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Teaching plan for Unit 14 FestivalsPeriod one (一) Teaching time: Feb. 20th, 2013.(二) Teaching class: Class 1 , Grade 1.(三)Teaching type:warming up & speaking & listening(四)Teaching aids1Multimedia methods2. Blackboard presentation(五)Teaching methods:(1). Accomplish the tasks, ask-and-answer.(2). Discussion, pair-work.(3). Listening.(六)Teaching goals:1. Talk about Spring Festival. 2. Describe festivals.3. Listening and get a concept about the three foreign festivals.4. Practice expressing and supporting an opinion.(七) Teaching important points1. Learning to describe a festival and its culture meaning.2. Learning to expressing and supporting an idea.3. Listening and get a concept about the three foreign festivals. (八) Teaching difficult points1. Learn some new relative words. 2. Know something about different culture.3. Master the usage of some expressions. 4. Understanding the listening material. (九)Teaching procedure:Step1:Lead-in: Game: two students a group, one describes his favorite festival, and the other guess the name of the festival, and then he or she must tell the reason why he or she likes the festival. Then, change the turn. Example: Chinese people celebrate this festival on 15th autumn by eating moon cake. Answer: Mid-autumn day. Step2: New words: Learn some new words related to this class: dress up 盛装 ,打扮,装饰 symbol n. 象征,符号,记号 holy adj. 神圣的 神的 conflict n. 斗争,战斗,冲突 opinion n. 意见,看法 major adj. 重大的,主要的 in ones opinion 按照的看法 I will teach them three times.Step3: Warming-up: Some pictures from the book, and let students to do some brief description about them. And then easy to answer the questions on the book.Step3: Pair works: Compare the two similar festivals Qingming and The Day of The Death from aspects like time, meanStep4: Speaking:Ask students: What is the ideal festival and why?”I will make an example for students: I think the day should be a Peace Day. On this day, no fighting or conflicts are allowed. People will learn and talk about peace. The holiday will be celebrated on _ and people will celebrate it by_. I think this is the best idea because_.And I will give them some useful expressions:In my opinion, we should I believe we shouldWe must decide If we do this, we can I dont think it is necessary to I hope we can make a decision.Step5: Listening: Listening to the type and choose the correct answer (from the book), I will repeat the material four times, the first and the second time for students to do the choice questions. And the third time, I will emphasize the difficult words like (Mardi Gras n.美国和巴西的一个狂欢节日,直译为 “ 油腻的礼拜二 Ramadan n. 斋月 Arabic adj. 阿拉伯人的 尤指其语言与文学 Easter n. (耶稣) 复活节) in spelling and pronunciations. The last time try to get a more comprehensive understanding.Step6: Home work: (1). Pre-reading the textbook.(2).Ask your parents about their favorite festivals; write a passage about one of the festivals they like.

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