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高一英语完形填空练习5篇1.As a teacher, my daily activity includes driving to a new school almost every day.On one particular day, I was teaching in a very _16_ classroom. I was managing behavior all morning, and by lunch time I knew I needed a coffee to _17_ the afternoon. So during my lunch break, I drove to a nearby square to get a coffee. Upon returning to the _18_, I realized I have locked my phone and my _19_ inside! I had about 15 minutes to get back to the _20_, which was a good five-minute drive. If I ran back really quickly, I could _21_ it. But it was winter, and a sudden fall on the ice would only make the situation much _22_.So I hurried into a McDonalds in the same square, and _23_ the man at the counter, who happened to be the _24_ to call a taxi for me. After I _25_ explained my situation to him, he rushed inside to make the phone _26_ I waited anxiously in the restaurant. I had less than 10 minutes to _27_ to my school at this point.A moment later, the manager _28_ only to tell me that the line was _29_ and that he had not been able to _30_ the taxi yet. I think both _31_ and fear could be seen in my face.Without a thought, he grabbed his coat and _32_ to drive me to the school. Without hesitation, I followed him into his car and got back to the classroom with two minutes to _33_before the bell rang!This experience made me _34_ that out of every seemingly hopeless situation, there is the opportunity for acts of kindness to happen, which has a(n) _35_ influence on those who receive them.16. A. modern B. comfortable C. difficult D. old17. A. remember B. enjoy C. forget D. survive18. A. car B. bar C. counter D. shop19. A. textbooks B. keys C. cards D. gloves20. A. home B. restaurant C. party D. school21. A. make B. see C. do D. meet22. A. easier B. more different C. worse D. more stable23. A. advised B. asked C. ordered D. arranged24. A. waiter B. secretary C. guest D. manager25. A. briefly B. slowly C. frequently D. successfully26. A. since B. unless C. if D. while27. A. get across B. get around C. get back D. get over28. A. returned B. left C. stopped D. continued29. A. broken B. busy C. full D. ready30. A. take B. get C. drive D. repair31. A. excitement B. anger C. surprise D. hopelessness32. A. wanted B. refused C. offered D. hesitated33. A. wait B. waste C. spare D. spend34. A. realize B. argue C. regret D. doubt35. A. bad B. unimaginable C. harmful D. indirect2. “Two reporters will visit our new school. And_21_of you will be in the photo.” Ms. Myers told Room 5.The kids in Room 5 started saying “Im the most_22_!” and doing their hair except Brad. He knew he wouldnt be in the_23_.Brad was small. Kids were always making jokes about how_24_he was. “They wont put Brad in the photo_25_youd need a magnifying glass(放大镜) to see him,” Charlotte said. The other kids laughed. Brad tried to smile, even though what Charlotte said was_26_. He believed they didnt mean to_27_him.Two reporters named Rick and Tegan_28_half an hour later. “Time to_29_Photos,” Tegan said. “Who do you_30_, Rick?”“Ill have these three girls.” He pointed to Brooke, Reehta, and Gabble. “And these three boys.” He pointed to Jocob, Eddie, and Brad could hardly_31_it.Rick_32_the six kids in front of the new librarys big painting. “Its big?” he said. “Well get you guys to kneel(跪) in front of it, so it looks even_33_.”“Is that why you picked Brad?” said one of the Room 5 kids. “So it looks_34_big?” Some people laughed. Brad also gave a_35_as he usually did.But Rick_36_his head. “No,” he said. “I_37_him because hes got a huge smile two miles wide.”He looked at Brad and said, “Plus, this guy is big inside, where it_38_. Right?”This time, Brad spoke before he could think. “In my_39_, Im three miles wide.”Room 5 laughed again. But Brad knew that they were laughing with him, not_40_him.21. A. One B. Non C. All D. some22. A. humorous B. successful C. Beautiful D. popular23. A. school B. photo C. play D. painting24. A. foolish B. short C. Nervous D. fat25. A. if B. so C. or D. hut26. A. sad B. true C. interesting D. worrying27. A. stop B. encourage C. congratulate D. hurt28. A. returned B. started C. called D. arrived29. A. take B. develop C. send D. buy30. A. recognize B. remember C. want D. tell31. A. hear B. believe C. accept D. change32. A. set up B. gave up C. waited for D. looked for33. A. taller B. thinner C. bigger D. simpler34. A. already B. really C. only D. usually35. A. hand B. smile C. speech D. chance36. A. shook B. nodded C. held D. lowered37. A. chose B. understood C. ignored D. hated38. A. happens B. hides C. matters D. appears39. A. experience B. family C. life D. heart40. A. beside B. about C. after D. at3.I can remember the day when my father told me the news in a restaurant. Now almost two years have passed since that day. Looking back, I thought it almost seems like a _21_ from a movie. My dad had just told me that he was going overseas to _22_ our country in Iraq. I didnt shout or _23_, but a river of tears did fall from my eyes. The only thing I could _24_ on my way home was, “Why my dad?”, “Why now?”Shortly after he _25_, I began my junior year in high school. In the beginning, we wrote letters and emails to _26_ all the time. Though we had an eight-hour zone difference, we were able to _27_ fairly well. Every morning before _28_, I would run to my _29_ to check my email and wait _30_ to see if there was a message in my inbox. His emails were always a great way to start the _31_ because he would always have a funny _32_ or joke to tell me. We were never really _33_ before he left, because at that lime all he wanted to _34_ was what was going on in my life, but I just didnt want to _35_ and let him into my world._36_, it was time for my dad to return home from the battlefield. Almost a year had passed and I was so _37_ to see him and get one of his big bear hugs.Today as Im about to have a new adventure at college, I fell closer to my dad than ever._38_ my dad and I have a(n)_39_ way to go in building our father-daughter relationship, I _40_ that it will continue to develop in the years to come.21. A. role B. dream C. signal D. scene22. A. tour B. represent C. serve D. defend23. A. cry B. give up C. calm down D. complain24. A. try out B. think about C. get through D. look into25. A. left B. stopped C. responded D. decided26. A. everyone B. others C. another one D. each other27. A. lake a photo B. set an example C. keep in touch D. play a part28. A. study B. darkness C. work D. school29. A. classroom B. table C. computer D. door30. A. eagerly B. patiently C. proudly D. carefully31. A. day B. conversation C. journey D. race32. A. dream B. idea C. story D. reason33. A. cheerful B. close C. painful D. upset34. A. improve B. appreciate C. prove D. know35. A. hold up B. come up C. open up D. speed up36. A. Gradually B. Certainly C. Suddenly D. Eventually37. A. puzzled B. shocked C. excited D. satisfied38. A. Although B. Because C. As D. Unless39. A. separate B. long C. proper D. easy40. A. notice B. hope C. conclude D. imagine4.When I was a child, my mother often worried about her age and complained about growing older. I struggled to _21_ answers about why she lived in such _22_. When I first _23_ that I wouldnt live forever, I went to Mama for answers and for _24_. She provided the answers I feared, but instead of comforting me, she only added, “At least you have _25_ time left than I do.”Her _26_ didnt comfort me then or in the years that followed. I worried about death, _27_ that my life would eventually _28_.At the age of thirty-six, Mama was diagnosed(诊断) with cancer and was _29_ six months later. It was years before I let myself _30_ her diaries, but when I did, it was these two sentences that _31_ my attitude towards life and all I believed.“I dont know why I spent my life _32_ my age. Now I just wish I could grow old.”The one thing that Mama feared the most became the thing she most _33_ simply to grow old._34_ was no longer a thief stealing days from my life but was, instead, a _35_ of how many days Id been blessed (有福气)to live.When I turned forty-five, I was asked if it _36_ me to turn another year older. I responded, “ Why would I be _37_ over the fact that I was allowed to turn forty-five? Im _38_ another year that I got to live and experience the things I enjoy and to be with the people I love.”I believe that my life should not be defined(界定) by _39_ but by what I have experienced and what I have given of myself. When Im gone, the number of years attached to my life will not _40_. What I have given of it to others will.21. A. accept B. offer C. demand D. find22. A. pain B. fear C. regret D. failure23. A. understood B. meant C. noticed D. pretended24. A. power B. encouragement C. comfort D. pleasure25. A. freer B. happier C. more D. better26. A. comment B. response C. reason D. story27. A. suffering B. telling C. warning D. knowing28. A. end B. continue C. fail D. remain29. A. gone B. lost C. serious D. dangerous30. A. keep B. collect C. find D. read31. A. held B. allowed C. changed D. developed32. A. asking about B. worrying about C. caring for D. waiting for33. A. desired B. learned C. hated D. needed34. A. Health B. Time C. Death D. Hope35. A. holder B. teller C. reminder D. liar36. A. surprised B. interrupted C. disappointed D. bothered37. A. confused B. pleased C. upset D. excited38. A. counting B. living C. spending D. celebrating39. A. roles B. numbers C. rules D. reasons40. A. matter B. exist C. work D. mean5.Dear Seth,You are only three years old, and at this point in your life you are not able to understand this letter. But some day when you _41_ , I hope you will find something _42_ in what I am going to share with you.Life can be _43_.There will be people in your life who wont be very nice. Theyll _44_ you because you are different, _45_ for no good reason. You will also face heartbreak and might be _46_ by those you love. I hope you dont have to face these too much. But such things _47_ .Be open to life anyway. Youll find cruelty(残忍) and _48_ in your journey through life, but dont let that _49_ you from finding new things. Dont retreat(退却) from life, and dont _50_ or wall yourself off. Be open to new things, new experiences and new people. You will _51_ many times, but if you allow that to stop you from trying, you will _52_ many chances. Do remember failure is a stepping stone to _53_ .You will meet many people who will try to do _54_ than you, in school, in college, and at work. Theyll try to have nicer cars, bigger houses, nicer clothes, and so on To _55_ , life is a competition. However, I believe life is a _56_ . If you always try your best to _57_ others, you are wasting your life. Learn to enjoy your life _58_ and you will make it a journey of _59_ of learning and of love.Finally, know that I love you and always will. You are _60_ a really wonderful journey, and I will always be there for you.Love,Dad41. A. cheer up B. show up C. bring up D. grow up42. A. valuable B. familiar C. normal D. novel43. A. peaceful B. gentle C. equal D. unkind44. A. run after B. look at C. look after D. laugh at45. A. or B. so C. if D. but46. A. impressed B. hurt C. found D. accepted47. A. happen B. work C. matter D. disappear48. A. pain B. difference C. hope D. luck49. A. prevent B. encourage C. protect D. choose50. A. forgive B. compete C. struggle D. hide51. A. escape B. prepare C. seek D. fail52. A. take B. enjoy C. miss D. meet53. A. sorrow B. action C. success D. curiosity54. A. faster B. earlier C. less D. better55. A. him B. me C. you D. them56. A. dream B. bet C. journey D. challenge57. A. change B. pardon C. beat D. follow58. A. somewhere B. instead C. though D. afterwards59. A. patience B. cruelty C. happiness D. quietness60. A. spotting B. starting C. permitting D. destroying5Dear Seth,You are only three years old, and at this point in your life you are not able to understand this letter. But some day when you _41_ , I hope you will find something _42_ in what I am going to share with you.Life can be _43_.There will be people in your life who wont be very nice. Theyll _44_ you because you are different, _45_ for no good reason. You will also face heartbreak and might be _46_ by those you love. I hope you dont have to face these too much. But such things _47_ .Be open to life anyway. Youll find cruelty(残忍) and _48_ in your journey through life, but dont let that _49_ you from finding new things. Dont retreat(退却) from life, and dont _50_ or wall yourself off. Be open to new things, new experiences and new people. You will _51_ many times, but if you allow that to stop you from trying, you will _52_ many chances. Do remember failure is a stepping stone to _53_ .You will meet many people who will try to do _54_ than you, in school, in college, and at work. Theyll try to have nicer cars, bigger houses, nicer clothes, and so on To _55_ , life is a competition. However, I believe life is a _56_ . If you always try your best to _57_ others, you are wasting your life. Learn to enjoy your life _58_ and you will make it a journey of _59_ of learning and of love.Finally, know that I love you and always will. You are _60_ a really wonderful journey, and I will always be there for you.Love,Dad41. A. cheer up B. show up C. bring up D. grow up42. A. valuable B. familiar C. normal D. novel43. A. peaceful B. gentle C. equal D. unkind44. A. run after B. look at C. look after D. laugh at45. A. or B. so C. if D. but46. A. impressed B. hurt C. found D. accepted47. A. happen B. work C. matter D. disappear48. A. pain B. difference C. hope D. luck49. A. prevent B. encourage C. protect D. choose50. A. forgive B. compete C. struggle D. hide51. A. escape B. prepare C. seek D. fail52. A. take B. enjoy C. miss D. meet53. A. sorrow B. action C. success D. curiosity54. A. faster B. earlier C. less D. better55. A. him B. me C. you D. them56. A. dream B. bet C. journey D. challenge57. A. change B. pardon C. beat D. follow58. A. somewhere B. instead C. though D. afterwards59. A. patience B. cruelty C. happiness D. quietness60. A. spotting B. starting C. permitting D. destroying试卷答案1.16. C 17. D 18. A 19. B 20. D 21. A 22. C 23. B 24. D 25. A 26. D 27. C 28. A 29. B 30. B 31. D 32. C 33. C 34. A 35. B作者需要赶回学校上课,但钥匙和手机被锁在车里了。作者请求餐厅经理帮忙叫出租车,可是电话占线。那位经理直接开车把作者送到了学校。作者通过这件事告诉我们善意的行为会对得到它的人产生难以想象的影响。16. C考查形容词。A. modern现代的;B. comfortable舒服的;C. difficult不随和的;D. old古老的。根据下句的I was managing behavior all morning,作者整个上午都在管理学生行为,可知这个班不随和,故选C.17. D考查动词。A. remember记得;B. enjoy欣赏;C. forget 忘记;D. survive幸存。中午时刻作者需要喝一杯咖啡来支撑下午的工作,作者幽默地说使自己下午幸存,故选D.18. A考查名词。A. car汽车;B. bar酒吧;C. counter 柜台;D. shop商店。根据上句 I drove to a nearby square to get a coffee 可知,“我”开车去广场喝咖啡,所以此处是指“作者喝完咖啡后返回自己的车”。故选A.19. B考查名词。A. textbooks课本;B. keys钥匙;C. cards卡片;D. gloves手套。根据下文“作者请麦当劳的经理帮忙打电话叫一辆出租车”的事实可推测,作者把钥匙和手机都锁在车里了。故选B.20. D考查名词。A. home家;B. restaurant 饭店;C. party聚会;D. school学校。作者是从学校来的,下午还要赶回学校上课,此时距离上课的时间还有15分钟。故选D.21. A考查动词。A. make获得;B. see 看见;C. do 做;D. meet遇见。此处指如果快着跑回去,时间能赶得上,我可以做到。I could make it.“我能行,能做到”,故选A.22. C考查形容词。A. easier更容易;B. more different更不同;C. worse更糟;D. more stable更稳定。当时是冬天,如果我突然摔倒在冰上会使事情更糟,故选C.23. B考查动词。A. advised建议;B. asked请求;C. ordered命令;D. arranged安排。此处指我请求柜台里的人帮忙叫辆出租车,表示请求,故选B.24. D考查名词。A. waiter服务员;B. secretary秘书;C. guest客人;D. manager经理。此处指柜台里的人恰好是经理,下一段中的 the manager 是提示信息。故选D.25. A考查副词。A. briefly简略地;B. slowly 慢慢地;C. frequently频繁地;D. successfully成功地。根据当时时间的紧迫可推断作者应是“简要地 (briefly)介绍了一下情况。故选A.26. D考查连词。A. since因为,既然;B. unless除非;C. if 如果;D. while当时。此处指当我焦急等待的时候,经理急忙跑进去打电话,表示时间,故选D.27. C考查动词短语。A. get across通过;B. get around走动;C. get back回来;D. get over克服。与上文I had about 15 minutes to get back to the _5_,呼应,指回教室上课还有不到10分钟,故选C.28. A考查动词。A. returned返回;B. left离开;C. stopped停止;D. continued继续。和上文he rushed inside to make the phone呼应,指经理从里面返回,故选A.29. B考查形容词。A. broken破碎的;B. busy忙碌的;C. full满的;D. ready准备好的。此处指电话占线,线路忙。故选B.30. B考查动词。A. take拿;B. get获得;C. drive驾驶;D. repair修理。片刻之后,经理出来告诉作者出租车公司的电话“占线(busy)”,所以他没能“叫到(get)出租车”,故选B.31. D考查名词。A. excitement兴奋;B. anger愤怒;C. surprise惊奇;D. hopelessness绝望。眼看已经快到上课的时间了,可是却叫不到出租车,由此可推断作者当时的心情是既绝望又害怕。故选D.32. C考查动词。A. wanted想要;B. refused拒绝;C. offered提供;D. hesitated犹豫。那位经理抓起了外套,主动提出要亲自驱车送“我”回学校。offer to do sth.主动提出做某事,故选C.33. C考查动词。A. wait等待;B. waste浪费;C. spare剩余;D. spend度过,花费。在离上课还有两分钟的时候,“我”回到了教室。指还剩2分钟,故选C.34. A考查动词。A. realize 意识到;B. argue争论;C. regret 遗憾;D. doubt怀疑。此处指作者在经历这件事情后的感悟,意识到在每一个看似无望的情况下,都有机会让善意的行为发生,故选A.35. B考查形容词。A. bad坏的;B. unimaginable难以想象的;C. harmful有害的;D. indirect间接的。此处指那些善意的行为会对得到它的人产生难以想象的影响,指影响之深,故选B.2.21. D 22. C 23. B 24. B 25. C 26. A 27. D 28. D 29. A 30. C 31. B 32. A 33. C 34. B 35. B 36. A 37. A 38. D 39. D 40. D本文是一则哲理小故事。由于个头矮,Brad经常被同学取笑。一天,记者要来学校挑选学生拍照,让其他同学意外的是,Brad居然被选中了。这不仅仅因为他灿烂的微笑,还因为他是个内心强大、胸怀宽广的小伙子。这个故事让我们明白了一个道理:在生活中,我们不能以貌取人。21. D考查代词。A. one一个;B. non非;C. all全部;D. some一些。句意:你们中的一些人会在照片里。一些some。故选D。22. C推测题。A. humorous幽默的;B. successful成功的;C. beautiful美丽的;D. popular流行的。根据后边doing their hair做头发,可知他们认为自己是漂亮的,故选C。23. B推测题。A. school学校;B. photo照片;C. play游戏,比赛;D. painting绘画

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