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20182019学年度第一学期期中教学质量检测九年级英语试卷(人教版)时间:90分钟 满分:100分 (含卷面5分)题号卷面总分得分得 分评卷人I.单项选择 (共10小题,每小题1.5分,计15分。)( )1.Howdoyoustudy_atest?Istudy_workingwithagroup.A:forbyB:byinC:forfrom D in for( )2._weatheritis!Shallwegoforapicnic?Icantagreemore.A.Whatafine B.Whatfine C.How finetheD.Howfine( )3.Its _ for my son to go to school from here.It only takes five minutes on foot.Ainteresting Bdangerous Cconvenient DDifficult( )4.Jeff, could you tell me how to take a taxi through “Didi”?_A Youre welcome BSure, Id love to CTake it easy DIt doesnt matter( )5.Never _ , and your dream will come true.Agive away Bgive up Cgive out Dgive back( )6.She _ live alone.But she _ living alone because she feels lonely.A used to;doesnt used to Bis used to;was used toCused to;is not used to Dwas used to;doesnt used to( )7.These kites are made paper. And paper is made wood.A. of; of B. of; from C. from; from D. from; of( )8.I to the class meeting every week because they want to listen to my advice. A. invite B. will be invited C. was invited D. am invited( )9.Mostyoungpeoplefind_excitingtowatchfootballgames.A.oneB.thisC.thatD.it( )10.Excuse me, could you tell me _? Well, theres one on your left. Awhen the bank opens Bwhere the bank is Chow far is the bank Dhow can I get to the bankII. 完形填空(共10小题,每小题1分,计10分。)If a snake bites you, take a photo with your mobile phone! It may save your life. This is the surprising 11 of a British cook. One day Henry Jackson was working in a restaurant kitchen. He picked up a dish from the table, and 12 a snake appeared and bit him on the hand. A few days earlier, the snake came to the 13 from Asia in a box of bananas. It climbed out of the box and 14 under the dish. “I went to try to pick it 15 and it bit me again. I threw itacross the kitchen, and it landed in the fridge. So I closed the door,” Mr Jackson said.Anyway, Mr Jackson kept 16 and he took a photo of the snake with his mobile phone. Soon his 17 began to ache and he went to hospital. Then his chest(胸部) began to hurt. Doctors couldnt say what was wrong 18 they didnt know what kind of snake it was. Then Mr Jackson remembered his mobile phone photo. The doctors 19 it to London Zoo. When they knew the kind of snake, they could give Mr Jackson the right medicine, and he left hospital the next day. “So my advice is this:If a snake bites you,pick up your phone. Take 20 photo first and then show the photo to the doctors,” suggests Mr Jackson.“Oh, and if the snake doesnt smile for the photo, dont worry!”( )11.A.chance B.advice C.excuse D.business( )12.A.suddenly B.nearly C.especially D.fortunately( )13.A.garden B.hospital C.restaurant D.school( )14.A.hung B.hid C.jumped D.ran( )15.A.under B.into C.towards D.up( )16.A.cool B.noisy C.pleased D.afraid( )17.A.foot B.leg C.hand D.mouth( )18.A.but B.though C.so D.because( )19.A.wrote B.sent C.sold D.taught( )20.A.his B.her C.its D.their得 分评卷人III.阅读理解(共15小题,计30分,每小题2分。)AIn England nobody under eighteen years old is allowed to drink in a bar(酒吧). Mr. Thompson often went to a bar near his house. But he never took his son, Tom, because he was too young. Then when Tom had his eighteenth birthday, Mr. Thompson took him to his usual bar for the first time. They drank for an hour. Tom drank a bit. Then Mr. Thompson said to his son, “Now, Tom, I want to teach you a useful lesson. How do you know when youve had enough? Well, Ill tell you. Did you see those two lights at the end of the bar? When they seem to become four, youve had enough and should go home.” “But, Dad,”said Tom,“I can only see one light at the end of the bar.”( )21. Father wanted to tell his son _. A. the time to drink B. something about the light B when to stop drinking D. something about the bar( )22. In fact(事实上), there _ at the end of the bar. A. was one light B. were two lights C. were three lights D. were four lightsBAccording to a new survey. Students safety has become a big problem.About half of students say they are worried about the safety on the way to and from school. Now in main big cities. in China some schools have taught an unusual lesson: self-protection(自我保护). Students like this lesson because there are no exams or boring classes. And they can learn how to save lives and know how to stop danger before it really happens. Chen Haoyu, a teacher in Beijing No 25 Middle School .give young students advice on how to deal with danger. If you are robbed (被劫) Keep calm. If you can not cry for help or run away. Give the robber(劫匪) your money. Try to remember what the robber looks like and tell the police later. If you are in a traffic accident. If a car hits you. You should remember the car number. If it is a bicycle. Try to call your parents before you let the rider go. This is because you dont know how seriously you are hurt. If it is raining hard and there is lighting. (闪电) Dont stay in high places and stay away from trees. When there is a fire. Get away as fast as yon can. Put wet things on your body and try to find an exit(安全出口). Do not take the lift(电梯). If someone is drowning(溺水) If you cant swim, dont get into water. Cry out for help. Remember that danger is never as far away as you think. Take care of yourself at all times!( )23. Why do students like the self-protection lesson? Because there are no tests. Because the lessons are boring. Because they can learn how to save lives. Because they know how to stop danger before it happens. A. B. C. D. ( )24. What will you do if a bicycle hurts you? A. I will remember the bicycle number. B. I wont let the rider go until I call my parents. C. I will let the rider go before I call my parents. D. I will let the rider go because I know how seriously I am hurt.( )25. If your house is on fire, you must _. A. put dry things on your body B. run quickly and take the lift C. run away and find an exit as quickly as you Can D. take everything you have and then run away( )26. The best title for this passage is _. A. How to Keep Calm B. Self-protection C. An usual lesson D. DangerCYou may know the song Happy Birthday very well. But do you know about its writer? It was written by an American girl. And she became very rich after that.When she was a child, she was poor. Once, she was invited to her friends birthday party. She was pleased but sad because she didnt have enough money to buy a gift for her. “The party is coming soon, but now I have little money.” Tears ran down her face.Later that night she was in bed, thinking about the gift when the door opened and her grandma came in. “What happened?” her grandma asked. Hearing the girls story, she said, “Dont worry. I think I can help you. How about singing a song together? Happy birthday to”What a beautiful song! They sang and sang. Suddenly she woke up. It was a dream! She decided to write it down at once and sing it to her friends at the party. When she sang the song at the party the next day, her friends were very happy. “How wonderfully you sing! We havent heard such a beautiful song before. Thank you for giving me the special gift.” said her friend. And they learnt to sing it together. Later the girl became well-known in America.( )27. The girl was sad because _.A. she didnt want to go to the party. B. she would be busy that day.C. she didnt have enough money to buy a gift. D. she wasnt invited to the party.( )28. What gift did she give her friend? A . A flower. B. A toy. C. An interesting book. D. A song.( )29. What did her friends think of the song? It was . A. boring B. beautiful C. exciting D. interesting( )30. Which of the following is TRUE? A. The girl was still poor after writing the song . B. The girl sang the song with her grandpa in her dream. C. The girls friends had heard the song before. D. The girl was poor all the time.DSpecial OffersFree soft drink Buy any meal for at least 6 yuan at Mikes Caf and receive a free soft drink. We serve the best hamburgers and snacks in the mall. Come in and try our delicious meals and our excellent service. Free soft drink offer ends on November 12. Buy one, get one freeBuy one shirt at LOTTE-Mart Menswear(男士专柜),and get another shirt of the same value free. You can choose any tie here, then we will give you another one at no cost. Hurry! Offer ends before November 10.10% Off Show this ticket at Xinhua Book Store to get a 10% discount (折扣)on any book you buy. We have lots of books to choose from, including childrens books, novels, travel guides and hobbies. You are sure to find something that youll enjoy. Shop now for Christmas.Six Hours Free Parking If you spend 100 yuan or more in RT-Mart, you will receive six hours of free parking. When you have spend 100 yuan or more, just take this ticket that you pay for your goods to the service desk. Then you will get six hours of free parking.( )31. The information above is probably taken from_. A. a sports report B. a story book C. a fashion magazine D. an advertisement poster( )32. If the price of the book is 40 yuan, you need to pay _. A. 4 yuan B. 36 yuan C. 40 yuan D. 44 yuan( )33. You can get another tie for free _ at LOTTE-Mart Menswear. A. on November 9 B. on November 11 C. on November 10 D. on Christmas Day( )34. How long can you park your car for free at most after spending 108 yuan in RT-Mart? A. 1 hour. B. 5 hours. C. 6 hours. D. 7 hours.( )35. What can Tom get for free after he has spent 7 yuan at Mikes Caf? A. The best hamburgers. B. A soft drink. C. The best snacks. D. A delicious meal.得 分评卷人 IV.任务型阅读(5小题,每小题2分,计10分。)阅读下面文章,按要求做下列各题。 Once upon a time, there was an old woman who lived in a small house. She planted a lot of beautiful tulips (郁金香) in her garden.One night, the sounds of sweet singing and babies laughing woke her up. She looked out of the window. The sounds seemed to come from the tulips, but she could see nothing. The next morning she walked among her flowers, but there were no signs of anyone having been there the night before.On the following night she was again wakened (弄醒) by the sounds of sweet singing and babies laughing. She got out of bed and walked softly into her garden. The old woman looked closely and she noticed that a fairy (精灵) mother was singing softly, and that in each tulip-cup was a little fairy baby, laughing and playing. The old woman went back to her house quietly. From then on, she never picked a tulip. She didnt allow her neighbours to pick the flowers, either. When the old woman died, all the tulips disappeared overnight. But her grave (坟墓) looked beautiful, because the fairies sang above it and kept it green.36-37题完成句子,38、39题简略回答问题,40题把划线部分的句子译成汉语。36.The sounds seemed to come from the tulips, but she couldnt see .37. Every little fairy baby was in each tulip-cup when the woman saw them.38. Were there any signs of anyone having been there the night before?_39. What happened to the tulips after the old woman died?_40. _得 分评卷人 V.根据短文内容及所给提示,补全文中单词或用所给单词的正确形式填空。(每小题1分,计10分) Wang Wei is 41. middle school student. He 42. (live) in Shanghai. He has lived here 43. s he was three years old. Every day he goes to school by bike. He has a very beautiful bike. His uncle gave it to him on his 44. (ten) birthday. He have had it for four years. He hasnt been to a foreign country before. Next week he will go to England with his parents.he is 45. a of his English. Now he often practices English 46. listening to the tapes.He has an English friend 47. (name) Jim.He often writes to Jim.He wonder 48. w June is a good time to visit England. Jim said that anytime was OK. He loves China,especially 49. (China) products. There are so many Chinese products in the local shops.They plan to stay in England for a week.“Traveling to England is a dream for me for a few 50. (month),” Wang Wei said to Jim. “ It comes true soon.” 得 分评卷人 VI.写作(分AB 两部分,计20分)A)连词成句。(5小题,每小题1分,计5分)51. with, I, by, learn, a, group, studying .52.delicious, is, the, how, food !53. we,follow, I ,must, the schoo rulesl, think, .54. Jim, be, short, use to, did ?55. in, China, were, they, made .得 分评卷人 B)作文。(计15分) 前几天,一些同学就英语英语学习的现状进行了一次讨论,发现有如下问题:1. 对英语学习没有兴趣;2. 记忆单词有些困难;3. 怕出错,不敢参与小组讨论;4. 阅读中不知该如何处理生词;5.经常在语法上犯错误;假如你是李雷,以前你在英语学习中也都遇到过类似的问题,但你都想办法解决了,现在你的英语非常好。请你以“HowdoIstudyEnglish?”为题写一篇小短文,写一下你学习英语遇到的的困难以及解决方法。要求:1.提出三个英语学习中的问题;2.可以参考以上提示,也可以根据自己的实际情况适当发挥;3.中心突出,语意连贯,层次清晰,书写规范;4.不少于80词;HowdoIstudyEnglish? 20182019学年第一学期期中教学质量检测九年级英语试卷参考答案-.1-5 ABCBB 6-10 CBDDB 11-15 BACBD 16-20ACDBC 21-25 CADBC26-30 BCDBB 31-35 DBACB评分标准:1.1-10小题,每小题1.5分,计15分;11-20小题,每小题1分,计10分;21-35小题,每小题2分,计30分。 2.凡与答案不符者不给分。.36. anything77 laughing and playing 78 No, there werent. 79 All the tulips disappeared overnight. 80 她也不允许她的邻居们摘花。评分标准:1.每小题2分,计10分。 2.凡与答案不符,但所填内容与答案意思相近且与题目要求相符者,可酌情给分。.41. a 42. lives 43.since 44. tenth 45. afraid 46.by 47.named 48. whether 49. Chinese 50. months评分标准:1.每小题1分,计10分。 2.凡与答案不符,但所填内容与答案意思相近且与题目要求相符者,可酌情给分。. A)51. I learn by studying with a group.52. How delicious the food is !53. I think we must follow the school rulrs.54. Did jim used to be short ?55. They were made in China.评分标准:1.每小题1分,计5分。 2.凡与答案不符者不给分。B).书面表达评分标准:先根据学生所写作文的内容要点初步确定其所属的档次,再根据档次打分。第一档:(1315分)能写明全部或绝大部分内容要点;语言基本无误;行文连贯,表达清楚。第二档:(1012分)能写明全部或大部分内容要点;语言有少量错误;行文基本连贯,表达基本清楚。第三档:(79分)能写明大部分内容要点;语言有较多错误;尚能达意。第四档:(46分)只能写出少部分内容要点;语言错误很多,只有个别句子可读。第五档:(03分)只能写出与所要求内容有关的一些单词。

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