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七上 U8复习要点总结(一定要牢记哦!)1.疑问词 + to do:穿什么/ 做什么/ 去哪儿/ 如何做这件事 / 他们正在讨论给Simon买什么礼物.What to wear/ What to do /Where to go / how to do it. They are talking about what present to buy for Simon. 2.在床上多呆十分钟 再来一些书 / 再来几个蛋糕 / 再来一些牛肉 spend ten more minutes in bed=stay in bed for another ten minutes. some more books / a few more cakes / a little more beef 3.你的女士衬衫尺码是多少?4号。What size is your blouse? Size 4.4.今天我们将向你们展示不同样式的服装.Today we are going to show you different styles of clothes.5.我正穿着运动装和一双运动鞋.I am wearing sports clothes and a pair of trainers.6. Simon过来了!Here comes Simon. = Simon is coming.7.他们两个都穿着蓝色牛仔裤. 年轻人真的喜欢牛仔裤.Both of them are (They are both / Both A and B are) wearing jeans.Young people really like jeans.8.今天的演出到此为止。Thats all for todays show.9. 由制成This bottle is made of glass. (看得出原料)Paper is made from wood. (看不出原料)/ It is made in China. (接产地) 10.大部分年轻人喜欢牛仔裤。Most young people like jeans. = Most of the young people like jeans. =Jeans are popular among most young people. 11.他和他的朋友们正在操场上踢足球。He with his friends is playing football in the playground. 12.她正在写一封有关这次时装表演的信给她的朋友.She is writing to her friend about the fashion show. 13.现在她正在和其他的队员一起练习。Now she is practising with other team members. 14.他们正在车站等谁?Who are they waiting for at the bus stop?15.我正在找我的舞鞋.I am looking for my dancing shoes.16.我正躺在床上看电视. /在厨房里做饭Im lying on the bed and watching TV. /cook in the kitchen17.妈妈今天晚上必须得去吃顿大餐.她穿白色看着很棒。Mum has to go for a big dinner this evening.She looks great in white. =White looks great on her.18.我计划和Millie明天去阳光公园。它们适合长距离行走。/ 这食物不适合孩子吃。你应该多运动以保持健康。这双鞋非常适合我。I plan to go to Sunshine Park with Millie tomorrow.They are fit for a long walk. / The food is not fit for kids. You need to do more exercise to keep fit.This pair of shoes fits (me) very well.19. 你觉得我的红手套怎么样?What do you think of my red gloves? / How do you like my red gloves?20.这件衣服感觉柔软而光滑。The coat feels soft and smooth.21.你戴着你的新帽子看上去很可爱You look lovely in your new hat.22.这是我设计的一件衬衫,夹克衫,一条牛仔裤和一双运动鞋.Here is my design for a shirt, a jacket, jeans and a pair of trainers.23.我认为白衬衫看起来干净并且白色和任何一种其它颜色很相配.I think white shirts look clean, and white matches any other colour very well.24.上海比中国其他任何一个城市都大。(同一范围)上海比印度任何一个城市都大。(不同范围)Shanghai is larger than any other city in china. (- anyoftheothercities in China.)Shanghai is larger than any city in India.25.牛仔裤在学生中很受欢迎,因此我的设计包括了一条蓝色牛仔裤.Jeans are very popular among students, so my design includes a pair of blue jeans.26.多棒的一场表演啊!What a great show! = How great the show is! 27.叫某人(不要)去做某事 妈妈叫我早点起床 我们老师叫我们上课不要玩.Ask / tell sb. (not) to do sth.My mother asks/tells me to get up early.Our teacher asks/tells us not to play in class.28.你能借我一些邮票吗? 我能借你的一些邮票吗?Can you lend me some stamps?Can you lend some stamps to me?Can I borrow some stamps from you? (Can I borrow you some stamps?)29.我花了半个小时做作业。I spend half an hour (in) doing my homework.I spend half an hour on my homework.It takes me half an hour to do my homework.30.美小圆旧黄,法国木书房。数量+限定词+大小+新旧+颜色+产地+质地A nice small round old yellow French wood reading room.31.词汇表本单元单词见课本P12832. 语法:现在进行时的含义、构成、-ing变化规则(特殊)、不用进行时态的动词。见课本P122. get/ swim等14个动词和die/lie的ing变化. Unit 7 期末复习要点总结(牢记要点,灵活运用)1.沿这这条街道有一家新购物中心。There is a new shopping mall down the street.2.讨厌做某事/讨厌吃鸡蛋hate doing sth. / hate to do sth.(用法同like)3.我想去购物.I would like to go shopping. =I want to go shopping.(sb. want to do sth.)I want you to go shopping with me.(want sb. to do sth.)I want a book. (want sth.) Would you please carry the bag for me? 4.但是我没有钱。But I dont have any money.= But I have no money. 5.我需要你搬所有的包。I need you to carry all the bags. (need sb. to do sth.)Mary doesnt need to go to school today. (need to do sth) Mary needs some pocket money. (need sth.)Mary neednt go to school today. (情态动词)6.一个服装店a clothes shop7.两个花店two flower shops8.一些鞋店some shoe shops9.一个体育用品商店a sports shop 10.许多玩具店many toy shops11.许多礼物店many gift shops12.一些女医生some women doctors13.一些男医生/ 一名男工人some men doctors / a man worker14.圣诞就要来了Christmas is coming.15.给他买一些邮票buy him some stamps / buy some stamps for him16.也许他对听音乐没兴趣。Maybe he is not interested in (listening to) music.17.我不确定这件事。 相信自己!你肯定会赢得这场比赛。 我确信你会很快赶上你的同学。I am not sure about (of) the thing.Believe in yourself. you are sure to win the match.I am sure that you can catch up with your classmates very soon.18.寻找(动作) / 找到(结果) / 查明,弄清look for sth. / find sth. / find out19.我能帮你吗?(商店售货员用语)Can I help you?=What can I do for you?20.稍等一会just a minute / wait a minute21. 看一看(这双鞋子)have(take) a look (at this pair of shoes).22.这些卡片要多少钱?How much do the cards cost?How much are the cards?Whats the price of the cards?23.他们每张一元。They are one yuan each.They each are one yuan. Each of them is one yuan.24.Lily给我的朋友买一个礼物。Lily buys a gift for my friend / buys my friend a gift.25.在我们的店里有不同种类的发卡。There are different kinds of hair clips in our shop.26.enough用法:足够的水/钱 / 足够高/快这个男孩年龄足够大可以上学了。名词之前和形容词(副词)之后。enough water / money / tall / fast enough The boy is old enough to go to school. 27.我将买下它们。Ill take (buy) them.28.找你零钱。Heres your change. (零钱不可数)29.他有足够的钱买发卡He has enough money for (to buy) the hair clips.30.我想要买和Amy不同的礼物。中国的生活方式与美国的不同。I want to buy some presents different from Amys. The lifestyle in China is different from that in the USA. 31.这家商店离我们学校不远。 我家离学校只有一英里远。The shop is not far away from our school.My home is only a mile away from my school. (有具体数字不加far)32.你们学校的学生总数是多少? 我们学生总数是一千人。What is the total number of the students in your school?The total number of the students in our school is 1000.33.为保持健康他每天做操。 /某人的健康He does morning exercises to keep healthy every day. / ones health (healthy adj. health n.)34.从书中学到很多知识learn a lot from books 35.他们非常需要书籍。They need books most.36.你穿几码?What is your size?=What size do you wear?37.40码 / S码 Size 40. / Size S.38.试穿这双鞋/试穿它/它们try on the shoes =try the shoes on / try it / them on39.那太贵了。Thats too expensive.40.有五层的商店并且每层都很大。There are five floors of shops and each floor is big.41.有来自不同地区的食物。 那儿的食物真的很棒。There are foods from different areas.The food there is really great.42.购物中心是一个会见朋友和玩乐的好地方。The mall is a good place to meet friends and have fun.43.它很合我的身。It fits me very well.44. 这台电脑花费了6000元。 这台电脑花费了我6000元。The computer costs 6,000 Yuan.The computer costs me 6,000 Yuan.=I spend 6,000 Yuan on / (in buying) the computer.Sb. spend money (time) on / (in doing) sth.45.这台电脑太贵了。The computer is much too expensive.The price of the computer is much too high.The computer costs too much money.46.他们各自从老师那收到一件礼物。They each get a gift from their teacher.Each of them gets a gift from their teacher.47.感谢您的帮助。Thank you for your help. Thanks for helping me.48.她的帽子和她蓝色的裙子很配。这双鞋子很是合我的脚。Her hat matches her blue skirt well.=Her hat goes well with her blue skirt.This pair of shoes fits me very well.49.本单元单词课本P127-12850.语法:there +be 结构含义:表示某地有某物(存在);have 表示拥有。用法:There is a girl and two boys under the tree.(就近原则) 能灵活变换否定句、疑问句。 Unit 6 期末复习要点总结(牢记要点,灵活运用)1.汉堡对我们不好,让我们吃苹果吧。Hamburgers are not good for us. Let us eat apples.2.一天一个苹果使医生远离我们。远离某人/某物An apple a day keeps the doctor away.keep away from sb. / sth. 3.许多猪肉和零食lots of pork and snacks4.他看上去健康。He looks healthy.5.吃点胡萝卜怎么样?What about (How about) eating some carrots?6.一些糖果some sweets / some candy7.健康的食物对我们的健康很重要。Healthy food is important for our health.8.Kitty和Daniel的生活方式 Kittys and Daniels lifestyles 9.我喜欢跳舞。每天我跳舞半小时。I love dancing. I dance for half an hour every day.10.我很少吃蛋糕和甜食,但经常吃蔬菜和水果.I seldom eat cakes or sweets, but I eat more vegetables and fruit.11.早餐我总是吃牛奶和面包。I always have milk and bread for breakfast.12.在两餐之间我有时感到饿。Sometimes I feel hungry between meals.13.它们有太多的糖并且对我的牙齿不好。They have too much sugar and are bad for my teeth. = There is too much sugar in them and it is bad for my teeth.14.那个穿橘色衣服的女孩正在吃橘子。The girl in orange is eating an orange.15.现在我需要改变我的生活方式I need to change my lifestyle now.16.为什么不锻炼?Why not do exercise?=Why dont you do exercise?17.在我家附近有一个游泳池.There is a swimming pool near my home.18.蛋糕和糖果里有太多的糖There is too much sugar in cakes and sweets.19.这个食物给他打排球的许多能量。The food gives him lots of energy for playing/to play volleyball.20.如果想要保持健康,你需要多运动少看电视。You need to exercise more and watch less TV if you want to keep healthy.21.请把这个苹果切成两半。Please cut the apple into two halves.22.我的生活方式和她的不一样。My lifestyle is different from hers (Toms).23.他不吃像糖果和巧克力那样的零食。He doesnt eat snacks like sweets or chocolate.24. 一片面包 / 一杯水 一盘鸡肉/一小袋盐 九袋大米/ 十九杯茶 十四公斤肉 /四十(纸)盒牛奶 九十瓶果汁/几瓶橙汁a piece of bread / a glass of watera plate of chicken / a packet of saltnine bags of rice / nineteen cups of teafourteen kilos of meat / forty cartons of milkninety bottles of juice / a few bottles of orange25.你多久锻炼一次? 一周不足三次How often do you exercise? less than 3 times a week 26.你每天看多长时间电视?你每天看多少电视?How long do you watch TV every day?How much TV do you watch every day ?27.他多久散步一次? 他从不散步How often does he take a walk?He never takes a walk.28.你每天听多少音乐?How much music do you listen to every day?29.做运动do sports / play sports / do some exercise 30.你需要多锻炼并且多吃健康的食物。You need to exercise more and eat more healthy food.31.你想要点什么?(饭店服务员用语) 让我看一看菜单。What would you like to order?Let me have (take) a look at the menu.32.苹果汁尝起来味道很好。Apple juice tastes good.(常见系动词:feel, smell, look, keep)33. 做早操对我们的健康有好处吗?Is doing morning exercises good for our heath?34.多运动有助于我们保持健康吗?Does doing more exercise help us keep healthy?35.这很好地帮助我开始一天。This helps me start the day well.=This helps me get ready for the day.36.中午我吃米饭或面条。I have rice or noodles for lunch.37.这一餐给我整个下午的能量。 整个下午This meal gives me energy for the whole afternoon.the whole afternoon=all the afternoon38.喝些果汁怎么样?What about drinking some juice?39. 几个男孩 他几乎没有朋友。 杯子里有一点儿水。 杯子里几乎没有水。A few boys (a few +可数名词复数;表示几个)He has few friends. (a few +可数名词复数;表示几乎没有)There is a little water in the glass. (a little +不可数名词;表示一点儿)There is little water in the glass. (little +不可数名词;表示几乎没有)40. 本单元单词表41. 语法: 可数名词变复数: 例 子以s, x, ch, sh结尾的+es class-classes、bus-buses、 box-boxes、 watch-watches、 match-matches、brush-brushes、wish-wishes元音字母+y结尾的直接+sboy-boys、 toy-toys、 key-keys、 day-days辅音字母+y结尾的,把“y”改成“ies”story-stories strawberry-strawberries library-libraries family-families baby-babies以“o”结尾的(无生命)单词通常加“s”,以“o”结尾的(有生命)单词通常加“es”,photo-photos、 zoo-zoos、 radio-radios、hero-heroes、 potato-potatoes、 tomato-tomatoes、 mango-mangoes以“f”或“fe”结尾单词,把“f”“fe”改成“ves”half-halves、 life-lives、 wife-wives、 knife-knives特殊形式man-men、woman-women、 foot-feet、tooth-teeth、child-children、policeman-policemen单复数一样sheep-sheep、fish-fish、Chinese-Chinese、 Japanese-Japanese Unit5期末知识点总结(认真记牢,灵活运用)1.让我们来庆祝万圣节。Lets celebrate Halloween.2.猜一猜have a guess3.打扮成美猴王如何?How about dressing up as the Monkey King?4.了解有关世界各地的不同节日learn about different festivals around the world5.燃放烟花set off fireworks / let off fireworks6.通过举办晚会来庆祝Mary的生日celebrate Marys birthday by having a party have a party to celebrate Marys birthday7.她每天早晨需要为她儿子穿衣服。She needs to dress her son every morning.8.在感恩节 /在中秋节 /在圣诞节 /在平安夜on Thanksgiving Day / at the Mid-Autumn Festival / at Christmas / on Christmas Eve9.我的所有家人聚到一起并且吃一顿大餐。然后我们吃月饼并且欣赏满月。All my family get together and have a big dinner, and then we eat moon cakes and enjoy the full moon.10.在一个下雨天on a rainy day11.杯子里装满了牛奶。The glass is full of milk.12.在那天Tom玩得开心Tom has lots of fun on that day.13.我们在新年看烟花很开心。We have fun watching fireworks at the Chinese New Year.14.戴面具是件有趣的事Its fun to wear masks.15.涂脸/把房间漆成白色paint our faces/ paint our room white16.做南瓜灯笼make pumpkin lanterns =make lanterns out of pumpkins17.给我们一些糖果作为招待give us some candy as a treat = treat us with some candy18.捉弄某人老师叫我们别捉弄别人play a trick on sb=play tricks on sbthe teacher asks us not to play tricks on others.19.在一个特别的日子里on a special day20.早饭你们吃什么?我们早饭喝牛奶、吃鸡蛋。What do you have for breakfast? / We have some milk and an egg for breakfast.21.包粽子make rice dumplings22.周末即将来临/即将来临的假期Weekends are coming. / the coming holiday23.在美国我们有一些节日,我最喜欢万圣节We have some festivals in the USA, and I like Halloween best (Halloween is my favourite).24.万圣节在10月31日Halloween is on October 31.25.当傍晚来临,我们去拜访人家并且和里面的人玩游戏.When the evening comes, we visit houses and play a game with the people inside.26.我们敲他们的门并且大喊:不 招待就使坏。We knock on(at) their doors and shout “trick or treat”. 27.我们总是在10月31日傍晚举办一个派对并且享受美味的食物和饮料。We always have a party on the evening of October 31 and enjoy nice food and drinks.28.它真是特别的一天It is really a special day.29.互相给礼物/给某人某物(2种)give each other presents./give presents to each other. /give sb. sth. = give sth. to sb.30.我们出去吃顿生日大餐We go out for a birthday dinner.31.在我家附近的一家餐馆里At a restaurant near my home.32.你得到些什么生日礼物?许多玩 具和一些别的好东西。What do you get as birthday presents?/ Many toys and some other nice things33.在纽约电台找到更多的信息通过收音机听音乐find out more on New York Radiolisten to music on the radio34.在电视里看春晚watch the Spring Festival Gala on TV35.一张圣诞节的海报a poster for Christmas36.我正在纽约度假。Im on holiday in New York.37.这儿的中国人总是开派对来庆祝中国新年。The Chinese people here always have a party to celebrate the Chinese New Year.38.狮子舞先开始。The lion dance starts first.39.人们拍许多照片。People take a lot of photos.40.祝你愉快/旅途愉快Have a nice day! / Have a nice trip!41.seem的用法:seem的用法:连系动词 seem + adj. / She seems very happy.行为动词: Sb seem to do sth. She seems to be very happy. It seems +that从句 It seems that she is very happy.42.在中国春节是一个重要的假日。The Spring Festival is an important holiday in China.43.在一年的这个时候天经常很冷,但是人们很开心。It is often cold at this time of year, but people are happy.44.通常我们的父母亲会给我们准备好新衣服,并且我们从他们那里拿到红包。Usually our parents get new clothes ready for us, and we get red packets from them.45.它们真的很棒!They are really wonderful.46.家庭成员聚在一起family members get together47.大多数中国家庭most Chinese families = most of the Chinese families48.本单元单词课本P12649.语法:特殊疑问句见课本P119讲解Unit4期末知识点总结(认真记牢,灵活运用)1.她每天7点醒来。/ 她把他叫醒 / 她把这个男孩叫醒。She wakes up at 7 oclock every morning. / she wakes him up. (代词在中间) She wakes the boy up. = She wakes up the boy.2.该吃早饭了.是某人该做某事的时候了Its time for breakfast.=Its time to have breakfast.Its time for us to have breakfast.3.need的用法:行为动词:3种情态动词:2种行为动词:She needs a good rest. She needs to have a good rest. She needs me to help her with her English.情态动词:She neednt go to school on Sunday. =She doesnt need to go to school on Sunday. 4.有些狗只是不知道怎样玩乐。我只是不知道怎么做。 做某事很开心Some dogs just dont know how to have fun.I just dont know how to do it. = what to do.have fun doing sth. =Tom has fun chatting with his friend.Its fun to do sth. Its fun to chat with them.5.exercise的用法: 做早操/做眼保健操两本练习本/做数学习题做锻炼/运动少吃多锻炼exercise的用法:可数名词:(只有复数)do morning exercises / do eye exercises 可数名词:练习题(有单复数) two exercise books / do maths exercises不可数名词:锻炼/运动 do exercise = take exercise = do sports = play sports动词: eat less and exercise more6.做课外活动do after-school activities7.睡觉迟/早起go to bed late / get up early8.他从不上学迟到He is never late for school.9.在8点45分 at a quarter to nine= at eight fifteen10.开始上课start lessons =start to have lessons11.吃太多盐对你有害.Eating too much salt is bad for you.=Its bad for you to eat too much salt.12.从周二到周四from Tuesday to Thursday13.彼此聊天 / 互相帮助,互相学习chat with each other / help each other and learn from each other.14.练习弹钢琴 practise playing the piano 15.花一小时练习说英语spend an hour (in) practising speaking English16.在周三去读书俱乐部go to the Reading Club on Wednesday17.海南冬天从不下雪。It never snows in winter in Hainan.18.在三月植树plant trees in March19.时间介词in, on ,at 的用法:in: 年,月,季,一天中的早中晚 on:日期,星期,某一天,某一天的早中晚,有Day的节日at: 时刻,年龄,一日三餐,没有Day的节日 在这些词前不加介词: this, every, next, last year/week/month20.在2018年在2018年1月在2018年1月18日在周日早上在儿童节在六岁(3种)在晴朗的日子在二月二日的早上在这个星期六在每个周二下午在中午在度假在早上/下午/晚上在这个日子在妇女节在春天/夏天/秋天/冬天在1-12月in 2018in January, 2018on January 18, 2018on Sunday morningon Childrens Dayat 6 = at 6 years old = at the age of 6on sunny dayson the morning of February 2this Saturdayevery Tuesday afternoonat noonon holidayin the morning /afternoon /eveningon this dayon Womens Dayin spring / summer / autumn / winterIn January / February / March / April / May / June / July / August/ September / October / November / December21.有足够的时间锻炼have enough time to exercise22.上舞蹈课have dancing lessons23.她每天跳半个小时舞。She dances for half an hour every day.=It takes her half an hour to dance every day.=She spends half an hour (in) dancing every day.24.去滑旱冰go roller skating25.我希望人人能够来。I hope (that) everyone can come.26.祝愿我们队好运。Wish our team good luck.27.祝你好运。Good luck to you.28.祝你英语学习好运。Good luck with your English.29. 每周一次/一个月两次/一年三次once a week / twice a month / three times a year30.和我的家人去野餐go on/have picnics with my family31.计划去野餐 plan to go on/have a picnic 32.准备晚餐 / 准备去散步get ready for dinner / get (be) ready to go walking33.我们的暑假在七月一日开始。在中国孩子们通常6岁开始上学。Our summer holiday starts on 1 July.children usually start school at 6 years old in China.34.了解许多有关世界的知识learn a lot about the world35.讨厌在中午开车dislike driving a car at noon 36.他很少吃胡萝卜和鱼He seldom eats carrots or fish.37.感谢你的电子邮件。Thanks for your email. = Thank you for writing emails to me.38.在电视上看足球赛watch football matches on TV39.课间休息have a rest between classes40.两餐之间吃零食eat snacks between meals41.没有时间写日记have no time to keep diaries42. 早操对我们的健康有好处.做早操对我们的健康有好处.Morning exercises are good for our health. / Doing morning exercises is good for our health. =Its good for our health to do morning exercises.43. 我们的课在8点15开始。下课后,我们经常互相聊天或者在操场上玩。 我在学校排球队我们在学校总是很开心。Our school starts at eight in the morning from Monday to Friday.After class we often chat with each other or play in the playground.I am in the school volleyball team.= I am a member of the school volleyball team.We always have a good time at school.44. 本单元单词课本P125Unit3期末知识点总结(认真记牢,灵活运用)1.这些学科中的哪门你最喜欢? 我最喜欢数学。Which of the subjects do you like best?Which subject do you like best?I like Maths best.= My favourite subject is Maths. 2.今天几号? 今天星期几?Whats the date today?= What date is it today?Whats the day today?= What day is it today?3.今天是十月九号。Its 9 October. = Its October 9.4.家长会在下午两点开始。The parents meeting begins at two oclock in the afternoon.5.让我们一点半在学校门口见。 在学校门口Lets meet at the school gate at one thirty.at the school gate = at the gate of the school6.让我带你参观一下我们学校。 / 带某人参观(某地)Let me show you around our school. / show sb around (sp)7. 教室前面有一棵树。这个男孩喜欢坐在公共车的前面。在教学楼后面There is a tree in front of the classroom. (在外部)The boy likes sitting in the front of the bus.(在内部)behind the classroom building8.我的教室在底楼。My classroom is on the ground floor.9.请这边走。This way, please.10. 开会have a meeting = hav

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