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第三部分 医学英语的写作任务一 标题的写作(Title)l 标题的结构1. 名词+介词Blindness(视觉缺失) after Treatment for Malignant Hypertension2. 名词+分词Unilateral Neurogenic Pruritus Following Stroke中风后单侧神经性瘙痒3. 名词+不定式Suggestion to Abolish Icterus Index Determination(黄疸指数测定) where Quantitative Bilirubin Assay(胆红素定量) is Available建议能做胆红素定量的化验室不再做黄疸指数测定4. 名词+同位语Gentamicine, a Selelctive Agent for the isolation of Betahemolytic Streptoccoci-溶血性链球菌庆大霉素是分离-溶血性链球菌的选择性药物5. 名词+从句Evidence that the V-sis Gene Product Transforms by Interaction with the Receptor for Platelet-derived Growth Factor血小板源性生长因子.V-sis 基因产物由血小板生成因子受体相互作用而转化的依据6. 动名词短语Preventing Stroke in patients with Atrial Fibrillation心房纤维性颤动心旁纤颤患者中风预防Detecting Acute Myocardial Infarction(急性心肌梗死)by Radio-immunoassay for Creative Kinase(酐激酶)用放射免疫法测定酐激酶诊断急性心肌梗死7. 介词短语On Controlling Rectal Cancer8. 陈述句Dietary Cholesterol is Co-carcinogenic协同致癌因素 for Human Colon Cancer 9. 疑问句Home or Hospital BirthsIs Treatment of Borderline Hypertension Good or Bad?l 注意副标题的作用1数目:Endoluminal Stent-graft 带支架腔内搭桥for Aortic Aneurysms动脉瘤: A report of 6 cases带支架腔内搭桥治疗动脉瘤的六例报告2重点:Aorto-arteritis 大动脉炎Chest X-ray Appearance and Its Clinical Significance大动脉炎胸部X线表现及临床意义3方法: Gallstone Ileus(胆结石梗阻): A Retrospective Study4作用: Carcinoembryonic Antigen in Breast-cancer Tissue: A useful prognostic indictor乳腺癌组织中癌胚抗原 一种有用的预后指示5疑问: UnresolvedDo drinkers have less coronary heart disease?6连载顺序: Physical and Chemical Studies of Human Blood Serum: II. A study of miscellaneous Disease conditions 人类血清的理论研究:II. 多种病例的研究7时间: A Collaborative 综合Study of Burn Nursing in China: 1995-1999l 常见标题句式举例1. 讨论型: Discussion of/ on; An approach to; A probe into; Investigation of; Evaluation of / on汉语中的“初步体会”、“试论”、“浅析”之类的谦辞可以不译。直接表达本意。2. 观察、报告、结果型: An observation/ Observations of / on/in3. 调查类: Survey of / on4. 体会经验类: Experience in / with; Reflection on 5. 总结综述:Summary of/ Experience of ; Review of6. 问题型:Problem of ; Some Aspects on7. 探究: Study of/ on / in; Probe into; Exploration of8. 报告:Report of / on 9. 药物治疗和非药物治疗: in the Treatment of ; Management of ; Treatment . with.; Use of in the treatment of Therapy of / for by 10诊断: in the diagnosis of ; Detection of in Diagnosis of by/ with Detection of by Application of to the diagnosis of 练习1. 判断下列标题的书写格式是否正确- Treatment of Psoriasis by hemodialysis(不对)- Asthma in a Vietnamese refugee population(不对)- Management of Hypertension in diabetes(不对)- Does the Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Involve the Autonomic Nervous system? (不对)- Treatment of macroprolactinoma with cabergoline: A study of 85 Patients(不对)- Clinical Observation on 342 Cases with Allergic Rhinitis鼻炎(对)2. 在下列英文标题中识别关键词、分析结构并翻译。- Sudden cardiac death:Clinic pathologic investigation of 51 cases心脏性猝死51例临床病理探讨- Paranthyroidectomy in Chronic Renal Failure: Survey of 38 Cases慢性肾功能衰竭的甲状旁腺切除疗法38例调查- Recent Experience with Bacillemia菌血症 due to Gram-negative Organisms.治疗革兰氏阴性杆菌血症的新体会- Treatment for Malignant Hypertension: An Experience of 35 Cases35例恶性高血压治疗总结-Certain Problems of the Surgical Treatment of Hyperparathyroidism.甲状旁腺机能亢进手术治疗的几个问题- Platelet Function Studies in Heart Disease心脏病患者血小板功能的研究- A Report of Rosai-Dorfman腮腺肿块性病报告- Use of Steroid (类固醇)in the Treatment of Clinical Septic Shock皮质激素治疗败血症休克- Treatment of Psoriasis by Hemodialysis血液透析治疗牛皮癣 - Ultrasonography in the Diagnosis of Gallstones.胆石症超声波诊断3. 请把下列句子改写成名词性短语标题(noun phrase titles)- Thyroid cancer is a late consequence of head-neck irradiation改为:Thyroid cancer as a late consequence of head-neck irradiation- Coronary heart disease: Overweight and obesity are risk factors改为:Coronary heart disease: Overweight and obesity as risk factors- High blood pressure is a side effect of drugs, poisons, and food改为:High blood pressure: A side effect of drugs, poisons, and food- High uric acid serves as an indicator of cardiovascular disease改为:High uric acid as an indicator of cardiovascular disease- Prostaglandins serve as mediators of inflammation改为:Prostaglandins as mediators of inflammation任务二 引言的写作(Introduction)l 引言的构成阅读下列引言,分析其构成部分并概括每一部分的大意。Helicobacter pylori(Hp幽门杆菌) is considered to be the main aetiological agent发病原因 of the most common form of chronic gastritis胃炎 in the adult populationtype B gastritis. Type B gastritis is localized in the antrum窦, 腔, 房 and pylorus幽门, whereas type A gastritis, the classic autoimmune gastritis, mainly occurs in the fundus 底部. H pylori positive chronic gastritis of the antrum has been found to be closely related to duodenal十二指肠 ulcer and can lead to gastric atrophy萎缩, a precursor 前兆of gastric cancer. (第一部分:课题的研究概况及背景介绍)Environmental factors, such as socioeconomic and educational state, seem to affect the prevalence of H pylori infection. Infection is consistently higher in Hispanic and black people than in white people and is inversely related to educational level. The prevalence程度 of H pylori infection is higher in close communities密集人口 and in members of family groups than in the general population. This may be due to replases or reinfections between members of the same family. Furthermore, the route of transmission of H pylori remains unknown, although most of the evidence supports person to person transmission with colonization occurring primarily in childhood. Under natural circumstances transmission could be by the oro-oral or faecal-oral(粪-口) routes, but no strong evidence exists to support either route as the primary one, and both may be relevant depending on other factors. (第二部分:内容、目的和方法等)Most studies of transmission of H pylori infection within families have been conducted on parents and siblings of children referred for针对研究 symptoms and not on the general population. To avoid this potential selection bias偏差, we studied part of the population of the Dionysos cohort study群组研究 to assess whether children of H pylori infected parents had higher infection rate than those families with uninfected parents. (第三部分:理由和意义)l 引言各组成部分的常用时态和语态1. 观察下列有关“课题的研究概况及背景介绍”的表达中运用了哪些时态和语态。(常用一般现在时或者是现在完成时,多用被动语态)- Since its initial description 40 years ago, HCM(Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy肥厚型心肌病)has been largely regarded to be associated with substantial disability and premature death, and annual mortality rates as high as 3% to 6% had been reported.自40年前首次报道以来,人们一直认为HCM与严重活动能力受限和过早死亡有关。据报道每年死亡。- Studies have shown that patients with chronic renal failure have a high frequency of cardiovascular atheromatous disease.- Stethoscope diaphragms have been shown to harbor potentially pathogenic bacteria.- It remains unclear whether ventricular tachyarrhythmias are influenced by beat-blocking agents blunt the morning peak of life-threatening ventricular tachyarrhythmias.- The incidence of common bile duct calculi in patients selected for laparoscopic cholecystectomy is 4 to 6 percent. Management is controversial.2. 请把下列有关“内容、目的和方法等” 的句子主干结构划出来。(描述过去的研究活动可用过去时或者过去完成时)- In a 22-year-old male, who had been irradiated 16 years previously for Hodgkins disease, a radiation-induced thyroid carcinoma developed. 放疗诱发的甲状腺癌.16年前因患何杰金病接受放射治疗的22岁男子患有放疗诱发的甲状腺癌。- A total of 120 patients with isolated stenosis of the proximal left anterior descending coronary artery were randomly assigned to stent implantation.- Patients with myocardial infarction, cardiomyopathy, and congenital heart diseases were excluded.- The analysis showed that this disease was associated with age, systolic blood pressure, body mass index.3. 第二部分的常用时态和句型(常用一般过去时)- to do- The purpose/ aim/ objective/ goal (of the present study) is /was to- The present study is / was designed / devised / intended to- The study was performed / conducted / carried out / undertaken to- We aimed / sought to / attempted to- In an attempt to investigate/ determine/ clarify/ assess- in an effort to in order to/ in this study- An attempt was made to;- This paper examines/ (is concerned with, deals with will present or describe); - This study will have three objectives: 练习: Translate the following sentences of objective into English1)目的:对临终前改变护理而采取的临床干预进行回顾性研究。译文:Objective: To review clinical interventions designed to change care at the end of life.2)目的:研究CMV对一年死亡率的同位肝移植患者的作用。译文:Objective: To study the effect of CMV on 1-year mortality rates in orthotropic liver transplant recipients.3)本文提出了一种确定HIV低流行人群中HIV危险性(risk)的方法。译文:This article proposes a method for estimating HIV risk in low-HlV-prevalent populations.4)本研究的目的是确定由拆换导尿管而引起的菌血症发病率和临床处理。译文:The purpose of our study was to determine the incidence and clinical relevance of bacteremia induced by urinary catheter replacements.5)本研究的目的是调查硝酸甘油剂量对心肌缺血性损害的影响。译文:The purpose of the present study was to investigate the effect of the dose of nitroglycerin on myocardial ischemic injury.6)目的:确定输注人体白蛋白能否改善病人的预后。 译文:Objective: To determine whether replacement of human albumin will improve a patients prognosis.4. 翻译下列句子,注意句中划线部分的时态和语态。- Hearts from men who died of sudden coronary death were studied in a prospective fashion. These hearts were seen in consultation (会诊)with medical examiner in the state of Maryland between January 1997. Coronary artery fixation, cardiac dissection, and tissue sampling were performed as previously described. 本项目对冠心病猝死的男性心脏进行前瞻性研究。1994年1月至1997年5月马里兰州的医学人员对这些心脏进行过研究。冠状动脉固定术、心脏解剖以及组织标本制作情况如前所述。- B.P. (blood pressure) was measured twice by trained observers using a standard mercury sphygmomanometer after the subject had been seated for at least 5 minutes.受试者就座至少五分钟后,由训练有素的观察者用标准水银血压计测量两次血压。- Seven of the 12 children were less than 6 years of age at the time of cholecystectomy, and the youngest was a 9-month-old boy who had been receiving total parenteral nutrition(TPN)( 全胃肠外营养)since shortly after birth after duodenal trauma.12名患者中有7例在进行胆囊切除时年龄不足6岁。最小的是九个月。他出生后不久便因十二指肠创伤一直接受全胃肠外管养。- All samples have been frozen at -20 until tested by conventional ELISA(酶联免疫吸附测定法).所有标本在-20 下冷冻,用酶联免疫吸附测定法测定。5. “第三部分理由和意义”的表达1) 图表的表述 is showed / presented in Table; the figure shows/indicates/ demonstrate/ illustrate that; was strongly associated with; was inversely correlated with was in direct proportion to ; was increased to/by; was decreased to/ reduced/ dropped/ lowered/ declined to; was inversely proportional to; was compared with; 2) 表达数值范围或具有.意义Range from to; range between and ; vary from to vary between and; with a range of to ;from to the ratio of.; vs; the rate of ; results(data) demonstrate/ confirm/ suggest/ indicate/reveal/ that; the experiments/ results/findings/ investigation/ facts/ supply a basis for; the observation results are consistent/in accord/ with the theory/ idea/ proposal/ hypothesis/ previous studies that; is similar to that reported/ described/ documented (证明)by; results are contrasted with/ different from; may have been caused by may lead to .result in account for; is related/due/attributed to Although/ even if; one different interpretation of this difference between and is; on the basis of/ based on these premises; we think believe/ propose/hypothesize/recommend that; can speculate on; whether remains/ is yet to be determined; further analysis experiments will be necessary/ needed to confirm; We conclude that; Have implications to(对有意义); there are several limitations to; Given考虑到;when taking this point into consideration A major finding of this study is that3) 概述本研究的内容A model for was developed; provides a description of; we have provided a new approach to; we have presented empirical 实证studies of ;we have explored the relationship between; the experiment confirmed that ; The result support our claim that. 证实我们的想法; the result shows reasonably good agreement with other. A significant difference was found (observed) in ; 4)理论价值The main contribution of this . is; this will have wider application to such areas of; Two interesting future research lines are as follows; It is believed that further research into. will improve the performance of The results in this paper will give insight to启发;will have considerable potential for; There are several issues deserving further study; Among possible topics for the future, we mention6. 致谢常用句型This study was supported by.; other investigators who contributed to this study were; To than for. To be thankful to for/ be grateful to for/ be indebted for to acknowledge ; to express thanks to for to appreciate to express appreciation to for练习:翻译句子, 注意划线部分的表达。1. The purpose of this study was to examine the association between acute plaque rupture(急性斑块破裂) and exertion-related sudden coronary death in a series of carefully studied autopsy hearts(通过详细的心脏解剖检查).译文:本研究的目的通过详细的心脏解剖检查,研究急性斑块破裂与用力导致冠状动脉猝死间的联系。2. As greater clinical correlation is obtained, the usefulness of thyroglobulin (甲状腺球蛋白)determination will increase.译文:随着人们对甲状腺球蛋白水平与临床的相关认识提高,测定甲状腺球蛋白的必要性也在提高。任务三:摘要的写作(Abstract)l 了解4段式半结构式摘要的构成及常用时态、语态1. 找出以下摘要分别为哪些部分构成并翻译。(1)Objective:To evaluate spiral CT (SCT) in the preoperative staging of colorectal carcinomas. (2)Methods:Fifty one patients suspicious of having colorectal carcinoma underwent spiral CT scans performed from the dome 膈顶of the diaphragm to symphysis pubica 耻骨联合 after cleansing enema and rectal air insufflation. 41 of the 51 patients were proved to have colorectal carcinoma by colonoscopy and/or pathology. The findings of SCT of 31 patients treated with surgery were compared with the surgical pathological examination for staging.(3)Results:The overall accuracy rate of SCT staging was 58.1% (18/31). For evaluation of T staging and N staging the accuracy rates were 84.4% (27/32) and 61.3%(19/31). Sensitivity and specificity for serosa膜 infiltration肿瘤浆膜外侵犯 were 92.9% and 50.0%.(4)Conclusion:SCT scan plays a significant role in the preoperative staging of colorectal carcinomas useful to detect the serosa infiltration lymph node and distant metastasis.译文:(1)目的:探讨螺旋CT(SCT)对结、直肠癌术前分期的价值。(2)方法:51例疑诊结、直肠肿瘤的患者行SCT扫描,扫描前清洁肠道,并经直肠注气,扫描范围从膈顶至耻骨联合。51例中,41例经直肠镜或手术病理证实为结、直肠癌,将其中31例病人的资料参与与手术病理结果进行对照并进行分期研究。(3)结果:SCT总的分期准确率为58.1%(18/31),判断T分期的准确率为84.4%(27/32)N分期的准确率为61.3%(19/31)。评价肿瘤浆膜外侵犯的敏感性和特异性分别为92.9%和50.0%。(4)结论:SCT扫描对结、直肠癌的术前分期有重要价值,有助于判断肿瘤浆膜外侵犯及区域淋巴结和远处转移情况。2. 分析四个部分各自使用了什么时态或语态,为什么?3. 请把以下表示结论的句子翻译成英文,注意画线部分。 1)常规手X光片所反映的指骨密度是今后髋关节骨折的重要预知因素。译文:Phalangeal bone density determined from standard hand x-ray films is a significant predictor of future hip fracture risk.2)我们的结论是: 在平板运动试验中(treadmill exercise),血清血液学、生化和电解质参数会发生微小但重要的变化,其中有些变化应引起日常临床工作的重视。译文:We conclude that during treadmill exercise small but significant changes in serum hematological, biochemical and electroyte parameters occur, some of which should be taken into account in the everyday clinical practice.3)结果证实这种类型的肝炎可能与高发生率的持续肝功能障碍有关。译文:The results confirm that this form of hepatitis may be related to a high frequency of persistent hepatic dysfunction.4)儿童期应变性(atopic)湿疹对于社会、个人、感情以及家庭的经济前景都具有深远影响。译文:Childhood atopic eczema has a profound impact on the social, personal, emotional, and financial perspectives of families.5)我们发现Carbose结合饮食和胰岛素是治疗I型糖尿病安全、有效的药物。译文:A Carbose was found to be a safe and effective agent, when used in combination with diet and insulin therapy, for the treatment of type I diabetes.6)考虑到有些病人血液透析存活率降低,为了预防和治疗排他作用,对这些病人加大免疫-抑制剂的剂量或许是必要的。译文:Increased dosage of immuno-suppressive agents may be necessary in some patients to prevent or treat rejection in view of their reduced survival on hemodialysis.4. 分析并判断以下摘要的组成部分及其相关时态语态。 To investigate whether glucagon (高血糖素 )increases the urinary excretion of oxypurinol (别嘌呤二醇)and purine (嘌呤)bases. We administered 1mg glucagon intravenously to 5 healthy subjects taking 300 mg allopurinol (别嘌呤 )orally, and determined plasma concentrations and urinary excretion of oxypurinol and purine bases. Glucagon increased the urinary excretion and fractional clearances of uric acid, xanthine (黄嘌呤), and oxypurinol, together with an increase in creatinine clearance, while it decreased plasma concentrations of xanthine and hypoxanthine. Glucagon-induced increases in urinary excretion of uric acid, xanthine, and oxypurinol were attributable to increases in the fractional clearances of uric acid, xanthine, and oxypurinol in addition to an increase in golmerular filtration rate. It is suggested that glucagon affects the renal common transport pathway of uric acid, xanthine, and oxypurinol by stimulating the release of a liver derived renal vasodilator.5. 请把以下摘要翻译成英文。 饮酒对心脏的健康:有害还是有利 过量饮酒是公共卫生的老大难问题,导致了巨大的经济花费和其他的负担。尽管长期过量饮酒在少数饮酒者中导致原发性心肌症,但是,由于酒精中毒现象普遍存在酒精成为西方社会非缺血性原发性心肌症的主要原因。相反,大量的证据表明,适量饮酒有保护心脏的作用。不仅能减少致命的缺血性心脏病的发病率,而且能改善因其它冠心病高危因素而发生心肌梗死的病人预后状况。因此,医生给病人的饮酒建议应该因人而异。译文: The Effects of Alcohol on the Heart: Detrimental or Beneficial?Alcohol abuse is a substantial public health problem, resulting in staggering financial costs and other burdens. Prolonged alcohol abuse leads to cardiomyopathy in a minority of alcohol abusers, but because alcoholism is so widespread, alcohol is the major cause of non ischemic cardiomyopathy in Western society. In contrast, substantial evidence now suggests that moderate alcohol consumption has cardioprotective effects. It not only reduces the incidence of fatal iscbemic heart disease, but it improves outcome in patients who have other risks for comnmy events and go on to have my- ocardial infarctions. Therefore, physicians recommendations about alcohol consumption should be as individualized as their patients.l 怎样使摘要简洁1)分词短语代替从句 - Cancer of the breast which is known to be leading cause of death in women, too often escapes detection in an early stage. 改为:The breast cancer, still a leading cause of death in women too often escapes detection in an early stage.- After he had done this, he left the meeting room quickly. 改为:This done, he left the meeting room quickly.- After the meeting was over, the delegates went out of the hall.改为:The meeting over, the delegates went out of the hall.2)单词代替词组 in order to- to ; at this point of time- now; be referred to as- be called ; on account of the fact that because;during the cause- during; in spite of that- though; all the times- always; in the near future- soon;take into consideration- consider3)使用缩写核磁共振MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging); 血管平滑肌细胞VSMC(vascular smooth muscle cells); 左心室部分切除术PLV (partial left ventriculectomy)HIV (human immunity virus)AIDs (acquired immuno deficiency syndrome )SARS (serious atypical respiratory syndrome )4)简化后置修饰语(多个名词并列前置修饰)十二指肠溃疡患者 patient with duodenal ulcer / duodenal ulcer patient; 上泌尿道感染 upper urinary tract infection; 乳腺癌普 breast cancer screening5)省略省略句中成分以简化句中:1. We attempted to combine all types of cases that were described in previous systems with cases that have been from our own experience .改为:We attempted to combine all types of cases described in previous systems with cases from our own experience.2. Filicide that occurs during the postpartum period can involve command hallucinations or delusions that the newborn is destined for a terrible fate, that it is possessed by the devil, or that it has special powers.改为:Filicide that occurs during the postpartum period can involve command hallucinations or delusions that the newborn is destined for a terrible fate, is possessed by the devil, or has special powers.3. In addition, he had been progressively more short of breath, had stertor, but had no hoarseness改为:In addition, he had been progressively more short of breath with stertor, but no hoarseness. 4. Soft tissue lateral neck X-ray and computed tomographic (CT) scanning revealed a retropharygngeal soft-tissue mass that arises between the levels

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