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安娜的博客大家好。欢迎来到我的博客。关于我我的名字是安娜。我来自德国。我11岁。我又高又瘦。我有长头发。我和我的家人住在挨着一些山的一所房子。我的妈妈是一个美术老师。我的爸爸是一名医生。我有一个姐姐和一个哥哥。关于我的学校和我的爱好每天,我乘校车去学校。我最喜欢的学科是数学,艺术和科学。我喜欢我的学校,因为老师们都很友好。我的梦想是成为一名工程师。我喜欢很多运动。我擅长游泳和打篮球。这些都是我最喜欢的爱好。我想和来自世界各地的年轻人交朋友!请给我发邮件!U1 Making friendsGrammar : learn how to ask and answer wh- questions. Learn when to use a or an before nouns.Writing : complete an email to a new friendAnnas blogHello everyone. Welcome to my blog.About meMy name is Anna. Im from Germany. Im 11 years old. Im tall and thin. I have long hair. I live with my family in a house close to some mountains. My mum is an Art teacher. My dad is a doctor. I have an elder sister and an elder brother.About my school and my hobbiesEvery day, I go to school by school bus. My favourite subjects are Maths, Art and Science. I like my school because the teachers are all very friendly. My dream is to be an engineer. I like many sports. Im good at swimming and playing basketball. These are my favourite hobbies.I want to make friends with young people from all over the world! Email me, please!在学校的一天我是一个初中学生。我喜欢上学。我学校靠近我家,所以我总是步行去上学。早上8点开始上课,我很少迟到。我最喜欢的科目是地理。我喜欢了解世界上不同的地方。上午,我们通常学习语文、数学和英语。我们在上午9:50休息。铃声一响起,我和我最好的朋友汤姆和杰克就跑到操场上。我们经常玩游戏。休息在10:10结束。多短啊!午饭是从12点到下午12:30。下午的课在下午3:30结束。然后汤姆,杰克和我参加学校乐队的练习。我们一起演奏美妙的音乐。我总是在学校过得很开心。U 2 Daily lifeGrammar : learn how to use the simple present tense. Learn how to use adverbs and adverbial phrases of frequency.Writing : complete an article about a girls daily life.A day at schoolI am a junior high school student. I love going to school.My school is close to my home, so I always go to school on foot. Classes start at 8 a.m., and I am seldom late. My favourite subject is Geography. I enjoy learning about different places in the world.In the morning, we usually study Chinese, Maths and English. We have our morning break at 9:50 a.m. When the bell rings, I run to the playground with my best friends Tom and Jack. We often play games. Break ends at 10:10 a.m. How short it is!Lunch is from 11:50 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Afternoon classes end at 3:30 p.m. Then Tom, Jack and I take part in the school band practice. We make great music together.I always have a good time at school.保护地球地球是一个美丽的地方。有森林、河流、山脉和田野。有些地方很热,有些很冷。有许多不同的植物。有些大。有些小。所有的植物都需要阳光和水。地球也上有不同的动物。一些生活在陆地上。一些在空中飞。一些生活在水里。地球上也有许多像你和我一样的人。地球为我们提供了空气、水和食物。它是我们的家园。今天,有很多污染。我们燃烧东西来获取能量。这污染了空气。我们把垃圾倒入大海和地上。这污染了地球,杀死了动物和植物。我们必须停止做这些事情。对我们来说,为了未来保护地球是很重要的。Unit 3 The EarthGrammar: learn how to use countable and uncountable nouns. Learn how to use the pattern there is / are.Writing: complete a report on protecting the Earth.Protect The EarthThe Earth is a beautiful place. There are forests and rivers, mountains and fields. Some places are very hot, and some are very cold.There are many different plants. Some are large. Some are small. All plants need light and water. There are different animals on Earth too. Some live on the land. Some fly in the sky. Some live under the water.There are also many people like you and me on Earth. The Earth provides us with air, water and food. It is our home.Today, there is a lot of pollution. We burn things to make energy. This pollutes the air. We put our rubbish into the sea and under the ground. This pollutes the Earth and kills animals and plants.We must stop doing these things. It is important for us to protect the Earth for our future.四季春天在春天,天气开始变暖。风轻轻地吹。天经常下雨。植物开始生长。一切变绿了。在春天,旅行是令人兴奋的。夏天夏天天气很热。太阳明亮地照耀着。许多人喜欢去海边并在海里游泳。在炎热的天气吃冰淇淋是令人愉快的。秋天在秋天,一切都变了。树叶变成褐色,红色或黄色, 并开始从树上掉下来。每年的这个时候去野餐很棒,因为天气凉爽、干燥。冬天冬天通常是寒冷和下雪的。孩子们喜欢冬天因为他们喜欢在雪地里玩。堆雪人很有趣。在春节期间,人们通常花时间和他们的亲戚来往。Unit 4 SeasonsGrammar :learn how to use adjectivesWriting :write about your favourite seasonThe four seasonsSpringIn spring, the weather starts to get warm. The wind blows gently. It often rains. Plants start to grow. Everything turns green. It is exciting to take a trip in spring.Summer The weather is hot in summer. The sun shines brightly. Many people like to go to the beach and swim in the sea. It is nice to eat ice cream in the hot weather.AutumnIn autumn, everything changes. Leaves turn brown, red or yellow and start falling from the trees. It is nice to go on a picnic at this time of year because the weather is cool and dry.WinterWinter is often cold and snowy. Children love winter because they love to play in the snow. It is interesting to make snowmen. People usually spend time with their relatives during the Spring Festival.一次太空之旅- - - - - -杰里2053年10月10日我太高兴了!明天我将进入太空的首批学生中的一员。宇宙飞船将在9点离开地球。它将把我们带到月球。我等不及了!月球离地球约380000公里,所以将花费我们大约四天时间到那里。在太空中没有重力,所以我们都能够漂浮在宇宙飞船里。我们将不得不把自己系在床上,以便我们睡着时不会漂走!没有重力,我们的身体会变得无力,所以我们不得不每天做操。当我们到达时,我将在月球上行走。我将不得不穿宇航服帮助我呼吸,因为在月球上没有空气。我打算拍尽可能多的照片,也就是说,如果我的相机仍然在那里运转Unit 5 Visiting the MoonGrammar : learn how to use the simple future tense with will. Learn how to use the simple future tense with be going toA trip to space- by Jerry10 October 2053Im so happy! Tomorrow Ill be one of the first students to travel into space. The spaceship will leave the Earth at 9 a.m. Itll take us to the Moon. I cant wait!The Moon is around 380,000 kilometres from the Earth, so itll take us about four days to get there. Theres no gravity in space, so well all be able to float around in the spaceship. Well have to tie ourselves to our beds so that we wont float away in our sleep! Without gravity, our bodies may get weak, so well have to do exercises every day.When we arrive, Im going to walk on the Moon. Ill have to wear a spacesuit to help me breathe because theres no air on the Moon. Im going to take as many photos as I can, that is, if my camera still works up there.游览上海上海是世界上最大的城市之一。如果你喜欢观光,你会爱上它!人民广场人民广场是上海的中心。它是有绿草,喷泉和鸟儿的大公共区域。如果你游览人民广场,你还可以看到它周围的著名建筑,如上海大剧院和上海博物馆。外滩外滩是老上海与新上海的交汇处。如果你沿着外滩走,你将看到许多古老的建筑。浦东新区正好在黄浦江对面,有许多现代建筑。晚上,这些高楼照亮了四面八方的天空。豫园豫园是一个传统的花园。如果你喜欢历史和自然美,你会爱上这个花园。有很多美丽的建筑物,小桥和池塘。你也能在花园外面买不同的小吃。Unit 6 Travelling around AsiaGrammar : learn how to use conditional sentencesWriting : make a travel guideVisiting ShanghaiShanghai is one of the largest cities in the world. If you like sightseeing, you will love it!Peoples SquarePeoples Square is in the centre of Shanghai. It is a large public area with green grass, fountains and birds. If you visit Peoples Square, you can also see famous buildings around it, such as the Shanghai Grand Theatre and the Shanghai Museum.The BundThe Bund is where old Shanghai meets new Shanghai. If you walk along the Bund, you will see many old buildings. The Pudong New Area, just across the Huangpu River, has many modern buidlings. At night, these tall buildings light up the sky in every direction.Yu Garden Yu Garden is a traditional garden. If you enjoy his history and natural beauty, you will love this garden. There are many beautiful buildings, bridges and ponds. You can also buy different snacks just outside the garden.俱乐部展览会琳达和利奥在罗西桥学校是新生。上个月,他们参加了俱乐部展览会。首先,琳达和利奥了解了火箭俱乐部。“我们的俱乐部会教你如何制作火箭。然后你可以把他们发射到空中,”一个男孩说,“快看!”他拿着一个火箭并且发射了它。火箭消失在天空中。琳达和利奥非常惊讶。“它会一直到太空中去吗?”琳达问。“当然不会,” 另一个俱乐部的一个女孩喊道。“我们的俱乐部更好。来参加我们太阳能俱乐部吧。”“你们做什么?”狮子问。“我们制造很有意思的机器。他们只用太阳能。看!”她从桌子上拿了一辆玩具车,然后用一个遥控器在整个操场上驾驶它。“它使用太阳的能量,”琳达说。“那很神奇!”琳达和利奥了解了许多俱乐部。展览会之后,他们感到非常兴奋。“我想参加所有的俱乐部,”琳达说。“我也是!”利奥说。Unit 7 school busGrammar : learn how to use the simple past tenseWriting : complete a poster for the Insect Club.The Clubs FairLinda and Leo are new students at Rosie Bridge School. Last month, they attended the Clubs Fair.First, Linda and Leo learnt about the Rocket Club.“ Our club will teach you how to build rockets. Then you can launch them into the sky,” a boy said, “ watch!”He took a rocket and lauched it. The rocket disappeared into the sky. Linda and Leo were very surprised.“Will it go all the way into space?” Linda asked.“ Of course it wont,” a girl from another club shouted. “Our club is better. Come and join the Solar Power Club.”“ What do you do?” asked Leo.“ We make wonderful machines. They only use solar power. Look!”She took a toy car from the table and then used a remote control to drive it all around the playground.“ It uses power from the Sun,” said Linda. “ Thats amazing!”Linda and Leo learnt about many clubs. After the fair, they felt very excited.“ I want to join all the clubs,” said Linda.“ Me too!” said Leo.俱乐部的公平琳达和雷欧是罗茜桥学校的新学生。上个月,他们参加了俱乐部的博览会。首先,琳达和雷欧了解了火箭俱乐部。“我们的俱乐部将教你如何建造火箭。然后你可以把它们发射到天空,”一个男孩说,“看!”他把火箭发射了它。火箭消失在天空中。琳达和雷欧都很惊讶。“它会一直走到太空吗?”琳达问。“当然不会,”一个来自另一个俱乐部的女孩喊道。“我们的俱乐部更好。来加入太阳能俱乐部吧。”“你是做什么的?”雷欧问。“我们制造奇妙的机器。他们只使用太阳能。看!“她从桌子上拿了一辆玩具车,然后用遥控器驱动它在操场上。“它使用太阳的力量,”琳达说。“这是惊人的!”琳达和雷欧了解了许多俱乐部。博览会结束后,他们感到非常兴奋。“我想加入所有的俱乐部,”琳达说。“我也是!“雷欧说。Unit 8 Collecting thingsGrammar : learn how to use personal pronouns, possessive adjectives and possessive pronouns.Writing : write a short article about your collectionUnusual collectionsSam and Helens grandparents collect almost everything. There are eight doorbells on their front door.“ This silver doorbell is my favourite,” said Helen. She pushed it and soon Grandpa opened the door.“ Come in, my dear grandson and granddaughter!” he said.“ Who started collecting doorbells, Grandpa?” asked Sam.“ Your grandma, “he answered. “ She loves doorbells.”“ What do you like collecting, Grandpa?” asked Helen.“ I like collecting newspaper.”They went inside and saw newspaper everywhere.“ Hello children!” called Grandma. “ Lets have some tea.”The children followed her into the living room and saw lots of toys there. There was hardly any space for the children to sit down.“ Whose toys are these?” asked Helen.“ Theyre ours,” said Grandma. “ We both like collecting toys.”“ But remember,” said Grandpa, “ we have a lot of free time! You have your school work to do, so you shouldnt spend too much time collecting things!”不寻常的收藏山姆和海伦的祖父母几乎收藏了所有的东西。有八个门铃在前门。“这银门铃是我最喜欢的,”海伦说。她推着它,很快爷爷打开了门。“进来,我亲爱的孙子和孙女!“他说。“谁开始收集门铃,爷爷?”Sam.问“你的奶奶,”他回答说。“她喜欢门铃。”“你喜欢收集什么,爷爷?“问海伦。“我喜欢收集报纸。”他们到处去看报纸。“你好,孩子们!“叫奶奶。“我们来点茶吧。”孩子们跟着她进了客厅,在那里看到了许多玩具。几乎没有任何空间给孩子们坐下来。“这些是谁的玩具?“问海伦。“他们是我们的,”奶奶说。“我们都喜欢收集玩具。”“但是记住,”爷爷说,“我们有很多空闲时间!你有你的学校工作要做,所以你不应该花太多的时间收集东西!“


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