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Unit1 Relatives in Beijing1.relatives in Beijing 北京的亲戚2.plan planned planned planning 计划3.a trip to Beijing 一次北京之旅4.get a letter from sb. 收到某人的来信 =receive a letter from sb.=hear from sb.5.go by train= take a train to 乘火车去6visit his family 拜访他的家人visit v./n.参观 visitor n. (人)参观者7.would like to do sth= want to do sth. 想要做某事 wouldnt like to do = dont want to do 不想去做8.two and a half hours= two hours and a half 两个半小时9.talk about 谈论10.Can I help you?= What can I do for you? 有什么需要帮忙的吗?(服务用语)11.How long does it take to travel fromtoby plane? 乘飞机从到需要多长时间?12.It takes (sb.) some time to do sth. 某人做某事要花费多长时间sb spend some time (in)doing sth/on sth 某人花多长时间做某事sth cost sb some time 某事花费某人多长时间13.How much does it cost?= How much is it? 多少钱?14.get to= arrive in/at= reach 到达15.at the end of August 在八月底at the beginning of August 在八月初on 16 (the sixteenth of) August 在八月十六日16.in the end= at last= finally 最后17.The train is slower than the plane. 火车比飞机速度慢。比较级+than 18.arrive in Beijing 到达北京19.in the centre of 在.的中心20.old buildings and temples 古老的建筑和庙宇21.see swans swimming on the lake 看见天鹅在湖上游22.invite v. invitation n. 邀请v. 请帖 n.23.invite sb. to a place 邀请某人去某处24.invite sb. to do sth. 邀请某人去做某事25.get an invitation from sb. 从某人处得到一张请帖26.send an invitation to sb. 送一张请帖给某人27.talk to sb. / talk with sb. 和某人交谈28.get some brochures 拿到一些小册子29.a travel agent 一位旅行代理人30.send us some photographs 寄给我们一些照片31.send sent sent 寄,送32.send sb. sth. = send sth. to sb. 送给某人某物 = 把某物送给某人33.three months and a half = three and a half months 三个半月34.It takes sb some time to do sth. 花了某人一段时间做某事35.at the travel agents 在旅行社里36.at the end of February 二月底37.in early August 八月上旬38.in late September 九月下旬39.take-took-taken 花费;带;40.stay with sb. for two weeks. 和某人呆两周41.The Lis are planning a trip to Beijing. 李先生一家打算去北京旅行。42.The Li family has arrived in Beijing. 李先生一家已经到达北京了。43.at the Palace Museum 在故宫博物馆44.inside the Summer Palace 在颐和园里面45.a long wall with towers on it 一座长长的带有烽火台的城墙46.a huge open area 一片巨大的开放场地47a place with many ancient buildings 一个有着许多古建筑的地方48.raise the national flag. 士兵们正在升国旗。49.The national flag is rising. 国旗正在冉冉升起。50.build it with bricks and stones 用砖块和石头建造51.see beautiful mountains from the wall 从城墙上看见美丽的山脉53.the history of China = the Chinese history 中国的历史54in the north-west of Beijing 在北京的西北部55.swim on the lake 在湖里游泳56.come back / be back / return from Beijing 从北京返回57.enjoy ones trip 旅途愉快58.meet sb. at the airport 在机场迎接某人59. plan a trip to . 计划去.旅行60. live in Beijing 住在北京61. stay with his family 与他的家人一起住62. go to sp by plane = take a plane to sp 乘飞机去某地63. at the travel agents 在旅游代理处64. how long 多长时间65. find-found-found 发现66. north of Beijing 在北京的北面67. see . doing sth. 看见正在做某事 See sb. doing sth. 看见某人正在做某事 See sb. do sth. 看见某人做过某事68. more than = over 超过69. with bricks and stones 用砖和石头70. build - built - built 建造71. which place 哪一个地方72 at the Summer Palace 在颐和园73. the Li family 姓李的一家人74. come back = be back = return 回来75. enjoy doing = love doing 喜爱做某事76. have a wonderful time = enjoy oneself 度过愉快时光77. a photo of 一张的照片78. in front of 在 的前面79. an ancient building 一座古老的建筑80. from Garden City to Beijing 从花园城市到北京81. take sb to sp 带领某人去某地82. places of interest 名胜89. an interesting book 一本有趣的书90. be interested in 对.感兴趣Unit 2 Our animal friends1.an SPCA officer 一位动物保护协会的官员2.prevent prevention 防止,阻止 3.prevent animals from danger / save animals from danger / keep animals from danger 保护动物远离危险4.at the SPCA 在动物保护协会5.cruel cruelty 残忍6.be cruel to sb. 对.残忍7.leave these puppies in the street 把这些小狗遗弃在街上8.have no food or water 没有食物和水9.be hungry and thirsty 又饥又渴10.keep one as your pet 收留一只作为宠物11.prefer A to B = like A better than B 比起B来更喜欢A12.prefer doing A to doing B 比起做B来更喜欢做A13.prefer preferred 更喜欢 prefer = like better 更喜欢14.the yellow and brown one 黄褐相间的15.be in danger 处于险境16.be dangerous to 对.危险17.care for = take care of =look after 照顾,照看18.help homeless animals 帮助无家可归的动物19.give them a booklet to read 给他们一些小册子看20.Feed him/her 3-4 times every day. 每天喂他/她3、4次。21.special dog food for puppies 特殊的小狗粮22.Give him/her a bowl of water to drink. 给他/她一碗水喝。23.Give him/her hard dog biscuits to chew. 给他/她硬的狗饼干咀嚼。24.Give him/her a basket to sleep in. 给他/她篮子睡。25.Give him/her a blanket to keep him/her warm. 给他/她毯子保暖。26.Hold him/her carefully with both hands. 用双手小心的抱他/她。27.Take him/her to a park for a walk every day.每天带他/她去公园散步。28.dont need to do sth. / neednt do sth. / dont have to do sth. 不必做某事29.a kitten / a young cat 小猫30.be kind to sb. be unkind to sb. 对和蔼可亲 对不友善31.help sb. do sth. / help sb. with sth. 帮助某人做某事32.promise (not) to do sth. 承诺(不)做某事33.clinics for sick animals 收治生病动物的诊所34.the vets in the clinics 诊所的兽医35.play with kittens 和小猫玩36.junior members of the SPCA 动物保护协会的初级会员37.help sb. by doing sth. 通过做某事来帮助某人38.collect old blankets 收集旧毯子39.raise money for 为筹钱40.be useful to . 对有用41.live in a cave 住在洞穴里42.hunt for food 猎食43.life guards 救生员44.guard the houses 守卫房屋45.a blind man 一位盲人46.in different ways 用不同的方法47.on the farm 在农场48.cross the road safely 安全地过马路49.find missing people 找到失踪的人50.catch a thief 抓小偷 catch thieves 抓捕小偷51.make a display 制作展板52.save v. safe a. safely ad. safety n. 挽救 v. 安全的a. 安全地ad. 安全n. 53. the SPCA = the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals 动物保护协会54. take care of = look after=care for 照顾55. keep warm 保暖56. play with a puppy 和小狗玩57. need to do sth. 需要去做某事否定句 dont need to do59. be unkind to sb 对不友好 be kind/friendly to sb 对友好60. promise to do sth 承诺做某事 promise not to do sth 许诺不做某事61keep people safe from danger 保护人们62cross the road safely 安全地过马路 cross v. across prep. 介词 walk across= cross63take good care of 好好照顾 = look after well64in many different ways 在各种不同方面65the police 警方 66. Do you know what the SPCA is? 你知道什么是SPCA么?67. keep one puppy as your pet 养一只小狗作为宠物68. like best = favourite 最喜欢69. prefer the black one 更喜欢黑色的一只70. a basket to sleep in 一个睡觉的篮子71. keep . warm 保持.温暖72. hold .carefully with both hands 用双手小心地抱着73. buy sth for sb 为某人买某物74. sometimes 有时候75. save animals from danger 拯救动物免受危险76. help sb do sth 帮助某人做某事77. must do sth. 必须做某事78. sick animals 生病的动物79. keep people safe from danger 保护人们安全免受危险80. hunt animals for food 猎杀动物获取食物81. should do 应该做某事82. on their farms 在他们的农场里83. bring sth to sb 把某物带给某人84. look after sb well = take good care of sb 很好的照料某人85. in many different ways 在许多不同的方面86. office officer 办公室 官员87. cruelty cruel 残忍 残忍的88. love lovely 喜爱 - 可爱的89. save safe safely safety 拯救 安全的 安全地 安全Unit 3 Friends from other countries1.friends from other countries 来自其他国家的朋友2.foreign a. foreigner n. 外国的 a. 外国人 n.3.for example 例如4.a crowded city = a busy city 一个拥挤的城市 5.be crowded with / be filled with / be full of 挤满了,充满了6.walk across the crowds 穿过人群7.over = more than 超过8.Germany German(s) 德国 - 德国的,德国人9.nation n. national a. international a. nationality n. 国家 n. 国家的 a. 国际的a. 国籍 n.10.What is your nationality? = What nationality are you? = Where are you from? = Where do you come from? 你是什么国籍?= 你来自哪里?11.read about sth. 阅读与有关的12.in magazines and newspapers 在杂志和报纸上13.far away from 离远14.in another country 在另一个国家15.in other countries 在其他国家16.know about sth. 了解17.favourite subjects 最喜爱的学科18.male and female 男性和女性19.be interested in 对感兴趣20.show great interest in 显示极大的兴趣21.penfrieds from different countries 来自不同国家的笔友22.nowadays =today 如今23.make friends with 和交朋友24.like doing sth. / enjoy doing sth. / be interested in doing sth. 喜欢做某事25.tell sb. about sth. 告诉某人某事26.a twelve-year-old girl = a girl of twelve years old 一个12岁的女孩27.look forward to doing sth. 盼望做某事28.hear from sb. = get a letter from sb. = receive a letter from sb. 收到某人的来信29.a list of 一张的清单30.look up the word in the dictionary 在字典里查这个单词31.weigh v-weight n. 称 v. -重量n. high a-height n 高的 a. -高度n. 32.hobbies = interests 兴趣爱好33. over six million people 超过六百万人34. hundreds of years 数百年35. most of 大多数36. people from other countries 来自其他国家的人们37. for example 例如38. call them Canadians 叫他们加拿大人39. near = close to 在. 附近40. far away from = far from 远离41. nowadays 现如今42. at school 在学校43. in another country 在另一个城市44. What would you like to know about your penfriend? 你想了解你笔友的那些情况?45. Which country have you visited ? 你去过哪一个国家?46. a boy from Canada 一个来自加拿大的男孩47. be your penfriend 成为你的笔友48. ride bicycle 骑自行车49. tell me about yourself 告诉我你自己的情况50. send your name to my school 把你的名字送到学校51. enjoy yourself = have a good time 玩得愉快52. Help yourself to sth 随便吃53. foreigner foreign 外国人 外国人的54. be crowded with 挤满 crowd 人群 55. foreign adj. 外国的 foreigner n. 外国人foreigners in Garden City 在花园城市的外国人56. call sb. sth 把某人称作57. be near 靠近 be far (away) from远离58. write (a letter) to sb.写信给某人59. know about 了解know 知道60. show interest in interest n. 兴趣 interested (主语是人) adj. 感兴趣的 interesting (主语是物) adj. 令人感兴趣的be interested in 对。感兴趣Unit 4 Jobs people do1.live in the same block of flats 住在同一幢楼2.make sick people better 使病人康复3.an architect 一位建筑设计师4.draw plans of buildings 画建筑图纸5.a construction company 一家建筑公司6.type letters 打字7.type v. typewriter n. typist n. 打字 v. -打字机n. -打字员 n.8.a removal man 一个搬运工9.a removal company 一家搬运公司10.move furniture to peoples flats 搬家具到人们家11.much furniture 许多家具12.a piece of furniture 一件(套)家具13.work in a hospital 在医院工作14.work in an office 在办公室工作15.work for a construction company 为一家建筑公司工作16.What job do they do?/ What are their jobs?/ What are they? 他们做什么工作?17.They have/do different jobs. 他们做不同的工作。18.neighbourhood n. 街区 neighbour n.邻居19.wears a uniform at work 在工作中穿制服?20.an ambulance worker 一位救护人员21.drive sick people to the hospital quickly. 快速地把病人送进医院 22.rescue people / save people 救人23.deliver letters and parcels 送信和包裹24.make a safe place 使成为一个安全的地方25.meet sb. in the lift 在电梯里遇见某人26.in the city centre= in the centre of the city 在市中心27.go to meetings = attend meetings 参加会议28.take notes for the manager 为经理记录笔记29.a survey on jobs 一个关于工作的调查30.waiter n. 男性服务员 waitress n. 女性服务员 n. 31.come towards 朝过来32.knock sb. down 把某人撞倒33.catch fire = be on fire 着火34.motorcycle - motorcyclist 摩托车-摩托车手35.be hurt / get hurt in an accident 在事故中受伤36.arrive at 到达+小地点 arrive in 到达+大地点37.a broken arm 折断的手臂38.a broken leg 折断的腿 39.stop the traffic 拦下交通40.call the fire engine 打电话叫消防车41.at the scene of the accident 在事故现场42.take sb. home 把某人带回家43.carry into the ambulance搬进救护车44.two days later两天以后45.ran away 逃跑46.immediately = at once 立刻 马上47.on his way to school 在他上学的路上48.on my way home 在我回家的路上49.on their way to the cinema在他们去电影院的路上50.street cleaners街道清扫工51.sweep the streets 扫马路52.collect rubbish 收垃圾53.empty the rubbish bin 清空垃圾箱54.see sb. doing sth. 看见某人正在做某事55.start work early 早早开始工作56.sell sth. to sb. 把某物卖给某人57.sell v. 出售 seller n.卖家 salesman n 销售员 sale n. 销售58.on sale 打折促销 for sale供销售59.buy sth. from sb. 从某人那里购买某物60.buy sth. for sb. 为某人购买某物61.bake v. 烘烤 baker n.面包师 bakery n.面包房62.a flower shop一家花店63.a newspaper stall 一个报摊64.live in the same block of flats as Ben 住在和本一样的街区公寓里be the sameas 和一样 be different from 和不一样65. make sick people better 使病人更好66.in the lift = by lift 乘电梯67.answer the phone 接电话68.go to meetings 去开会 have/ hold a meeting 开一个会69.take notes 记笔记70. manage 经营 - manager 经理71. catch fire 着火72. arrive at/get to/reach the hospital 到达医院73. immediately =at once = right now = right away= in no time=very soon 立刻74. take him home 带他回家 take sb. to sp. 带某人到某地75.every morning 每天早上76.on his way to school 在他去学校的路上on ones way to sp. 在某人去某地的路上 但on ones way here / there / home77. see the street cleaners cleaning the streets 看到清洁工人正在清扫街道 see sb. doing 看到某人正做某事 see sb. do 看到某人做了某事(全过程)/ 常做某事 v. clean n. cleaner78. sell newspapers 卖报纸 sell-sold-sold buy bought-bought79. buy flowers for her shop 为她的商店买花 buy sth. for sb. = buy sb. sth. 为某人买某物80. live in the same block 住在同一幢楼81. have different jobs 做不同的工作82. make sick people better 使病人好起来83. draw plans of buildings 画楼房的平面图84. type letters 打字85. move furniture to new flat 把家具搬入新公寓86. wear a uniform 穿制服87. drive . to . 开车去.88. put out fires 灭火89. make Garden City a safe place 使花园城市成为一个安全的地方90. deliver letters and parcels 送信和包裹91. in the lift 在电梯里92. in an office 在一个办公室93. go to meetings with manager 和经理一起参加会议94. enjoy doing = love doing 喜爱做.95. a survey on jobs 一个关于工作的调查96. stop the traffic 阻断交通97. come quickly to the scene 快速到达现场98. two days later 两天之后99. take him home 带他回家100. the scene of accident 事故现场101. catch caught caught 102. come came come 103. run ran run 104. break broke broken 105. stop stopped stopped106. carry carried carried 107. drive drove driven 108. on ones way to sp 在某人去某地的路上109. on ones way home/here/there 在某人去家里/这里/那里的路上110. start work early 很早开始工作111. empty the rubbish bins 倒空垃圾桶112. hurt hurt hurt113. sweep swept swept 114. sell sold sold 115. meet met met 116. both.and . 两者都117. neither . nor . 既不.也不.118. run away 逃跑119. a secretary 一个秘书120. an architect 一个建筑师121. fire engine 消防车123. knock sb down 把某人撞倒124. engine engineer 发动机 工程师Unit 5 Choosing a new flat1.tidy a. 整洁的 untidy a.不整洁的2.tidy up sth. / tidy sth. up 整理某物 3.keep sth. tidy 保持整洁4.put sth. together tidily 把放整齐5.think about a removal 考虑搬家6.shelves and wardrobes 架子和橱7.much bigger 大的多8.enough space 足够的空间9.big enough 足够大10.need sth. 需要某物 dont need sth 不需要某物11.need to do sth. 需要做某事 dont need to do sth. 不需要做某事12.My bedroom is too small for all my things. 我的卧室太小了放不下我所有的东西。13.My bedroom is not big enough for all my things. 我的卧室太小了放不下我所有的东西。14.choose - chose - chosen 选择15.make a choice 做出选择16.a flat with two bathrooms 一套有两个卫生间的房子17.a flat with two balconies 一套有两个阳台的房子18.Whats the matter? / Whats wrong with sb.? 某人怎么了?19.live in the suburbs =live in the countryside 住在郊区、乡下20.at an estate agency 在房产中介21.talk to an estate agent 和房产代理商交谈22.far away from busy roads 远离繁忙的街道23.I agree with you. / I think so, too. 我同意你的意见。24.I dont agree with you. / I dont think so. 我不同意你的意见。25.Would you like to do sth? 你想要做某事吗? 26.on a removal day 搬家的一天27.help v.帮助 helper n帮手. helpful a.有帮助的 28.between the wardrobe and the shelf 在衣橱和书架之间29.in front of the armchair 在扶手椅前面30.the picture on the right 右边的图片31.in the right place 在正确的位置32.an ideal flat 理想的公寓33.behind a vase 在花瓶后34.Whats the difference between A and B? A和B有什么不同?35.Put the round table near my bedroom. 把圆桌放在我的卧室附近36.Put the sofa near the big window. 把沙发放在大窗户附近37.Put the plant next to the sofa. 把植物放在沙发旁边38.Put the TV set opposite the sofa. 把电视机放在沙发对面39.Put the rug on the floor. 把地毯放在地上40.Put the cupboard near the kitchen. 把碗橱放在厨房附近41.Where do

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