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Heavy enquiries witness the quality of our products.大量询盘证明我们产品质量过硬。As soon as the price picks up,enquiries will revive.一旦价格回升,询盘将恢复活跃。Enquiries for carpets are getting more numerous.对地毯的询盘日益增加。Enquiries are so large that we can only than allot you 200 cases.询盘如此之多,我们只能分给你们200箱货。Enquiries are dwindling.询盘正在减少。Enquiries are dried up.询盘正在绝迹。They promised to transfer their future enquiries to Chinese Corporations.他们答应将以后的询盘转给中国公司Generally speaking inquiries are made by the buyers.询盘一般由买方发出。Mr. Baker is sent to Beijing to make an inquiry at China National Textiles Corporation.贝克先生来北京向中国纺织公司进行询价。We regret that the goods you inquire about are not available.很遗憾,你们所询的货物现在无货。In the import and export businesswe often make inquiries at foreign suppliers.在进出口交易中,我们常向外商询价。To make an inquiry about our orangesa representative of the Japanese company paid us a visit.为了对我们的橙子询价,那家日本公司的一名代表访问了我们。We cannot take care of your enquiry at present.我们现在无力顾及你方的询盘。Your enquiry is too vague to enable us to reply you.你们的询盘不明确,我们无法答复。Now that weve already made an inquiry about your articleswill you please reply as soon as possible?既然我们已经对你们产品询价,可否尽快给予答复?China National Silk Corporation received the inquiry sheet sent by a British company.中国丝绸公司收到了英国一家公司的询价单。Thank you for your inquiry.谢谢你们的询价。inquire 询盘;询价;询购to inquire about 对.询价to make an inquiry 发出询盘;向.询价inquirer 询价者enquiry 询盘inquiry sheet 询价单specific inquiry 具体询盘an occasional inquiry 偶尔询盘to keep inquiry in mind 记住询盘May I have an idea of your prices?可以了解一下你们的价格吗?Can you give me an indication of price?你能给我一个估价吗?Please let us know your lowest possible prices for the relevant goods.请告知你们有关商品的最低价。If your prices are favorableI can place the order right away.如果你们的价格优惠,我们可以马上订货。When can I have your firm C.I.F. Prices Mr. Li?李先生,什么时候能得到你们到岸价的实盘?Wed rather have you quote us F.O.B.prices.我们希望你们报离岸价格。Would you tell us your best prices C.I.F. Hamberg for the chairs.请告诉你方椅子到汉堡到岸价的最低价格。Words and Phrasesfavorable 优惠的firm price 实价,实盘Will you please tell the quantity you require so as to enable us to sort out the offers?为了便于我方报价,可以告诉我们你们所要的数量吗?Wed like to know what you can offer as well as your sales conditions.我们想了解你们能供应什么,以及你们的销售条件。How long does it usually take you to make delivery?你们通常要多久才能交货?Could you make prompt delivery?可以即期交货吗?Would you accept delivery spread over a period of time?不知你们能不能接受在一段时间里分批交货?Could you tell me which kind of payment terms youll choose?能否告知你们将采用哪种付款方式?Will you please tell us the earliest possible date you can make shipment?你能否告知我们最早船期吗?Do you take special orders?你们接受特殊订货吗?Could you please send us a catalog of your rubber boots together with terms of payment?你能给我们寄来一份胶靴的目录,连同告诉我们付款方式吗?he inquired about the varieties specifications and price and so on and so forth.他询问了品种、花色和价格等情况。We have inquired of Manager Zhang about the varieties quality and price of tea.我们向张经理询问了茶叶的品种、质量、价格等问题。Words and Phrasessales conditions 销售条件to make delivery 交货to make prompt-delivery 即期交货payment terms 付款方式special orders 特殊订货We have the offer ready for you. 我们已经为你准备好报盘了。 I come to hear about your offer for fertilizers. 我来听听你们有关化肥的报盘。 Please make us a cable offer. 请来电报盘。 Please make an offer for the bamboo shoots of the quality as that in the last contract. 请把上次合同中订的那种质量的竹笋向我们报个价。 We are in a position to offer tea from stock. 我们现在可以报茶叶现货。 Well try our best to get a bid from the buyers. 我们一定尽力获得买主的递价。 Well let you have the official offer next Monday. 下星期就给您正式报盘。 Im waiting for your offer. 我正等您的报价。 We can offer you a quotation based upon the international market. 我们可以按国际市场价格给您报价。 We have accepted your firm offer. 我们已收到了你们报的实盘。 We offer firm for reply 11 a.m. tomorrow. 我们报实盘,以明天上午11点答复为有效。 Well let you have our firm offer next Sunday. 下星期天我们就向你们发实盘。 Were willing to make you a firm offer at this price. 我们愿意以此价格为你报实盘。 Could you offer us F.O.B. prices. 能想我们报离岸价格吗? All your prices are on C.I.F. basis. 你们所有价格都是成本加运费保险费价格。 Can you make an offer, C & F London, at your earliest convenience? 您能尽快报一个伦敦港成本加运费价格吗? Id like to have your lowest quotations, C.I.F. Vancouver. 请报温哥华到岸价的最低价格。 Please make us a cable offer for 5 metric tons of walnut. 请电报5吨核桃仁的价格。 Our offer is RMB300 per set of tape-recorder, F.O.B. Tianjin. 我们的报价是每台收录机300元人民币,天津离岸价。 We quote this article at $250 per M/T C&F. 我们报成本加运费价每吨250美元。 Words and Phrases offer 报盘,报价 to offer for 对.报价 to make an offer for 对.报盘(报价) firm offer 实盘 non-firm offer 虚盘 to forward an offer (or to send an offer) 寄送报盘 to get an offer(or to obtain an offer) 获得.报盘 to cable an offer (or to telegraph an offer) 电报(进行)报价 offer and acceptance by post 通过邮政报价及接受 to accept an offer 接受报盘 to entertain an offer 考虑报盘 to give an offer 给.报盘 to submit an offer 提交报盘 official offer 正式报价(报盘) My offer was based on reasonable profit, not on wild speculations. 我的报价以合理利润为依据,不是漫天要价。 We have received offers recently, most of which are below 100 U.S. dollars. 我们最近的报价大多数都在100美圆以下。 Moreover, Weve kept the price close to the costs of production. 再说,这已经把价格压到生产费用的边缘了。 I think the price we offered you last week is the best one. 相信我上周的报价是最好的。 No other buyers have bid higher than this price. 没有别的买主的出价高于此价。 The price you offered is above previous prices. 你方报价高于上次。 It was a higher price than we offered to other suppliers. 此价格比我们给其他供货人的出价要高。 We cant accept your offer unless the price is reduced by 5%. 除非你们减价5%,否则我们无法接受报盘。 Im afraid I dont find your price competitive at all. 我看你们的报价毫无任何竞争性。 Let me make you a special offer. 好吧,我给你一个特别优惠价。 Well give you the preference of our offer. 我们将优先向你们报盘。 I should have thought my offer was reasonable. 我本以为我的报价是合理的。 Youll see that our offer compares favorably with the quotations you can get elsewhere. 你会发现我们的报价比别处要便宜。 This offer is based on an expanding market and is competitive. 此报盘着眼于扩大销路而且很有竞争性。 Words and Phrases quote 报价 quotation 价格 preferential offer 优先报盘 cost of production 生产费用 reasonable 合理的 competitive 有竞争性的 the preference of ones offer 优先报盘 wild speculation 漫天要价 Our offers are for 3 days. 我们的报盘三天有效。 We have extended the offer as per as your request. 我们已按你方要求将报盘延期。 The offer holds good until 5 oclock p.m. 23nd of June, 1997, Beijing time. 报价有效期到1997年6月22日下午5点,北京时间。 All prices in the price lists are subject to our confirmation. 报价单中所有价格以我方确认为准。 This offer is subject to your reply reaching here before the end of this month. 该报盘以你方本月底前到达我地为有效。 This offer is subject to the goods being unsold. 该报盘以商品未售出为准。 Words and Phrases subject to 以.为条件,以.为准 offer subject to our written acceptance 以我方书面接受为准的报盘 offer subject to sample approval 以样品确定后生效为准的报盘 offer subject to our final confirmation 以我方最后确认为准的报盘 offer subject to export/import license 以获得出口(进口)许可证为准的报价 offer subject to prior sale 以提前售出为准的报盘 offer subject to goods being unsold 以商品未售出为准的报盘 offer subject to your reply reaching here 以你方答复到达我地为准的报盘 offer subject to first available steamer 以装第一艘轮船为准的报盘 Im afraid the offer is unacceptable. 恐怕你方的报价不能接受。 The offer is not workable. 报盘不可行。 The offer is given without engagement. 报盘没有约束力。 It is difficult to quote without full details. 未说明详尽细节难以报价。 Buyers do not welcome offers made at wide intervals. 买主不欢迎报盘间隔太久。 We cannot make any headway with your offer. 你们的报盘未得任何进展。 Please renew your offer for two days further. 请将报盘延期两天。 Please renew your offer on the same terms and conditions. 请按同样条件恢复报盘。 We regret we have to decline your offer. 很抱歉,我们不得不拒绝你方报盘。 The offer is withdrawn. 该报盘已经撤回。 We prefer to withhold offers for a time. 我们宁愿暂停报盘。 Buyers are worried at the lack of offer. 买主因无报盘而苦恼。 Words and Phrases to extend an offer 延长报盘 to renew an offer 或 to reinstate an offer 恢复报盘 to withdraw an offer 撤回报盘 to decline an offer 或 to turn down an offer 谢绝报盘 unacceptable 不可接受的 workable 可行的 at wide intervals 间隔时间太长 make headway 有进展 be worried at sth. 对.苦恼 Lets have you counter-offer. 请还个价。 Do you want to make a counter-offer? 您是否还个价? I appreciate your counter-offer but find it too low. 谢谢您的还价,可我觉得太低了。 Now we look forward to replying to our offer in the form of counter-offer. 现在我们希望你们能以还盘的形式对我方报盘予以答复。 Your price is too high to interest buyers in counter-offer. 你的价格太高,买方没有兴趣还盘。 Your counter-offer is much more modest than mine. 你们的还盘比我的要保守得多。 We make a counter-offer to you of $150 per metric ton F.O.B. London. 我们还价为每公吨伦敦离岸价150美圆。 Ill respond to your counter-offer by reducing our price by three dollars. 我同意你们的还价,减价3元。 Words and Phrases counter-offer 还盘,还价 offeror 发价(盘)人 offerer 发价人,报盘人 offeree 被发价人 offering 出售物 offer letter 报价书 offer sheet 出售货物单 offer list/book 报价单 offer price 售价 offering date 报价有效期限 offering period 报价日 concentration of offers 集中报盘 combined offer 联盘,搭配报盘 lump offer 综合报盘(针对两种以上商品) bid n. 递价;出价;递盘(由买方发出)v. 递盘 to make a bid 递价 to get a bid 得到递价 to be outbidding 高于.的价Business is closed at this price. 交易就按此价敲定。 Your price inacceptable (unacceptable). 你方价格可以(不可以)接受。 Your price is feasible (infeasible). 你方价格是可行(不可行)的。 Your price is workable. 你们出价可行。 Your price is realistic (unrealistic). 你方价格合乎实际(不现实)。 Your price is reasonable (unreasonable). 你方价格合理(不合理)。 Your price is practicable (impracticable). 你方价格是行得通的(行不通)。 Your price is attractive (not attractive). 你方价格有吸引力(无吸引力)。 Your price is inducing (not inducing). 你方价格有吸引力(无吸引力)。 Your price is convincing (not convincing). 你方价格有吸引力(无吸引力)。 Your price is competitive (not competitive). 你方价格有竞争力(无竞争力)。 The goods are (not) competitively priced. 此货的定价有(无)竞争力。 Words and Phrases price 价格,定价,开价 priced 已标价的,有定价的 pricing 定价,标价 priced catalogue 定价目录 price of commodities 物价 pricing cost 定价成本 price card 价格目录 pricing method 定价方法 price list 定价政策,价格目录,价格单 pricing policy 定价政策 price format 价格目录,价格表 price tag 价格标签,标价条 price current (p.c.) 市价表 Price is turning high(low). 价格上涨(下跌)。 Price is high(low). 价格高(低)。 Price is rising (falling). 价格上升(下降)。 Price is up (down). 价格上涨(下跌)。 Price is looking up. 价格看涨。 Price has skyrocketed. 价格猛涨, Price has shot up. 价格飞涨。 Price has risen perpendicularly. 价格直线上升。 Price has risen in a spiral. 价格螺旋上升。 Price has hiked. 价格急剧抬高。 Your price is on the high side. 你方价格偏高。 Price has advanced. 价格已上涨。 The goods are priced too high. 货物定价太高。 Your price is rather stiff. 你方价格相当高。 Price is leveling off. 价格趋平。 Your price is prohibitive. 你方价格高得令人望而却步。 The Japanese yen is strengthening. 日圆坚挺。 The U.S. Dollar is weakening. 美圆疲软。 Your price is much higher than the price from U.K. France and Germany. 你方价格比英、法、德的都高。 Since the prices of the raw materials have been raised, Im afraid that we have to adjust the prices of our products accordingly. 由于原材料价格上涨,我们不得不对产品的价格做相应的调整。 Your price is $500/mt, twice of the other countries. 你们每公吨500美圆的价格是其他国家的两倍。 Is it possible for you to raise (lift) the price by 5%? 你们能否把价格提高5%? Words and Phrases ceiling price 最高价,顶价 maximum price 最高价 minimum price 最低价 average price 平均价格 base price 底价 rockbottom price 最低价 bedrock price 最低价 Price is hovering between $5 and $8. 价格徘徊于5至8美圆之间。 We regret we have to maintain our original price. 很遗憾我们不得不保持原价。 Price is easy. 价格疲软。 Price is easy off. 价格趋于疲软。 Price has declined. 价格已跌落。 Price has dipped (sagged). 价格已下降。 It simply cant stand such a big cut. 再也经不住大幅度削价了。 Price has tobogganed. 价格突然下降。 Price has plummeted. 价格暴跌。 Price has downslided. 价格剧降。 This new product is moderately priced. 新产品的定价适度。 Articles of everyday use are economically priced. 日用品价格低廉。 Everyone knows, the price of crude oil has greatly decreased. 人人皆知,目前原油价格大幅度下跌。 Weve already cut the price very fine. 我们已将价格减至最低限度了。 The French price of stainless steel plates are about $1200 per mt, while the German price is still lower. 法国的不锈钢板价格为每公吨1200美圆,德国的还要低。 Were ready to reduce the price by 5%. 我们准备减价百分之五。 To have this business concluded, you need to lower your price at least by 3%. 为达成这笔交易,你方应至少减价3%。 Business is possible if you can lower the price to HK$2150. 你方若能减价到2150港币,可能成交。 The utmost (best) we can do is to reduce the price by 2%. 我们最多能减价百分之二。 We cannot take anything off the price. 我们不能再减价了。 Weve already cut down our prices to cost level. 我们已经将价格降到成本费的水平了。 There is no room for any reduction in price. 价格毫无再减的余地了。 Our rock-bottom price is $500/mt, and cannot be further lowered. 我们的最低价是500美圆一公吨,不能再低了。 Words and Phrases hover 徘徊于.,盘旋于 original price 原价 moderately 适当地,合适地;适度 economically 经济地,便宜地 stainless steel 不锈钢 utmost 极限,竭尽所能 cost level 成本费用的水平 rock-bottom 最低的 DM210 is equivalent to 400 RMB. 210德国马克折合人民币400元。 Dont you wish to employ RMB of ours? US Dollars might be adopted. 如果你们不同意用我们的人民币结算,美圆也可以。 Are you afraid of losing money due to exchange rate fluctuations? 您是不是怕由于汇率浮动而吃亏? Words and Phrases Hongkong Dollar (HK$) 港元 Singapore Dollar (S$) 新加坡元 Pound Sterling (Stg.) 英镑 United States Dollar (US$) 美圆 Canadian Dollar (Can. $) 加拿大元 Deutsche Mark (DM) 德国马克 Australian Dollar (A$) 澳大利亚元 Japanese Yen (¥) 日圆 Austrian Schilling (Sch.) 奥地利先令 French Franc (F.F) 法国法郎 Italian Lira (Lire) 意大利里拉 Danish Krone (E.Kr.)丹麦克郎 Florin (Guilder) H.Fl. (D.Fi.). 荷兰盾 Norwegian Krone (N.Kr.) 挪威克郎 Swedish Krone (S.Kr.) 瑞典克郎 Belgian Franc (BF) 比利时法郎 Swiss Franc (S.Fr. or S.F.) 瑞典法郎 to be equivalent to 相当于 to employ 用.计价,采用. exchange rate 汇率 I can give you a definite answer on the price terms. 我可以就价格条件答复你方。 You wish to have a discussion of the price terms of washers. 您是想谈谈洗衣机的价格条件吧。 Yes, all of the price terms are acceptable. 是的,哪种价格条件都可以接受的。 C.I.F. is the price term normally adopted by you, right? C.I.F.是你们经常采用的价格条件,是吗? Sometimes F.O.B. and C&F are also employed. 我们有时也用离岸价或成本加运费价。 You said yesterday that the price was $60/mt, C.I.F. Brussels. 您昨天说价格定为每公吨60英镑C.I.F. 布鲁塞尔。 In case F.O.B. is used, risks and charges are to be passed over to the buyers once the cargo is put on board the ship. 如果采用离岸价,货一上船,货物的风险和费用就都转给买方了。 Your price is quoted C&F Xingang at DM200 per washer, right? 你方报价是每台洗衣机200德国马克,C&F新港价,对吗? Words and Phrases price terms 价格条款 F.O.B. Free On Board “船上交货价”或称“离岸价格” C.I.F. Cost, Insurance and Freight “成本加保险费、运费”或“到岸价格” C&F Cost and Freight “成本加运费”或“离岸加运费”价格 F.O.B. Liner Terms F.O.B. 班轮条件 F.O.B. Stowed 船上交货并理舱 F.O.B. Trimmed 船上交货并平舱 F.O.B. Under Tackle F.O.B.吊钩下交货 C.I.F. Liner terms C.I.F.班轮条件 C.I.F. Ex Ships Hold C.I.F.舱底交货 F.O.B. plane 飞机离岸价(用于紧急情况) acceptable 可以接受的,可以使用的 to pass over 转给,转嫁 to adopt, to employ, to use (某种价格术语)采用某种价格 FOR-Free on Rail 火车交货价 FOT-Free on Truck 汽车交货价 FAS-Free Alongside Ship 船边交货价 Ex Factory 工厂交货价 Ex Plantation 农场交货价 Ex Warehouse 仓库交货价 Ex Ship 目的港船上交货价 Ex Dock Duty Paid 目的港码头完税交货价 Ex Dock Duty Unpaid 目的港码头未完税交货价 Additional Words and Phrases buying price 买价 selling price 卖价 new price 新价 old price 旧价 present price 现价 original price 原价 current price 时价,现价 prevailing price 现价 ruling price 目前的价格 going price 现价 opening price 开价,开盘价 closing price 收盘价 exceptional price 特价 special price 特价 nominal price 有行无市的价格 moderate price 公平价格 wholesale price 批发价 retail price 零售价 market price 市价 net price 净价 cost price 成本价 gross price 毛价 price effect 价格效应 price contract 价格合约 price calculation 价格计算 price limit 价格限制 price control 价格控制 price theory 价格理论 price regulation 价格调整 price structure 价格构成 price support 价格支持 bargain 讨价还价 extra price 附加价 price ratio 比价 price per unit 单价 price index或price indices 物价指数 price of factory 厂价The goods are available in different qualities. 此货有多种不同的质量可供。 Nothing wrong will happen, so long as the quality of your article is good. 只要商品质量可靠,就不会发生差错。 If the quality of your products is satisfactory, we may place regular orders. 如果你们产品的质量使我们满意,我们将不断订货。 If the quality of your initial shipment is found satisfactory, large repeats will follow. 如果贵方第一批运来的货令人满意,随后将有大批续订。 There is no marked qualitative difference between the two. 两者在质量上无显著差异。 We sincerely hope the quality are in conformity with the contract stipulations. 我们真诚希望质量与合同规定相符。 As long as the quality is good, it hardly matters if the price is a little bit higher. 只要能保证质量,售价高点都无所谓。 Prices are fixed according to their quality, arent they? 价格按质量的好坏而定,对吗? The transferee must see to it that the quality of the product is maintained. 接受转让一方要负责保持产品的质量。 Our Certificate of Quality is made valid by means of the official seal. 我们的质量证明书盖公章方为有效。 Well improve the quality of our products and production efficiency. 我们将改进产品质量,提高生产率。 They are fully qualified to pass opinions on the quality of this merchandise. 他们完全有资格对这种产品的质量发表意见。 We would like to have you offer us 100 metric tons, quality same as last. 希望您能报给我们100吨质量和上次相同的货。 We find the quality suitable (unsuitable) for our market. 产品质量适合(不适合)我们的市场。 We always have faith in the quality of your products. 对你们产品的质量我们总是很信任。 Words and Phrases quality 质量,品质 qualitative 质量的 qualitatively 在质量上 quality clause 品质条款 quality certificate 品质证明书 quality of export and import commodities 进出口商品质量 good merchantable quality 全销质量 to be in conformity with 与.一致 transferer 转让者 transferee 受让者 This is a quality product. 这是一种高质量的产品。 Those overcoats are of good quality and nice colour. 这批大衣质量高、成色好。 Our quartz technique is well known in the world, and we believe our watches are of fine quality. 我们的石英技术世界闻名,相信我们生产的手表具有高质量。 Our price is a little bit higher, but the quality of our products is better. 虽然价格偏高,但我们的产品质量很好。 Your goods are superior in quality compared with those of other manufacturers. 和其他厂商相比,贵方产品质量上乘。 The equipment are of good quality and very useful. 这些器械质量好,用处大。 Our products are very good in quality, and the price is low. 我们的产品质高价低。 We have received the goods you send us, the quality is excellent. 我们已经收到贵处来的货,质量很好。 Words and Phrases good quality 好质量 fine quality 优质 better quality 较好质量 high quality 高质量 fair quality 尚好的质量 sound quality 完好的质量 best quality 最好的质量 superior quality 优等的质量 choice quality或selected quality 精选的质量 prime quality 或 tip-top quality 第一流的质量 first-class quality 或 first-rate quality 头等的质量 above the average quality 一般水平以上的质量 below the average quality 一般水平以下的质量 common quality 一般质量 standard quality 标准质量 usual quality 通常的质量 popular quality 大众化的质量 uniform quality 一律的质量 average quality 平均质量 fair average quality (f.a.q.) 大路货 We are responsible to replace the defective ones. 我们保换质量不合格的产品。 Its really something wrong with the quality of this consignment of bicycles. 这批自行车的质量确实有问题。 I regret this quality problem. 对质量问题我深表遗憾。 We hope that youll pay more attention to the quality of your goods in the future. 希望贵方将来多注意产品的质量问题。 The workings of these machines are inaccurate. 这批机器运行不准。 Upon arrival, we found the shipment of wool was of poor quality. 货到后,我们发现羊毛的质量较差。 The quality of the fertilizer is inferior to that stipulated in the contract. 化肥质量次于合同中规定的。 The quality of this article cannot qualify for first-class. 这批商品的质量不够一等品。 If you find the quality of our products unsatisfactory, were prepared to accept return of the rejected material within a week. 如果贵方对产品质量不满意,我们将在一星期内接受退货。 More than 300 watches are not up to standard. 有300多块手表不合质量标准。 Words


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