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9AUnit6 词组、句型词组中文1. get bored with doing sth对做某事感到无聊2. have nothing to do没事可做3. what type of TV programmes哪种电视节目4. real-life events真实生活事件5. win a big prize赢得大奖6. drama series连续剧7. up-to-date information最新信息8. cover different sports涉及不同的体育运动9. this weeks programmer本周的节目10. a number of interviews一些采访11. interview sb.=have an interview with sb.采访某人12. the coming World Cup即将来临的世界杯13. Beijing Music Award北京音乐奖14. be covered live被现场直播15. vote online for网上投票选举16. Asian pop stars亚洲流行明星17. win two free concert tickets赢得两张免费的音乐会票18. latest information最新信息19. a weekly round-up of。的一周摘要20. a horror film directed by sb被某人导演的一部恐怖片21. be full of horror and mysteries充满了恐怖和神秘22. enjoy solving mysteries喜欢解谜23. get scared easily容易收到惊吓24. take a close look at近距离观看25. an animal-lover一名动物爱好者26. be in danger处于危险中27. win an award for赢得。奖,因为。得了奖28. live in the wild 生活在野外29. live as a family群居30. realize your dream 实现你的梦想31. weather report天气预报32. have a chance to do sth有机会做某事33. take your own food with you随身携带你自己的食物34. have little interest in sth对。几乎没有兴趣35. male/female wolves雄狼/雌狼36. take the minibus乘中巴车37. a waste of time浪费时间38. TV ads电视广告39. receive a message收到消息40. ask for help求助41. call the police报警42. three men in police uniforms三个穿警服的人43. come out of the building从大楼出来44. with guns in their hands手里拿着枪45. be pushed into a minibus被推进中巴车46. open the back door of the minibus打开中巴车的后门47. stop them from leaving阻止他们离开48. Arent you getting bored with staying at home all day? 难道你对整天呆在家里不变得无聊吗?49. If you are as busy as I am, you wont get bored. 如果你和我一样忙,你将不会变得无聊。50. A dogs work is never done! 狗的工作永远做不完。51. Theres not much dialogue in it. 它里面没有很多对话。52. If you are a football fan, you will not want to miss this weeks programme. 如果你是一个足球迷,你将不会想要错过本周的节目。53. This years Beijing Music Awards will be covered live this Saturday. 今年的北京音乐奖本周六将被现场直播。54. About 300,000 fans have voted online for their favourite songs, singers and music videos. 大约30万粉丝已经在网上投票选举了他们最喜爱的歌曲、歌星和音乐视频。55. Write down your answers and send text messages to 1396 while watching the show. 当看表演的时候,写下你的答案并发短信到1396。56. Murder in a Country House is a horror film directed by Cindy Clark, a new director.农舍中的谋杀是一部被一名新导演辛迪克拉克导演的恐怖片。57. In the film, a wealthy doctor is found dead in his house. 在影片中,一名富有的医生被发现死在家中。58. You will not found out the answer until the very end. 直到结束你才会弄清楚答案。59. This one-hour documentary takes a close look at the life of tigers in India. 这部1小时的纪录片近距离观看了印度老虎的生活。60. If you enjoy solving mysteries, you might like this film. 如果你喜欢解谜,你可能喜欢这个电影。61. Unless you try your best, you will not realize your dream. 除非你尽最大努力,你不会实现你的梦想。62. You will have a chance to see how a TV programme is recorded unless you have little interest in it. 你将有机会看见电视节目如何被录制,除非你对它几乎没有兴趣。63. The twins saw three men in police uniforms coming out of the building with guns in their hands. 双胞胎看见三个穿警服的人手里拿着枪从大楼里出来。9AUnit6语法归纳GrammarA: 由if引导的条件状语从句主句+ if +条件状语从句 = If+条件状语从句,主句. (时态:主将从现/主祈从现/主情从现)GrammarB: 由unless引导的条件状语从句unless=ifnot 主句+ unless +条件状语从句 = Unless+条件状语从句,主句. (时态:主将从现/主祈从现/主情从现)

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