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小学英语常用句型及语法三年级下册Unit 1Lesson 1 1、 Show me your hands ,please.2、 My hands are clean.3、 Words: neck , arm , finger , knee , toe , shoulder , hand , leg , footLesson 2Whats wrong ?- My hands hurt .Lesson 3字母:A B C D EUnit 2Lesson 1 1、 Who is he /she?-He/She is my father/mother.2、 What does he/she do ?-He/She is a teacher .3、 Words: grandfather , grandmother , father , mother , brother ,sister , teacher , pupil , doctor , driver , young woman , old man Lesson 2 1、 Excuse me , are you Lucys father ?-No ,Im not .Im Stanleys father.Lesson 3字母:F G H I Unit 3Lesson 1 1、 Do you like this / that dinosaur ? -Yes , I do ./No , I dont .2、 Show / Pass me ,please. -Here you are .3、 words : dinosaur , robot , boat , kite , car , train , plane , bus , uncle , aunt , cousinLesson 21、 How many s do you have ? -I have three s.2、 May I play with this toy ? -Of course . Here you are.3、 What toys do you like best ? -I like best.Lesson 3字母:J K L M Unit 4Lesson 1 1、 Do you like s?-Yes , I do. / No, I dont.2、 Have an apple.-Yes,please./No,thank you.3、 What can you see in Box 1?-I can see 4、 words:apple , pear , orange ,banana , peach , cherry , watermelon, grape 5、 数字:11-15 (eleven , twelve ,thirteen , fourteen , fifteen )Lesson 2 1、 Whats your favorite fruit?-I like best .2、 Can I help you ? -Yes, please./No,thank you.3、 How many s do you want? -数词,please.Lesson 3字母:N O P Q R Unit 5Lesson 11、 Can you see ducks over there?-Yes,I/We can./ No,I/We cant.2、 Look at these/those.3、 Whats this/that?-Its a .4、 What are these/those?-They are s.5、 words:cow , horse , pig , hen , duck , tree , grass , flower , goose , sheep , fishLesson 2 1、 Welcome to 2、 Lets do like the animals.3、 Sentences : (1)Jump like a rabbit. (2)Fly like a bird .(3)Walk like a duck . (4)Run like a dog.(5)Swim like a fish . (6)Sleep like a pig.Lesson 3 1、 Do you have cats?-Yes , I/We do . / No, I/We dont.2、 How many cats do you have ?-Three.3、字母:S T U VUnit 6Lesson 11、 Is this your coat?-Yes, it is. /No,it isnt.2、 Which is your coat ?-The yellow one .3、 Whose coat is it ?-Its Lilys.4、 Whose pants are they ?-They are Lucys.5、 words: coat , shirt , T-shirt , dress , skirt , hat , scarf , sweater , pants , shoes , socks , glovesLesson 2 1、 Are they nice shoes ?-Yes, they are . /No, they arent.2、 How are these shoes ?-They are just right .3、sentence:(1)Wash our clothes . (2)Hang our clothes . (3)Fold our clothes . (4)Put away our clothes .Lesson 3 1、 How much are they ?-They are yuan.2、字母:W X Y Z 四年级上册Unit 1Lesson 1 1、 How are you?-Im fine/Ok/happy/sad2、 称赞用语及回答:How beautiful!-Thank you.3、 Do you have a new pen ?-Yes , I do ./No, I dont.4、 Do you have new pens ? -Yes , we do ./No ,we dont.5、 I have a new schoolbag.6、 学科名词单词:Chinese ,math , music ,science , art , English , IT , PE7、 数词:16-20(sixteen , seventeen ,eighteen , nineteen ,twenty)8、 How many books altogether ?-Seventeen books altogether.Lesson 2 1、 复习句型:(1)How are you? (2)How many s?2、 新单词及词组:guess , try again , a/an的使用Lesson 3 字母:A B C D E Unit 2Lesson 1 1、 Do you know sb.?-Yes ,I do.He(She) is /No,he(she) isnt .2、 Where is he/she from?-He/She is from3、 Where are you from?-Im from4、 国家名称:Canada , UK , China , USA , Australia ,South Africa5、 形容词:tall , short , thin ,fat Lesson 21、 What does he like?-He likes music.Lesson 3字母:F G H IUnit 3Lesson 1 1、 What does a panda look like ?-Its black and white.2、 Can we see ?-Yes,we can./No,we cant.3、 动物单词:tiger , lion , elephant , hippo , giraffe , zebra , monkey , snake 4、 形容词:heavy , lovely , funny , strongLesson 21、 Do you like monkeys?-Yes,I(We) do./No, I(We) dont.2、 Is it an elephant ?-Yes , it is ./No,it isnt.3、I like /I dont like 4、短语:not at all , Why not?Lesson 3字母:J K L M Unit 4Lesson 1 1、 Whats the matter?2、 Is it in your bag?-Yes,it is./No, it isnt.3、 Where is the book?-Its on the desk.4、 words: door , window , wall , blackboard , desk , chair , TV , light , fan , map , in ,on , under Lesson 2 1、 Whos on duty today ?-Jim is on duty today.2、 短语:clean up , turn off , get to work , put up the map , at once , close the door , turn on , open ,afterLesson 3 字母:N O P Q R Unit 5Lesson 1 1、 Im hungry . Are you hungry ?2、 Whats for tea ?3、 Have an apple pie .4、 Words : cookie , candy , pie , ice cream , egg , bread , water , juice , milk , tea , hungry , thirsty5、 I like6、 Like sb. to do sth.Lesson 2 1、 What do you like ? -I like 2、 May I have some ?-Sure .3、 Im hungry . /Im thirsty .Lesson 3 字母:S T U V Unit 6Lesson 1 1、 Excuse me .2、 May I have a seat ?-Sure ,this way ,please.3、 Whose book is this ?-Its Stanleys.4、 Wheres the sofa?-In the living room .5、 Words: house , living room , bedroom , dining room , bathroom , study ,kitchen , bed , table , sofa Lesson 21、 形容词:large , bright , clean , tidy2、 短语:come in , take a seat , have some drinks 3、 句型:May I ?(have a seat , have some bread , read a book , wash my hands , watch TV , have an ice cream)4、 颜色:green , orange , black , red , brown Lesson 3 1、字母:W X Y Z2、Let me make the bed.(Set the table, watch TV , read a book , have a shower , have a rest)四年级下册Unit 1Lesson 11、 Go to (地点)quickly.2、 Whats in the room?-There is a computer in the room .3、 There is a picture on the wall .4、 Is it for me ?5、 Anything else ?6、 Words: computer , lamp , clock , CD player , picture , umbrella , shelf , end table , floor , beside , behind Lesson 2 1、 Welcome to 2、 Is there a computer in your room?-Yes ,there is./No , there isnt.3、 介词:on,under , in ,beside, behindLesson 31、 A的发音:长音和短音2、 颜色:green , yellow , blue , purple , brown , red , orange Unit 2Lesson 1 1、 Come here.2、 Whats my number ?-Your number is3、 Come on ,ready ,go!4、 How many rabbits are there?-There are 5 five rabbits.5、 数词:21 twenty-one,22 twenty-two,30 thirty,40 forty,50 fifty,60sixty6、 Words: carrot ,tomato , potato , cabbage ,banana, watermelon Lesson 21、 Good job!2、 This prize is for you.3、 How kind of you.4、 Lets count.Lesson 3 字母E的发音:bee ten Unit 3Lesson 11、 Look at 2、 Whats the time?-Its 9 oclock.3、 May we have ten more minutes ?4、 Good night!5、 Its time for bed .6、 Words: breakfast , lunch , dinner , get up , go to school , go to bed , in the morning , in the afternoon , in the evening ,at night Lesson 2 1、 Is there a panda show in the morning ?-Yes, there is ./No,there isn,t .2、 What time is the panda show ?-At 1:30.3、 Lets watch the panda show .4、 时间的表示法Lesson 3字母I的发音:bike bigUnit 4Lesson 11、 Can you play football?-Yes,I can./No,I cant.2、 Let me have a try .3、 Its easy to learn .4、 Words: football , basketball , tennis , ping pong , cycling , swimming , hiking , skiing , pass the ball , kick the ball Lesson 2 1、 Pass the ball to me .2、 Dont pass it to him .3、 He can play football very well .4、 短语:bounce the ball , roll the ball , kick the ball , dribble the ball , pass the ball ,shoot the ball Lesson 3字母O的发音:hole box Unit 5Lesson 1 1、 Hows the weather ?Its rainy.2、 What about the afternoon ?-Its cloudy in the afternoon.3、 Can I go skating ?-Yes, you can ,/No, you cant.4、 Words : rainy , cloudy , snowy , sunny , windy , warm , hot , cool , cold , wet , play tennis , go cycling , go skiing Lesson 2 1、 Who is it ?Its me.2、 How nice to see you .3、 词组:take off , put on Lesson 3 字母U的发音: music cupUnit 6Lesson 1 1、 Where is the seal house ?-Its in front of the shark house .2、 Where are the penguins ?-They are between the two trees .3、 Lets look at the map first .4、 Words: seal , shark , turtle , whale , dolphin , penguin , crab , sea lion , toilet , in front of , between Lesson 2 1、 Whats your favorite sea animal?-My favorite sea animal is 2、 Words : draw , cut , stick , behind , in front of ,between Lesson 3字母A E I O U 的练习五年级上册Unit 1Lesson 11、 May I help you?/ Can I help you ?-Yes, I want ,please.Lesson 21、 What can I do for you?/ What do you want ?-I want ,please.2、 How much are they?-They are yuan .3、 不可数名词的数量表示法:a pair of sunglasses, a bottle of yogurt , a bottle of coke , a bag of candies 4、 数词:70 seventy , 80 eighty , 90 ninety ,100 one hundred ,24 twenty-twoLesson 3B : bee , ball , book P : pea , pig , pinkD : deep , dolphin , doctor T : tea , teeth , today /i:/ :ee/ea(tea , teeth )Unit 2Lesson 1 1、 What would you like for dinner?/What do you have for ?/Whats for breakfast ?2、 Words : vegetable , noodle , dumpling , chicken , rice , soup Lesson 2 1、 Do you have a /s ?-Yes,I/ We do ./No , I/We dont .2、 words : spoon , plate , cup , chopsticks , fork , bowl , glass Lesson 3Phonics : /k/ , /g/ , /f/ , /v/ , /i/Unit 3Lesson 1 1、 询问别人建议(1) How /What about ?(2) How do you like ?2、 words : squirrel , parrot , goldfish , lizard , friendly , noisy , quiet , clumsy Lesson 2 1、 What do they like to do ?-They like to do .2、 Words : eat , drink , fly , jump , sleep , swim Lesson 3 Phonics : /s/ , /z/ , /sh/ , /sure/ , /e/Unit 4Lesson 1 1、 What day is it today ?- Its /Today is Monday .2、 What do you have on Monday ?-I often have 3、 Words : Monday , Tuesday , Wednesday , Thursday , Friday , Saturday , Sundy Lesson 2 1、 Lets do sth.2、 What do you do on Mondays ?-I draw 3、 Can you do ?-Good idea!/Sorry , I have to4、 Words : draw , dance , sing , play with the piano , play chess , play badminton Lesson 3 1、 Phonics : /l/ , /m/ , /n/ , /an/ , /a/2、 When is the monkey show ?Its on Monday .3、 What time ?-At 8:20 am.Unit 5Lesson 1 1、 Which class do you like best ?-I like best .2、 Words : listen , speak , draw , write , read , run Lesson 2 1、 Its time for class .2、 Do you like IT class ?Yes , I do .Its very interesting .3、 Words : interesting , easy , relaxing , exciting , difficult , boring Lesson 3 Phonics : /u/ , /ar/五年级下册Unit 1Lesson 1 1、 What are you doing ?Im doing 2、 What is he/she doing?He / She is doing 3、 Whats the mother doing ?-She is doing 4、 Words : answering the phone , watering the flower , washing the dishes , cleaning the house , doing homework , watching TVLesson 2 1、 Hows the weather ?Its rainy.2、 What are they doing ?They are doing 3、 Are you v-ing ?-Yes ,I am ./No , Im not .4、 Are the monkeys v-ing ?-Yes ,they are ,/No , they arent .5、 Is the girl v-ing ?-Yes ,she is ./No ,she isnt.6、 Words : drawing , studying , playing , skating , jumping , listening Lesson 3 Phonics : /o/ , /h/ , /j/Unit 2Lesson 1 1、 Why do you like spring best ?-Because I can doin spring .2、 Its good time to do something .3、 Words :spring , summer , autumn , winter , go for a picnic , go fishing , go boating , go skiing Lesson 2 1、 复习下周进行时2、 What can you see in the sky ?There are some s.3、 Words : sky , woods , river , beach , park Lesson 3 Phonics : /w/ , /r/ , /or/ , /all/ , /aw/Unit 3Lesson 1 1、 Where is Li Tao ?He is looking for insects over there .2、 What do you like doing ?I like v-ing in winter .3、 Words : sleeping , walking , dancing , making , ladybug , butterfly , ant , snail Lesson 2 1、 What does Andy like doing after school ?-He likes collecting stamps .2、 Do you like doing sth.?I have no idea .Is it any fun ?3、 Words : collecting stamps , keeping pets , planting flowers , doing sports Lesson 3 Phonics : /th/ ,/oo/Unit 4Lesson 11、 What does your uncle do ?He is a teacher .2、 Words : teacher , engineer , policeman , nurse , cook , tennis player , pilot Lesson 2 1、 Do you know that man ?Yes ,I do .He is a pilot.He is always busy .2、 Words :busy , kind , helpful , patient , angry , happy Lesson 3 Phonics : /ch/ , /oo/ , /j/ , /ge/Unit 5Lesson 1 1、 What are you going to do this weekend ?-We are going to visit a greenhouse tomorrow afternoon .2、 May I go with you ?-Sure , its good to have you with us .3、 How are you going to the zoo ?-Im going there on foot .4、 Are you going to visit your aunt by bus ?-Yes ,I am .5、 Is he going to the beach on foot or by bike ?-By bike .6、 Words : on foot , by boat , by bike , by train , by bus , by plane Lesson 2 1、 What are you going to buy ?-Some eggplants and onions .2、 words : eggplant , onion , cucumber , chilli , pumpkin , bean Lesson 3 Phonics : /tr/ , /dr/ , /ts/ , /ds/ , /ur/ ,/er/ ,/ir/ ,/or/ ,/ar/六年级上册Unit 1Lesson 1 1、 When is the school trip ?Its in October.2、 Words : January , February ,March , April , May , June , July , August , September , October ,November ,December Lesson 2 1、 Whats the date,today ?Its January 1st.2、 When is the Mothers Day ?Lesson 3 Phonics : /pl/ , /bl/ , /a-e/ , /ay/ , /ai/Unit 2Lesson 1 1、 Where is the library ?-Its on the second floor .2、 Words :library , teachers office , canteen , swimming pool , gym , playground Lesson 2 1、 Its time for class .2、 Where are you going ?Im going to the art room .3、 Where is the music room ?-Its on the fifth floor .Lesson 3 Phonics : /pr/ , /br/ , /i-e/ , /y/ , /igh/Unit 3Lesson 1 1、 How does your sister go to the museum ?-Sometimes on foot , sometimes by taxi.2、 How do you go ?-By 3、 Words : taxi , light rail train , subway , ship , museum , bookstore , supermarket Lesson 2 1、 What are they going to do ?-They are going to 2、 Will you go shopping with me ?Sure ./ Sorry .3、 Lets do sth.4、 Words :take a walk , take a rest , take a picture , go shopping , go swimming , go skating Lesson 3 Phonics : /fl/ , /fr/ , /ou/ , /ow/Unit 4Lesson 1 1、 Dont pick fruit from the trees .2、 What does this sign mean ?It means Lesson 2 情态动词should 、must的用法1、 We mustnt fight with each other .2、 We shouldnt love each other .Lesson 3 Phonics : /kl/ ,/gl/ , /oa/ , /ow/Unit 5Lesson 1 1、 Whats your plan for this summer holiday ?-Im going to take part in a race .2、 words : take part in , take a trip , take training , nature park , Childrens Palace , go camping Lesson 2 1、 What can you do for these children ?I/We can make them happy with our songs .2、 Will you join the volunteer group ?Yes, I will .3、 Words : volunteer group , craft group , photography group , calligraphy group Lesson 3 Phonics : /kr/ , /gr/ , /oy/ , /oi/六年级下册Unit 1Lesson 1 1、 What would you like ?-A big glass of coke .2、 Lets get sth. To eat .Good idea .Id like 3、 May I help you ?Three pizzas ,please .4、 Words : chips , fried chicken , hamburger , pizza , sandwich , sweet corn ,coffee Lesson 2 1、 How do you like pizza ?Its delicious .2、 Words : delicious , sweet , sour , bitter , salty Lesson 3Phonics : /sp/ , /sk/ , /ear/ , /eer/Unit 2Lesson 1 1、 Excuse me ,where is the bank ?-Its next to the hospital .2、 How can I get to your house ?-Walk along the road to the bank3、 Words : bank , hospital , cinema , bus stop , traffic lights , overpass , crosswalk , underpass Lesson 2 1、 What can you see in the first picture ?I can see 2、 Can you show me the way to the bank ?Sure , its next to 3、 Words: through , along , across , up , down Lesson 3 Phonics : /sl/ , /sm/ , /air/ , /ear/ , /are/Unit 3Lesson 1 1、 Can you draw rain ?Yes ,I can .Its easy .2、 Where does rain come from ?It comes from 3、 Words :rain , cloud , snow , lake , sea , mountain Lesson 2 1、 Turn on the computer .2、 What can you see ?I can see the earth.3、 Words :earth , sun , moon , star , rainbow Lesson 3 Phonics : /sn/ , /st/ , /our/ , /ure/Unit 4Lesson 1 1、 Are you ready for the trip ?-Yes ,I am ./No,Im not .2、 Dont forget to take the towel .3、 Words : towel , toothbrush , toothpaste , soap , camera , battery , flashlight , raincoat Lesson 2 1、 What shall I take for this trip ?You should take a cap with you .2、 Words :cap , jacket , jeans , sandals , boots Lesson 3 Phonics : /sw/ , /tw/ , /kw/ , /ind/Unit 5Lesson 1 1、 Would you like to be a driver ?-No, Id like to be a cook .Because 2、 words : sportsman , scientist , astronant , artist , musician , dancer ,writer , vet Lesson 2 Tell me about your Lesson 3 Phonics : /spr/ , /str/ , /n/ , /old/

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