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酒店英语培训手册English Training Manual目录CONTENTSForeword 1 前言Part One 2 第一部分Courtesy English 基本礼貌用语Part Two 18 第二部分Front Office Service 前厅服务Part Three 29 第三部分Housekeeping Service 客房服务Part Four 44 第四部分Food and Beverage Service 餐饮服务前言ForewordAS the world has already stepped into the era of knowledge economy, Chinas hotel industry is closely related to the international market. English, a word language, functions as a main tool or a basic ability for hotel staff to communicate with foreign guests. This English Training Manual is compiled by the Human Resources Department for the staffs study and improvement.Put what we learn into practice. Wish you would obtain motivation of the study from your working, and benefit from the learning. Human Resources Department基本礼貌英语Courtesy English一、欢迎问候语Welcome and Greeting 1、 Good morning (afternoon, evening),sir (madam).早上(下午,晚上)好,先生(夫人)。2、 Welcome to our hotel.欢迎光临我们酒店。3、 Welcome to stay in hotel.欢迎住在我们酒店。4、 How do you do ?您好吗?5、 How nice to see you again.真高兴再次见到您。6、I hope youll enjoy your staying here.我希望你们在这儿逗留愉快。7、Have a nice stay with us.希望您与我们在一起时开心愉快。8、Did you have a nice trip?旅途愉快吗?二、祝贺语Congratulation1、 Congratulations.恭喜您。2、 Happy new year.新年快乐。3、 Happy birthday to you.生日快乐。4、 Merry Christmas.圣诞快乐。5、 Wish you every success.祝您成功。6、 Wish you good luck.祝您好运。7、 Have a good journey.祝您旅途愉快。8、 Have a nice weekend.祝您周末愉快。三、告别语Farewell1、 Goodbye.再见。2、 See you tomorrow.明天见。3、 Wish you come again.希望再次光临。4、 Have a good trip and saft journey.希望您一路平安,旅途愉快。5、 goodbye and hope to see you again.再见,希望再见到您。6、 Have a nice trip.旅途愉快。四、征询语Requests1、 May (can)I help you ?我可以帮您吗?2、 What can I do for you ?我能为您做什么?3、 Is there anything I can do for you?我还能为您做些什么?4、 will it trouble you ?那会麻烦您吗?5、 Would you like ?您喜欢?6、 Would you mind if ?五、应答语Responses1、 You are welcome.愿意效劳。2、 It doesnt matter.没关系。3、 I see.我明白了。4、 Thank you very much.非常感谢您。5、 Thank you for you kindness.谢谢您的好意。6、 Ill do it for you right away.我马上为您服务。7、 Im glad to serve you .乐意为您服务。8、 Sorry to have kept you waiting, sir/madam.很抱歉,让您久等了,先生/小姐。9、 Ill be with you in a moment.我一会儿就来为您服务。10、 Thank you for your advice (information, help)感谢您的忠告(信息、帮助)。六、道歉语Apologies1、 Excuse me 对不起。2、 I apologize for this. 我为此道歉。3、 Im sorry to disturb you.真抱歉打扰您。4、 Im sorry, its our fault.对不起,是我们的过错。5、 Thanks for your reminding.谢谢您的提醒。6、 Well try our best to take some measures, so that you can be satisfied.我们将尽力使您满意。7、 Please forget it, sir/madam.请不要放在心上,先生/小姐。8、 Im sorry about it .关于那件事,我很抱歉。七、婉言推托语Refusal1、Im sorry I cant help you.真抱歉我不能帮您。2、Its very kind of you but您的好意我领了,可是3、Thank you,no. We are not allowed to drink on duty.谢谢,但是我们上班时不方便饮酒。八、接听电话语Telephone Sentences1、Good morning, Receptionspeaking.May I help you?您好,总台,我是某某2、Sorry, youve dialed a wrong number.抱歉,您打错电话了。3、Please dial number,thanks.请拨号码,谢谢。4、Whos calling, please?请问您是谁?5、Hold the line please, Ill see if she is available.6、Sorry, I still dont understand what you said.抱歉,我仍不明白您说什么。7、Could you repeat that please?请您再重复一遍好吗?8、Will you please speak more slowly?请您说的慢一点好吗? 10.Imsorry,I cant follow you.抱歉,我听不懂。九、答谢语Thanks and Answers1.Youre most welcome.欢迎之至。2.With Pleasure. 这是我们的荣幸。3.Were always at your service.我们随时为您提供服务。4.Thank you for coming.谢谢光临。5.Thank you for your staying in our hotel.谢谢光临我们酒店。6.Its our pleasure to have your staying with us.您来我店是我们的荣幸。7.Thank you for such a lovely gift.谢谢您给了我这么可爱的礼物。8.My pleasure.这是我的荣幸。十、指路用语Giving directions1. After you please,sir (madam).2. Go straight ahead,sir(madam).请笔直走,先生/女士。3. This way, please.这边请。4. Turn left(right)at the first corner.在第一个拐口左转(右转)。5. Please use the elevator there ,sir/madam.在那边用电梯,先生/小姐。6. Please go down to the lobby here, madam/sir.请从这边下去到大堂,小姐/先生。7. Its on the second(third)floor.在二(三)楼。8. Sorry,Im not sure.If youll wait a minute.Ill be glad to find out for you.抱歉,我不能肯定,如果您等几分钟,我很乐意为您查清楚9. When you return to the hotel,please show this hotel card to the driver.当您回酒店的时候,请把这张酒店卡给司机看。10.I will take you there,sir/madam.我带您去,先生/女士。十一、提醒用语Remind words1.Please dont leave anything behind.请别遗忘您的东西。2.Please dont smoke here.请不要在这里抽烟。3、Please be careful.请当心。十二、情景应对Situational responses(一) 可以满足客人之要求时;1. Certainly,sir/madam.好的,先生/小姐。2. Ill go and get it right away,sir/madam.我马上去拿来,先生/小姐。3. Immediately,sir/madam.马上就来,先生/小姐。(二)不能满足客人之要求时;1. Im terribly sorry, we dont have非常抱歉,我们没有2. Awfuly sorry,sir/madam.We have sold out实在抱歉,先生/小姐,我们已经卖完了。3. Im afraid we do not have恐怕我们已没有(三)一时未能肯定是否能满足客人之要求时:1. If you wait a minute, sir/madam.Ill try to find out it for you.如果您能等一会儿,先生/小姐,我将尽力找找。2. Sorry to keep you waiting,Im pleased to say we do have抱歉,让您久等了,我很高兴地说,我们确实有(四)客人征询你的同意可否拿走某物伯时:1.Certainly,sir/madam.Let me help you .好的,先生/小姐,让我来帮您。2.Go ahead please.Youre welcome.请拿吧,您可以随意使用。(五)当不能答允客人的要求时:1.I am so sorry,we cant do that,Its against our rules.真抱歉,我们不能那样做。那违反我们的规定。2.Im terribly sorry,we are not allowed to do this.我很抱歉,我们不允许这样做。3.Im afraid its against hotel policy,Im so sorry.我恐怕这违反了酒店的制度,非常抱歉。(六)当客人由于客气而给你赏物时:1.No,thand you.Youve very kind.不,谢谢您。您真好。2.Its very kind of you.But we cant accept it.Thank you您非常好心,但我们不能够接受,谢谢。(七)婉拒客人的要求时:1. Im sorry.I cant do it.对不起,我不能做。2. Im afraid thats not possible.我恐怕那不可能。3. No,sir/madam,it is not possible.不,先生/小姐,那是不可能的。(八)要中断与客人谈话时:1. Im sorry,sir I must go .Nice talking with you.很抱歉,先生,我必须走了。和您谈话真令人愉快。2. Good bye ,sir/madam.请原谅我。(九)若客人客气地与你说声“有个愉快的周末”等祝贺语的时候;1. Thank you .You too,sir/madam.谢谢您。您也一样,先生/小姐。2.Thank you.And you,sir/madam.谢谢您。您也是,先生/小姐。3.Thank you.The same to you,sir/madam.谢谢您。您也一样,先生/小姐。(十)要打断客人的谈话时,应说:1. Excuse me for interrupting.对不起,打扰了。2May I take up a few minutes of your time?我能占用你们一会儿时间吗?3.May I speak to you for a moment,sir/madam.我能与您谈会儿吗,先生/小姐。(十一)当客人催促时:Sorry to keep you waiting,Ill see to it right away.抱歉,让您久等了,我马上查看。(十二)向客人展示单据等物时:Here is yourSir/madam.这是您的,先生/小姐。(十三)接受投诉或批评时:1.Thank you for telling us,sir/madam.I assure you it wont happen again.谢谢您告诉我们这些,先生/小姐。我保证今后再也不会发生这种事情了。2. Ill speak to our manager about it ,please accept our aplolgies.我会报告我的经理,请接受我们的道歉。(十四)处理错误或过失时;1. Im rettibly sorry.There could have been some mistake.I do apologize.非常抱歉,一定出错了,实在对不起。2. Im sorry,sir/madam.Ill look into the matter at once.对不起,先生/小姐。我马上查核这件事。(十五)当你听不懂时:1. Im sorry I dont understand.Ill get you the manager.对不起,我不明白,我去叫经理来。2. Im sorry,I dont understand.Can you show me?对不起,我听不懂,请问您能给我看吗?(十六)请客人作某种事情时:1. Could you(sign here),please?请问您能(在这儿签名)吗?2. May I ask you to (return in 5minutes),sir/madam?我能请您(在五分钟内返回)吗,先生/小姐?3. Could I have your name,sir/madam?能告诉我您的名字吗,先生/小姐?(十七)听到对客人不利的事时:Im sorry to hear that.I hope you will be better soon.真抱歉听到这个消息,希望您很快就会好起来。(十八)当你知道客人一个好消息时:Im glad to hear that.很高兴听到这个消息。(十九)当客人因为自己动作慢、手脚不灵或残疾而感到困窘时:1. Please take your time,sir.Theres no hurry.请慢慢来,先生。不用忙。2.Dont worry,madam.well see to it.不必担心,夫人。我们会料理的。3.Dont worry,sir.Well clean it up.不必担心,先生。我们会把它收拾干净的。(二十)当客情忙,你不能同时招呼两位客人时;Ill be with you in a moment, sir/madam.我一会儿就为您服务,先生/小姐。(二十一)当人手短缺而外宾需要服务时:1. Ill be with you in moment, sir.我一会儿就来招呼您,先生。2. Ill sorry. I must take each guest by turn, sir.很抱歉,我必须按先后次序为顾客服务,先生。3. Ill be with you as soon as possible.我将尽快来为您服务。十三、酒店部门名称Names of the hotel sectionsDepartment 部门Executive Office 行政办Engineering Dept. 工程部Human Resources Dept. 人力资源部Accounting Dept. 财务部Food Beverage Dept 餐饮部Security Dept. 安全部Sales Marketing Dept 市场部Front Office Dept. 前厅部Recreation Dept. 康乐部Public Relations Dept. 公关部Housekeeping Dept 管家部Reservation 预订处Business Center 商务中心Reception 接待处Information 问询处Cashiers 收银处Chinese Restaurant 中餐厅Western Restaurant 西餐厅Lobby Bar 大堂吧Beauty salon 美容中心Night Club 夜总会Swimming Pool 游泳池Sauna 桑拿Shopping Mall 购物中心Clinic 医务室Multifunction Hall 多功能厅Chatting Bar 聊天吧Reflexology Service Center 足浴中心Table Tennis Room 乒乓球室Billiards Room 桌球室Fitness Center 健身中心Tennis Court 网球场Rose Garden 玫瑰花园Chess and Cards Room 棋牌室Long bar 廊吧Position 职位General Manager 总经理Resident Manager 驻店经理Director 总监Manager 经理Assistant Manager 大堂副理Supervisor 主管Captain 领班Cashier 收银员Room Attendant 客房服务员Clerk 职员Waitress 餐厅女服务员Waiter 餐厅男服务员Operator 话务员Bellboy 行李员Driver 司机Receptionist 接待员Secretary 秘书Repairman 维修员十四、节日和庆祝日Festival and CelebrationSpring Festival 春节Lantern Festival 元宵节New Years Day 元旦Christmas Day 圣诞节Thanksgiving 感恩节Valentines Day 情人节Easter 复活节Mid-Autumn Day 中秋节Birthday 生日Anniversary 周年纪念日International Labor Day 国际劳动节International Childrens day 国际儿童节前厅服务Front Office Service一、关键词语Key wordsLobby 大堂Emergency exit 紧急出口Safety boxes 保险箱Presidential suite 总统套房Single room 单人间Standard room 标准间Check-in 登记入住Check-out 退房Registration form 登记卡Room charge 房价Service charge 服务费Discount 折扣Identification 身份证Operator 总机Elevator 电梯Deposit 定金Passport 护照Tariff 房价表Baggage/luggage 行李Face south 朝南Trolley cart 行李车Special rate 优惠价Arrival time 到达时间Department time 离开时间Flight number 航班号Message 留言Envelope 信封Receipt 收据Cheque 支票Breakfast voucher 早餐券Credit card 信用卡Morning call 叫醒服务二、基本句型Basic Sentences1. Do you have a reservation?/ Have you a reservation?您预订过吗?2. How long will you be staying ?您将要住多久?3. May I know your name and room number?您能告诉我您的名字与房间号码吗?4. Here is your key card, please keep it until you check out.这是您的钥匙卡,住店期间请包管好。5. Thank you for calling. We look forward to serving you. Goodbye.谢谢您打电话来,我们期待为您服务,再见。6. To whom should we send the bill?我们应该把帐单寄给谁?7. We are fully booked for all types of rooms on that night.那天晚上各种类型的房间都预约额满了。8. We hope well have another opportunity of serving you.我们希望另有机会为您效劳。9. Could you show me your passport, please?能出示一下您的护照吗?10. Dont worry sir. Ill call our Assistant Manager to help you now.别着急,先生。我传呼大堂副理来帮您。11. Our bellboy will your bags and show you the room. 我们的行李员会帮您拿行李,并领您去房间。12. Im afraid its against the hotels regulations.很抱歉,这违反酒店的规章制度。13. Well have to charge you 50 percent of the room rate extra, if you cant check out before 12:00a.m中午12:00前未离店的客人需加收50%的房费。14. Is there anything valuable or breakable in your bag?您包里有贵重或易碎物品吗?15. You can get your money changed at the Cashiers Desk.您可以去收银处兑换钱。16. Im sorry, sir. There has been a mistake. Please wait a moment while I correct the bill.对不起,先生,这里有些错,请您稍候,让我更正一下。17. It takes about 30 minutes by taxi to the Xiaoshan Airport. The charge is 100 Yuan.到萧山机场大约需要30分钟,费用是100元。18Please give the slip to the taxi driver and hell take you there.请把这张字条交给出租车司机,他会送您到那里的。19.Here is a brochure explaining hotel services.这儿用说明酒店的服务手册。20.There are safety deposit boxes at the Front Desk.总台有存放贵物品的保险箱。21.As a hotel policy, we require one days room charge as deposit for guests without reservation.根据酒店规定,对于没有预订的客人,我们要收一天的费用作为押金。22.Do you need a map or hotel card?请问您要地图或是酒店名片吗?23.Sir,you may keep the room until six Oclock in the afternoon, but Im afraid I have to charge you a half days room charge according to the hotel policy.先生,您可将房间保留至下午6时,但根据宾馆规定,恐怕我们要收半天房租。24.Sorry,we have no domestic collect call service. You have to pay for the call yourself.对不起,国内电话是没有对方付费的,您得自己付款。25.For outside calls, please press 9 first and when you hear the dialing tone, press the number you want.打外线请先按9,听到声响后再按您的要的号码。26.Youd better request a morning call.您最好要求叫醒服务。27.Would you like me to call a taxi for you?请问需要帮您叫车吗?28.Well send your original copy to your room after we have faxed that.我们发出传真后,会把您的原文送到您房间去的。29.Is there anything valuable or breakable in your bag?您包里有贵重或易碎物品吗?30.Please pay at the Cashiers Desk over there.请去那边帐台付款。三、情景对话ConversationA. Room reservation Reservationist; New Century Grand Hotel, Reservation Desk. Can I help you?Guest: I an calling from Paris. Id like to reserve a room in your hotel.R: What kind or room would you like, sir . We have single rooms, double rooms, suites etc,G:A suite, please!R: Which date would that be ?G: From October 15th,and for three nightsR: Ok, sir. Could you hold the line, please? Ill check our room availability for those days.Thank you for waiting, sir .your room is confirmed. Would you like breakfast?G: Yes, of course.R: Can you give me your name please, sir.G: George BrownR: Mr. Brown. May I have your phone number please?G: Yes ,the number is 0031-321-2345R: What time do you expert to arrive. Mr. Brown?G: Oh, around 6 p.m. I SupposeR :Mr., Brown. Id like to confirm your reservation. A suite room for three nights from October 15th to 17th,the phone number 00331-321-2345.Am I right?G: Yes ,thank you R: You are welcome. We look forward to serving you.B. RegistrationClerk: Good afternoon. Welcome to the New Century Grand Hotel .May I help you ,sir?Guest: Yes, Id like to check-in, please.C: Certainly ,sir. May I have your name ,please?G: Yes , its George Brown.C: Do you have a reservation with us, Mr. Brown?G: Yes.C: Just a moment , please. Ill check our reservation recordthank you for waiting, Mr. .Brown. Your reservation is for a suite for three nights . Could you fill out the registrations card , please?G: Ok, Thank you.C: How would you like to make payment, Mr. .Brown?G: By credit card.C: May I take a print of the card ,please? Thank you ,Mr. . Brown. Your room is 3706 on the 37 floor . Just a moment please. A bellboy will show you to your room . I hope you will enjoy your stay.C. Depositing bagsGuest: Id like to leave these with you.Bellman: Certainly, sir. How many pieces?G: Five in all.B :Is there anything valuable or breakable in your bags?G: No,B: Thank you.G: When dose the cloakroom close?B: The cloakroom is open until 9p.m. Here are the name tags.G: Thank you , goodbye.B: Goodbye,D. Business CenterClerk : Good morning . Business Center , May I help you?Guest : Good morning . This is Henry Bellow calling from Room 3904.Would you mind giving me some information on your services?C: Certainly , Mr. ,Bellow. We have a lot of facilities to offer secretary service for our business guest,G: I have some documents to be typed at the moment and I hope they will be ready before 3:00p.m.today.C: How many pages are they in all?G: It will be about 20 pages.C: Well, its rather a tough job , but well try our best ,Mr. Bellow.G: Good ,Id really appreciate it if it could be arranged,A,预订客房预订员:您好!开元名都大酒店,预订处,我能为您服务吗?客人:我从巴黎打电话过来,想在你们酒店订一个房间。员: 先生,请问您想要什么样的房间呢?我们这里有单人间、双人间、套间等等。客:一个套间。员:请问您哪天要这个房间?客:从10月15日开始,一共3天。员:好的,先生。请稍等,为您查一下那几天的预订情况,谢谢,让您久等了。您的房间已经定好了,您需要早餐吗?客:当然。员:请告诉我您的姓名,好吗?客:乔治布朗。员:布朗先生,请留下您的电话号码,好吗?客:好的,是00331-321-2345员:布朗先生,我确认一下您的预订。您定了一个套间,从10月15日至17日,共三晚,您的电话号码是00331-321-2345。对吗?客:是的,谢谢。员:别客气。我们期待为您服务。B,登记入住职员:下午好,欢迎光临开元名都大酒店。我能为您服务吗?先生?客人:是的,我想办理入住登记手续。员:当然可以,先生,请问您的姓名?客:乔治布朗。员:请问您预订了吗?布朗先生?客:是的。员:请稍等,我查一下预订单谢谢您的等待,布朗先生。您预订的是一个套间,共3个晚上,请填一下登记单,好吗?客:好的,谢谢。员:请问您将以何种方式付款。客:用信用卡。员:让我复印一下您的信用卡,好吗?谢谢您,布朗先生,您的房间在37层,房号是3706。请稍等一下,行李员会带您去您的房间的。希望您住得愉快。C 寄存行李客人:我想把这些东西存放在您这儿。行李员:当然可以先生,请问有几件?客:一共有五件。员:在您的行李中有没有贵重或易碎物品呢?客:没有。员:谢谢。客:你们这儿什么时间关门?员:我们这个行李寄存处营业到晚上9点。给您行李牌。客:谢谢,再见,员:再见。D 商务中心职员:早上好,商务中心。我能为您服务吗?客人:早上好,我是3904房的哈瑞比朗,我能问一下服务情况吗?员:当然可以,比朗先生。我们有很多设施为商务客人提供秘书服务。客:我现在有些文件想打印,希望在今天3点之前能完成。员:共有几页?客:大约20页。员:有些困难,但我们会尽力的,比朗先生。客:好的,我希望完成。客房服务Housekeeping Service一、关键词语 Key words bed 床basin 洗脸盆single bed 单人床bath-tub 浴缸double-size bed 双人床shower cap 浴帽extra bed 加床shampoo 洗发水sheet 床单conditioner 护发素blanket 毛毯comb 梳子quilt 棉被tooth-paste 牙膏bed spread 床罩tooth-brush 牙刷pillow 枕头soap 肥皂pillow-case 枕头套bedside 肥皂碟bedside 床头柜cotton tips 棉签wardrobe closet 水龙头switch

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