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Module 1 Getting to know youUnit 1 Good morningThe first period一、Teaching aim认知内容: 能听懂会说Good morning. Good afternoon. Good evening. Good night.及回答。能力要求: 学会用所学句型进行情境表演。情感态度: 学会在不同时间里和人打招呼。二、Teaching proceduresPre-task preparationWarmera. Say hello to everybodyb. P.4 songc. Elicit Alice: Ask and answerWho is she?She is Alice.While-task procedure1.Revisionmorning afternoonGood morning.Good afternoon.a. Listen to a dialogue(Its 8oclock in the morning. Alice is going to school. She meets her friend Kitty.)Good morning, Alice.Good morning, Kitty.(Its 14oclock in the afternoon. Alice is having an English class.)Good afternoon, Alice.Goodafternoon, Missb. try to say the dialoguec. play a game: according to the pictures, Judge the words2. IntroductioneveningnightGood evening.Good night.a. Listen to a dialogue and try to understand the meaning of the dialogue(Its 18oclock in the evening. Alice is having a dinner.)Good evening, Alice.Good evening, dad.(Its 21oclock at night. Alice is going to bed.)Good night, Alice.Good night, Mum.b. Say a chant in groupsEvening, evening,Good evening.Night, night, Good night.Post-task activitya. Listen to the whole dialoguesb. role playact out the whole dialogue in groups三、Assignmenta. Listen to the tapes b. read P2,4The second period一、Teaching aim认知内容: 能听懂会说How are you? 并能回答Im fine./Im very well. Thank you. 学会认读并且学会正确书写英语字母大小写Aa, Bb.能力要求: 学会礼貌地问候别人并且礼貌回应别人的问候。情感态度: 通过本课时的学习,培养师生之间礼貌问候并且进一步加深同学之间的友谊。二、Teaching proceduresPre-task preparationWarm-up a. Greet the children Hello./Hi./Good morning. /Good afternoon.b.P4songc. introduce 2 puppetsWhile-task procedure1.IntroductionHow are you?Im fine. /Im very well.a. Listen to a dialogue.Puppet1: Hello, Im a little pig. Oink, oink.Puppet2: Hello, Im a little dog. Woof. Woof.Puppet1: How are you?Puppet2: Im very well. Thank you.b. Hold up a puppet and to learn Im very well. Thank you.A teacher asks, and has the students answer.c. Hold up another puppet and to learn How are you?d. Act out the dialogue in pairs.Thank you.Try to say with good friends.2. Learn the lettersA a B ba. Learn to say the sound of the letter.(Hello, Im the little pigs friend. )Whats this?Its A. Its an apple.Look, A in an apple.A, a.An apple. An apple.b. learn the chantP.5 in pairs.c. play a gameshow a letter card and ask students to say a word with the letter.d. learn how to write the letters. Revision: P3 Look and saya. Listen and repeatb. Act outPost-task activity Listen to the tape and read P3,5三、AssignmentTalk with your classmates how to greet to people.Module1 Getting to know youUnit 3 Im eight The first period一、Teaching AIMS: 1. To learn the new words: seven eight nine ten2. To learn the new sentences and extension: Seven, eight, nine, ten3. To learn how to describe things with numbers.4. To be able to use numbers around us.二、Teaching AIDS: cattle player, word cards , 三、teaching procedures. Pre-task PreparationWarming-up1. Song: Ten little paper rabbits2. Rhyme:One, two, three.I am a bee.2. RevisionThe numbers:One, two, three, four, five, sixQ:How many pencils?/rulers?/apples.Ps spell the wordsAsk and answer (T-Pn). While-task Procedure1. ElicitationContent1: sevenT asks and ps answer1+2=_2+3=_6+1=_2. Mechanical Practicea. Ps follow Tb. Spell the wordContent 2:eight1. ElicitationHow old are you?T asks and pn answer2. Mechanical PracticePs follow Tps spell3. Meaningful PracticeHello, .Hello.How old are you?Im Content 3:nine, ten Ten minus nine is eight.1. Elicitation8+1=_9+1=_10-1=_10-9=_Ps fill in the blanks 2. Mechanical PracticePs follow Tps spellWhen I am sad I sayWhen I am happy I say.3. Meaningful Practice4. 5+4=_5. 10-3=_6. 7-0=_7. 8-6=_. Post-task ActivityActivity 1One, two, three, touch your knees.Ps read after the tape四、Consolidation1. Listening: SB P102. Speaking SB P103. Reading SB P104. Writing Words: one two three four five six seven eight nine tenThe second period一Teaching AIMS: 1. To learn the new patterns and extension: YoureAre you?Yes, Im/No. ImSorry.Thats OK.2. To learn how to use model phrases to communicate with other learner二、teaching AIDS: media, computer, pictures, word/sentence cards 三、PROCEDURES. Pre-task Preparation1. Warming-up1. RhymeOne, two, three, touch your knees.2. RevisionIm Jojo. Im twenty-four. Im a girl. Im tall.How about you?. While-task ProcedureContent1: You areAre you?Yes, Im/No. Im1. ElicitationElicit by previous practice2. Mechanical PracticePs say/Bs say/Gs say3. Meaningful PracticeGuessing gameIm ten years old. I like to swim. And I can swim fast. I like to ride the bicycle, too.Content 2:Sorry.Thats OK.1. Elicitation1and 2 on P112. Mechanical PracticePs follow TBs say/Gs say3. Meaningful PracticeDialogue on P11. Post-task ActivityActivity 1P11-12 Ps read after the tapeActivity 2 Dialogue on P12Pg say and act四、ConsolidationListening: P11-P13Speaking: P11-P13Reading : P11-P13Writing: words: Sentence:Pic2 , 4(P11) Pic1(P12)Module 2 My family friends and meUnit 4 Can you swim?The first period一、Teaching aims认知内容: 能听懂会说run write swim fly这四个单词。会Can you?进行提问。并能用Yes, I can. No, I cant.回答。能力要求: 学会用所学句型询问同学或朋友。情感态度: 会用所学的动词表达自己的能力。二、Teaching procedurePre-task preparationWarmera. Sing a song(read, read, I can read)b. Ask and answerWhat can you do?I can用学生一年级学过的和动词有关的儿歌引出这堂课的主题。激发学生的学习兴趣。c. Elicit SupergirlWho is she?She is Supergirl.介绍学生认识新的朋友,为后面的教学进行铺垫。While-task procedure1. RevisionShow pictures about act.Make sentences:I can(read a book, dance, skip a rope, draw a picture, play football)让学生造句,复习巩固一二年级学的动词。2. Introductionrun write swim flya. Listen to the P15What can Supergirl do?b. Teach the new words.Read and act the words.run fast write a letter swim fast fly in the sky教师通过创设情境让学生理解句子的含义。知道Supergirl会做什么。然后通过教学新的单词和词组,让学生学会要学的动词和词组。c. Make a chantWrite, write, I can write.I can write a letter.d. Make a chantWrite, write, I can write.I can write a letter.用chant巩固加深所学新授单词和句子。Post-task activity1A story Ask and answer:Can Supergirl swim?Can she fly?Can she write?What can she do?先让学生听懂故事,然后根据故事老师进行提问,检查学生对新单词的理解能力。三、AssignmentListen to the tape P15The second period一Teaching aims认知内容: 能听懂问题Can you.? 并能回答Yes, I can. No, I cant. 学会认读并且学会正确书写英语字母大小写Gg, Hh.能力要求: 学会礼貌地问候别人会做什么。情感态度: 通过本课时让学生之间能互相增进友谊,并能互相了解对方会做什么不会做什么。二Teaching procedurePre-task preparationwarmer a. Sing a song or say a chant.b. Ask and answer.What can you do?I can 在歌曲或者小儿歌的带动下开始今天教学的主要内容。通过提问,检查学生上节课的学习情况。While-task procedure1.IntroductionCan you?Yes, I can.No, I cant.e. Listen to a dialogue.Can you write, Danny?No, I cant.Can you draw?Yes, I can.用Danny和朋友的对话来引出这堂课的教学内容。f. Ask and answerTeacher asks pupils:Can you ?Pupils answer:Yes, I can.No, I cant.老师提问学生,让学生熟悉新教的句子,并能做出正确的回答。2Do a surveyPupils ask each other, finish the survey.3. Learn the lettersGg Hhb. Learn to say the sound of the letter.(Hello, Im a girl. I am your good friend. I have two hands. I can write and read.)Learn the new letters:Gg Hh通过新朋友来认识字母并正确书写。Post-task activity a. learn the chantP17 in pairs.b. play a gameshow a letter card and ask students to say a word with the letter.c. learn how to write the letters. 在教学新字母的时候可以通过说单词的游戏复习字母和相关的单词。通过游戏的方式激发学生的学习兴趣。三Teaching AssignmentListen to the tape and read P14,15Module 2 Me, my family and friendsUnit 5 Hes old教学内容:Look and learnyoung, oldLook and sayIs he/she?Yes, he/she is.No, he/she isnt.Listen and enjoyrhymeAsk and answerIs that a boy/girl? Yes./ No. Is he/she? Yes./ No.Learn the lettersIi Jj教时安排:1st periodLook and learn Look and say Listen and enjoy2nd periodAsk and answer Learn the lettersThe first period一. Teaching aims认知内容: 能听懂会说Is he/she? Yes, he/she is. No, he/she isnt. 句型及回答。 认读单词:old young能力要求: 学会用所学句型进行情境表演。情感态度: 学会用Is he /she? Yes, he/she is. No, he/she isnt.句型和别人交流。二Teaching procedurePre-task preparationFree talkT: I am tall. I am thin. Who am I?S: You are.Students answer questions.回忆第一单元学过的单词和句子引入学习的主题。Ask and answer:T: Look at.Is he/ s he?S: He/She isHave students practice each other.引出单词old, young,创设场景,学生在模拟环境下操练对话。While-task procedureListen and enjoySB P19Have students listen to the rhyme. Ask them stand up and read it.学生一起朗读增加对单词的印象。Make a new rhymeHave students make a new rhyme by changing some words.Students take their photo of family. And introduce family to students.既操练儿歌。学生也很有兴趣参与。Look and sayIs he/she?Yes, he/she is.No, he/she isnt.Have students listen to and repeat after the dialogue on SB P18. Then role-play.熟悉课文,小组表演,生动活泼。Post-task activityWB P14-15Part A&BHave students complete them then check the answer.Guessing gameHave students practice the sentences by guessing your family.e.g.This is my grandmother.She is old. Is she tall? Is she thin?Yes, he/she is. No, he/she isnt.I like my通过游戏操练句型。三AssignmentListen to the tapes and read P18,19The second period一Teaching aims认知内容: 能听懂会说Is that a boy/girl? Is he/she? 并能回答Yes./No. 学会认读并且学会正确书写英语字母大小写Ii, Jj.能力要求: 能用Is that a boy/girl? Is he/she?提问并正确回答。能模仿课文中的对话进行表演。能掌握字母Ii, Jj的读音及发音。情感态度: 通过同学间的相互问答,进一步了解对方,增进友谊,和睦相处。二Teaching procedurePre-task preparationListen and enjoySB P19 RhymeHave students say the rhyme with recorder学生表演儿歌,复习昨天知识。Match the opposite words: oldyoung oldnew, smallbig, thinfat, shorttall shortlongWrite the opposite words on the blackboard and ask students to answer复习反义词Ask and answerHow is he/she?Show two pictures, students look at the pictures and answer the questions.上述反义词带入句型中复习。Look and sayIs he/she?Yes, he/she is. No, he/she isnt.Have students read the dialogue on SB P18. Then role-play.熟悉课文,小组表演,生动活泼。While-task procedureAsk and answerIs that a boy/girl?SB P20Have students listen to recorder. Repeat after the recorder. Then role-play熟悉课文,小组表演。生动活泼。Guessing gameHave students play a guessing game. e.g.Is that a boy?Yes, he is a boy.Is he thin?No, he is fat.Is he tall?No, he is short.Is he Dannyt?Yes, he is Danny.通过游戏,巩固练习。Letters:Ii JjinsectjarShow the flashcards for insect and jar. Write the letters Ii and Jj. have the students read the letters and words. Have students listen to recorder. Repeat after the recorder. Then say the rhyme.结合单词学习字母。结合儿歌,学习字母。Post-task activityWB P20-21Part C-DHave students complete them then check the answer.Task:Thats my family.Have students listen to the recorder for part A, then complete part B in pairs.通过练习,巩固知识点。三AssignmentListen to the tapes and read P20,21Module 2 My family friends and me Unit 6 This is my mouth教学内容:Look and learnhair, head faceLook and sayMy is /are Your is/are Say and actAbout you and mePlay a gameS1: Im S2 :Yes. Youre Im and Youre andMy is Your is And my are And yourareLearn the lettersKk Ll教时安排:1st periodLook and learn Look and say Learn the letters2nd periodSay and act Play a gameThe first period一Teaching aims认知内容: 使学生能听懂会说My is /are 以及Your is/are 句型及回答,进行简单的自我介绍。 认读单词:hair head face能力要求: 学会用所学句型进行情境表演。情感态度: 学会用My is /are 以及Your is/are 句型介绍他人,在描述对方中进行交流,增进友谊。二Teaching procedurePre-task preparationWarming up: Sing a song:This is my face.用欣赏歌曲的形式引入学习的主题。Daily talk: Listen and act:Touch your This is my Have students practice each other.用熟悉的句型进行操练,创设场景,学生在模拟环境下操练对话。While-task procedureLook and learn:hair head face1.T: Where is your mouth? Its on your face. Where is your nose? Its on your face, too.Where is your face? Touch your face.S: This is my face.(1). Read the word together. (2). Read it one by one.2. T: (put some hair on the face) Whats on my face? I cant see. Oh, its my hair. (1). Read the word together. (2). Read it one by one. T: Look at my hair and your hair. Whose hair is short.? S: My hair is short. T: Yes, your hair is short. My hair is long. (1). Follow the teacher. (2). Say something with your partner.3. T: Where is the hair and the face? They are on my head. (1). Read the word together. (2). Read it one by one. (3). Say something with your partner.学生一起朗读增加对单词的印象。Look and say:My is/areYour is/aresentence: My are T: Look at your eyes. My eyes are big. Your eyes are small.进行句型的操练。学生也很有兴趣参与。Introduce yourselfHave students try to use the new sentence to introduce themselves(1) Make the sentences by themselves(2) Do the exercises in the group.进行所学知识的整合,活学活用,使学生有效的掌握所学的内容。Post-task activityListen to the tape.P22(1). Listen to the tape, then answer the question. (2). Follow the teacher: Gaint.Read the word and sentences: (P22)(1)Read after the tape.(2)Read it one by one.Guessing gameHave students practice the sentences by guessing the students.e.g.My hair is short.My nose is small.My eyes are small.Who am I ?通过游戏操练句型。三AssignmentListen to the tapes and read P22,23The second period一Teaching aims认知内容: 1、能用Im/Youre Im/Youre and 描述自己和他人的体型 2、能用My/Your is .And my/yourare.句型描述自己和他人的器官 3、学会认读并且学会正确书写英语字母大小写Kk Ll.能力要求: 学会正确地描述自己和好朋友。情感态度: 通过本课时的学习,培养同学之间互相描述,互相欣赏,从而达到增进友谊的目的。二Teaching procedurePre-task preparationwarmer a. Greet the children Sing a songDaily talkAsk and answerWhat do you like?What can you do?How old are you?Im *.Introduce yourselfIm a boy/a girl.Im big and tall.My is/areMy/are 在歌曲的带动下开始今天教学的主要内容。通过简单描述引入本课While-task procedureSay and actAbout you and me1.Have the pupils look at the wall picture and listen to the recording for P23.2.Have pupils act out the dialogue in pairs.3.Have the pupils work in pairs and describe their partner as follows.4.With the help of the pictures, have the pupils talk about themselves by playing the game one by one.5.Complete WB23.Play a gameIm/Youre Im/Youre and My/Your is .And my/yourare.1. Listen to the recording for P24.2. Give eight picture cards to each pair of pupils .Have them play the game themselves.3. Have the pupils complete Task”introduce myself”on WBP25.4. play the recording for PartA.Then ask the pupils to stick their pictures on the page and talk about it.Post-task activity Have the pupils listen to the rhyme on P25.Encourage the pupils to make a new rhyme using possessive adj. to dadcribe the kite and the lion.三AssignmentListen to the tapes and read P24,25四Note 这个单元对于小朋友的掌握有些难,is和are 的正确使用是一个难点,you和your的区分又是一个难点Module 3 Places and activitiesUnit 7 I can see a swingTasks in this unit:Begin an interaction by asking wh-questionsEnd an interaction by using simple formulaic expressionsGet to know the objects in a playgroundLanguage focus:The usage of the key words in context e.g., slide, swing, seesawThe usage of wh-question to find out specific information e.g., What can you see? I can seeLanguage skills:Listening Indentifying the key words by listening to the pronunciatione.g., slide, swing, seesawUnderstanding the meaning of wh-questionse.g., What can you see? I can seeSpeaking Pronouncing the key words, phrases and sentences correctly e.g., slide, swing, seesaw Using modeled phrases to initiate and engage in an interaction by providing a response to factual questionse.g., What can you see? I can seePeriod 1Language focus:The usage of the key words in context e.g., slide, swing, seesawThe usage of wh-question to find out specific information e.g., What can you see? I can seeLanguage skills:Listening Indentifying the key words by listening to the pronunciatione.g., slide, swing, seesaw Understanding the meaning of wh-questionse.g., What can you see? I can seeSpeakingPronouncing the key words, phrases and sentences correctly e.g., slide, swing, seesaw Using modeled phrases to initiate and engage in an interaction by providing a response to factual questionse.g., What can you see? I can seeMaterials: Students Book 2A:pp.26 and 28Workbook 2A:pp.26Parts A Cassette 2AFlashcards 2A (slide, swing, seesaw)Wall picture 2AProceduresPre-task preparation1. Watch DVD about childrens gardenSs: Watch.2. Introduce: e.g.T: This is a playground. Look, this is a slide.Repeat after me, please. Slide.Ss: SlideWhile-task procedure1. New words:slideslide, slide, I can see.swing swing, swing, I can see.seesawseesaw, seesaw, up and downT: (show the card slide) What can you see?Ss: I can see a slide.T: (great a new rhyme)slide, slide, I can see.T: Show the picture of a slideT: Is it a slide?Ss: No.T: Its a swing.(show the picture swing) What can you see?S: I can see a swing.(great a new rhyme)swing, swing, I can see.Play a game: What can you see? (PPT)What can you see?I can see a slide./ swing/ seesaw(great a new rhyme)seesaw, seesaw, up and down.Draw a picture of a childrens garden.T: What can you see?Ss: I can see 学习新词汇,并通过儿歌的形式帮助学生巩固和掌握新授,避免枯燥的机械性操练。What can you see?通过游戏活动,再次激发学生对学习英语的兴趣,使学生更加乐于参与英语操练活动。Post-task activityDialogue:e.g.-What can you see?-I can see a .-What colour is it?-Its .集中学生注意力,激发学生兴趣。通过视频,创设情景,引出slideHomework1. Listen and read P26,27.2. Spell the words: slide, swing, seesaw3. Make a dialogue.Blackboard-Writing DesignModule 3 Places and activitiesUnit 1 In the childrens gardenslide swing seesaw Period 2Language focus:The usage of wh-question to find out specific information e.g., What can you see? I can seeLanguage skills:Listening Indentifying the key words by listening to the pronunciatione.g., slide, swing, seesaw Understanding the meaning of wh-questionse.g., What can you see? SpeakingPronouncing the key words, phrases and sentences correctly e.g., slide, swing, seesaw Using modelled phrases to initiate and engage in an interaction by providing a response to factual questionse.g., What can you see? I can seeMaterials: Students Book 2A:pp.27,28and 29Workbook 2A:pp.27,28and 29Parts B,C,D and taskCassette 2AFlashcards 2A (slide, swing, seesaw, mouse, net)ProceduresPre-task preparationQuick response:Show pictures of toys and objects that the students have learnt before. Ask the students some questions.What can you see?I can seeMake a short dialogueHave the students work in pairs to complete the pictures in Play a game on Students Book page 27. Then check answers with them.I can see It is 操练学过的句型,并且学会熟练运用。Workbook page 27Have the students complete Part B Listen and match on Workbook page 27.用小


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