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Writen Report一、 立论正方: Good morning, teacher. Morning, everyone. Being asked whether money can bring happiness, our answer is “Yes, money can bring happiness.” As the saying goes that ”Money is not everything, but without money, everything is nothing.” First of all, to be happy, we have to live on. We need money to buy food, and it cost a lot when we are under medical treatment in the hospital if we are suffered from a disease. And more over, after looking up the word ”happiness” in the dictionary, we found that happiness is a feeling of pleasure when we are satisfied. Without money, we cant get what we like and we cant do what we want to. How can we be happy? To have a summary, supported by so many facts, we are surely believe that money can bring happiness. Thats all, thank you.反方: Just now ,the first debater of the Proposition have declared his view to the question that can money bring happiness? but we just hold the opposite opinion. As far as we are concerned , money has noting with happiness. Firstly, although we can buy many things with money, such as big houses, beautiful clothes, delicious foods. But can money buy everything? Obviously not! Things like knowledge, precious time, true love can never be bought by money. Secondly , money is the origin of evils. In order to get more money, some people even break the law, stealing, robbing, cheating or doing other wrong things . If not seek for and attain money improperly , the commit accidents will increase continuously. Thats all I want to say and let me repeat our opinion: Happiness is the treasure that money can never buy !二、 自由辩论正方:I totally disagree with you. You just said that money cant buy knowledge, precious time, and true love. So there comes hundreds of questions. How can you get knowledge if you are too poor to buy books and pay for your school fees? How can you save time by taking any public transports if you have no money? How can you get married with your Mrs. Right and live in your own house without paying? But if we have enough money, we will be Knowledgeable, we will be with my true-love girl forever and I neednt walk for a long time to waste our youth. How happier we are! Money bring happiness to us!反方:Well, in your opinion, the poor wont have happiness? In China, about 70% people are farmers, and most of them are poor. They have little money, no beautiful house to live, no pretty car to drive, but they do farming themselves and eat what they plant. They are happy, arent they? Contrarily, the people who have a lot of money can live in the good house and drive the great car, are they really happy? They are often worried about everything around them, is the food safe? Can they make more money tomorrow? How to protect their money? Well, are they happy? I dont think so. 正方:Good for you! But all you said are not convincing! Not only the rich have the concerns you mentioned, the poor also worried about those things, so you cant say with certainty that money cant bring happiness. And there is another ridiculous view you have mentioned in your statement. you said money cant bring happiness because money result in crimes. But I think this phenomenon supports our view exactly! Why do they do those bad things? Because money can bring happiness! In those cases, Crime is engendered by poverty instead of money. Why do we work so hard to earn money as much as we can? Because money can bring happiness! Why does our government committed to develop economy? Because money can bring happiness!反方:But are they happy in the end when they lay by the heels(坐牢)?As far as I know, many crime often happens to the people who are not really poor, such as government official and big boss. They have had a lot of money, in your opinion they should be happy, why did they corrupt so much money? Just because they become greedy. Money can make people be greedy, not be happy! The real happiness doesnt need money at al!正方:Well, today what we talk about is whether money can bring happiness or not . Money can make some people be greedy,but how can you know that they are unhappy? We can just say that money make some people greedy at the same time when it brings happiness to us . Can you tell me that you are not happy if you have a lot of money ? If so , just give me all of your money which make you unhappy ? I am willing to suffer all the sadness of you . 反方:Well, in your opinion, they are happy when they were put in prison, arent they? You are kidding! (正方林打断:Wait a minute,I have to point out some mistakes you just made. I said they are happy when they collect wealth though in an unproper way, instead of in the prison. Some people are put into prison not because of money. Money bring them happiness. But it is avarice(贪婪) that put them into prison .)Thats too late to make up! Please let me finish my statement! You say that money make some people greedy at the same time it can make people happy, but I dont think so. It just satisfies their desires, not brings happiness to them. I can give all of my money, but you will have no relatives, no friends, no lover, are you happy? You just mean that between relatives and money you would choose money, only in this way can you be happy?同问 英文辩论:钱能否买来幸福,我们是正方。能买来幸福Many people think that when they become rich and successful,happiness will naturally follow.Let me tell you that nothing is further from the truth.The world is full of very rich people who are as miserable as if they were living in hell.We have read stories about movie stars who committed suicide or died from drugs.Quite clearly, money is not the only answer to all problems.Wealth obtained through dishonest means does not bring happiness.Lottery winnings do not bring happiness.Gamble winnings do not bring happiness.许多人认为当他们富有,取得成功时,幸福自然就会随之而来。我告诉你:事实并非如此。世界上有很多富人,但是他们却很痛苦,犹如生活在地狱中。我们都读过影星自杀或死于吸毒的故事。显而易见,钱不是解决所有问题的答案。通过不正当手段获得的财富并不能带来幸福。抽到奖券也不会带来幸福;赌博也不会带给你幸福。Happiness is not an end; it is a process.It is a continuous process of honest, productive work which makes a real contribution to others and makes you feel you are a useful, worthy person. As Dr. Wayne wrote, There is no way to happiness. Happiness is the way.Some day when I achieve these goals,when I get a car, build a house and own my own business,then I will be really happy.Life just does not work that way.If you wait for certain things to happen and depend on external circumstances of life to make you happy,you will always feel unfulfilled.There will always be something missing.幸福并不是终点,而是种过程。那是一个持续地通过诚实,有成果的工作为他人奉献的过程,这样做也会让你感到自己是一个有用的且有价值的人。正如韦恩博士所说的那样:“没有那条路能通向幸福。幸福本身就是那条路。”“有天当我实现这些目标时,当我买一辆汽车,建一所房子,创立自己的生意时,那时我才是真正幸福的。”生活并不是那样进行的。如果你等待某些事情的发生或依靠生活的外部环境来让你自己感到幸福,你总也不会感到满足。总会有些事与你失之交臂。


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