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1- Talk about yourself having a healthy lifestyle in great detailActually, without a healthy lifestyle, the effect to study or do something else will be reduced. Even worse, an unhealthy lifestyle will cause decease. For example, smoking may greatly increase the possibility of the lung cancer. In order to keep healthy, it is necessary to have a healthy lifestyle. As far as Im concerned, firstly, I eat an apple or a pear every day. As the saying goes an apple a day, keep the doctor away. Fruit and vegetables can benefit a lot. Secondly, I dont skimp on sleep. Studies have shown that those who sleep less tend to weigh more. Adults should aim for between 7-9 hours of sleep per night. Thirdly, doing exercise regularly is of great importance, which is good for mental and physical health. It takes me half an hour to do exercise every day. There are many ways to exercise. For example, running, swimming, hiking or playing ball games like football, basketball, volleyball. As for me, I prefer to running or playing table tennis in my leisure time. I think many people dont take regular exercise for many reasons, especially for work or study. But I think its irrational. We are human being, not the machines. So we cant work all the time without any exercise. Besides, drinking enough water every day and keeping a balanced diet are very helpful. Many people dont take breakfast. But not having breakfast will do harm to our health. So I take breakfast every day. Whats more, I get rid of some bad living habits. Eating before sleeping will affect sleep. So if I m hungry, I just eat some fruit. In addition, I dont watch TV while eating because its easy to eat much more than usual while doing other thing. Thats my healthy lifestyle.2- Describe a perfect trip or holiday and be specific on events and places of interest When I was a child, I once went camping with my family in a holiday. We decided to make a barbecue in the valley. So we collected some tree sticks to make a fire. My father asked me if I could try to make a fire.I was glad to take the job. Then I tried to set fire to the wood with a match, but produced only smoke. Then my father said, Thats not the right way. Ill show you how to do it. First use the small pieces of wood because they catch fire easily. Then put the larger ones on top of them.My father helped me make a big fire. Thats an unforgettable trip.3- Describe a kind of extreme weather and explain the consequences. If I had to describe a kind of extreme weather, I would choose to speak about hazy weather. Summer can bring more than just sunshine and swimming opportunities. In many urban areas, summer is also associated with haze. Haze is air pollution in which is mixed up with dust, smoke and other dry particles. Recently, the hazy weather has happened to many cities in the north of China, such as Beijing, Tianjing, Baoding. Theres also a few hazy weather in Wuhan. But, compared to Beijing, its ok. In a hazy weather, everythingarounddisappearedfromour sight.Manypeople,especiallychildrenandseniors,evenfounditdifficulttobreathe.Asaresult,localhospitalswerecrowdedwithpeoplewhohadproblemswiththeirnosesandlungs. The components that make up haze may have negative effect on peoples health especially that of the children, the elderly and those who have certain diseases like pneumonia and lung disease. Workers working in the open air have a high risk in their health. It hasnotonlydoneharmtopeopleshealth,butalsoaffectedthepublictransportation.Somehighwayswereclosed.Trafficjamswerecommonlyseeninthestreets. Terribleaccidentshappeneverynowandthen,somehighwayshavetobeshutdownbecauseofthelowvisibility.Obviously,people all hate such a terrible weather. The reasons why hazy weather occurs are various. Airpollutionisthemainfactorthathasresultedinthefrequencyofhazyweather.Many factories were over measure produced the smog that had over the standard and the smog seriously influence the air. Atthesametime,smokefromburningcoalandallkindsofdustarealsoimportantfactors. Now that more and more people realize the harm caused by hazy weather, the government takes action to solve the problem by limiting the number of cars.4-Talk about the difficulties that people face when learning a new language and how to overcome them effectively.I began to learn English when I was about 6 years old. At that time, I was in primary school, and my English teacher taught me to learn English nursery rhymes and English words. Compared to other class like math class, English class is far more interesting because I can learn many interesting stories. In English class, teachers always encourage students to tell anything in English, just talk whatever you want, so I think its very relaxing and free. There are many advantages to learn English. When Im learning English, I can learn the culture and broaden my horizon. Besides,since people in many countries speak English, it will be helpful to learn English well. Nevertheless, there is still a question that how to learn English well. In my opinion, first of all, learning English well needs perseverance because learning English well is a long-term process. If we insist on learning English every day, we will master it one day. If we just study it for a short time and then give up, we will gain nothing in the end. Therefore, we should stick to learn English everyday in order to learn it well. Secondly, in order to learn English well, students should be confident to speak in English. The aim to learn a language is to speak it. Its meaningless to learn a language without speaking in he language. So, in order to learn English well, we should often talk in English. Thirdly, the best way to master a language is to be personally on the scene. So I advice those people who have condition go abroad for a while. When they come back home, their oral English must have improved. In conclusion, learning English well is not easy. But the process is not that painful. As for me, I enjoy watching American movies and listening to some English music. And its also very helpful to learn English. 5-Describe your favorite TV show and be able to explain it in great detail.There are many funny TV shows I like, but my favorite one is a show called Happy Camp. Its a variety entertainment program. I watch it every week. And I never miss it. I mean Im a fan of it. It is broadcasted every Saturday evening from 8pm to 10pm. I enjoy this TV show, because its quite interesting and I can relax myself after one-week study. I started watching happy camp when I was a Junior High school student. This TV show usually invites some well-known celebrities and not just Chinese stars but famous people from all over the world including international film stars or NBA players.On this show, the hosts would talk about something interesting happening in their real lives. There are 5 guests in happy camp. Each of them has different personality. And the guests would share their funny experiences. They also play many kinds of games, some of which are crazy like they used to bring electric saw on the stage. But of course its safe. Happy camp enjoys a great popularity in China. Most of the fans of happy camp are young people. In my opinion, happy camp spread the idea that everyone should be happy every day no matter what difficulty is encountered. In this case, I think happy camp benefits me a lot. Thats the main reason I take it as my favorite TV show. 6-Describe an environmental problem and how you are able to help solve it.If I had to describe a kind of environmental problem, I would choose to speak about haze. Summer can bring more than just sunshine and swimming opportunities. In many urban areas, summer is also associated with haze. Haze is air pollution in which is mixed up with dust, smoke and other dry particles. Recently, the hazy weather has happened to many cities in the north of China, such as Beijing, Tianjing, Baoding. Theres also a few hazy weather in Wuhan. But, compared to Beijing, its ok. In a hazy weather, everythingarounddisappearedfromour sight.Manypeople,especiallychildrenandseniors,evenfounditdifficulttobreathe.Asaresult,localhospitalswerecrowdedwithpeoplewhohadproblemswiththeirnosesandlungs. The components that make up haze may have negative effect on peoples health especially that of the children, the elderly and those who have certain diseases like pneumonia and lung disease. Workers working in the open air have a high risk in their health. It hasnotonlydoneharmtopeopleshealth,butalsoaffectedthepublictransportation.Somehighwayswereclosed.Trafficjamswerecommonlyseeninthestreets. Terribleaccidentshappeneverynowandthen,somehighwayshavetobeshutdownbecauseofthelowvisibility.The reasons why it occurs are various.Many factories were over measure produced the smog that had over the standard and the smog seriously influence the air. Atthesametime,smokefromburningcoalandallkindsofdustarealsoimportantfactors. Now that more and more people realize the harm caused by haze, the government takes action to solve the problem by limiting the number of cars. In my opinion, We should call on people to use more public transport. Besides, some factories which cause serious air pollution should be closed down. Whats more, we have to do more to raise peoples awareness of environmental protection. Only in this way can we expect to have more sunny days.7-Talk about your favorite drinks or food and explain it using adjectives and senses.Myfavoritedrinkisapplejuice.Applejuiceisgoodforus.I used to make an apple juice by myself. But unfortunately, the taste of it is not that good, its too sour. The apple juice that I usually buysmellssweetandtastesgood.Anditisalittlesour but not too sour.Anappleisfullofvitamininit. Itisgoodfor our health. As the saying goes, Anappleadaykeepsthedoctoraway. So I drink it every day. I usually drink it before I go to bed, since I think its good for my sleep. Eating before sleeping will affect sleep. So if I m hungry, I just drink apple juice.8-Talk about your childhood hobbies and which ones you no longer enjoy. Given reasonWhen I was a child, Im quite interested in playing toy bricks. I still remember the first time I played toy bricks. I was so exciting. It was the birthday gift given by my aunt. As a child, I really enjoyed playing toy bricks. I used it to make a house, a ship or anything I wanted to make. When I made what I want successfully, I felt a sense of accomplishment. It seemed like I had done something amazing. In my opinion, the toy bricks make my childhood more colorful and interesting. I could play toy bricks with my friends. And I made many friends because of it. Nevertheless, I became less interested in toy bricks as I got older since its a toy for child any way. When I was a junior high student, I preferred to read a nice book, rather than play toy bricks. And now, Im not a child any longer, but I still wish that more and more child can enjoy the happiness of playing toy bricks. I think every one used to be interested in doing something but finally lost interest. From my point of view, what is more important is it used to give happiness to you, and you had a unforgettable memory. Thats enough. The only thing we can do is go ahead, and become an adult to give our children a happy childhood.9-Describe something you like doing in the evening and what exactly you enjoy about it.I like having barbecue in the evening very much. When I was a child, I once went camping with my family in the summer. We decided to make a barbecue in the valley. So we collected some tree sticks to make a fire. My father asked me if I could try to make a fire.I was glad to take the job. Then I tried to set fire to the wood with a match, but produced only smoke. Then my father said, Thats not the right way. Ill show you how to do it. First use the small pieces of wood because they catch fire easily. Then put the larger ones on top of them.My father helped me make a big fire.10-Talk about a sport of interest you havent done yet, but would like to try. Explain why this is so interesting for you. I think the sport interests me most but I havent done yet is boogie jumping because it is absolutely an adventurous sport. I think many young people like me show the same interesting in such an adventurous sport. We can make much fun from it. It may give us excitement and thrill. Modernbungeejumpingisusuallydoneinaparking lotandpeoplejumpfromaplatformatthetopofa crane.


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