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Shanghai Normal UniversityUndergraduate Course DescriptionStudent Name: xxxxxxxxx Student ID: xxxxxxxxxxxxMajor: Chinese Language and LiteratureEnrollment Date: Sep. 2008 Schooling Period: 4 yearsCourse Name (CHINESE): 计算机Course Name (ENGLISH): Computer ScienceCredit: 3Term: 1st term,2nd termBrief Description:计算机是非计算机专业的在校学生的必修的课程之一,包括计算机概述、计算机发展与应用、WINDOWS、WORD字处理软件、EXCEL电子表格、POWERPOINT演示文稿制作、多媒体应用技术、计算机网络使用基础、网页制作等内容,能提高学生的操作能力和开发能力。 Computer Science is a compulsory course for students not majored in computer science, which includes the introduction of the computer, the development and application of the computer, WINDOWS, WORD word-processing software, EXCEL spreadsheet, POWERPOINT presentation, multimedia technology, computer network, webpage. This course is to improve students capability of computer operation. Course Name (CHINESE): 军事Course Name (ENGLISH): Military ScienceCredit: 2Term: 1st termBrief Description:本课程以国防教育为主线,通过军事课教学,使大学生掌握基本军事理论与军事技能,达到增强国防观念和国家安全意识,强化爱国主义、集体主义观念,加强组织纪律性,促进大学生综合素质的提高。This course is aimed to enhance students awareness of national defense and national security, strengthen patriotism, discipline of organizations, and teach students military theory and skills through military teaching.Course Name (CHINESE): 体育Course Name (ENGLISH): PECredit: 1, 1, 1, 1Term: 1st term,2nd term, 3rd term, 4th termBrief Description:体育课旨在让学生:1、掌握体育的基本知识,了解运动的概念及运动形式。2、掌握运动的基本技术,参与体育游戏,体能得到提高。 3、了解并运用部分运动规则和科学锻炼身体的方法,能够欣赏体育比赛和指导自身体育锻炼。PE class aims to enable students to master the basic knowledge and skills of PE, through which they can participate in sport and improve physical fitness, also understand the scientific method of exercise.Course Name (CHINESE): 大学英语Course Name (ENGLISH): College EnglishCredit: 4,4,4,4Term: 1st term,2nd term, 3rd term, 4th termBrief Description:大学英语教学的目的是:培养学生具有较强的阅读能力和一定的听、说、写、译能力,使他们能用英语交流信息。大学英语教学应帮助学生打下扎实的语言基础,掌握良好的语言学习方法,提高文化素养,以适应社会发展和经济建设的需要。This course is aimed to develop students ability of reading, listening, speaking, writing and translation, so that they can communicate in proficient English. College English can help students lay a solid language foundation, a good grasp of language learning methods to improve language and cultural awareness, in order to adapt to social and economic development.Course Name (CHINESE): 中国近现代史纲要Course Name (ENGLISH):the Compendium of Modern and Contemporary Chinese History Credit: 2Term: 2nd termBrief Description:通过本门课程的学习,使学生较好地掌握中国近现代史的基础知识,把握中国近现代史的基本线索及发展规律;帮助学生了解国史、国情;使学生树立正确的历史观,培养其正确分析历史事件、评论历史人物的能力,深刻领会历史和人民怎样选择了马克思主义,怎样选择了中国共产党,怎样选择了社会主义道路,坚定走中国特色社会主义道路的信心。Through the study of this course, students can master the basic knowledge of modern Chinese history, grasp its basic clues of development, and understand national history. Students can also build up a right view of the world and history, learn to analyze the historical events, make comments on historical figures.Course Name (CHINESE): 毛泽东思想和中国特色社会主义理论体系Course Name (ENGLISH): An Introduction to Mao Zedongs Thought & Socialist Theory with Chinese Characteristics Credit/Hours: 4Term: 4th termBrief Description:本教材以马克思主义中国化和中国化的马克思主义为主题,阐述马克思主义中国化的三大理论成果毛泽东思想、邓小平理论和“三个代表”重要思想的主要内容、精神实质、历史地位和重大意义。This course will introduce the theory and practice of Chinese Communist Partys Revolution and foundation of P.R.C., and understand how Chinese practice combines with Marxism-Leninism into Maoism, Deng Xiaoping Theory, and Three Represents Theory.Course Name (CHINESE): 马克思主义基本原理Course Name (ENGLISH): Basic Principle of MarxismCredit: 2Term: 1st termBrief Description:本课程的目标在于,帮助大学生从本体论的视阈了解世界的起源,正确认识唯物主义和辩证法的基本理论;从认识论的视阈了解辩证唯物主义认识路线,正确认识真理原则和价值原则及其统一的最高境界真、善、美;从社会历史观或历史哲学的视阈了解人类历史发展的规律特别是资本主义经济运行和社会主义经济运行的基本规律,正确认识经济全球化和人类社会发展的未来趋势。The course has the following targets: Firstly, to help college students correctly understand the fundamental principles of materialism and dialectic with introducing them the origin of the world in ontology. Secondly, to lead college students correctly understand the principles of truth, principles of value and the highest rangetruth, good and beauty- for unite the two principles by introducing them epistemological line of dialectic materialism in epistemology. Thirdly, to lead college students correctly understand the future of economic globalization and human society by introducing them the laws of human history, especially the basic laws of the capitalist economy and the basic laws of socialist economy, from the view of social history or the philosophy of history.Course Name (CHINESE): 基础写作Course Name (ENGLISH): Basis for WritingCredit: 2, 2 Term: 1st term, 2nd termBrief Description:通过讲授写作学的基本理论知识,揭示一般写作规律和方法,认识主体、客体、本体、受体四大写作要素的含义及其相互关系,认识新闻、理论、文学、应用四大类文体的特点和写作方法,通过系统的写作训练,帮助学生提高实际的阅读和写作能力,By teaching the basic theoretical knowledge of writing and revealing the general rules and methods of writing, the instructor will help students understand the meaning and relations among the four basic elements of writing, understand the characteristic and writing method of the four basic types of writing. Through systematic writing training, students reading and writing ability will be improved.Course Name (CHINESE): 文史典籍Course Name (ENGLISH): Selected Reading in Ancient Chinese Literature and HistoryCredit: 3, 3Term: 1st term, 2nd termBrief Description:本课程精选中国古代历史典籍和篇章,指导学生进行原著导读。从而了解历史典籍的原貌,认识中国史籍的内容、体例和特点,进一步深化对中国传统文化的了解。This course will select some ancient Chinese literature materials and guide students read the original ones. By learning these selected materials, students can have a better understanding of the original historical works, their content, styles and characteristics, and the traditional Chinese culture.Course Name (CHINESE): 文史工具书Course Name (ENGLISH): The Outline of Reference BooksCredit: 3Term: 1st termBrief Description:该课程为一门工具性课程。通过该课程的学习,掌握中文工具书的特点、类型与功用、主要排检方法,认识并学习使用各类工具书,从而培养学生查阅资料的能力和解决疑难问题的能力。This course is an instrumental course. Through the study of this course, students can obtain the features, types, functions and main arrangement and consultation methods of Chinese reference books and learn to use various kinds of reference books. Meanwhile, this course can also help students develop their ability of checking materials and solving difficult problems.Course Name (CHINESE): 现代汉语Course Name (ENGLISH): Contemporary Chinese LanguageCredit: 3, 3Term: 1st term, 2nd termBrief Description:本课程主要讲授现代汉语的性质、形成和发展的规律,包括现代汉语语音(音系)、词汇(语义)、语法、修辞、现代汉字等基本内容,通过现代汉语课的教学可以使学生掌握祖国语言的基本知识和基本理论,为学生将来从事对外汉语教学、中学语文教学及其他相关工作打下坚实的理论基础和实际能力。This course will mainly introduce the properties, formation and development rules of contemporary Chinese language. The content includes the basic knowledge of Chinese Phonetics (Phonology), Vocabulary (Semantic), Grammar, Rhetoric and Chinese Characters. Through the study of Contemporary Chinese Language, students can obtain basic knowledge and theory of Chinese and can lay a solid theoretical foundation for Chinese language related work as teaching Chinese for foreigners or teaching Chinese in middle schools. Course Name (CHINESE): 中国现代文学Course Name (ENGLISH): Contemporary Chinese LiteratureCredit: 3, 3Term: 1st term, 2nd termBrief Description:该课程主要向学生系统讲授从“五四”文学革命到中华人民共和国成立三十余年的文学运动、文学思潮、文学流派和文学创作情况和重要作家代表作品,让学生全面了解重要的作家创作概况及其文学史地位;能对重要作品的思想艺术特点进行全面深入的分析与评价。To make students fully understand the important writers creation and their status in literature history, this course will systematically introduce the literature movement, literature trend, literature schools, literature creation and important writers works among the thirty years from May 4th Literature Revolution to the founding of the Peoples Republic of China. Students are required to have the ability to make full and deep analysis and comment on the thought and art of important works.Course Name (CHINESE): 思想道德修养与法律基础Course Name (ENGLISH): Moral Education and Basic Knowledge of LawCredit: 2Term: 2nd termBrief Description:该课程主要是帮助大学生运用马克思主义基本原理和邓小平理论,树立正确的世界观、人生观、价值观、道德观、法制观,帮助大学生认真处理好理想与现实、权力与义务、个人与集体、竞争与合作、自由与纪律、友谊与爱情、学习与工作等关系,努力将其培养成为有理想、有道德、有文化、有纪律的合格的社会主义现代化建设的栋梁之才。This course aims to help students set up proper world view, life view, values, moral value and legal sense by using Marxism and Deng Xiaoping Theory, help students handle the relations between the ideal and the reality, rights and responsibility, individual and collective, competition and cooperation, freedom and discipline, friendship and love, study and work. Meanwhile, the course also tries to foster students as a qualified useful person in socialist modernization with ideals, morals, talents and self-discipline. Course Name (CHINESE): 中国古代文学Course Name (ENGLISH): Ancient Chinese Literature Credit:4, 6Term:2nd term, 3rd termBrief Description:该课程主要向学生系统讲授五四以前(含近代)的全部文学作品及文学现象, 让学生全面了解重要的作家创作概况及其文学史地位;能对重要作品的思想艺术特点进行全面深入的分析与评价。The course will systematically introduce the literature works and phenomenon before the May 4th Movement (including those in modern times) and help student understand important writers creation and their status in literature history. Students are expected to have the ability of making deep analysis and comment on the thought and art of important works.Course Name (CHINESE): 英语四级Course Name (ENGLISH): CET (Band 4)Term:2nd termBrief Description:CET(Band 4)是College English Test Band 4的缩写。是由国家教育部高等教育司主持的全国性标准化英语考试。CET (Band 4) is an abbreviation of College English Test Band 4. It is a national Standard English test held by Department of Higher Education in National Ministry of Education.Course Name (CHINESE): 外国文学Course Name (ENGLISH): Foreign LiteratureCredit: 3, 4Term: 3rd term, 4th termBrief Description:本课程主要讲解二十世纪外国文学中的经典名作。撷取世界各国四十余位著名作家的代表作加以分析和评论。目的使学生在接触这些经典作品后,对世界文学的现状,成就和特征等有一个较为全面的认识,有助于学生了解不同文化、不同社会背景下的现实关系和人们的思想行为等。The course will mainly introduce the classical works of foreign literature in 20th, comment and analyze about 40 famous writers works around the world. It aims at helping students gain a comprehensive knowledge of the present situation, achievement and characteristics of world literature after they read these classical works, which will be helpful for students to understand the realities, peoples thoughts and behaviors under different culture background and social background.Course Name (CHINESE): 文学概论Course Name (ENGLISH): Survey Course of LiteratureCredit: 3, 3Term: 3rd term, 4th termBrief Description:通过讲授文学的基本性质、文学的起源和发展、文学的文体、文学的创作等内容,使学生比较全面地掌握文学的基本概念、基本知识和基本原理,能运用文学的基本原理理解和评价各种文学现象。By teaching the basic properties, development, style and creation of literature, this course will help students obtain basic concept, knowledge and principles of literature so that students can understand and comment various kinds of phenomena by using literary principles. Course Name (CHINESE): 中国现当代文学专Course Name (ENGLISH): Modern and Contemporary Chinese LiteratureCredit:2Term:3rd termBrief Description:本课程以作家作品分析为主。在相关文学知识的讲授时,发动学生积极参与讨论,将死的历史与活的现实相联系,提高学生学以致用的实践能力。This course will mainly focus on analyzing works. When teaching related literature knowledge, the instructor will encourage students to join in discussion, help students connect “dead” history with “living” realities and improve their application ability of using what they have learned.Course Name (CHINESE): 文学观念和批评方法Course Name (ENGLISH): Literary CriticismCredit:2Term:3rd termBrief Description本课程讲授中国主要的文学批评家、文学流派的思想及观念,并与西方文论作扼要的比较;同时培养学生参与文学批评活动的实践意识与操作能力。This course will mainly introduce the thoughts and ideas of the important literature critics and literature schools in China, and compare them briefly with western thoughts. Meanwhile, the course also pays attention to foster students practical consciousness and ability of participating in literary criticism activities. Course Name (CHINESE): 国际关系概论 Course Name (ENGLISH): Introduction to International RelationsCredit:2Term:3rd termBrief Description本课程重点研究国际关系的形成和发展,特别是各国在政治和安全问题上合作与冲突,以帮助学生提高观察分析国际问题和国际关系现象能力The course will focus on the formation and development of international relations, especially the cooperation and conflict on political and security issue and help students improve their ability of observing and analyzing international problems and relations.Course Name (CHINESE): 中学语文教学中的朗读艺术Course Name (ENGLISH): Readings Art of School TeachingCredit:2Term:3rd termBrief Description本课程为一门工具性课程,通过讲述中学语文教学中的朗读艺术的基本知识,并结合课堂实践,使学生理解朗读艺术在语文教学中重要作用并掌握其具体应用,为以后走向老师的工作岗位打下坚实的基础。This course is an instrumental course. By teaching the basic knowledge in school teaching and combining class practice, the instructor will help students understand the importance of readings art in Chinese teaching and obtain the application so that they can lay a solid foundation for being a teacher in future. Course Name (CHINESE): 计算机一级 Course Name (ENGLISH): College Computer Proficiency Test (Level 1)Term: 3rd termBrief Description该考试为标准化考试,主要考察大学生对计算机和软件的实际应用能力。一级考试内容主要包括微型计算机基础知识和使用办公软件及因特网(Internet)的基本技能。 It is a standard test, which mainly test university students practical application ability of using computer and software. The main test content of Level 1 includes basic knowledge of micro computer and the foundational skills of using office software and Internet. Course Name (CHINESE): 中国古代文学史Course Name (ENGLISH): The History of Ancient Chinese LiteratureCredit: 4Term: 4th termBrief Description:本课程是中国文学史和历代文学作品选两门课的综合课程,是汉语言文学专业的基础课程。它以五四以前(含近代)的全部文学作品及文学现象为研究对象,系统阐述和揭示我国文学发展的过程与规律,努力探讨文学观念和文学潮流的发展变化,重视对文学流派的分析,并在历史发展中对历代文学作家作品的思想和艺术作出恰当的分析和评价。This course is a core course for students majoring in Chinese and Literature and can be regarded as an integrated course of Chinese Literature History and Selected Readings in Chinese Literature. It takes the literature works and phenomenon before the May 4th Movement (including those in modern times) as research subject, systematically illustrates and reveals the process and rules in Chinese literature development, explores the development and change of literature ideas and trends, puts emphasis on the analysis of literature school and makes appropriate analysis and comment on the thoughts and arts of works in a historical and developing view. Course Name (CHINESE): 中国思想史Course Name (ENGLISH): Chinese Ideology HistoryCredit: 2Term: 4th termBrief Description:本课程主要介绍中国思想史的基本内容(思潮、学派、人物、著作、思想的要点、范畴等),解释、分析典型材料,使学生理解思想演变发展的历史原因及其历史作用,培养学生的思维能力。This course will mainly introduce the basic content of Chinese Ideology history and analyze typical materials. Through the study of this course, students are expected to understand the historical reasons and historical effect of the ideology evolution and develop their own thinking ability.Course Name (CHINESE): 中国社会史专题研究Course Name (ENGLISH): Research on Society History Theses of ChinaCredit: 2Term: 4th termBrief Description:本课程主要分专题讲授中国社会的演化,使学生能够通过本课程的学习掌握中国主要的社会现象及其演化,并通过对相关史料进行分析,培养学生全面观察和分析社会问题的素质与方法,增强其独立思考能力。 The course will mainly introduce the evolution of Chinese society. Through the study of this course, students are expected to master the main phenomenon and evolution of Chinese society develop ability of observing and analyzing social problem and strengthen their independent thinking ability by analyzing relative historical materials.Course Name (CHINESE): 合同法(案例)Course Name (ENGLISH): Contract Law (Case Study)Credit: 2Term: 4th termBrief Description:本课程的目的是通过对合同法经典案例进行分析,使学生掌握合同法中的基本概念、原理、法律规定及其使用。并通过课堂讨论,让学生运用所学知识进行思考,以期提高他们分析和解决实际问题的能力。This course is aimed at helping students obtain the basic concept, principle, law rules and application of Contract Law by analyzing the classic cases. At the same time, students are expected to discuss cases by using what they have learned in class to improve their analysis ability and practical application ability. Course Name (CHINESE): 心理学与教育Course Name (ENGLISH): Psychology and EducationCredit: 2Term: 5th termBrief Description:该课程为高等师范院校师范教育类公共课,教学目的是让师范生获得未来的教书育人工作和现时的学习生活所必需的心理学知识、理念和能力,形成相应素质,并为其走上工作岗位后的教师专业化发展打下心理学方面的基础。This course is a public course belonging to teacher education courses in four years normal university. It is aimed at helping normal school students obtain knowledge and concept of psychology which are essential for current study life and teaching in future. Meanwhile, students also can lay solid psychology theory foundation for their development as teacher in future by studying this course.Course Name (CHINESE): 教育原理Course Name (ENGLISH): The Principle of EducationCredit: 1Term: 5th termBrief Description:本课程通过讲授诸如教育的产生与发展、教育的功能与目的、课程、教学等基本概念的讲解,使得学生对教育理论有全面的感受和理解,从而为其走上教师岗位奠定理论基础。By explaining basic concepts as the emergence and further development of education, the function and aim of education, course and teaching, this course help students foster a whole understanding of education theory and lay a solid theoretical foundation for becoming a real teacher. Course Name (CHINESE): 教学与课程导论Course Name (ENGLISH): Teaching and Introduction to CurriculumCredit: 1Term: 5th termBrief Description:通过学习该课程,初次接触教育学课程的师范生可以初步了解和掌握如何教学,并从教学与课程的联系和区别中形成课程意识,提升对教学和课程的整体认识,为以后走向实际教学岗位打下坚实的理论基础。Through the study of this course, normal school students, who first contact with Education courses, can have a common sense of teaching and how to teach. Instructor will help students foster “course awareness” by finding the connection and difference between teaching and course and improve their whole understanding of teaching and course so that students can have a solid theoretical foundation for becoming a real teacher. Course Name (CHINESE): 古代汉语Course Name (ENGLISH): Classical Chinese LanguageCredit: 3Term: 5th termBrief Description:古代汉语是一门工具课。本课程以培养学生的古典文献的阅读能力为主旨。课程包括三个方面:文选、通论和常用词。文选以典范的文言文为主,通过文选的讲授培养学生文言文的基本阅读能力。通论部分主要从理论上加强学生对古汉语的认识。常用词部分以学生自学为主,促进学生的自学能力。Classical Chinese Language is an instrumental course. This course is aimed at training students reading ability of classical documents. The course has three parts: Anthology, Grammar and high frequency words. Anthology mainly consists of typical Classical Chinese articles. In this part, the instructor will help students develop their basic reading ability of Classical Chinese articles by teaching anthology. Grammar is mainly trying to strengthen students knowledge of ancient Chinese in theory. The learning of high frequency words mainly depends on students self-study to improve students self-study ability.Course Name (CHINESE): 语言学概论Course Name (ENGLISH): An Introduction to LinguisticsCredit: 2Term: 5th termBrief Description:该课程以讲授语言学的普遍知识和基本分析方法为主要教学目标,既讲授语言事实和语言学理论,又强调通过适当的练习来巩固对所学内容的记忆和理解,培养利用所学知识和方法来观察、分析语言现象的能力。This course is aimed at teaching the general knowledge and basis analysis method of linguistics. It not only teaches the linguistic facts and theories, but also insists on consolidating the memory and understanding of what students have learned through appropriate practice. Meanwhile, it also helps students develop their ability of observing and analyzing language phenomenon by using what they have learned in class.Course Name (CHINESE):逻辑Course Name (ENGLISH): LogicCredit: 2Term: 5th termBrief Description:本课程系统地讲授有关逻辑的基本知识、基本理论和基本方法。通过对学生进行有目的的逻辑思维和表述论证的训练,提高学生思维的准确性和敏捷性,增强其论证的逻辑力量,同时为学生进一步学习和理解其他各门具体科学知识提供必要的逻辑分析工具。The content of the course is mainly about the basic knowledge, basic theory and basic methods about logic. The course will develop the agility and accuracy of students thinking and strengthen their logic reasoning ability by training students logical thinking and expression ability. Meanwhile, the course also p

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