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1、货物将于XX时间完成?货物将于XXX(时间)完成。Whenwillthecargobeready?CargowillbereadyatXXX(Jan.28th).2、仓位紧张,请尽快确认Pleaseconfirmsoonestaspossibleduetotightspace3、船公司回复没有仓位Thereisnospacebasedonthereplyofshippinglines4、几票货物(几家工厂)合拼一个柜子发运Shipmentwouldbeeffectedbyseveralfactories5、几个订单合并一起出运Thoseorderswouldbecombinedintooneshipment6、截港时间Cutoffdate7、截单时间documentaryoffdate8、开仓时间(开始放箱的时间)Emptypickupdate(Emptyreleasetime)9、预留仓位Pre-bookingspace10、船期调整Adjustmentofshippingschedule(因船公司调整船期,所以原计划X月X日船,XXX提单号项下货物,调整至。)(Duetoadjustmentofshippingschedule,shipmentunderB/LNO.:.thatcarriedbyVESETDon.Wouldbearrangedon11、客户已于XX时候装箱/提箱Cargohadbeenstuffedon.(Containerhadbeenpickedupon.)12、客户无法赶上本航次,要求推至下一航次Asrequestedbycustomer,cargocannotcatchthisvoyageandwillbepostponedtonextvoyage13、已向船公司订舱,但未确认仓位Bookinghadbeenorderedwithshippinglineshowevernotreceivetheconfirmationyet.14、放箱EmptyRelease15、客人出差Customerisonhisbusinessway16、仓位Space17、增加/减少1个柜子add/reduceonevolume18、客户想要通过拼箱的方式出运剩下的货物CustomerintendtoshipremainscargobyLCL19、最新情况thelateststatus20、没有新消息noanynews(noanyfurtherinformation)21、此1x20G是下面所说货物中的一部分.Said1X20GPispartofbelow-mentionedshipment22、现在还没开始放仓。EmptyPick-upisnotstartedyet.23、发货人安排明日装货Cargowouldbestuffedtomorrowarrangedbyshipper24、发货人急要入货通知。Shippereagertogettheshippingorder(S/O)25、此票货物申请推迟航次Thisshipmentwouldbepostponedtonextvoyage26、此票货物赶不上这个航次Thisshipmentcannotcatchthisvoyage27、事情还没有解决。Itisnotsolveduntilnow28、这票货物是继续走ZIM还是换船公司?DoesthisshipmentkeeponcarryingbyZIMLINEorbyothershippinglines?29、不知道客户是否能接受MSC?WearenotsureifthecustomerwillacceptMSCascarryingline30、此票货物分单还没电放,请不要放货给收货人OriginalHouseBillofladingforthisshipmentisnotsurrenderedyet,pleasedonotreleasethecargotoconsignee31、 此票货物签单方式是电放,客户尚未同意电放,请勿放货32、 Shipmentwouldbereleasedagainsttelexrelease,shipperhasnotpresentedustheapplicationfortelexrelease,pleaseholdtheshipmentuntilourfurthernotice.33、 32、每个柜子重22TONSGrossweightis22tonspercontainers34、 33、发货人不同意少显示重量35、 Shipperdidnotagreetoshowlessweightforthisshipment36、 34、我们把这个仓位给了另外的客户使用。37、 Space(allocation)hadbeenassignedtoanothercustomer.35、发货人在等收货人确认是否出运38、 Shipperiswaitingforconsigneesconfirmationforshipping39、 36、此票货物包含订单号为X和订单号Y的货物。ThisshipmentincludedthecargounderOrderXandY.40、 37、此票货物与JOBNO:X&Y的货物货物一起出运,我们选择JOB#X作为主号SaidcargowouldbecombinedwithJOBNO.ABCDEand,JOB#AwouldbethefinalJOB38、我们正在向船东申请,将柜型由1X40H调整为1x20G.41、 Weareapplyingwithshippinglineforamendmentofcontainersizefrom1X40HQinto1X20GP.42、 39、所有小柜毛重不超过17.9TONS43、 Thegrossweightforallthe20GPisnotmorethan17.9TONS44、 40、我们提前定了EMC的仓位,约号XXXXXX.45、 WehadorderedthebookingwithEMCinadvanceunderSQM780184.46、 41、这些货物中的1X40H取消了。47、 1X40HQhadbeencancelledfromthisshipment.48、 42、明天开始放仓,不确定能否有仓位。49、 Shippingorderwillbeconfirmedtomorrowbyshippinglines,wearenotsureifthespacecouldbesecurednow.50、 43、上述订舱可以继续进行吗?51、 Doestheabove-mentionedbookingcankeeponproceeding?44、L.T.LocalTime当地时间45、damagedgoods损坏了的货物52、 46、goodsdamagedintransit中受损的货物47、releasecargo放货48、runningdays连续日53、 49、S.S.H.E.X(SaturdaySundayandHolidayexcepted)星期六、日与节假日除外50、S.S.H.I.N.C(SaturdaySundayandHolidayincluded)星期六、日与节假日包括在内51、FreightForwardingFee货代佣金52、Forpromptshipment立即出运53、Promptrelease即时放行54、Customsclearance清关55、cargovolume货量54、 56、nominationcargo指定货57、cable/telexrelease电放58、SailingSchedule船期表59、Transitoperations运输过程60、Mainfest货物舱单55、 61、Takedeliveryof收到,接收62、Thesaidparty所涉及的一方63、AFridaysailing周五(XX)班64、Rebate回扣65、Inventory库存56、 66、Warehousing=storage仓库储存67、Roundvoyage往返航次68、Oceanfreight海运费57、 69、Bondedwarehouse保税仓库70、Freightcollect运费到付71、Freightprepaid运费已付58、 72、Limitationofliability责任范围限制73、Brokerage/commission佣金元旦NEWYEARSDAY外贸用语(缩写)IAC Inter-modal Administrative Charge(U.S. Inland Surcharge) 内陆运输附加费IAC Intermodel Administrative Charge 多式联运附加费ICB International Carrier Bond 国际承运人保证金ICC INSTITUTE CARGO CLAUSES,LONDON 伦敦协会货物条款(保险)IFA Interim Fuel Adjustment 临时燃油附加费IIC Indian Inland Charge 印度内陆费(包括:内陆费加费IHC、目的港DHC)IMDG International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code 国际海运危险品编码IMO IMCO additional 危险品附加费IMP. IMPORT 进口 in. inch(s) 英寸INC. INCLUDING 包括 incl. including 包括INCOTERMS Standard condition for sale and delivery of goods 国际贸易术语解释通则FCA Free carrier(Incoterms) 货交承运人FCL FULL CONTAINER LOAD (集装箱)整箱货FCR Forwarders Certificate of Receipt (FIATA Document) 货运代理人收讫货物证明FCSR & CC free of capture,seizure,riots and civil commotions 掳获,捕捉,暴动和内乱不赔险FCT Forwarders Certificate of Transport(FIATA) 货运代理人运送证明FDFT FORE DRAFT 艏吃水FEU FOURTY EQUIVALENT UNIT 40标准集装箱FFI FIATA Forwarding Instructions(FIATA form) 国际货运代理协会联合会代运说明FHEX Friday and holidays excepted 节假日除外FI FREE IN (船方)不负担装货费用FILO FREE IN AND LINER OUT (船方)不负担装货费用,但负担卸货费用FIO FREE IN AND OUT (船方)不负担装,卸费用FIOST FREE IN AND OUT,STOWED AND TRIMMED (船方)不管装,不管卸,不管积载和平仓firavv first available 最有效的FIS freight,insurance and shipping charges 运费,保险和装船费用FLT forklift truck 叉车FLT FULL LINER TERMS 全班轮条款FM FROM 从.,来自. FMC Federal Maritime Commission 美国联邦海事委员会FOB FREE ON BOARD 离岸价格(船上交货) FPA FREE FROM PARTICULAR AVERAGE 平安险FPAD freight payable at destination 目的地付运费 FR flat rack(container) FRG FOR YOUR GUIDANCE 供你参考,供你掌握情况FRT FREIGHT 运费Frt.fwd. freight forward 到付运费 frt.ton freight ton 运费吨FRZ Frozen 冰冻FT FOOT OR FEET 英尺ft.ppd. freight prepaid 运费预付FWC full loaded weight & capacity(container) 满载重量和容积FWD FORWARD 前部FWDFT FRESH WATER DRAFT 淡水吃水fwdr. forwarder 货运代理人FWR FIATA Warehouse Receipt(FIATA Document) FIATA仓储收据G.A. general average 共同海损(保)G.A.A. General Average Agreement(bond) 共同海损协议(合同)G.A.C. general average contribution 共同海损分摊额(保)G.B.L. Government Bill of Lading 政府海运提单 G.C. general cargo 杂货G.C.R. general cargo rates 杂货费率GA GENERAL AVERAGE 共同海损GDP gross domestic product 国内生产总值GENCON UNIFORM GENERAL CHARTER 统一杂货(程)租船标准合同,金康程租合同GFA general freight agent 货运总代理GMT GREENWICH MEAN TIME 格林威治标准时间GNP gross national product 国民生产总值GR GRAIN CAPACITY OR GROSS (船舶)散装容积或毛(重)GRD GEARED 带吊杆的GRI GEN RATE INCREASE 运费普遍增长GRT GROSS REGISTER TONNAGE 总登记吨GSA General Sales Agent 销售总代理GSP GENERALIZED SYSTEM OF PREFERENCE 普惠制 GW GROSS WEIGHT 毛重h.p. horse power 马力H.Q. headquarters 总部h/lift heavy lift 重件货HA HATCH 舱口HA DIM HATCH DIMENSION 舱口尺寸HATUTC HALF TIME USED TO COUNT (AS LAYTIME) 实际所使用时间的一半应计算(为作业时间)HAWB House Air Waybill 货运代理运单,分运单HBL House Bill of Lading 无船承运人提单HD HEAVY DIESEL 重柴油hdlg handling 处理,手续HERMES Handling European Raiway Message Exchange-System 欧洲铁路运输信息交换系统hgt height 高度 HO HOLD 货仓HRS HOURS 小时HTD Heated 加热HTS Harmonized Tariff Schedule 国际货物编码i.a.w. in accordance with 按照I.E. ID EST=THAT IS 即是.,那就是. i.o.u. I owe you 借据,欠条I.P.A. including particular average 包括单独海损(保)IAC Inter-modal Administrative Charge(U.S. Inland Surcharge) 内陆运输附加费IAC Intermodel Administrative Charge 多式联运附加费ICB International Carrier Bond 国际承运人保证金ICC INSTITUTE CARGO CLAUSES,LONDON 伦敦协会货物条款(保险)IFA Interim Fuel Adjustment 临时燃油附加费IIC Indian Inland Charge 印度内陆费(包括:内陆费加费IHC、目的港DHC)IMDG International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code 国际海运危险品编码IMO IMCO additional 危险品附加费IMP. IMPORT 进口 in. inch(s) 英寸INC. INCLUDING 包括incl. including 包括INCOTERMS Standard condition for sale and delivery of goods 国际贸易术语解释通则wzxin 中级会员UID 1581583积分 1054帖子 199阅读权限 40注册 2011-2-23状态 离线#2使用道具 发表于 2011-4-13 12:26 资料 个人空间 个人短信 加为好友 只看该作者INMARSAT International Convention on the International Maritime Satellite OrganizationINST INSTANT 本月的INT INTENTION 意下,企图INTRM intermediate point 中转点inv. invoice 发票IOP IRRESPECTIVE OF PERCENTAGE 不管百分比IPF Inspection Fees 集装箱检查费IU IF USED 如果使用K.ATT KIND ATTENTION 请转,请交,请.收阅KG KILOGRAM 公斤KM KILOMETER 公里km.p.h. kilometres per hour 时速km2 square kilometre 平方公里 kn knot(s) 结kW kilowatt 千瓦kWh kilowatt-hour 度,千瓦时l.& d. loss and damage 损失与残损l.& u. loading and unloading 装卸L.O.A. lenghth over all 全长L.T. LOCAL TIME 当地时间L/A Lloyds agent 劳埃德保险公司代理人,劳埃德船级社代理人L/C LETTER OF CREDIT 信用证L/G LETTER OF GUARANTEE 保证书,保证信L/L LOADING LIST 装货清单L/T LONG TON 长吨L/T liner terms 班轮条款LABL Less Advance Booking Allowance 提前定舱优惠价LADEN DRAFT THE DRAFT WHEN VESSEL IS LADEN (船舶)满载吃水LASH lighter aboard ship 子母船Lat.,lat. latitude 纬度 lb(s) pound(s) 磅LBP LENGTH BETWEEN PERPENDICULARS (船舶)垂线间高LCL Less (Than) Container Load 拼箱货LCL LESS THAN CONTAINER LOAD (集装箱)拼箱货LD LIGHT DIESEL 轻柴油LDG leading 导航的,主要的LDT LIGHT DEADWEIGHT 轻载重吨leg. legal 法律上的,合法的LEL lower explosive limit 最低爆炸极限LFL lower flammable limit 最低燃烧极限lgt. long ton;long tons 长吨LH LOWER HOLD 底舱 LHC Loading port Terminal Handling Charge 装港港口附加费liq. liquid 液体(的)Lkg/Bkg leakage & breakage 漏损与破损LLO Lift on / Lift off 上下车费LNG Liquefied natural gas 液化天然气LO/LO lift on,lift off 吊上吊下,吊装LOA LENGTH OVER ALL 船舶全长load loading 装货LOADREADY READY FOR LOADING,READY TO LOAD 已备妥,可装货loc. local;location 当地;位置Long.,long longitude 经度LPG Liquefied petrochemical gas 液化石油气LSD loading,storage and delivery charges 装船,仓储和交货费用LT LINER TERMS 班轮条款LT letter telegram 书信电报LTA lighter than air system(airships) LTD LIMITED 有限(公司)ltge lighterage 驳运费ltr. lighter 驳船lump lump sum 包干金额,总数M minimum(rate classification) 最低(运费)m metre(s) 米 M. MEASUREMENT 按货物的体积计算运价M.H. Merchants Haulage 商船运输M.S. MOTOR SHIP 内燃机船M/R mates receipt 大副收据M/R,M.R. MATES RECEIPT 大副收据 M/S Motor ship 内燃机船M/T,MT METRIC TON OR MOTOR TANKER 公吨 或 内燃机油轮M/V Motor Vessel 内燃机船M+R maintenance and repair(centre) 维护修理m3 cubic metre(s) 立方米 (CBM)MACH modular automated container handling MAF Manifest Amendment Fee 舱单改单费MAWB Master Air Waybill 总运单(空)MAX MAXIMUM,THE MOST 最大(多)Mdse merchandise 商品MFN Most Favoured Nation 最惠国MIN MINIMUM,THE LEAST 最小(少)MOLOO MORE OR LESS AT OWNERS OPTION 溢短装由船东选择MOLSO MORE OR LESS AT SELLERS OPTION 溢短装由卖方选择msbl missing bill of lading 丢失提单msca missing cargo 灭失货物MT motor tanker 内燃机油轮MTD multimodal transport document 多式联运单证MTO multimodal transport operator 多式联运经营人MTON MEASUREMENT TON 尺码吨MV MOTOR VESSEL 内燃机船N normal(rate classification) 普通货(运价)n.c.v. non customs (commercial) value 无商业价值n.e.s. not elsewhere specified 不另说明n.f.o. not free out 不管卸货n.l.t. not later than 不迟于,不晚于n.o.e. not otherwise enumerated 不另编号n.o.p. not otherwise provided 未另列出N.O.R. not otherwise rated 未列名N.O.S. not otherwise specified 未列名 n.v.d. no value declared 未声明价值N/M NO MARK 无麦头n/n non-negotiable 不可转让的N/O no order 无定单N/R NOTICE OF READINESS 装卸准备就绪通知书NAABSA not always afloat but safely aground 不经常漂浮但安全坐浅NAOCC Non Aircraft Operating Common Carrier 无航空器公共承运人NAWB Neutral Air Waybill(forwarders Air Waybill) 货运代理人空运分运单NGO non governmental organization 非官方组织NOR NOTICE OF READINESS 装卸准备就绪通知书NR NUMBER 数字,号码NRT NET REGISTER TONNAGE 净登记吨NT.WT. NET WEIGHT 净重NVO (NVOCC) Non-Vessel Operating Common Carrier 无船承运人NVOCC NON-VESSEL OPERATIONS COMMON CARRIER 无船公共承运人wzxin 中级会员UID 1581583积分 1054帖子 199阅读权限 40注册 2011-2-23状态 离线#3使用道具 发表于 2011-4-13 12:27 资料 个人空间 个人短信 加为好友 只看该作者P.& I. Protection and Indemnity Association 船东保赔协会P.& I. clause clause Protection and Indemnity clause 保护和赔偿条款P.& I.Club Protection and Indemnity Club 船东保赔协会P.& L. profit and loss 收益和损失p.a. per annum(per year) 每年P.A. particular average 单独海损P.B.A. paid by agent 由代理支付p.c.f. pounds per cubic foot 每立方英尺.镑P.chgs particular charges 特别费用(保)p.d. partial delivery 部分交付p.h.d. per hatch per day 每天每舱口(租船)P.L. partial loss 部分损失(保)P.O.B. post office box 邮政信箱 P.O.D. payment on delivery;paid on delivery 交货时付讫p.t. per ton 每吨p.t.w. per ton weight 按吨计P/C Paramount Clause 最重要条款P/N promissory note 期票;本票PA PARTICULAR AVERAGE 单独海损Para paragraph 文章的段或节payt. payment 支付,赔偿PCF Panama Canal Transit Fee 巴拿马运河费PCS Port Congestion Surcharge 港口拥挤费PCT PERCENT 百分比pd. paid 已付款PDPR PER DAY OR PRORATA 按天计算,不足一天者按比例计算PENAVICO CHINA OCEAN SHIPPING AGENCY 中国外轮代理总公司PKG PACKAGE 包装pkge package 包装PLP parcel post 包裹邮寄PLTC port liner term charges PM POST MERIDIEM=AFTERNOON 下午pmt prompt 即时的POD port of discharge 卸港POL port of loading 装港POR port of refuge 避难港pp/ppd prepaid/prepaid 预付PRO RATA IN PROPORTION 按比例(计算)PROX PROXIMO,NEXT MONTH 下个月PSC Port Service Charge 港口服务费PSS Peak season surcharge 旺季附加费pt/dest port of destination 目的港pt/disch port of discharge 卸港PTL partial total loss 部分和全部损失ptly pd partly paid 已付部分款PWWD PER WEATHER WORKING DAY 每晴天工作日Q Quantity (rate classification) 数量Q.c.o. quantity at captains option 数量由船长决定q.v. quod vide(which see) 见本项Qn Quotation 引述,引用RF Refrigerated Container 冷藏箱RSC Restowage Charge 翻舱费S surcharge(rate classification) 附加费s & c shipper and carrier 托运人与承运人S.& F.A. shipping and forwarding agent 运输代理S.d. small damage 小量损坏 s.l.& c. shippers load and count 发货人装船和计数S.L./N.L. ship lost or not lost 船舶灭失与否S.O.L. shipowners liability 船舶所有人的义务S.P.A. subject to particular average 平均分担单独海损S/C surcharge 超载 S/D sailing date 启航日期S/d sight draft 即期S/O SHIPPING ORDER 装货单,关单,下货纸S/P STOWAGE PLAN,CARGO PLAN 货物积载图,船图S/S steamship 汽船,轮船SB SAFE BERTH 安全泊位SCF(C) Suez Canal Transit Fee (Charge) 苏伊士运河费SCR specific commodity rate 列名商品费率SDR Special Drawing Rights 特别提款权SDT Shipper Declatation for the transport of dangerous goods (FIATA FORM)SHEX SUNDAYS,HOLIDAYS EXCEPTED 星期日和节假日除外SHEX sundays and holidays excluded 星期天和例假日除外SHINC SUNDAYS,HOLIDAYS INCLUDED 星期日和节假日包括在内SINOCHART CHINA NATIONAL CHARTER CORPORATION 中国租船公司SINOTRANS CHINA NATIONAL FOREIGN TRADE TRANSPORTATION CORP. 中国对外贸易运输总公司SLI shippers letter of instruction 发货人说明wzxin 中级会员UID 1581583积分 1054帖子 199阅读权限 40注册 2011-2-23状态 离线#4使用道具 发表于 2011-4-13 12:27 资料 个人空间 个人短信 加为好友 只看该作者Master NVOCC 主装无船承运人 Tendering NVOCC 交运货物的无船承运人 Contract NVOCC 签约无船承运人 Conference Carrier 公会承运人 Independent carriers 独立承运人 Self-owned Vessels 自有船 Time-chartered Vessels 期租船 Inbound Vessel / Homebound 进口(回程)船 Outgoing / Outbound Vessel 出口船 Skip Over 跳(甩)港 Change of port of call 改港 Optional Port 选择港 Deviate 弯(绕)港 Partial Shipment 分批装运 Bonded Area 保税区 Shore Crane / Gantry Crane 岸吊 Portainer 集装箱岸吊 Loading Platform 装卸平台 Bonded Warehouse 保税库 Cancellation 退关箱 Transportation hub 中转港 Prompt release 即时放行 Ocean Freight 海运费 Freight Rate 海运价 Dead Freight 空舱费 Surcharge / Additional Charge 附加费 Toll 桥/境费 Back Freight 退货运费 B/L Copy 提单副本 Advanced Bill of lading 预借提单 Anti-dated Bill of Lading 倒签提单 Blank Bill of Lading

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