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ringMEANINGS 义项1.JEWELLERY首饰a piece of jewellery that you wear on your finger戒指,指环at 见engagement signet ring wedding ringsee picture at见jewelleryadiamond ring钻戒a plain silver ring 一枚素面银戒指2.CIRCLE圆圈an object in the shape of a circle环状物,圈状物NAPKIN RINGa rubber ring for children to go swimming with 儿童游泳用的橡皮圈onion rings 洋葱圈a key ring 钥匙环a circular line or mark环状线;环形记号+ aroundShe left a dirty ring around the bath. 她在浴缸里留下了一圈污渍。+ rounda ring round the moon 月亮的光晕a group of people or things arranged in a circle人或物的一圈+ ofA ring of armed troops surrounded the building. 武装士兵围成一圈包围了大楼。The city was overlooked by a ring of high-rise buildings. 从四周的高楼大厦可以俯瞰这座城市。3.give sb a ringinformalto make a telephone call to someone给某人打电话Ill give you a ring later in the week. 这个星期晚些时候我会给你打电话。4.BELLS钟;铃the sound made by a bell or the act of making this sound钟声;铃声;敲钟;按铃a ring at the doorbell 门铃声5.CRIMINALS罪犯a group of people who illegally control a business or criminal activity从事非法交易或犯罪活动的团伙,帮派Are you aware that adrugs ringis being operated in the club? 你有没有发现俱乐部里有贩毒团伙在活动?Secret files reveal an Oxfordspy ring. 秘密文件揭露牛津有个间谍网。6.have the/a ring of sthif a statement or argument has a ring of truth, confidence etc, it seems as if it has this quality话语或论点看来有某种特性His explanation has the ring of truth. 他的解释似乎是真的。7.have a familiar ringif something has a familiar ring, you feel that you have heard it before听起来耳熟His voice had a strangely familiar ring. 他的声音听起来不可思议地耳熟。8.run rings around sbinformalto be able to do something much better than someone else can大大胜过某人Im sure you can run rings round him. 我肯定你会比他强得多。9.COOKING烹调one of the circular areas on top of acookerthat is heated by gas or electricity环形灶盘,炉头RELTDHOBSYNBURNERBrE,AmE 【英】,【美】a gas ring 煤气炉头10.SPORT体育运动a small square area surrounded by ropes, where peopleboxorwrestle拳击台;摔跤台RINGSIDEthe sport ofboxing拳击运动He retired from the ring at 34. 他34岁退出拳坛。11.ENTERTAINMENT娱乐a large circular area surrounded by seats at acircus马戏团的圆形表演场收起ring2/r,r/v.S1W2英rpt:rangpp:rungMEANINGS 义项1.BELL钟;铃I,Tto make a bell make a sound, especially to call someones attention to you or to call someone to help you使钟铃鸣响;敲钟;按铃I rang the doorbell but no one came. 我按了门铃,但没有人来。+ forThe sign said, Ring for service. 牌子上写着:“需要服务请按铃”。Instead of ringing for the maid, she made the tea herself. 她没有按铃叫女仆,而是自己沏了茶。Iif a bell rings, it makes a noise钟、铃鸣响The bell rang for the end of break. 铃声响了,休息时间结束。2.TELEPHONE电话I,Tto make a telephone call to someone(给)打电话I was going to ring you but I dont have your number. 我想给你打电话,但没有你的电话号码。+ forSally rang for a taxi. 萨莉打电话叫出租车。Iif a telephone rings, it makes a sound to show that someone is telephoning you电话铃鸣响The phone hasnt stopped ringing all day. 电话铃整天响个不停。3.SOUNDS声音Iif your ears ring, they make a continuous sound that only you can hear, after you have been somewhere very noisy or heard a loud sound因去过吵闹的地方或听到很大的声响而耳朵鸣响,嗡嗡作响The explosion made our ears ring. 爆炸声震得我们耳朵嗡嗡作响。if a place rings with a sound, it is full of that sound回响,响彻+ withThe whole room rang with their laughter. 整个房间回荡着他们的笑声。4.ring a bellinformalif something rings a bell, it reminds you of something, but you cannot remember exactly what it is听起来耳熟Her name rings a bell but I cant remember her face. 她的名字听起来耳熟,但是她的面孔我却记不得了。5.not ring trueif something does not ring true, you do not believe it, even though you are not sure why听起来不真实It was a possible explanation, but it didnt quite ring true. 这也许是个理由,但听上去不像真的。6.ring the changesto make changes to something, not because it needs changing but just in order to make it more interesting, more attractive etc为了装饰或增加趣味而推出新花样,作出不同的安排Choose a variety of foods and ring the changes with meals. 要选择不同种类的食物,每顿饭换换花样。7.ring hollowif something that someone says rings hollow, you do not feel that it is true or sincere听起来不真实无诚意Assurances that things have changed ring hollow in many ears. 所谓情况已有改观的保证在很多人听来都是空话。8.ring in your earsif a sound or remark rings in your ears, you continue to remember it very clearly, exactly as it sounded, after it has finished在耳边回响He left Washington with the presidents praises ringing in his ears. 他离开了华盛顿,总统的赞扬还在他耳际回响。收起PHRVB 短语动词ring(sb)backphr vBrE1.to telephone someone again, or to telephone someone because you were not available when they telephoned you再(给某人)打电话;回(某人的)电话Ill ring back as soon as I find out anything. 我一发现什么情况,会再给你打电话的。John rang, and he wants you to ring him back. 约翰来过电话,他要你给他回电话。ring inphr v1.to telephone the place where you work给自己的工作单位打电话Janes rung in to say shell be late. 简来电话说她要晚到一会儿。Herang in sick(=telephoned to say he was ill) every morning for a week. 他有一个星期每天早上都打电话来说生病了。2.ring in the New Yearto celebrate the beginning of the New Year鸣钟迎接新年ring offphr vBrE1.to end a telephone call挂断电话He rang off without giving his name. 他没留姓名就挂了电话。ring outphr v1.a voice, bell etc that rings out is loud and clear嗓音、钟声等响亮The sound of a shot rang out. 传来一声响亮的枪声。2.ring out the Old Yearto celebrate the end of the year鸣钟辞别旧岁ring round(sb)phr vBrE1.to make telephone calls to a group of people, in order to organize something, find out information etc四处打电话Ill ring round to see whether anyones interested in coming with us. 我会给大家打电话,看看谁有兴趣和我们一起去。She rang round all the agencies. 她给所有的中介公司打了电话。ring upphr v1.to telephone someone(给某人)打电话I rang up and made an appointment. 我打电话预约了一下。ring sb upIll ring the manager up tomorrow.明天我会给经理打电话。2.ring sthupto press buttons on acash registerto record how much money is being put inside把收进的钱记入现金出纳机The cashier rang up 300 by mistake. 收银员误把300英镑记入了现金出纳机。收起ring3v.T英pp:ringedpt:ringedMEANINGS 义项1.to surround something包围;环绕Thousands of people ringed the court building to demand the release of Mr Cox. 数千人包围了法院,要求释放考克斯先生。be ringed with sthHer eyes were ringed with stiff black lashes. 她的眼睛上有一圈硬挺的黑睫毛。2.to draw a circular mark around something把圈起来SYNCIRCLEBrE 【英】Ring the mistakes in red. 用红笔把错误圈出来。


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