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词汇测试50题1. We watched a _ television show last night. A. live B. livable C. living D. lively2. When we started criticizing his work, he saw red. A. very angry B. very upset C. very sorry D. very sad3. The new tax law will not take _ until next month. A. action B. place C. office D. effect4. These overseas experts came from all _ of life in different countries. A. runs B. steps C. lines D. walks5. The moment I met her, I couldnt _ her name. A. memorize B. remind C. remember D. recall6. I have no ambitions _ to have a happy life and be free.A. other than B. more than C. less than D. rather than7. What is one mans cloud is another mans _. A. rain B. moon C. wind D. sunshine8. When her parents died, Brenda _ of the house and all its contents. A. discarded B. dispelled C. disposed D. discharged9. Obviously, his remarks at the conference were _ and not planned. A. substantial B. spontaneous C. simultaneous D. strenuous10. Please _ from smoking until the airplane is airborne. A. prevent B. resist C. refrain D. restrain11. When I took my shirt out of the suitcase, I found it badly _. A. crashed B. crushed C. clashed D. brushed12. The airplane lost contact with the ground and _ in the hills. A. clashed B. crushed C. smashed D. crashed13. The future of this company is _: many of its talented employees are flowing into more profitable net-based businesses. A. at odds B. in trouble C. at stake D. in vain14. This hotel _ $89 for a single room with bath and balcony. A. demands B. prices C. claims D. charges15. Housewives who do not go out to work feel they are not working to their full _. A. capacity B. strength C. length D. possibility16. In Britain, meat is sold _ the pound. A. at B. in C. with D. by17. We will go to visit the museum this afternoon and I want you here by two oclock without _. A. fail B. failure C. trouble D. hesitation18. The company decided to reduce the number of workers. And their group was targeted to _ the burden of job losses. A. keep B. support C. carry D. possess19. I think you can take a(n) _ language course to improve your English. A. intermediate B. middle C. medium D. mid20. At first, the _ of color pictures over a long distance seemed impossible, but, with painstaking efforts and at great expense, it became a reality. A. transaction B. transmission C. transformation D. transition21. He is such a _ person that he tends to believe everything you tell him. A. credible B. creditable C. credulous D. credit22. To undergraduate students, the doctoral degree is a distant _. A. aspect B. prospect C. respect D. concept23. During the weekends, the two close friends always _ in the street to do window shopping. A. ramble B. rumble C. fumble D. stumble24. Lawyers often make higher _ for the work than they should. A. bills B. charges C. costs D. prices25. She has no taste about dress, and she had the _ to tell me that my skirt did not go well with my blouse. A. gut B. heart C. muscle D. nerve26. To _ the watch on time is a way to keep it in good condition. A. turn B. wind C. revolve D. round27. If somebody is a witness, then he has to _ in court. A. declare B. testify C. withdraw D. enforce28. Her ask for a(n) _ in salary was rejected by the boss. A. increase B. addition C. growth D. advance29. Zeal without knowledge is fire without _. A. wood B. dark C. fuel D. light30. I dont think he is the criminal. He seems such a _ person. A. respectful B. respective C. respectable D. respected31. The tide has _ and left many beautiful shells on the beach. A. preceded B. conceded C. receded D. proceeded32. When I came through the customs at the airport, I had to pay _ on a camera I had bought. A. taxes B. duty C. fine D. rates33. The result of the experiment _ your theory. A. bears out B. bears on C. bears with D. bears down34. Smith drove all the _ to Los Angeles and was just in time for the opening ceremony of the 23rd Olympiad. A. way B. road C. trip D. journey35. I worked before the computer more than seven hours _, so my eyes got very tired. A. at one time B. at a time C. at a stretch D. at a stroke36. Unless all staff members agree to _ to the plan, there may be further changes in the course of action. A. infer B. prefer C. adhere D. interfere37. The superior wanted his orders to be perfectly _. A. exercised B. applied C. produced D. executed38. He cast a _ look at the man who attempted to buy him over. A. contemptuous B. contemporary C. contemptible D. conspicuous39. We should _ with the difficulties we were confronted with. A. pretend B. intend C. contend D. extend40. Two boys were caught smoking in school but the principal let them _ with a warning. A. alone B. off C. in D. out41. There are two famous universities close _ in the northest of the city. A. in hand B. at hand C. on hand D. by hand42. The house that we used to live in is in a very .A. neglectfulB. negligibleC. neglectedD. negligent43. I was by their kindness and moved to tears.A. preoccupiedB. embarrassedC. overwhelmedD. counseled44. No one has _ been able to trace the author of the poem.A. still B. yet C. already D. just45. He was not _ to the club because he wasnt a member.A. allowed B. admitted C. permitted D. approved46. Although he doesnt like that law, he will _ with it.A. confine B. conform C. comply D. contend47. The boy had a _ escape when he ran across the road in front of the bus.A. close B. short C. narrow D. fine48. I left for the office earlier than usual this morning _ traffic jam.A. in line with B. in case of C. for the sake of D. at the risk of49. How can we get this language point _ to the students.A. down B. round C. across D. into50. The island where these rare birds nest has been declared a _.A.observation B.reservation C. preservation D.conservation 语法测试50题1. _ London of Dickens time comes to _ life in his books. A. The, / B. /, / C. / , the D. The, the2. If you asked me, I dont think _ to leave the task to him. Maggie will be a better choice. A. you are wise of B. it wise of you C. it was wise for you D. it was wise of you3. The girl is gentle by nature, but _ rude this time. A. is B. is being C. is seeming D. was4. Silver is the best conductor of electricity, copper _ it closely. A. followed B. to follow C. being followed D. following5. _ we should be glad. A. Were they to arrive tomorrow B. They would arrive tomorrow C. They were to arrive tomorrow D. Were they arriving tomorrow6. If it _ too much trouble, Id love a cup of coffee. A. hadnt been B. isnt C. werent D. may not be7. The pain in her foot wasnt _ stop her walking. A. so as to B. such as to C. so that D. such that8. He never hesitates to make _ criticisms _ are considered helpful to others. A. so . that B. so. as C. such . that D. such . as9. He never hesitates to make _criticisms _ no one likes him. A. so . that B. so. as C. such . that D. such . as10. Not util _ himself seriously ill. A. he had completed the task did he find B. had he completed the task did he find C. he completed the task had he found D. did he complete the task he had found11. Its a shame _ able to give them any advice. A. not to have been B. to have not been C. to have been not D. to not have been12. He is so versatile; he is now _. A. a novelist and editor B. a novelist and an editor C. novelist and editor D. the novelist and the editor 13. _ ghost exists in the world. Thats your illusion. A. No such a thing as B. No such a thing as a C. No such thing as a D. No such thing as14. _ that we have made mistakes in our work. A. It is not to deny B. There is no denying C. Not to deny D. There is not to deny15. _ my sisters help we would not have finished the work. A. If only B. Except for C. Now that D. But for16. Western Nebraska generally receives less snow than _ eastern Nebraska. A. does B. in C. it does in D. in it does17. Its first time that he has been to the United States, _? A. isnt he B. isn it C. hasnt he D. hasnt it18. Id sooner you _ deliver the sofa tomorrow. A. didnt B. shouldnt C. wouldnt D. mustnt19. I regret _ . I did not intend to hurt her. A. to say that B. say that C. having said that D. have said20. Greater effort to increase food production must be made if we _ meet an increasing demand by the growing population. A. can B. may C. are to D. should21. Three of the four men in the car accident were slightly injured, _. A. another was unhurt B. an other was unhurt C. the other was unhurt D. the rest was unhurt22. I bought a large Chinese _ lampshade to put in my bedroom. A. old B. round C. white D. paper23. Neither his religious compositions nor his secular music _ to the public. A. appeal B. appealing C. to appeal D. appeals24. Wed appreciate _ in person. A. you to register B. you registering C. your registering D. for you to register25. Some parents did not appear _ their children to summer schools. A. to favor to send B. to favor sending C. favoring to send D. that they favor to send26. Now that shes grown up, you shouldnt speak to her as if she _ a child. A. were B. is C. be D. was27. The additional work will take _. A. another four weeks B. other four weeks C. four other weeks D. four another weeks28. He was much disappointed at there _ a gift included in the parcel. A. not to be B. to be not C. not being D. being not29. He turned into a chronic alcoholic, drinking substantially more _. A. than that he is healthy B. than good for his health C. than his health could D. than is good for his health30. His girlfriend turned out to be _ my sister. A. other than that B. another of that C. that other D. none other than31. Fortunately, the bank clerk _ press the alarm button before the robbers got away. A. could B. succeeded in C. was able to D. managed32. What will _ lead to? A. the policy of the governments B. this policy of the governments C. this policy of a governments D. the policy of a governments33. The following determiners can be placed before singular count nouns EXCEPT_. A. another B. such C. any D. many a34. Which of the following italicized parts indicates a relationship of linking verb and predicative (系表结构).A. He became a famous playwright at 45.B. I took the first place in the English Speaking Contest.C. It is well known that China belongs to the third world.D. Theyve put up a factory in the village before I was sent to the primary school.35. Which of the following sentences is INCORRECT?A. Im now quite reconciled to living in the small city.B. The old woman was reduced to begging for food.C. The policeman looked forward to directing where the car is.D. When it comes to helping his wife with the housework, John never hesitates.36. Which of the following italicized parts is a predicative clause (表语从句)?A. A prosperity that had never been seen before appears in the countryside.B. The idea that you can sign the contract without reading it is quite mistaken.C. It is true that he has won the Nobel Prize for Literarture.D. His advice is that we should check the machine again before we start it.37. Which of the following sentences is INCORRECT?A. He did it without being asked.B. They insisted on giving the task.C. The boy was criticized for being late.D. Taking advantage of power is not always a good thing.38. Which of the following sentences is INCORRECT? A. She is being witty. B. She is being beautiful. C. Be patient! Time is enough.D. I persuaded her to be generous.39. Which of the following expressions is INCORRECT? A. A retired worker is a worker who has retired. B. A faded flower is a flower that has faded. C. A returned student is a student who has returned from abroad. D. A drunk man is one who has drunk too much alcohol and has got drunk.40. Which of the following italicized parts is different from others? A. The boy had an impulse to jump over the fence. B. He hit back the urge to tell a lie. C. Neither of them had any inclination to spend time with Philip. D. He is not the man to draw back when his dignity is concerned.41. Which sentence is grammatically right? A. He told me he had passed CET-6 and he decided to continue his study abroad. B. In the past year and a half, about 85 million Americans have received the word that their identifying information may have been stolen. C. I have managed to convince that lack of communication may cause city people to be unhappy. D. The belief that the future will be much better than the past and present is known as the optimism bias.42. All the following sentences use a determiner correctly in the genitive case EXCEPT A. That clever remark of our ministers aroused worldwide attention. B. Mr. Green doesnt like the daughter of Mr. Greens. C. He has some novels of Dickens. D. Which song of Gems is your favorite?43. Which of the following italicized parts is different from others? A. the city of Beijing. B. the cost of Eugene Marinos 120-mile round trip C. the director of the Metropolitan Instritute D. the lifestyle of the exurban commuter44. In the sentence “Coal is sometimes called stored-up sunlight”, the italicized part is a(an)_.A. object B. appositive C. subject complement D. object complememt45. Which of the following tag questions is INCORRECT?A. Open the door for me, will you? B. Nobody wants to do it, does he?C. I am late, arent I ?D. Let us go, shall we?46. Which of the following sentences is INCORRECT?A. She is no more a scholar than a reporter. B. Tom is no intelligent any more than you. C. A whale is no more a fish than a horse is. D. I know no more Russian than I know French. 47. All the following sentences express a progressive action EXCEPT A. I declare the meeting open. B. Ill see to it that you dont get lost. C. Cristiano Ronaldo shoots and the goalkeeper leaps for it butyes, its a goal. D. Whats the matter with you? You look pale.48. Which of the following sentences is CORRECT? A. I lent my that book to my best friend. B. He has been staying at home these all last few days. C. They are not likely to agree to all other propositions. D. All five other boys were in the classroom.49. Which of the following sentences expresses PERMISSION? A. He might be waiting at the door. B. You shall stay with us al long as you like. C. In those days anyone might enroll for this course. D. She should be here in a minute.50. Whichofthefollowingsentencesdoesnotincludeanindependentgenitiveconstruction?A. Ahuntercamein,hisfaceredwithcold.B.Hewaslyingonthegrass,hishandscrossedunderhishead.C.Withoutanyhesitation,Rebeccarefusedhisinvitationdirectly.D.Sheranuptome,herhairflyinginthewind.

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