九年级英语上册 Unit 2 Topic 1 Pollution has causes too many problems Section A课件 (新版)仁爱版.ppt

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九年级英语上册 Unit 2 Topic 1 Pollution has causes too many problems Section A课件 (新版)仁爱版.ppt_第1页
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九年级英语上册 Unit 2 Topic 1 Pollution has causes too many problems Section A课件 (新版)仁爱版.ppt_第2页
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九年级英语上册 Unit 2 Topic 1 Pollution has causes too many problems Section A课件 (新版)仁爱版.ppt_第3页
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Unit2SavingtheEarthTopic1Pollutionhascausedtoomanyproblems SectionA A Wherehaveyoubeen traveled B Ihavebeen traveledto Haveyoueverhadapicnic Kangkang Jane MariaandMichaelareplanningapicnicforSunday TheywillgototheWestHill Whatcanyouseethere Wecanseebeesandbutterfliesdancing bee butterfly IstheWestHillbeautiful Guess aplacewith beautifulflowers Brainstorm manyhills greentrees Whatashame mess Theflowersandgrasshavegone Theflowersandgrasshavegone Oh mygoodness Whatamess Look Thereareseveralchemicalfactoriespouringwastewaterintothestream havedisappeared Isitbeautifulnow Whathashappenedthere P271amp3 wastewaterwastepaperWastewater 浪费水 Don twastepaper 不要浪费纸 waste adj v Thereareseveralchemicalfactoriespouringwastewaterintothestream 有几家化工厂正在往小溪里排放废水 Therebe doingsth 有 在做某事 e g Therearesomepeoplewaitingforthebusatthebusstop 倒出 倾泻pour into 把 倒入 e g Pourredwineintotheglass 1bListento1aandmarkthewordswithP Past orN Now beautiful butterflies dirty grass terrible factory bees fresh clean wastewater P P N P N N P P P N 1aListen lookandsay 1cRead1aandcompletethesentencesinthetable Thenretell1atoyourpartner beautifulplace lotsofflowersandgrass freshandthewaterwasclean beesandbutterfliesdancing Theflowersandgrass sodirty terrible chemicalfactories wastewater Everything 2Workinpairs Lookatthepicturesandmakeupconversationssimilartotheexamplewithyourpartner Example A TherewerelotsofflowersandgrasswhenIvisitedthevillagelastyear B Butnowtheflowersandgrasshavegone A Whathashappenedhere B Thevillagershavedestroyedthem lake fishfactory pollute hill treesfarmers cutdown village flowersandgrassvillagers destroy 4Workingroupsandtalkaboutpollutioninaplaceyouarefamiliarwith Thefollowingsentencesmayhelpyou ago itwas Now have hasgone Whathashappened Everythinghaschanged Oh mygoodness 3A Listentothesentencesandnumberthepictures 5 3 2 1 4 6 1 People toomanytrees soIdon thaveenoughleavestoeat 2 Iliveintreesbutnowmanytrees 3 Ilikeleavesandgrass butnowthey 4 I hungryformonthsbecauseoflessbamboo 5 Humanpollutedthesea soI 6 Thewater manyyearsago Butit formetoliveinnow B Listenagainandcompletethesentences havecutdown havegone havedisappeared havebeen don tlivehappily wasclean istoodirty Exercises 单项选择 1 Look Therearesomeboys ontheplayground A playfootballB areplayingfootballC playingfootballD playsfootball 2 I msorryIcan tgoshoppingwithyou Iamill A Whatamess B Whatashame C Whatapity D BandC 3 Don t water Wemustsaveeverydropofit Sorry Iwon tdoitagain A wasteB throwC playD leave C D A Exercises 用所给动词的适当形式填空 1 WhenIenteredtheroom IsawMaria read aChinesebook 2 Whatashame Theflowersandtreesinthepark go 3 Everything change inthepastfewyears 4 Pandasdon thaveenoughbamboos eat nowbecauseofthepollution 5 Wherehavetheybeen They be totheGreatWall They have agoodtimetherethedaybeforeyesterday reading havegone haschanged toeat havebeen had summary Welearn 1 Expressexclamation Whatamess Whatashame Oh mygoodness 2 KnowthedifferencesbetweenSimplePastandPresentperfect Itwasabeautifulplace Everythinghaschanged Wecan 1 Somewords bee butterfly mess shame several pour waste destroy pollute goodness2 Somephrases seesb doingsth pour into 3 Somesentences Thereare doing Homework1 Read1a 2 WriteapassageaccordingtoPart4 3 FinishSectionAinyourworkbook 4 PreviewSectionB Thankyou

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