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1. P5A helpful image is to think about submitting a manuscript to an international journal as a way of participating in the international scientific community. You are, in effect, joining an international conversation. To join this conversation, you need to know what has already been said by the other people conversing. In other words, you need to understand the cutting edge of your scientific discipline: what work is being done now by the important players in the field internationally. This means:向国际学术杂志投稿有助于进入国际学术界,事实上你加入了国际间的交流。加入国际间的交流你需要了解其他人已经说了什么。换句话说,你需要了解你的学科“前沿”:即国际上你的研究领域中重量级的科学工作者正在做什么。这意味着你需要: getting access to the journals where people in the field are publishing; subscribing to the e-mail alert schemes offered by journal publishers on their websitesso that you receive tables of contents when new issues are published; and developing skills for searching the Internet and electronic databases in libraries to whichyou have access. 阅读你的研究领域中科技工作者发表论文的杂志; 通过杂志出版商网站订阅他们通过电子邮件发送的杂志目录,可以收到杂志出版商提供的最新一期杂志的目录; 提升你在网络和图书馆电子数据库查阅资料的技能。2. P15Each journal has its own set of instructions for referees and sometimes these are available on the journals website. You should check and see whether this is the case for the journal you are targeting, and obtain a copy if possible. For the purposes of this book, we have constructed a composite list of referee criteria that includes the sorts of questions referees are commonly asked to respond to (Figure 3.1). In addition to ticking the boxes to provide yes/no answers to the questions, referees are asked to write their comments about any problems with the manuscript or any suggestions for improvement that need to be followed before the manuscript can be considered suitable for publication in the journal. Increasingly, as the number of manuscripts submitted to journals has grown, referees are asked to give some numerical rating of the papers novelty or quality as well (e.g. Does this manuscript fall within the top 20% of manuscripts you have read in the last 12 months?). Referees return their comments to the editor.每一种学术期刊都有自己的一套评审规则,有时能在期刊网站上找到。你应该查看你的目标期刊是否也如此,并尽可能得到一份。为了实现本书的目的,我们总结了一个评审标准表,此表包括了评委们通常要回答的各种问题。评委们除了要在方框中打钩来对这些问题进行“是”或“否”的回答,还要对稿件的问题写出评论以及进一步改进的建议,以使稿件适合在期刊发表。由于学术期刊的收到的投稿数量不断增加,评审们还要对论文的新颖性和质量进行评分。 评审们把他们的意见反馈给编辑。3. P23Data presentation styles vary with discipline and personal preference and change over time, and there is a large amount of contradictory published advice about what to do, and what looks good. Our aim in this section is not to provide a concrete set of rules for data presentation but rather to help you optimize the presentation of your data to support the story of your article. One over-arching guideline is that tables and figures should “stand alone”: that is, the reader should not need to consult the text of the article to understand the data presented in the table or figure; all necessary information should appear in the table/figure, in the title/legend, or in keys or footnotes.数据呈现方式会因为学科和个人偏好发生变化,也会随着时间发生变化。在究竟该做些什么,哪种方式看起来更好的问题上,大量的出版物提供的建议也会出现一些矛盾。我们本章的目的不在于提供一套数据呈现的固定规则,而是帮助大家优化数据呈现方式,以支撑论文的主旨。一条首要的规则是,图表应该“独立呈现”:也就是说,读者应该无需通过查阅文字部份即可理解图表中的数据,所有必要的信息都应该包含在图表、标题、图例或脚注中。The first reference for style of data presentation is the Instructions to Contributors (sometimes called Instructions to Authors or Author Guidelines, or other similar names) of the journal you intend to submit the article to. Not all Instructions to Contributors provide great detail about data presentation, but they will generally guide you in formatting and preferred style. The next best source of information on data presentation style is articles in recent issues of the journal. You can maximize your chances of meeting the journals requirements by analysing the types of data presented, the choice of figures or tables, the choice of figure type, and the amount of data presented in the text and in the titles and legends. Use the results of your analyses to inform your decisions on the data presentation for your own manuscript.数据的呈现方式应首先参考你打算投稿的期刊的“投稿须知”(有的时候也叫作者须知等类似的名称)。不是所有的投稿须知都会提供数据呈现方式的详细规定,但一定会就格式和优选的方式提出一般性的建议。另一个数据呈现方式的参考来自该期刊最近几期上的论文。为了尽可能满足该期刊的要求,你可以分析一下这些论文的数据呈现方式、对图或表的选择、对不同类型图示的选择以及在正文部分、标题、和图例中所出现的数据的多少,利用你的分析结果来指导自己决定论文中的数据呈现方式。4. P35Traditionally, students are taught that the Methods section provides the information needed for another competent scientist to repeat the work. In your experience of reading papers, is this what you find? Many participants in work- shops we have conducted report that they have had problems in replicating what authors have done in their published studies even after reading the Methods section thoroughly.传统上,老师们总是告诉学生,方法部分为另一个有能力的科学家重复这一研究提供了所需的信息。从你阅读论文的经验来看,情况真的是这样吗?很多参与过我们组织的研习班的人说,哪怕已经仔细研读过已发表的论文的方法部分,他们在重复作者的研究时还是遇到了问题。Another way to think about the goal of the Methods section is that it establishes credibility for the results and should therefore provide enough information about how the work was done for readers to evaluate the results; i.e. to decide for themselves whether the results actually mean what the author claims they mean. Referees are likely to look in this section for evidence to answer the question: Do the methods and the treatment of results conform to acceptable scientific standards?对方法部分的写作目的的另一种认识是,方法部分为研究结果确定了可信度,因此应当提供足够的有关研究方式的信息,以使读者能对研究结果做出评估,也就是说,读者能够据此判断,该研究结果是否与作者所声称的一致。审稿人则往往会在这一部分寻找证据,来判断研究方法和对结果的处理是否符合现行的科研标准。5. P48Another important reason to pay careful attention to referencing is to avoid plagiarizing other peoples work unintentionally. Plagiarism is using data, ideas, or words that originated in work by another person without appropriately acknowledging their source. It is generally regarded as a form of cheating in academic and publishing contexts, and papers will be rejected if plagiarism is detected. Incomplete citation also prevents your gaining credit for knowing the work of other researchers in the field. Effective and inclusive citation helps you present yourself as a knowledgeable member of the research community, which can be important in terms of the impression you make on referees evaluating your manuscripts. It also allows others to benefit from the sources of information you have used.对文献引用标注要尤为注意的另一个重要原因是避免非故意地剽窃。剽窃是在没有以适当方式说明来源的情况下,使用原创于其他人作品的数据,观点或文字。在学术界和出版界,这种做法通常被认为是一种作弊行为,如果被发现有剽窃行为,论文将被拒稿。不完整的引用也会使人怀疑你是否了解本领域其他研究人员的工作。有效而广泛的引用能帮助你在研究领域建立博学多识的形象,这对于你给你的论文评审人留下的印象是相当重要的。同时这也使得其他人能从你所使用的信息来源中受益。6. P63If writers place a string of nouns and adjectives together, to form a title which packs a lot of meaning into a few words, they can sometimes cause problems of ambiguity: more than one possible meaning. This is particularly the case when nouns are used as adjectives, i.e. placed in front of the head word of the noun phrase. To investigate why this is so, lets consider some examples.如果把一系列名词和形容词组合在一起作为论文标题,这样的标题把许多含义塞进了少数几个词中,这些词有时会产生歧义:即可能会有不止一个含义。这种情况多出现在名词用作形容词时,也就是位于名词短语的中心词前面的时候。为了探究原因,我们首先考察一些例子。The noun phrase germination conditions has only one possible meaning: conditions for germination, and thus it can be used without risk of ambiguity. Similarly, application rate can only mean the rate of application. However, enzymatic activity suppression could mean either suppression of enzymatic activity or suppression by enzymatic activity and is therefore ambiguous. A general guideline is to restrict these noun phrases to a maximum of three words, and this many only if there is no risk of misunderstanding. If they grow longer, rewrite them by inserting the prepositions that clarify the meaning (e.g. of, by, for).名词短语“germination conditions”只有一种可能的含义,“conditions for germination”,这一名词短语不会出现模棱两可的危险。同样,“application rate ”只是表示“rate of application ”。然而,“enzymatic activity suppression ”既可能是“suppression of enzymatic activity ”的意思,也可能是“suppression by enzymatic activity”的意思。因此,这个名词短语的意义是模棱两可的。一般的指导原则是吧这样的名词短语性限制在最多三个单词,并且是不存在错误理解的危险。如果名词短语比较长,我们可以插入介词(如of, by, for)来澄清名词短语的含义。7. P85It is important to respond quickly to reviewers comments and the editor s recommendation about publishing the manuscript. This is true regardless of whether the manuscript has been accepted with minor changes or you have been encouraged to re-submit it after major revision. As with the covering letter you sent when you originally submitted the manuscript, the letter accompanying the revised manuscript is an opportunity to demonstrate that you appreciate the role of the editor and that you have done everything you can to improve the manuscript to meet the journals and the reviewers requirements.无论你的论文是只需要做些小的修改就能被采纳还是需要做出很大的修改之后再重新投稿,你都应该快速地对审稿人的意见和编辑对于论文发表的建议做出回复,这一点是非常重要的。正如你最初投稿时一样,随修订稿一同附上的信件是一个很好的机会来证明你对编辑的重视,并证明你已经竭尽所能地按照杂志和审稿人的要求去修改论文。8. P108-109To summarize the section above, science writing is largely made up of sentence structures (templates), which are usable for many different areas of science, plus noun phrases, which are often specific to particular areas. Once you understand this concept, you will probably find it easier to read articles from areas of science with which you are not completely familiar. This is because you can skip over the unfamiliar noun phrases on your first reading, just concentrating on the sentence structures and main meanings. Then you can identify which noun phrases recur frequently, and use a dictionary or website to find out their meanings, if you need to know them. This will depend on your reason for reading the article. If you need to understand more about the area of research and are new to it, then you will probably need to look up many noun phrases. If you are reading the article only to find one specific piece of information, perhaps about the use of a method, you will need to look up fewer noun phrases. As you make your decisions about which ones to look up, remember to identify the headword of each noun phrase first, as this is the most important part for the sentence meaning.综上所述,学术写作很大程度上是由一些适用于很多不同学科领域的句型(模板)组成和一些特定领域的名词结构组成的。一旦理解了这一点,你就会发现一些你太不熟悉的领域的论文阅读起来变容易了。这是因为你在第一次阅读的时候可以略过那些不熟悉的名词结构,专注于句子的结构和大意。然后你可以识别出那些反复出现的名词结构,如果需要的话,使用字典或网站了解其含义。这取决于你阅读这篇论文的目的。如果你需要深入了解此研究领域,并且对它十分陌生,那么你很可能需要查询很多名词结构的含义。如果你只是为了找到某一特定信息而阅读,也许是某一种方法的使用,你要查询的名词结构就会少一些。在你决定哪些名词词组需要查询时,记得首先确定名词结构的中心词,因为它是整个句子含义的最重要的部分。Unit 1Page741、我是北京大学外国语学院副教授。近日从网上得知,“第五届国际跨文化交流研讨会” 将于 2016 年 3 月在牛津大学举办。 我对参加 这次会议非常感兴趣,因为我已从事这方面 研究多年。Im an associate professor in the School of Foreign Languages of Beijing University. Recently, Ive learned online that the 5th International Inter-cultural Communication Seminar will be held in March 2016 in Oxford University. Im very much interested in attending this event because I have been studying in this field for many years.4. 我已接到论文被采用的通知和出席会议的正式邀请,并已于2月20日在网上正式注册参加会议,但至今尚未得到任何会议资料。烦请告知组委会联系人及email 地址,以便我们联系与会的具体事宜。I have received the acknowledgment of my paper s acceptance and the official invitation to the conference, and registered online on February 20th. However, I have not received any conference material. Please let me know the Organizing Committees contact and email address so that we can obtain information related to this conference.5. 感谢您对此事的关照。如能早日得到您的答复,我们将不胜感激。Thanks for your kind consideration of this matter. Your early reply would be appreciated. (We should be very much obliged if you reply to us at your earliest convenience.Unit IIPage 972. 现以 Word 文档附件发去由刘南和张苏撰写的两篇论文文化研究:西方与中国(liu.doc )和中国比较文学与多元文化对话(zhang.doc )。我们希望前一篇能被安排在分组会上宣读,而另一篇在张贴会议中展示Word document attachments are two papers entitled “Cultural Studies: The West and China” (liu.doc) by Liu Nan and Comparative Literature in China and Multi-cultural Dialogue(zhang.doc) by Zhang Su. We hope that the former can be orally presented at the group meeting while the other can be displayed in the poster session.3. 我已在网上提交了我的论文文摘,希望我的论文能被论文委员会录用,我在宣读方式上没有特别的要求。I have submitted my abstracts online, hoping that my paper can be employed by thesis committee, and we have no presentation preference.4. 我们利用EPS2003主页是的“论文提交功能”向大会提交了冯丽等人撰写的题为中国荒漠化治理的模式与制度创新的论文。希望早日告知我们是否可以得到会议的邀请。We have submitted the paper entitled “Chinas pattern of desertification controllingand institutional innovation” of Feng Li on homepage of EPS2003. We look forward to receiving an invitation to the meeting as soon as possible.Unit IIIPage 1072. 我是中国贵州师范大学教育学系讲师,属于欠发达地区青年教师代表,根据有关规定似可优先申请由贵基金会资助的国际研讨会。希望您能尽早把资助申请表发到我的邮箱。I am a lecturer of education in Guizhou Normal University in China, belonging to representatives of young (college) teachers in underdeveloped areas. According to relevant regulations, it seems that I have priority of applying for attending the International Seminar of this organization. Hoping for your emailing of application form for financial assistance as soon as possible.3. 根据“获得博士学位不满两年,且正在从事博士后研究者可以申请参加会议的旅费资助”的规定,本信旨在申请我往返纽约的旅费资助。如想申请减免注册费,是否还有其他表格需要填写?According to the regulation of “the one who has had a doctor degree no more than two years and is doing post-doctor research can apply for travel support of attending meeting”, the aim of this letter is applying for the travel support to and from New York. If I want to apply for reducing the registration fee, whether there is other form needed to fill? (Are there any other forms needed to fill if I want to apply for reducing the registration fee?)6. 随信寄上俩份论文摘要和一份个人简历,请查收。请便中告知我是否有资格申请大会的资助。Two copies of the abstract of the paper and a resume are enclosed in the letter, please see to them. Please inform me whether I am qualified to the financial aid from the conference in your convenience.Unit VPage 1276、非常感谢贵方11月12日来函邀请我出席2013年10月22-26日在伦敦大学举行的“计算机与社会发展研讨会”。十分抱歉的是,由于我已同意出席并主持明年十月在北京召开的一个会议,恐不能应邀与会。失去与您和其他许多计算机科学界同行见面的机会,深感遗憾。Many thanks for your letter of Nov. 12, inviting me to attend the “Seminar on thecomputer and social development” to be held in London University, from Oct. 22 to 26,2013. Much to my regret, I shall not be able to honor the invitation because I have agreed to attend and preside a meeting to be held in Beijing in Oct. next year. I feel sorry to miss the opportunity of meeting you and many other counterparts in the field of computer science.9、我曾在世界各地参加过许多学术会议,而此次之行给我留下了非常美好的回忆。在贵实验室的一个小时的参观活动,使我了解了你们的研究条件和科研成果。希望我们以后能在资源共享、合作研究、联合培养博士生等方面寻求更多合作途径。I have participated in many academic conferences around the world, but this trip left me with very good memories. The one hour visit in your laboratory let me know your research conditions and achievements. We hope that we could seek more ways in the aspects of sharing resources,cooperative research and joint training of doctoral students in the future.

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