. Its for you and your friend.A: Thats right.B: Would you please fill out this form?A: Certainly.替换练习:I have a room registered in your hotel. My name is John Smith.a table reserved in your restaurant在这家饭店预定了一张桌子a double room registered in your hotel在这家宾馆预定了一个双人房间a return ticket reserved in your agency在这家售票处预定了一张回程票Festivals 过节(1)基本词汇:National Day国庆节 to think about考虑 主要句型:Have you got anything to do during the holiday?How about you? 情景会话:A: Tomorrow will be National Day. Have you got anything to do during the holiday?B: Yes, I m thinking about going to the West Lake. How about you?A: I will stay at home. My parents will come to visit me.B: Have a pleasant holiday, Miss Zhang .A: The same to you! 你也一样。 用法说明:全世界各地区各民族对自己的节日都特别地重视,不同的节日在他们的心目中有其不同的重要性。英美国家的许多节日大都是与宗教有关的,如:圣诞节(Christmas),感恩节(Thanksgiving Day),复活节(Easter)等。节日期间,朋友或熟人见面都会互相问候,说一些如:新年好(Happy New Year!),圣诞快乐(Merry Christmas!),复活节快乐(Happy Easter!)等祝福的话。对话中的How about you? 意为你的计划呢?你呢?to stay at home呆在家里; come to visit us 来看我们;parent父亲或母亲;parents父母,双亲。在国定假日期间,许多人都会有出游的计划。如要询问别人有什么计划,可以这样问: Have you got anything to do during the holiday? 还有,并在对话中捎上祝福,如Have a pleasant holiday!或 Enjoy your holiday! 假日愉快!这也是很重要的。 补充情景对话:A: Happy Easter! B: Thanks. And you too!A: We are giving a party. Would you come?B: No, thanks. Ive something else. And have a good time.A: You too.Attending a customer 招呼顾客主要句型:May I help you?Here you are. 情景会话:A: Good morning! May I help you? B: Yes, coffee for two, please. A: OK. Here you are.B: Thank you. 用法说明:Good morning!是招呼语。从早晨到中午十二点之间都可以用 Good morning! 来打招呼。 Good afternoon! 是午后到傍晚前这段时间用来问候他人的招呼语。晚上的招呼语是 Good evening!补充情景对话:A: Good afternoon, sir. What can I do for you? B: I want to buy a T-shirt.A: We have some. Do you like this one? B: Its terrific.替换练习:May I help you? 您要点什么吗?What would you like to have? 您要点什么吗?What would you like to drink? 您要喝点什么?What would you like today? 您今天要点什么?Seating the guests 带位基本词汇:reservation预约show 带领 情景会话:A: Welcome to our restaurant. Have you made a reservation with us?B: Yes. Our table is No.6.A: This way, please. I will show you to your table.B: Thats fine. 补充情景对话:A: Welcome to our hotel. Have you made a reservation with us?B: Yes. Its Room 18. A: We are expecting you, sir. This way, please. Ill show you to your room.Making an invitation 邀请主要句型:Well have an evening party. Please come and join us.Id be glad to go.情景会话:A: Well have an evening party. Please come and join us. B: Thats very kind of you. Id be glad to go. When and where? A: This Friday evening in my home.B: Thats fine. Ill be there. 用法说明:邀请可以分为书面邀请和口头邀请两种。口头邀请熟人或朋友参加周末聚会,生日聚会,专题晚会等时,因为是经常见面,说得也比较简单,开门见山。对于别人的邀请需要明确的予以回答,接受或者拒绝,当然首先还是得对邀请者的好意表示感谢,如果能赴约的话,再问清楚地点和时间,如果拒绝这个邀请的话,最好先表示歉意,并说明不能去的原因,不然会被认为是失礼的。谢谢别人的邀请,常用的用语是 “Its very kind of you.”意思是“太好了”,kind 还可用nice, good 等词代替。补充情景对话:A: Would you like to come to our party next Friday evening? B: That sounds fine, but Im afraid I cant go because I have work to do. A. What a pity.B. Im sorry for it. Anyhow, thank you just the same. 替换练习:1. Well have an evening party. a birthday party生日晚会a barbecue 烧烤 a picnic 野炊Making an appointment 约会主要句型:I have an appointment with Mr. Brown. Can you wait a moment, please?情景会话:A: Good afternoon, sir.B: Good afternoon. My name is John Smith. I have an appointment with Mr. Brown. A: Ah, yes. Your appointment is at 4:15. Can you wait a moment, please? B: Yes, of course. Thanks. 用法说明:在国外工作节奏都比较快,所以有事商谈需要预约,与某人预先约定叫to make an appointment with somebody或者to fix an appointment with somebody; 守约是to keep ones appointment; 取消约会是to cancel an appointment;失约是to break the appointment。在语言文化中,需要注意的是,在英语国家,人们都习惯于拟定好各自的日程安排。无论是出门旅游、看病,还是请客吃饭、参加娱乐活动、走亲访友,都必须事先约好。一般说来,除了亲戚或最好的朋友之外,对一般的朋友和熟人的拜访,预约时间是非常必要的,因为人们通常不大欢迎不速之客,更不希望因此而使自己的计划受到影响。如果以约定好时间,就要按时赴约,不能早到,也不能迟到。如果是很早以前约好的,那最好在时间到来的前一周再加以确认。Expressing regret and apologizing(1)遗憾与道歉(1)情景会话:A: Excuse me. B: Yes? A: Is this your book? B: Pardon. A: Is this your book? B: Oh, yes. Thank you very much. 用法说明:日常生活中,人们难免会有某种过失,给他人造成麻烦或不便,这时一般应表示歉意,在英语文化中,歉意可分为两种情形。向别人打听情况、打断别人的讲话,打喷嚏,请求别人原谅时,常用Excuse me.等句型来表示,这时要注意,歉意的程度要表达得恰如其分,不能太夸大,也不能太客气。yes 用升调表示不明白,表示希望对方说下去,也可用What? Pardon. 后用升调,表示没听清楚对方的话,请对方再重复一遍。 补充情景对话:A: I am sorry. I broke your glasses. I must apologize.B: I beg your pardon.A: I broke your glasses.B: Its nothing. Please forget it. Expressing praise and compliment称赞与夸奖情景会话:A: Hi, Mr. Smith. How are you? B: Very well. Thank you. Oh, you look beautiful today. A: Thank you very much. 非常感谢。 用法说明:西方文化崇尚称赞与夸奖,与中国文化中的谦虚形成强烈的对比。西方文化把称赞与夸奖看成日常生活和人际交往中的必需。当一个人得到另一个人的称赞时,通常的反应是表示感谢,我们在与西方人交往时,听到称赞和夸奖应注意做出恰当回答。补充情景对话:A: You look smart today. B: Thank you. I had a good restA: You have a very clever son. B: Thank you. Expressing thanks 表示感谢情景会话:A: Thank you for your wonderful meal. B: Oh, Im glad you liked it.A: I really have enjoyed it. Thanks a lot.B: Thank you for coming. 用法说明: Thank you for your help. 谢谢您的帮助。Thank you all the same.或Thank you just the same. 同样得谢谢您。应注意的是,A接受了B的盛情款待,A表示了感谢,而B同样要向A表示感谢。在英语国家,无论何时何地,任何人为你做任何一件事,无论是份内份外,受惠一方总是需表示感谢。这就是以礼相待。比如说:Thank you for your help.当请求别人帮助,他人无能为力或婉言拒绝,同样要表示感谢。如:Thank you all the same.或Thank you just the same.总之,在英语交际中“Thank you.”要脱口而出。Looking for lost properties 寻找失物基本词汇:purse 钱包(女用) wallet 钱包(男用) the Lost Property Office 失物招领处 主要句型:Ive got a problem. Why dont you check the Lost Property Office? 情景会话:A: Excuse me. Ive got a problem. I think Ive lost my wallet. B: Are you sure its not in your bag?A: Yes. Ive looked for it.B: Why dont you check the Lost Property Office?A: Thats a good idea. Thank you.用法说明: 需要注意的是,在英语中,遇到麻烦事情时,常用的表达方式有:“Ive got a problem.”,意思是我有点麻烦或我出了点问题。遗失了东西通常可以去失物招领处the lost property office或 the lost and found office询问,也可以去警察局the police station请求帮助。 补充情景对话:A: Excuse me. Ive got a problem. I cant find my luggage.B: Why dont you check the Lost and Found Office? A: Thank you very much.1. Welcome to Hangzhou. 2. Welcome to the West Lake Expo.7. You first, please! 11. Youre welcome. 不用谢。12. Its my pleasure. 我很乐意。13. Hope you could help me. 15. Sorry to trouble you. 对不起,麻烦您了。19. This is todays specialty. 这是今天的特色菜。20. What kind of room would you like? 21. Could you follow me, please?22. Do you like the weather in Hangzhou?23. Spring and autumn are the best seasons in Hangzhou. 25. Hangzhou is famous for its West Lake.26. Hangzhou is a paradise on earth. 27. Hangzhou is home away from home.28. You are welcome to visit Hangzhou again.


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