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托业易错知识1. information about the departments expenditures is available in the monthly report.A) DetailB) Details C) DetailingD) Detailed选D 不选A 确有detail informaion这种说法,不过detailed information是更正式,更传统的说法2. Ms. Rogers failed to carry out her duties in a professional and acceptable manner.(A) believably (B) impossibly(C) repeatedly(D) realisticallyC 再三地 Rogers女士再三地没有以专业和礼貌的方式完成她的职责。3. Its recommended that any woman over the age of 50 annually the Breast Cancer Screening Center.(A) visit(B) visits(C) visited(D) visitingA 不选B its recommended that sb (should) do sth 这是个固定句型,和建议、要求、主张recommend,suggest, demand, require,insist, order一样的用法。以前的知识有很多都忘记了。要加强复习。4. The council a monument in Civic Square, honoring the soldiers who fought and died in World War .(A) extracted(B) located(C) commissioned(D) persuadedC 相当于erect 竖立5. There are lots of interesting tourist sites, souvenir shops and restaurants walking distance of the conference center.(A) on(B) at(C) across(D) withinD6. Watson beachside offers members of its Elite Club fantastic services and great discounts in its network of resorts.(A) altogether(B) everywhere(C) beyond(D) alongsideB7. One member of the board expressed about the companys plan to expand into Southeast Asia.(A) reservations(B) possibilities(C) responses(D) qualitiesA8. How do you know Japanese? I lived in Tokyo for a few months. How well is your Japanese? I can only speak a little.9. attending a conference on regional development today, the mayor will hold a press conference to discuss the election.(A) According to (B) Seeing as(C) Instead of (D) Due to C10. The attorneys to the shipping company is to sue the port authorities for causing a loss of profit.(A) judgment(B) recommendation(C) activity (D) progressionB11. The beachside resort only capacity in the busy vacation period from the end of May to the beginning of August.(A) sets(B) reaches(C) makes (D) providesB12. The new exhibition at Wharton Gallery on Foxton Street the work of local artist Ravi Ashankar. (A) elaborates(B) showcases(C) pictures(D) occupiesB elaborates 详细阐述 showcases 展示13. The surveillance() of personal communication is only when it assists in matters of national security.(A) permitting (B) Permissive (C) Permissible(D) permissionC permissive 许可的,自由的 permissible 可允许的14. If you come across any errors in the article during proofreading, please report to the managing editor.(A) It(B) Itself(C) Them(D) themselvesC15. Few of the survey indicated that they would be willing to participate in an in-depth interview afterwards.(A) Respond(B) Responses(C) Responsive(D) respondentsD they would be所以前面是指人16. The civic library stocks a wide range of materials, including books, DVDs and CDs. (A) educate(B) Educated(C) Education(D) EducationalD17. Many professional athletes have no education to once they retire.(A) go back to (B) Move forward on (C) Fall back on (D) Go ahead withC 无法生活18. Its hard for some people to respect their boss because they have a problem with .(A) Authorization(B) Authorities(C) Authors(D) AuthorityD19. I am genuinely looking forward to our new CEO.(A) have meeting(B) Have met(C) Meet(D) MeetingD20. I need to get the proposal back which I you last week.(A) Lent(B) Borrowed(C) Wrote (D) ReadA21. My boss by the general manager.(A) is intimidated(B) Has intimidated(C) Is intimidating(D) intimidatesA22. It looks like you could use some help for the conference.(A) Prepare(B) Prepared(C) Preparation(D) PreparingD23. Contrary to popular belief, significant revenue does not always into profit.(A) Transcend(B) Transport(C) Translate(D) TransgressC transgress 违反24. There are both advantages and disadvantages driving a car to work.(A) With(B) On(C) Of(D) InC25. Someone is going to have to the blame for losing that file.(A) Take(B) Make(C) Have(D) FindA 接受责难26. How did you find the service in the hotel?A) I used a GPS device.B) It left a lot to be desired.C) I was stayed there for 3 days.选B 这题有两个知识点1. 问题不是问“你怎么找到这家酒店的服务的”而是问“你觉得这家酒店的服务怎么样?”How do you find sth= How do you think about sth2. Leave a lot to be desired意思是“还有许多需要改进的地方” leave nothing to be desired 意思是“完美无缺”27. Whos responsible for restocking the company letterhead?A) I mailed it this morning like you asked.B) Jane bought her stockings the other day.C) Have we run out already?选C。Restock 补货 letterhead 有信头的信纸 stocking 长筒袜 不要有先入为主的观念,认为回答一定是某人的名字。28. In order to take advantage of the sales tax rebate, travelers are to present all receipts for purchases made in the country. A) ConfirmedB) DeterminedC) AcquiredD) Supposed选D acquire是及物动词,不会接to。而且意思是“获得”,也不是这里需要的意思。be supposed to do 应该做29. Mr. Takeshi to boost sales by 40% in the third quarter by implementing a policy of free shipping on all orders over $50.A) TargetsB) FulfillsC) AimsD) counts选C aim to 计划,打算 aim at 针对,目的在于 target on 对准,瞄准30. All employees are encouraged to as frequently as possible with the 30 interns who will be spending the summer at the company.A) ActivateB) FamiliarizeC) AssistD) Interact选D 不明白这题。?不明白interact with 与.起作用,与.打交道 familiarize 熟悉31. The on the part of government regulators to implement stricter pollution rules is allowing thousands of tons of carbon dioxide to be dumped into the atmosphere.A) HesitationB) RemainderC) UniformityD) Malfunction选A remainder意思是“剩余的,剩下的”,on the part of意思是“就什么而言”,regulator意思是“监管机构,监管人”,这句的意思是“政府监管机构在执行更严格的污染条例上的犹豫,使成千上万的二氧化碳排入大气中”。32. the dozens of netbook models currently on the market, the 8.6-inch E-Book Light made by New Age Machines has been rated the most dependable.A) FromB) Of C) OutD) Near选B,表示。中的33. The standard writers contract features two-tiered compensation, including an issued upon completion of the work, followed by a share of the revenues earned by sales.A) AdvanceB) AssessmentC) AllowanceD) Incentive选A contract合同, feature 突出,以。为特点,two-tiered两层的,advance预付款34. We are happy to share with you that the employee with the Iverson Gold Standard Award at this years company banquet is none other than Ms. Tela.A) is honoringB) Will be honoredC) Has honoredD) To be honored选D35. To submit the change of address form, simply the bottom portion from the rest of the page, sign it, and mail it to the address shown.A) GatherB) EncloseC) AttachD) Detach选D detach from拆卸,分离的意思36. Carla Tran, Mr. Finchs boss at the recycling plant asked that monitor the central processing core carefully over the next few days.A) HimselfB) HimC) HisD) He选D,解释是代词主格,我没看懂这句话的意思,也不知道为什么选这个37. Cartwright publications is seeking a highly qualified graphic designer to the look of its rather outdated corporate logo.A) DescribeB) IllustrateC) EnhanceD) Increase选C 几个词里只有enhance有提高、加强的意思,虽然觉得enhance与look不能匹配38. Due to beyond the airlines control, all flights out of our hub in Frankfurt have been canceled until further notice.A) CircumstancesB) EpisodesC) QualificationsD) Instances选A,情况39. In a shrinking economy, consumers are unlikely to continue purchasing luxury goods like hotel stays and travel packages, increasing their spending on them.A) so muchB) Much lessC) No less thanD) More or less选B much less 更不用说,more or less或多或少40. You should attempt to correct problems with your work computer an IT expert cannot be reached for assistance in a timely fashion.A) only ifB) So as C) Rather thanD) In order that选A only if是“只有在。的时候”,in order that是“为了,以便”41. The mayors office has issued a that the police department concentrate on preventing violent crime instead of concerning itself with minor traffic violations.A) ReportB) ProspectC) MandateD) Conference选C issue发布,mandate命令42. The fact that Fielding Farm Equipment has experienced industrial accidents over the past decade has contributed to the companys excellent safety reputation.A) a fewB) Very fewC) FewestD) The few选B very few极少数的43. The anti-cholesterol drug Phisor has yet to be approved for use in with pharmaceuticals that treat heart disease.A) PartnershipB) AccordanceC) TeamworkD) Conjunction选D in conjunction with是“与。协力”,in accordance with是“依照,与。一致”44. A good manager has the ability to take of any situation and help the employees to focus on their own tasks. A) FeeB) BetC) DutyD) Charge选D 不选C take charge of 接管,负责。用duty的时候要用take the duty of,要有定冠词 45. The decision the fishing industry more strictly came about because of concerns about the marine environment. A) RegulatedB) RegulatesC) To regulateD) Is regulating选C 不选B 原因不太清楚,不定式用在这可能是因为是表目的。46. The advent of the Internet has altered the way people do business across the world.A) DeliberatelyB) PeriodicallyC) radicallyD) Considerately选C 不选A deliberately adv. 故意地;谨慎地 不是“彻底地”意思。radically 根本上;彻底地 不是“放射”的意思,那是radiate,不要搞混了47. The universitys new research houses a large amount of modern equipment, including high-powered lasers and telescopes.A) FacilityB) FacilitatesC) FacilitatingD) Facilitated选A 不选B 这里的houses是动词的单三,所以前面应该是一个名词,research facility研究设施48. CSP Solutions offers an of financial services to meet the needs of small and medium-sized businesses. A) output B) ArrayC) EstimateD) Opinion选B 不选C an array of 一批,大量49. Please make an effort to change gloves on a regular .A) SessionB) OccasionC) PeriodD) Basis选D 不选C on a regular basis定期地 选择是难,更何况是心灵选择。高渐离为了荆轲,他选择了死;马本斋母亲为了革命,她选择了牺牲;祝英台为了真挚爱情,她选择了化蝶。在这友情、亲情与爱情之间选择,他们是这样做50.

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