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第三册A unit01 delivery |n.|1.分娩|2. |递交;送货saint|n.|1. C |极为慈爱的人;道德高尚的人|2.圣徒,圣人justice |n.|U the quality of being just; fairness |正义;合理inseparable|a.|unable to be separated |不可分离的unload |v t.|take goods off a vehicle, ship, etc. |卸下(货物)code |vt.把.编码|n.|1代码;代号|2. can be kept secret |密码color-coded|a.|maked with different colors |带色标的;带色码的whistle |v. |make a musical sound by blowing air out through your lips |吹口哨wreck |n.|1.疲惫的人;健康状况差的人2. C |残骸beneath |prep.在低于.的位置;在.之下disguise |n.|伪装物;伪装;假扮 |vt. |伪装;假扮disbelief|n.|U the feeling of not believing sb. or sth. |不相信,怀疑agreeable |a.|1. |令人愉快的;令人满意的2. |可接受的penetrate |v. |穿透;渗入|vt.|see into or through sth. |看穿vacant|a.|1. |茫然的;失神的2.空的;未被占用的grasp|vt.|1. understand |明白2. take hold of sb. or sth. |抓住;抓紧quiver |vi. |tremble or shake |颤抖long |vi.|want sth. very much |渴望pledge|vt.|promise to do sth. |保证,承诺|n.| |承诺;协定|caretaker |n.照看人,保护人blossom|vi.|1.发展;成长;繁盛|2. produce flowers |开花reckon |vt.|think that sth. is true or have an opinion about sth. |想,认为sheer |a.|used for emphasizing the amount or degree of sth. |完全的;十足的terror |n.|U intense fear |恐惧,恐怖faithful |a.|loyal |忠诚的;忠实的merry |a. |happy and cheerful |愉快的,高兴的festival |n. |C a day or time when people celebrate sth. |节日festive|a.|merry; joyous |喜气洋洋的,充满节日气氛的drain |vt.|1.使筋疲力尽;使疲劳2. h. |使排走;使流出exhaust |vt.|make sb. extremely tired |使精疲力竭exhausted |a. |extremely tired |疲惫不堪的|customary |a.惯常的;习惯的sweatshirt |n. |C |长袖运动衫leather |n.|U animal skin which has been specially treated |皮;皮革knit |vt.|make sth. with wool using long needles or a special machine |编织cowboy |n.|C |牛仔costume |n. |服装;戏装ceremony |n.|C a formal public or religious event |仪式;典礼restrain|vt.|prevent sb. or oneself from doing sth. |克制;抑制erect |a.t |直立的,竖直的|vt.|建造;架设index |n.|索引index finger C |食指thumb |n.|C |大拇指super |a.|very good; wonderful |极好的,绝妙的bonus |n.|1. |额外得到的东西;意外的好处2. |奖金;红利pray|v.|speak to God in order to give thanks or ask for help |祈祷simplicity|n.|U the quality of being simple |简洁;朴素;单纯 Phrases and Expressions track down |find sb. or sth. after a long search |追踪到,追查到pick on|treat sb. badly or unfairly |找茬;欺负tell on|inform against sb. |告发work out|find the answer to sth. or solve sth. |找出答案;解决on ones own|alone; without help |独自地;独立地hit/strike home|be understood and accepted |被领会reckon with|consider sth. when making plans |考虑;面对;对付call on/upon|ask sb. to do sth. |要求(某人做某事)lead up to|come before sth. important, and often cause it |作为.的先导,引起end up doing sth.以.结束get (sb.) through帮某度难关 unit02 endurance |n.|忍耐;忍耐力moderate |a.|1.中等的,适度的2. |温和的;不极端的evidence |n.|U facts or physical signs that help prove sth. |迹象;证据formerly |ad.|in earlier times |以前,从前journal |n.|C a magazine which is published regularly |杂志,期刊consume |vt.|1. eat or drink |吃;喝 2.消耗;花费supplement |n. 增补物,补充物|vt.增补,补充bounce |v.| |(使)弹回;(使)反弹respectively|ad.|separately in the order mentioned |分别地;各自地|ratio |n.|比率;比例childbearing|n.生孩子;生育plus |conj.并且,而且|prep.|加absorb |vt. |1. |吸收2.吸引.的注意力;使.感兴趣restrict |vt.|limit the size or amount of sth. |限制;控制liable |a.|1 |易出问题的;易做坏事的|2. |易遭受.的allowance |n. | |限额,定量digest |vt.|1. |消化|2. |领会;理解|digestive |a.|relating to digestion |消化的impact |n.|C an effect or influence |影响;作用vessel |n.|1. |血管;脉管2. |船;舰leak |v.(使)漏;(使)渗|n.|漏洞;裂缝typical |a.|like most things of the same type |典型的;有代表性的typically |ad.|1. usually |通常;一般|2. |典型地;有代表性地molecule |n.|C |分子protein |n.|C, U |蛋白质calculate |vt.计算|2.估计;推测sufficient|a.|enough |足够的,充分的compound |n.|C sth. consisting of two or more different parts |复合物;化合物storage |n. |U the act of storing sth. |储存,储藏advisable |a.|that should be done in order to avoid problems |明智的;可取的yearly |a.|once a year |每年的;一年一度的 physician|n.|C (AmE) a doctor |(内科)医生modify |vt.|make small changes to sth. in order to improve it |修改;改进undo |vt.|1. |取消;消除|2. |解开;松开shortcoming|n.|C a fault that makes sb. or sth. less effective |缺点;缺陷leafy |a.|having many leaves 多叶的,叶茂的 select |vt.|choose sb. or sth., esp. from a group 选择;挑选cereal |n.|C, U |谷类作物;谷类食物plentiful |a.|present or available in large quantities |大量的;丰富的derive |vt. |取得,得到|vi.| |源自striking |a.显著的;引人注目的substance |n.|C solid or liquid materials |物质interfere |vi.| |介入;干涉;干扰remedy |vt.|补救;纠正|n.|1. |补救措施;补救方法|2 |治疗法 Phrases and Expressions bounce back|恢复健康;振作起来in general |in most situations or for most people |大体上;通常up to |used for saying the most an amount can be |多达;高达tip sb. over the edge |使某人受不了;使某人难过得不得了out of breath |breathing fast and with difficulty |上气不接下气throw up |bring food or drink up from stomach out through the mouth |呕吐go up |become higher in price, level, etc.; rise |上升;上涨interfere with |妨碍;干扰sum up|make a summary of sth. |总结,归纳;概括 unit03 leadership|n.|1 |领导才能2. U the position of being a leader |领导地位;领导权publicity|n.|1. c. |关注2. |宣传;推广cultivate|vt.|1.培养|2. |耕种,耕作comprehensive|a.|including many details or aspects of sth. |综合的;全面的controversial|a.|causing disagreement |有争议的;引起争论的suspend|vt.|1. |暂停,中止2. hang sth. up |悬;挂strain|n.|负担;压力|vt.|1.扭伤,拉伤|2. |使关系紧张preliminary|a. |预备的;初步的magnet|n.|1. |有吸引力的人或物|2. |磁铁minority |n. |1.少数民族|2. |少数;少数派quest|n.|C a long difficult search |探寻,寻求energetic |a.|full of energy; very active |精力充沛的;充满活力的conventional|a.|of the traditional or accepted type |传统的;常规的reform|vt.改革;改进|n.| |改革;改进intelligence|n.|U the ability to learn, understand, and think about things |智力;理解力controversy|n.|C, U a serious disagreement |争议,争论curriculum|n.|课程preparation|n.|1. |准备,预备|2.准备工作;筹备工作mixture|n.|C a combination of two or more people or things |混合;混合体admission |n.|1. . |进入权;准许加入2.承认;供认outlook |n.|1. |看法,观点,态度|2. |前景,远景workshop|n. |1. |研讨会;研习班|2.车间;作坊seminar|n.|C a meeting at which a group of people discuss a subject |研讨会attendance|n.|1.出席人数|2. |出席;参加utmost |n. 极限;最大限度|a.最大的,极度的worthwhile|a.|值得(做)的enroll |v. |(使)登记入学;注册outset|n.|U the beginning |开端,开始optimistic|a.|believing that good things will happen in the future |乐观的fruitful|a.|having good results |富有成效的faculty |n. |1. |全体教员2. |能力;天赋campus|n.|C, U the land and buildings of a college or university |(大学)校园jail|n.|C, U the place where criminals are kept |监狱insult|vt.|侮辱;辱骂|n.侮辱;辱骂curse |vt.|诅咒;咒骂|n.诅咒;咒骂 Phrases and Expressions see. as|consider sb. or sth. to be |认为.是be scheduled to do |be arranged to do |被安排,定于over ones protest |in spite of ones protest |不顾某人的抗议put forth |show; bring sth. such as strength into action |使出;发挥complete with |including; supplied with |包括;具有do ones utmost |try as hard as one can |竭尽全力work out | find a way of doing sth. |制订;找到at the outset |at the beginning |开始kind of |slightly; to some extent |有点儿;有几分 unit04 statue|n. |雕像,塑像liberty|n.|自由(权)enlighten|vt.|启发;指导monument|n.|纪念碑independence|n.|独立;自主alliance|n.|同盟,联盟approve|vi.|赞成,赞许|vt. |批准;同意affection|n. |sing., U a feeling of liking or love |喜爱;爱慕assemble|vt.|组装,装配|v.| |(使)集合;(使)聚集torch|n. |1.火炬|2手电筒|dedicate|vt.|1. |为(建筑物等)举行落成仪式2. |奉献bay|n.湾;海湾;港湾co-founder|n.|联合创始人 three-dimensional|a.|三维的refashion|vt. |shape or make again |重新制作;重新塑造exaggerate|v.|夸张;夸大breast|n.|C |乳房;胸部version |n.|1. l |版本|2. |叙述;说法universal|a.|1. |全体的;普遍的|2. |通用的;万能的universally|ad.|worldwide or in all situations |普遍地;无一例外地planet|n.|1. (the ) the Earth |地球|2.行星fame|n.|U the state of being famous |名声;名望interpretation|n.|C, U an explanation or understanding of sth. |阐释;说明solemn|a.|serious in behavior or style |庄严的;肃穆的;严肃的|medieval|a.|of the Middle Ages (about AD 1100-1500) |中世纪的grave |a.|1. |严肃的|2.严重的;担忧的dentist|n. |C a person whose job is to look after peoples teeth |牙科医生alongside|prep.|beside; together with |在.旁边;和.一起portrait|n.|C a picture or painting of a person |肖像;画像|buffalo|n.|C |野牛nickel|n.(美国或加拿大的)五分镍币tragedy|n.|1 |悲剧;不幸|2 |悲剧作品settlement|n.|1移民;拓居|2. |决定;协议frontier|n.|1.边远地区|2. (s) the limit of what is known about sth. |前沿;尖端destruction|n.|破坏;毁坏herd|n. |牧群decoration|n.|1. |装饰品|2.装饰;装饰艺术horn |n.|1.(牛、羊等的)角|2. |喇叭;号角liberate|vt.|set sb. or sth. free |解放;释放colony|n.|殖民地meat-packing|n.肉类加工reputation|n. |名声;名望inspect|vt.|1. |检查2. |视察contract|n.|C a legal written agreement |合同,契约origin|n.|1. |起源;开端2. |出身;血统evolve|vi.|develop gradually |演变;发展recruit|v.|1. |招募(新兵)|2. |招聘;吸收(新成员)poster|n.|招贴(画);海报chin|n.下巴 Phrases and Expressions work on |spend time doing sth. |从事;致力于go ahead |start or continue to do sth. |开始;继续for sale |intended to be sold |出售,待售name after|give sb. or sth. the name of sb. or sth. else |以.命名rise to fame |become famous |成名 capture ones attention|draw ones attention |吸引某人的注意力pose for|(为拍照或画像)摆姿势go against|be opposed to sth. |违背 unit05 graceful|a.|attractive; full of grace |优雅的;得体的chart|n.|C information given in the form of a picture, graph, etc. |图;图表preceding|a.|coming or going earlier in time, order, etc. |在先的;前面的decay|n.|变坏;腐烂|v.| |(使)腐烂;(使)变坏vinegar|n.|U |醋pit |n.|C a hole in the ground |坑switch|n.|1. |开关;电闸|2. |改变;转换|v.|(使)改变;(使)转换skeleton|n.|1. |骨骼;骨架|2. |梗概,提要loose |a.|not firmly or tightly fixed |松动的 loosely|ad.|in a loose manner |松弛地;松动地secure|vt.|1. |固定;绑紧2. |使安全;保卫|a.|safe |安全的fluid|n.|C, U a liquid |液体drip |v.|(cause to) fall in drops |(使)滴下pulse|n.|C |脉搏straw|n.|1.吸管2.稻草;秸秆moisture|n.|U tiny drops of water on a surface, in the air, etc. |潮湿slide|vi.|(slid, slid)1. |滑动;滑行|2. y |悄悄移动;潜行thirst |n.|sing. the feeling of wanting to drink |渴,口渴procedure|n. |程序;步骤;手续liquid|n.|C, U a substance that is not a gas nor a solid |液体naked|a.|not wearing any clothes |赤身的;裸露的gown|n.|1. |罩衣;手术服|2. 女裙服;女礼服famine|n.|C, U a serious lack of food, causing illness and death |饥荒lid|n.|C a cover of a container |盖,盖子jar|n.|C a glass or clay container used for storing things |罐子;坛子palm|n.|1. |手掌|2. C |棕榈树outline |n.|1. |轮廓;外形2. |要点;大纲pillow|n.|枕头rainbow|n.虹,彩虹butterfly|n.|C |蝴蝶hint|n.|1. |迹象2. |暗示;示意ounce|n.|1. C a small amount of sth. |少量;少许|2. |盎司 quicken|v.|(cause to) become quicker |(使)变快;(使)加速interval|n.|C a period of time between two events |间隔shallow|a.|1.(呼吸)微弱的2. |浅的3. |肤浅的,浅薄的emotion|n.|C a strong human feeling such as love, hate, or anger |情感;情绪privilege|n.特权;优惠episode|n.|1. |一个事件;片段2. |集;一集association|n.|1. |协会;社团|2. |联系;关联the pit of ones stomach |胸口;心窝feel for |search with the hands, the feet, a stick, etc. |摸索;寻找go about |start to work at sth. |着手做;开始做put up a chair| |把椅子拉近坐下except for |apart from |除.以外read about | |读到 unit06 earthquake |n.|C (also quake) a sudden shaking of the Earths surface |地震detect |vt. |notice or discover sth. that is difficult to see, feel, etc. |发现;查出experimental|a. | |实验的;根据实验的|data |n. |U facts; information |资料;信息|radon |n. |U (Rn) |氡(一种由镭的衰变而产生的放射性气态元素)wax |vi. |变大;增强|n. |蜡withstand |vt.|(withstood, withstood). |承受;顶住weld |vt. |join metals by melting their edges and pressing them together |焊接joint |n. |1. |接头;接缝;接合处2. |关节|a.|共有的;联合的architect |n. |建筑师;设计师column |n. |1.柱;支柱2.列;栏horizontal |a. |flat and level |水平的beam|n. |1. |梁;横梁|2. C a line of light |光线;光束vertical |a. |垂直的;竖的pillar |n. |1. |柱子;柱状物|2. |顶梁柱;骨干rod |n.|C a long thin pole made of wood or metal |杆;竿;棒| |enclose |vt. |1. (usu. passive) |围住;包住|2.把.装入信封;附寄cupboard |n. | |橱柜;壁橱cabinet |n. |1.储藏柜;陈列柜|2. |内阁fasten |vt.|firmly close a window, gate, etc. so that it will not open |锁好;闩好accidental|a. |happening by chance |偶然的;意外的accidentally |ad. |by chance |偶然地;意外地region|n.|C an area of a country or the world |地区;区域gallon |n. |C |(容量单位)加仑bacteria |n. |(pl.) very small living things that may cause diseases |细菌receiver |n. |1. |接收机;接收器|2. |电话听筒battery |n.|C a device that provides power for radios, cars, etc. |电池first aid急救spade |n.|C a tool used for digging |锹extinguish|vt.|1.使熄灭;扑灭2. |使破灭extinguisher|n.灭火器handy |a.|near and easy to reach |手边的portable |a. |able to be carried or moved easily |轻便的;手提式的boot |n. |C a type of shoes that covers the foot and part of the leg |靴子fragment |n.|C a small piece of sth. that has broken |碎片;断片chaos |n. |U a state of confusion and disorder |混乱;无秩序arrangement|n. |C an agreement or plan made in preparation for sth. |安排;筹备| |sensible |a. |reasonable and practical |明智的;合理的crust |n. |1.外壳;地壳|2. |面包皮|probability|n.|C, U how likely sth. is to happen |可能性accuracy |n.|U the quality of being accurate |精确性,准确性|prediction|n. |预测;预言occurrence|n.|事情;事件resistant|a.|1. |对.有抵抗力的|2. opposed to sth. |抵制的;对抗的precaution|n.预防;预防措施related|a.|connected in some way |有关系的in addition to |as an extra person, thing or situation to sth. |除.之外还if/when/where necessary|when it is necessary |如有必要的话agree on/upon |have the same opinion about |就.达成一致意见make a difference |have an effect on sb. or sth. |(对某人或物)有影响/起作用 unit07 hacker |n. |黑客| |modernize |v. |(使)现代化classification|n. 分类,归类voltage |n. |C, U |电压high-voltage|a. |marked by great energy |能量大的brilliance |n. |1. |才华;才智|2. |光亮;光辉corridor |n. |走廊;通道volt|n.|C |伏(特)(电压单位)dean |n. |(大学)学院院长;系主任conservation|n. |1节约|2. U the protection of sth. |保护spokesman |n. 发言人headquarters|n. |总部maximum |a. |最大的;最多的|n.最大量;最大值| |punctual|a. |准时的gear |n. 排挡recreation|n. |娱乐;消遣receptionist|n. 接待员visa |n. |签证commercial |a. |relating to business |商用的;商业的baggage |n. |U cases, bags, etc. that one carries when traveling |行李tourism |n. |U the business of providing service for people who travel |旅游业excursion |n. |C a short journey or trip |短途旅行sightseeing|n. 观光,游览multitasking |n. |多项任务处理能力multiple |a. |involving many people, things or events |多样的;多重的frame |n. |(网络)页面|2. |框架;边框videophone |n. |可视电话bat |vt.|hit the ball with a bat in cricket or baseball |击(球)panel |n. |专门小组procession |n. |1.一连串的人或物|2. C |行列;队伍 clockwise |ad.&a. | |顺时针的(地)quiz |vt.查问;盘问|n.|问答比赛;问答游戏vague |a. |not clear or definite |模糊的;不明确的politics |n. |1. |手腕;权术|2. |政治conquer |vt. |gain control over sb. or sth. |征服;攻克deadly |a. |1. |致命的|2. complete |彻底的;十足的competitor|n. |C sb. that is competing with another |竞争者claw |vt. |pull or take hold of sth., using claws or fingers |拉;抓interpret |vt. . |解释|v.|口译interpreter |n. |1.解释程序|2.口译员|visionary |v. 有预见的人;有远见的人|a.有预见性的;有远见的brick|n.|C a hard block of baked clay that is used for building houses |砖hardware|n.|1 |(计算机的)硬件2.金属器具series|n.|C a number of similar things that come one after another |系列bundle|vt. |捆扎,捆绑|n.捆;束export|vt. |出口|n.| |出口;输出|roughly|ad.|not exactly; about |大致上;大约mushroom|vi.|grow and develop fast |迅速发展|n.|C |蘑菇surf|v.(网上)冲浪|vi.d |冲浪distribute|vt.|1. |提供;配送2.分发;分配distributor|n.|销售者;分销商without (a) doubt |(used to emphasize an opinion) definitely |无疑地stem from |be caused by sth. or develop as a result of sth. |源于;来自put in |spend time or energy doing sth. |投入(时间或精力)做某事in high gear|doing sth. with great effort or energy |全力以赴on the subject of |in talking about; about |谈到;关于.in the interest(s) of|in order to achieve or protect sth. |为了.起见bat out|do sth. quickly, esp. in a rushed manner |匆匆作出;草草做完work on|spend time producing or improving sth. |从事;致力于by name|using the name of sb. or sth. |以名字;指名道姓地claw ones way| |艰难地走到某处 unit08 implication|n. |1.可能的影响(或后果)2. d |含义;暗示clone|vt. |使无性繁殖;克隆|n.无性繁殖的个体;克隆fiction|n. |U stories about imaginary people and events |小说draft|vt. 起草;草拟|n.|草稿;草案| |guideline|n. |. |指导方针;行动纲领commission |n. |委员会prohibit|vt. |forbid, esp. by law |禁止;使不可能relativity|n. |U the state of being relative |相对性split|v.|(split, split) |(使)裂开;(使)破裂generate|vt. |cause sth. to exist; produce |使存在;产生| |mount|vi.|增加;上升|vt.|登,爬| |category|n. |C a type, or a group of things having the same features |种类;范畴transplant|n.|1. |移植的器官或植物|2. |(组织或器官的)移植|vt.nucleus|n. |C (pl. nuclei) the central part of a living cell |细胞核DNA|n. |U |脱氧核糖核酸ribbon |n. |缎带;丝带genetic|a. |of genes |遗传的;遗传学的intact |a. |complete and not damaged |完整无缺的,完好的gene|n. |C |基因twin|n. 孪生儿,双胞胎resemble|vt.|be similar to sb. or sth., esp. in appearance |像;类似biology|n. |U the scientific study of living things |生物学minor |a. |较小的;低级的;次要的detection|n. |U the process of detecting sb. or sth. |发现;探测breed(bred, bred)|vi.|produce babies |繁殖;产仔|vt.饲养organ|n. |器官donor |n. |C a person who gives money, blood, etc. to help others |捐赠者fata


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