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New Progressive College English Book IIIUNIT 4 Emerging Adulthood课程名称大学英语(三)使用教材全新版大学进阶英语综合教程(3)授课内容Text: Is 30 the New 20 for Young Adults? (精读)Reading: When Are You Really an Adult? (泛读)授课学时6教学目的1. Have a thorough understanding of the text contextually and linguistically;2. Build up an active vocabulary to talk about growing up and adulthood and know how to use the key words and expressions in context properly;3. Discuss the important aspects of becoming an adult;4. Compare American and Chinese views on emerging adulthood;5. Talk about changes in expectations of young adults and changes in the degree of independence from their parents young adults are able to achieve in todays world;6. Write an essay about their views on emerging adulthood.教学重点与难点1. Analyze the structure and grasp the main idea of Text 2. Master the key language points and grammatical structures in the text3. Learn some techniques in writing4. Critical thinking教学方法与手段1. Audio-visual method and audio-lingual method.2. Task-based language teaching method3. Communicative approach4. Using CAI, PPT5. Smart teaching (using online tools or materials)教学过程1. Lead-in Activities Step 1. Warm-up activities Step 2. Discussion about adulthood2. Global Reading Step 1. Approaching the theme Step 2. Analyzing the text organization3. Detailed ReadingStep 1. Understanding the text in a deeper levelStep 2. Learning useful expressions Step 3. Learning difficult sentences structuresStep 4. Learning new words 4. Comprehending Reading 1Step 1: Skimming the textStep 2: Explaining the difficult sentences of the textStep 3: Doing sentence translation5. After ReadingStep 1. Viewing and Listening Step 2. Speaking Step 3. Assignment作业Assignment:1. Read the text in Reading 2 and finish the exercises.2. Write a composition about your views on emerging adulthood. 3. Preview the next unit.Unit 4 Emerging Adulthood1. Teaching Objectives: Students will be able toA. have a thorough understanding of the text contextually and linguistically;B. build up an active vocabulary to talk about growing up and adulthood and know how to use the key words and expressions in context properly;C. discuss the important aspects of becoming an adult;D. compare American and Chinese views on emerging adulthood;E.talk about changes in expectations of young adults and changes in the degree of independence from their parents young adults are able to achieve in todays world;F. write an essay about their views on emerging adulthood.2. Time Allotment:1stPeriod: Lead-in Activities (Warm-up activities; Discussion about adulthood)2nd Period: Global Reading (Text: Approaching the theme; Analyzing the text organization) 3rd Period:Detailed Reading (Understanding the text in a deeper level; Analyzing difficult sentence structures)4th Period: Detailed Reading Continued (Learning new words; Summarizing good usage)5th Period: Comprehending Reading 1 (Skimming the text; Explaining the difficult sentences of the text; Doing sentence translation) 6th Period: After Reading (Viewing and listening; Speaking; Assignment)3. Teaching Procedures:3.1 Lead-in ActivitiesStep 1. Warm-up activitiesThe teacher leads students to figure out the five stages of life (infancy, childhood, adolescence, adulthood and old age) and tells them a new life stage “emerging adulthood” has been proposed by psychologists to describe the period of time between adolescence and adulthood.Method: PPT, communicative approach.Step 2: Discussion about adulthood The teacher has students work in pairs and discuss the questions in Opener about their own criteria for reaching adulthood. The teacher reminds students to refer to the helpful words and expressions given below the pictures.Method: Using task-based language teaching method, communicative approach.3.2 Global ReadingStep 1. Approaching the themeThe teacher has students know the background information about the term “emerging adulthood” in Culture Notes.Emerging Adulthood: Starting in 1995, psychologist Jeffrey Jensen Arnett interviewed 300 young people aged 18 to 29 in cities around the nation over five years, asking them questions about what they wanted out of life. Working from those interviews and examining broad demographic indicators, Arnett proposed a new period of life-span development he calls “emerging adulthood”.从1995年开始,历时5年,心理学家杰弗里阿内特在美国许多城市访谈了300位18-29岁的年轻人,就他们想从生活中得到什么进行提问。基于研究结果,阿内特提出了人生发展的一个新阶段,即“成年形成期”。Method: PPT; communicative approach.Step.2 Analyzing the text organizationThe teacher tells students that the text can be divided into four parts which have been given in the Text Organization. Then students should summarize the main idea of each part and compare notes with each other.PartsParagraphsMain IdeasPart One Para. 1Todays twenty-somethings seem like a whole new breed.Part Two Paras. 2-7Five typical features of emerging adulthood Part ThreeParas. 8-10Advantages and disadvantages of the rise of emerging adulthood Part FourParas. 11-12 Suggestions for parents on how to deal with emerging adults Method: skimming and scanning, communicative approach3.3 Detailed Reading3.3.1 Procedure1) Students are asked to read the passage carefully again and for each paragraph (sometimes two-three paragraphs), invite students to answer questions related to the details of the text and the difficult sentences.2) Help Students find out the good usage in the text and underlined them.3) Learn new words in details.Purpose: Further understand the text and train scanning ability to learn difficult sentence structures as well as new words and expressions.Method: Reading the text together; Using task-based language teaching method, reading approach, communicative approach, grammar-translation approach.Step 1. Questions related to the details of the textPara. 1Q: What is the average age of entering marriage now in the U.S.?A: Today the average age of getting married is 26 for women and 28 for men.Para. 1Q: Why do young Americans change jobs much more frequently than their parents did?A: Because they expect a lot more out of work. They want to find that work is personally fulfilling and is itself an adventure.Para. 2Q: What do the authors refer to by “emerging adulthood”?A: By emerging adulthood, they refer to a new life period which runs typically from age 18 to 25.Paras.3 -7Q: What are the five features typical of emerging adulthood?A: Identity explorations, instability, self-focus, feeling in-between and a sense of possibilities.Para. 9Q: Why do the authors say the rise of this new life stage is a good thing? A: Because they think that young people can make use of the freedom of emerging adulthood to have experiences, otherwise they couldnt have no matter when they were younger or older.Para. 10Q: What is the disadvantage of this new life stage according to the authors?A: Some emerging adults feel overwhelmed by the challenges of this life stage.Para. 11Q: What do the authors suggest parents do?A: Be patient with emerging adults.Para. 12Q: What is the benefit of seeing emerging adulthood as a normal stage of life?A: It can help ease our anxiety and may allow us to appreciate their energy, optimism and appetite for life.3.3.2 Language Focus3.3.2.1 Difficult sentences:1) as they search for work that is personally fulfilling, not just a job but an adventure. (Para. 1)Paraphrase the sentence: as they look for work that can satisfy themselves and be viewed as not only a job, but also an adventure.Translate the sentence:他们寻找的是能使自身满足的工作,是一种带有风险的探索,而不单单是一份工作。2) Your 18-year-old may head for college with pre-med in mind . (Para. 3)Paraphrase the sentence:Your child may consider majoring in medicine when he/she goes to college at 18 .Translate the sentence:你那18岁的孩子上大学时,想的是念医学预科3) Its important to them to carve out a space where they can make their own decisions. (Para. 5)Paraphrase the sentence: Its important to the young people to strive to free themselves from adult control in certain areas of their lives where they wish to make their own decisions.Translate the sentence: 重要的是要开拓能够由自己做决定的空间。4) And most are in no particular hurry, although nearly all get there eventually. (Para. 6)Paraphrase the sentence:And most often emerging adults are not very anxious to become an adult, though they will certainly grow into adulthood one day, whether they like it or not.Translate the sentence:并且,多数人并不特别着急,尽管几乎所有的人最终都要进入成人期。5) something they regard with mixed feelings. (Para. 6)Paraphrase the sentence: something about which they feel uncertain because they see both the good and bad in it.Translate the sentence:而在这一点上他们的心情很矛盾。6) But theres a downside as well. (Para. 10)Paraphrase the sentence: But we can also see the disadvantage brought on by this new life stage.Translate the sentence: 但也有不那么理想的一面。7) Sometimes parents are surprised and dismayed to find that the emotional and financial responsibilities of parenting last for many years longer than they had anticipated. (Para. 10)Paraphrase the sentence: Sometimes parents are surprised and alarmed to find that they have to support their children emotionally and financially for more years than they had expected.Translate the sentence:有时候,他们的父母亲发现其养育责任无论在情感上还是在经济上都比他们预期的要多持续很多年,这让他们感到吃惊乃至沮丧。8) Encourage them and provide support when they seem open to it, but learn when to step back and let them make their way on their own . (Para. 11)Paraphrase the sentence:Encourage them and provide support when they seem willing to accept it, but learn when to leave them alone and let them move forward by themselves .Translate the sentence:要鼓励他们,并在他们看起来愿意接受时,为他们提供援助和支持,但要学会择时放手,让他们走自己的路9) Its a delicate balance. (Para. 11)Paraphrase the sentence:It is a balance that requires great care to achieve.Translate the sentence:这是一个微妙的平衡。 Grammatical focusVerbs ending in -ing can be used as the subject, the object, the predicative (表语), the attributive (定语) or the adverbial (状语) in a sentence. Here are some examples from the text.As the subject:Seeing emerging adulthood as a normal stage of life today can help ease our anxiety (Para. 12)As the object:Adulthood means paying your own bills and taking on all sorts of responsibilities (Para. 6)Most of them make use of the freedom of emerging adulthood to have experiences , such as teaching in China for a year, perhaps, or taking a low-paid but fascinating internship with a nonprofit organization. (Para. 9)As the predicative: they search for work that is personally fulfilling, not just a job but an adventure. (Para. 1) As the attributive: youve created a list of Americas growing “necessities”. (Reading 1, Unit 2, Book 3)As the adverbial: Some emerging adults feel overwhelmed by the challenges of this life stage and drift along aimlessly, waiting for something to happen rather than making it happen. (Para. 10) Difficult words and phrases1) breed: n. a particular kind (of person) or type (of thing) 类型,种类e.g. It is believed that a new breed of entrepreneur is taking over Silicon Valley.据信一种新型企业家正在硅谷出现。2) positive: a. good or useful 好的,有用的e.g. The past decades have seen many positive developments in environmental protection.几十年来环境保护有了积极的发展。3) independent: a. not subject to control by others 独立自主的;不受约束的e.g. It is important for anyone, whether man or woman, to become independent financially.无论男女,经济独立都非常重要。Voters are tired of their corrupted politicians and are trying to look for an independent leader to rule the country.选民受够了腐败的政客,他们试图寻找一位独立的领导人治理国家。4) option: n. choice; power or freedom of choosing 选择;选择权e.g. The restaurant offers a set menu that never changes, so we dont have many options.饭店菜单上的套餐固定不变,所以我们没多少选择。Many Chinese young people often have no option but to live with their parents.中国很多年轻人没办法只能跟父母一起住。In return for the financial support, the VC acquired the option to buy 50% share of the company.作为对经济支助的回报,该风险投资决定购买这家公司50%的股份。5) exceed: v. go beyond in quantity, degree, etc. 超过e.g. They set the speed limit at 40 miles an hour, and very often you exceed the limit before you know it.他们设定限速40英里,于是你常常一不留神就超速了。6) enrollment: n. 入学(人数)e.g. I dont get it. Why are we building a new stadium when enrollment is down?我不明白,招生人数在下降,干嘛还要造新的体育场?7) be equal to: be the same in quantity, size, degree, or value 与相等的,与相同的e.g. The supply is equal to the demand.供需平衡。One unit of alcohol is equal to one small glass of wine.一个计量单位的酒精与一小杯葡萄酒相当。In the eyes of a young child, a mother is equal to anything (meaning she has the necessaryability, strength, or courage to deal successfully with anything).在小孩子的眼里妈妈无所不能(这意味着她有能力、有力量、有勇气成功应对一切)。8) emerging: a. in an early state of development 发展初期的,新兴的e.g. China has been widely considered a leader of the emerging economies.中国被广泛认为是新兴经济体的领军者。9) typical: a. having the usual qualities of a particular group or thing 典型的,有代表性的e.g. Being rebellious is typical teenager behavior.叛逆是典型的青少年行为表现。be typical of 是典型的e.g. Hot and spicy food is typical of Sichuan cuisine.川菜的特点是麻辣。10) interview: n. 采访;面谈,面试e.g. The young journalist was very excited when she got an opportunity to do an interview with the mayor.年轻的记者有机会采访市长非常兴奋。Getting into P&G is highly competitive and requires five rounds of interviews.进宝洁公司竞争非常激烈,需要经过5轮面试。11) identify: vt. recognize 认出,确认e.g. The victim had no trouble identifying the man who had robbed him when the police showed him the pictures.受害者看了警察出示的照片,毫不费力就认出了那个抢劫者。12) identity: n. who sb. is 身份e.g. Very often police do not want to reveal the identity of their informants.通常警察不透露提供消息者的身份。13) figure out: (infml) understand the meaning of; solve or discover the cause of a problem 弄懂;找的原因e.g. His friends cant figure out why he quit a decent and well-paid job.他的朋友们搞不懂他为什么辞掉既体面收入又高的工作。All senior managers are up there in the meeting room trying to figure out why our share prices dropped so suddenly.高管都在上面开会,试图弄明白为什么公司股价会暴跌。14) try out: test (sth.) new or different to see if it is effective 试验e.g. One popular marketing strategy is to encourage people to try out new products.一种常用的营销策略是鼓励人们试用新产品。15) head for: start out for or toward 向进发,前往e.g. He headed straight for his dormitory after class.一下课他就前往寝室。16) move on to: leave ones present job, or activity and start doing another one 接着做,改做(别的事)e.g. Students have to take several exams in two days, so after they are done with one exam, they should forget about it and move on to the next one.学生两天内有多场考试,所以考完一场就不要多想,准备下一场考试。17) partner: n. 伙伴;合伙人;配偶e.g. The elderly lady collapsed when her partner of 20 years passed away.20年的老伴去世后,老太太一下子就垮了。18) obligation: n. sth. that one must do because of a law, rule, promise, etc. 义务,责任e.g. The prince is expected to meet various obligations as a royal family member.人们期待王子承担起王室成员的各种责任。19) text: vt. send (sb.) a text message 用手机(给)发送信息e.g. It is common for college students to text their parents every day.大学生通常每天给父母发信息。20) carve out: establish or create (sth.) through effort 开创e.g. The entrepreneur managed to carve out a great business out of a very small firm.这位企业家成功地将一家小公司发展成一家大公司。21) adolescence: n. time in a persons life between childhood and mature adulthood 青春期,青少年时期e.g. The artist talked about her troubled adolescence in a TV interview.艺术家在电视采访中谈到自己叛逆的青春期。22) optimistic: a. hopeful and confident about the future 乐观的,乐观主义的e.g. The media was not optimistic that the conflicting countries would reach a peaceful settlement.媒体对于冲突的两国能否达成和平协议并不看好。23) financial: a. concerning money and finance 财务的,金融的e.g. The company is trying hard to fix its financial troubles.公司正试图解决其财务困境。24) fascinating: a. extremely interesting and attractive 迷人的;极具吸引力的e.g. My friend published a book about his fascinating experience in Africa.我的朋友出了本书,写的是他在非洲的精彩经历。25) internship: n. a job that lasts for a short time, that sb., especially a student, does in order to gain experience 实习岗位(工作)e.g. I had a summer internship at a local TV station last year.去年我在当地电视台暑期实习。26) nonprofit: a. not established for the purpose of making a profit 非营利的e.g. My friend and I are working part-time in a nonprofit organization during the semester.这个学期我和我朋友在一家非营利机构兼职。27) drift along: move, change, or do sth. without any plan or purpose 无目的地漂泊e.g. Those who drift along without any long-term plan are not very likely to make it in life.没有长远计划、得过且过的人不太可能成为人生赢家。28) anticipate: vt. look forward to; expect 预期,期望e.g. Some economists anticipate that there will be a modest economic recovery very soon.不少经济学家预测,很快就会出现一定程度的经济复苏。29) move along: (make sth.) continue and make progress (使)进展e.g. The volunteers said they didnt do much, but it was great to know they could move things along.志愿者们说他们并没有做什么,但想到能促使运行顺利感觉真好。30) put aside: try to stop thinking about a problem, argument, or disagreement 撇开不理,不考虑e.g. The Prime Minister called on the people to put their differences aside and make a fresh start.首相呼吁人们抛弃分歧重新开始。31) make ones way: succeed 获得成功e.g. The award-winning novelist made his way in writing in his 30s.获奖小说家30多岁就成名了。32) delicate: a. requiring careful handling 难以处理的,微妙的e.g. The diplomat is known for his skill in delicate negotiations with the big powers.这位外交家以其在世界列强间巧妙斡旋、谈判的能力而著称。33) above all: before every other consideration; especially 最重要的是e.g. Above all, young people should find employment if they want to be independent.年轻人想要独立最重要的是要有工作。34) relieved: a. feeling happy because sth. unpleasant has stopped or has not happened 宽慰,欣慰e.g. I got a terrible cold, therefore I was relieved that the test scheduled to take place that day was cancelled.我正好感冒,所以得知原定那天的考试取消后松了一口气。35) parenthood: n. the state of being a parent 父母身份e.g. Newly married couples sometimes have doubts if they are ready for parenthood.新婚夫妇有时很困惑自己是不是做好了当父母的准备。36) stable: a. firmly established or fixed 稳定的e.g. The government tried, yet failed, to keep the price of oil stable.政府试图保持油价稳定,但没能做到。37) ease: vt. make (sth.) less unpleasant, painful, severe, etc. 减轻,缓和e.g. A bit of exercise will help ease tension.运动一下能缓和紧张情绪。38) anxiety: n. the feeling of being very worried about sth. 忧虑,焦虑e.g. Anxiety and worry are common among students before an important exam.学生在重要考试前焦虑担心是正常的。39) appetite: n. a strong desire for sth. 强烈的欲望e.g. The public has a great appetite for stories about the private life of celebrities.公众对名人的私生活兴趣盎然。4. Comprehending Reading 1The teacher asks students to read aloud the new words and expressions in the margin.The teacher asks students how much they know about Henry David Thoreau and Ralph Waldo Emerson, and then refers them to the Culture Notes about Emerson after the text and the Culture Notes about Thoreau in Unit 3, Book 2.The teacher checks students understanding of the text and have them do the tasks in Comprehension Check for Reading 1.The teacher clarifies some difficult points and have students do the tasks in Translation. The teacher asks students to read the text again, sum up the story of Henry and the arguments of the author.5. After Reading5.1 Viewing and ListeningThe teacher introduces Viewing & Listening to the class: weve learnt that Millennials are experiencing emerging adulthood- a new life stage that was missing in previous generations. Its typical features are drawing a lot of public attention. Watch a video clip and learn more about the topic.The teacher plays the video clip, helps students identify the main points of the talk, and asks them to fill in the blanks


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